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I saw that earlier.
I'll keep playing KotoR for a while it seems
what the fuck was I doing
why doesn't codepad update perl?
codepad is old
will they ever update it?
@Rapptz Their share price might actually go up for once
@Johann nobody knows
alt. site?
Yay I implemented ROT13.
aside from ogonek :P anyone know what theyre planning for boost 1.54?
@Rapptz it is so much better
ogonek's not ready for any public api
i was kidding, i thought :P was an obvious indication enough
Apparently if you delete too much stuff at once, it locks you out of your facebook
What kind of programming do you think would be relaxing?
@Pawnguy7 brainf**k
Programming in Go.
Ehm... no.
Go... hm.
Is it compiled?
Google's implementation is a compiler.
Programming is a rather intensive intellectual activity, I doubt any form of it is relaxing
go is C++ based if I remember correctly
writing perl spaghetti code and then golfing it down is kinda fun
Well, sometimes, programming is fun, and easy. I just have not found out how to do that recently. I think I broke something triny go make convex hulls.
@ShafikYaghmour facepalm
close it down please
I mean it is a dup
I kind'a feel bad for the person
Maybe I should use Game Maker, and actually finish a game. That used to be fun.
same here
Feeling bad for the person?
well, we were all in his place at one point
Seems some people here forget that :D
@ShafikYaghmour Why? That question reeks of homework.
Unfortuately, I entered the programming world with VB.net
@sehe cough
Unter the tutelage of somebody who didn't know a thing about it.
taught myself
worst way possible
@Borgleader It could very well be I am vc as a dup
did you see the answer?
@Pawnguy7 I find that getting into the zone when programming in any language is relaxing
I wish there was "VTC because OP didn't try anything" :P
Scratch is fun if you are feeling like a five year old
@Johann I did too. It was much better than the VB.net part.
You cannot overestimate how bad it was.
@Pawnguy7 impossible to make long games in it
in what?
limited number of statements
in scratch
but... it is fun and easy
I was talking about the VB.NET course. Never used scratch. Why limited number of statements, though?
@Pawnguy7 b/c it is for 5 year olds
Wait, as in limited number of functions, or a limit of how many actions it allows you to use?
I think.. um... what is the web engine? Construct? Does that.
@Crowz SexualLobster is like a more in your face Harry Patridge. Stamper is like a more in your face SexualLobster. (This is back from 2004, he is a better animator now newgrounds.com/portal/view/207608 )
you cannot make a function
@Johann the provided functionality, say playing sounds or drawing graphics
yeah it is easier to do that
easier to make a brief game
Hm. So, what kind of game should I make?
Sex game.
pippin barr
@rightfold how goes your Go project?
Dat pun.
game like that
It goes well.
I'm going to finish GET and POST parameters tomorrow.
@Borgleader starred you for punniness
And then I'll look into sessions with customizable storage.
gosh the questions this evening!
anyone want to join me in the perl room?
it is gonna get frozen
@Johann what that?
Anyway. Game ideas, people.
2d sidescroller
well y'know mario bros
not exactly a small task.
you play as a banana
and you have to navigate a maze
my brain is on off mode
the question is- why are you a banana
so is mine :\
tile based maze?
a retro nitrome-like thing
so I guess yeah
nitrome.com - one of the finest makers of flash games, besides miniclip
over 100
circa 2005
@rightfold As