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It's no more convenient than it being a separate free function
@Xeo Perhaps the silly things DeadMG says resonates with Etienne, is what I'm saying.
@Drise It's not. A free function that does the same generically is more convenient.
@LucDanton Ah
@ScottW Oh, learnt something new.
Also, a free function that does the same generically is not that convenient.
Let's bitch about Python's strings now?
@R.MartinhoFernandes .I prefer functions to be contained within the class they apply to, so I can find them using AutoComplete
Python strings are okay
Otherwise I can never find what I need
I won't even bother.
You are a horrible programmer
@CatPlusPlus Yay!
"It's great because I am too lazy to read docs" is where I give up.
I love being told that for 4 days in a row
Have another Stallman
What's the thing behind him?
I think that's supposed to be that glowy thing Jesus usually has
Whatever the name
But red because he's evil?
halo are usually yellow in colour
Brown because it's from his feet
I don't know
goddamn it, what do people expect from a cover letter?
"I am crowz. caw."
Jan 11 at 14:28, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@Zoidberg My next cover letter will be "I am awesome. Hire me."
that's it
Dear sirs,

Please find evidence of my awesomeness attached.

For future reference, please do not just drop a question and disappear. As you can see here, your question is unanswerable and a bunch of us have asked for clarification - for which you have completely ignored. All the while we are all wasting our time sitting here waiting for a response. — Mysticial 29 secs ago
^^ I should save that comment and copy-paste it everywhere.
@Mysticial Then do so.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Ooooh that sounds cooler than mine. Can I steal it?
hah, I have work samples, but they're so bad.
@Mysticial Downvote, closevote, forget
@Mysticial Then someone would complain on meta and it would be auto-removal.
@R.MartinhoFernandes by all means
@R.MartinhoFernandes yours rocks harder by being more low key. My $0.02
Also, afk - rehearsals
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It was the only question I have opened right now. So I bothered to do that. Normally, I have like 4 or 5 open, so none of them have my full attention.
You're waiting 20 minutes to answer crappy :stackoverflow: post
Hmm, I should leave.
Reevaluate your life
> Summer Tuition Ugrad In State: $1,348.00
All I wanted was one 4 hour course.
Calculus C
Wtf is Calculus C
Ugh I'd never pay for uni
@Rapptz The bane of my existence
This is my 4th attempt. I never attend class, so I have a hard time passing
I don't know why, but what this guy is trying to achieve sounds wrong:
Q: translation of an idea in QPushButton

user2354422I would like to bring your attention regarding a detail which might be ridiculous for advanced people in Qt" but not for newbies as me. I would like to connect a pushButton to a signal/slot while the user didn't press on a specified pushButton B: What I want to do is: do { QObject::con...

@R.MartinhoFernandes I actually used that - atleast for the big fat letters above my introduction.
Then attend maybe
Just maybe
A crazy idea
Congratulations on blowing money :|
You all are really hostile today. Has someone not been getting sex lately?
What's Calc C about?
I'd assume Multivariable but I don't know your naming scheme
@Rapptz It's basically Calculus A but in 3D
@Rapptz Yea
Have fun
I never had to do that
then how are you failing
I can't believe that dude, it's quite literally an extension of regular Calculus. o.o
@Rapptz Not failing, just 3 times withdrew
@Rapptz Yea, and I have the attention span of a small rodent when it comes to math
That's a failure, if only financial
@R.MartinhoFernandes TVTropes made me realize that this genre exists. I'm gonna have to some research.
My dad gets a write off on his taxes so it works out for him.
@Rapptz Didn't fail it, but i can see how multivariable calc is confusing
And I could pay for it myself if I felt like it.
@Collin Again, it's not confusing, I just have a hard time keeping regular attendance
@Collin Meh. Hardest part is probably Lagrange multipliers and possibly Line integrals et al if you are pretty bad.
Oh, that's your damn fault then
I waste other people's money!
but the rest is quite literally an extension :S (with vectors)
@Rapptz I should really re-read my multivariable calc book
Yea. The other issue is that I've been out of math so long that I've forgotten a lot of integration techniques and whatnot
I forget and relearn them on regular basis when I have math-using courses
It's literally couple of equations
Oh right, triple integrals are annoying too.
@Rapptz I remember them being fairly methodical, but yeah, lots of bookkeeping
It's all fun and games until you have to switch up the order of integration.
Great. So the room is full of math circlejerk
I don't think you know what a circlejerk is.
some kind of hat?
It's a halo.
@Rapptz It's there to destroy all sentient life in the galaxy?
That image is a lot lamer than I possibly expected.
Is he the open-source licence guy?
He's a bigot.
Here guys, hate me more today:
huh what happened
I assume for the case labels only?
I miss a optional "vector or single var" class in the standard
going to assume he meant std::optional<T,V>
A class<T> that either holds a vector of T and/or single T
@ScottW And that's... bad?
@DavidKron You mean, vector<T> where size() == 1?
@ScottW Ewww no
@DavidKron And that solves what problem exactly
@DeadMG No, where it can have any size, but can simply be assigned a single T
@DavidKron Which is a vector
@DavidKron What is the criteria?
There is literally no situation where you need 1 or more things and a container is not the choice
because.. as it is now it's just a vector
optinallymultiple<int> a = 10;
that's stupid
Cant do that with a vector
optinallymultiple<int> a = { 10 }; // it workses!
When a function takes a vector, but you only want to supply one item.
make a vector of one item
@DavidKron foo({ 10 }) // it workses too!
@LucDanton yes but its still ugly
1-sequence can be processed the same way as n-sequence
Don't get me wrong, I like to write thin wrappers to maintain (further) invariants over some preexisting types. Sometimes it's just not worth it, given that the language has no facilities for that.
Your solution is ugly
I think that's pretty nice
It's not even a solution because this is not a problem
foo(10) isn't ugly is it?
foo({10}) isn't either.
I've never said it was a solution to any problem
Calling sequence-taking functions with static sequences is rarely a thing
is there a word for when things seem porportionally skewed?
Also implicit conversions
It's just ugh
@ScottW No it is not a container, its a wrapper around a container that when singular only returns the single item when iterating.
newtype OneMany a = One a | Many (Sequence a) deriving (Iterable, Traversable) ;_;
@DeadMG ^ good language design starts here
Wait, isn't newtype for one-constructor stuff that basically wraps other things?
@Xeo NewtypeDeriving is not standard. (I doubt newtype with several constructors is available as an extension though.)
That's atleast what LYAH tought me
@ScottW yes it is since the wrapper actually takes the 10 parameter
It's a 'what if I had my dream language' kind of scenario.
@DavidKron Hey guess what
A container with 1 element
Also returns a single element when iterating
> Le blé d'inde ça pouse d'in champs, le blé d'inde ça pogne d'in dents, le blé d'inde tu mets du beurre là dessus, le blé d'inde y'en a qui se l'mettent dans l'cul.
@CatPlusPlus AKA friendship.
@Xeo If you have a strict language I believe then a newtype with several constructors makes sense.
What is the best way to implement this in C?
uint8_t a, b;
case 7, 5:
case 13,9:
@CatPlusPlus The iteration results in getting one item, it does not simply just return a the singular item directly, first a comparison of the begin() and end() has to be computed, twice.
The options I've thought of are combining them into a uint16_t and writing the cases for that...
@JGord Woa, woa, woa.
@LucDanton Happy enough with using OneMany := boost.variant!(a, std.vector!(a));
@EtiennedeMartel sup?
@DeadMG Isn't that a synonym?
dunno, you tell me
@JGord Slow down, kid, and read this.
@JGord We don't speak of that language in this room
@EtiennedeMartel ive read that
@DeadMG How? Is there a manual?
You suck.
@DeadMG But now.. visitors. And stuff. :(
@JGord Yes, but did you understand what's in there?
@EtiennedeMartel I did. Are you telling me it's not accurate?
@JGord Because you just dumped a wall of code. C code, in fact.
@Xeo Pretty sure that you have to write code to check which type it contains for Haskell as well
Shit, det står fasen ingenting om tvång på språk
@DeadMG Pattern matching :D
@EtiennedeMartel I asked a question after having introduced myself earlier in the day. I'm pretty sure it says that's ok. If not, I will kindly leave.
so IOW completely the same thing
@DeadMG That is ignoring the deriving bit.
So completely not the same thing.
@EtiennedeMartel And it is also like 4 lines, not a wall.
I have no idea what deriving does
Just say its C++ lol
automatically instantiates typeclasses from the wrapped type (AFAIK)
@CatPlusPlus I did not claim to be, I do not see how I violated anything in there.
I feel violated
@CatPlusPlus Oh, you fragile flower.
The official reason is [REDACTED]
@JGord uint16_t comb = (a<<8) | b; switch(comb) { case 0x0705: case 0x0c09: };`
@JerryCoffin yeah that's what i was thinking, might even be able to do it using nibbles since my numbers should all be < 16
Woa, the JS room has their own domain name: javascriptroom.com
@JerryCoffin Thanks for responding
Love the current flag -- if somebody'd said it here, they'd probably be starred instead.
I was thinking the same thing
I have no idea why the fuck people flag that sort of stuff there
@JGord Sure. One minor addition though: at least personally, I rarely use switch/case. I usually prefer an std::map or something similar.
We're just as much assholes in the JS room as you're here but we get all those stupid flags :( All that is while 2 mods are in the room
@EtiennedeMartel Also, JS room has a bot that insults and keeps track of karma
in JavaScript, 2 mins ago, by Darkyen
@Shmiddty you know not everybody is a loser like you so stop spamming the fuck out of the chat thx bye
This guy is funny.
@JerryCoffin Yeaahhh, im working on an 8-bit micro though
@BenjaminGruenbaum Javascript and karma? So it's pretty much slashdot on quaaludes?
@JerryCoffin pretty much
@AndyProwl I don't know whether I should accept your answer or the other one in the range-for question.
@bamboon It's probably fair to accept the other one, since I modified mine like 3 times
@AndyProwl ^^, I mean the end result counts. I like your standardese part while I also like the the code example. But if you already offer to play the white Knight, I think I follow your advice.
@JGord else if
@Collin yeah i could do that i suppose, that is true
@bamboon Sure, no problem ;)
some kind of container (even an array) of structs with a function pointer if you needed it dynamic, but whatever you're putting on some 8-bit micro probably isn't that big, and thus probably doesn't need Enterprise level extensibility
@Collin correct, yeah thanks for the input. ill probably just do the combining it into a uint16_t and switching on that
its gone quiet
@TonyTheLion Kind of loud here. After a couple of days of doing other things, my son won't quite believe I need to get back to work.
Work is for chumps.
This is entirely false. There are a lot of reasons to use char arrays. There are entire libraries of pre defined functions that concatenate, manipulate, and lexigraphically compare character arrays. Vectors involve a lot of overhead. Often place in character arrays you are storing a word that will never change, which does not need the overhead of a vector... shall I keep going??? — ChrisCM 2 hours ago
oh gawd
Shakey the robot was the first general-purpose mobile robot to be able to reason about its own actions. While other robots would have to be instructed on each individual step of completing a larger task, Shakey could analyze the command and break it down into basic chunks by itself. Due to its nature, the project combined research in robotics, computer vision, and natural language processing. Because of this, it was the first project that melded logical reasoning and physical action. Shakey was developed at the Artificial Intelligence Center of Stanford Research Institute (now called SRI...
Robot's predecessor
@R.MartinhoFernandes Religion is for chumps. Work is for losers.
It follows therefore we're all losers
@TonyTheLion Should we summon him here?
@JerryCoffin What about priests?
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: We're all losers. [c++] [c++11] [no-helpdesk]
@R.MartinhoFernandes losing chumps?
@EtiennedeMartel No.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What about them?
Puppy then is the only non-loser, cause he don't work :P
@JerryCoffin What are they in the grand scheme of things?
@TonyTheLion I'm saying that because that comment thread is getting way too chatty, and Robot seems interested in that discussion.
@EtiennedeMartel If Robot wants to discuss, then go ahead
I made a sprinkler.
I sprinkled
@EtiennedeMartel I am actually quite clearly just squeezing nonsense out of him.
Not the same :\
@R.MartinhoFernandes Bring him here. If it gets out of hand, we can always bin.
I am leaving to the bar in a few minutes, actually.
@R.MartinhoFernandes An excellent plan! I will execute it immediately.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hmmm....they get a rather paradoxical afterlife. Those who didn't follow their vows, and actually had sex while they were alive are subjected to an eternity without after they die. In theory, those who followed their vows get 49 vestal virgins throughout the after life (but none has yet collected on this).
Well, technically one has -- but he was so badly mentally deficient, he hasn't quite figured out what to do with those annoying girls yet.
@EtiennedeMartel Anyway, I saw a study that concluded people with extreme views are more likely to change them if pressed to explain (and thus think about) why they think so than if they are told why they are wrong. I am going to give it a few tries.
@R.MartinhoFernandes mm, freshly squeezed nonsense
I thought it was bing bing.
@EtiennedeMartel dat song
I forgot what I was doing again
Q: Reason for Error : invalid deque t subscript for std::deque

MistyDAny suggestion on why I get this error when I try to access an object from a std::deque using the at operator ?

> deleted by MistyD 9 secs ago

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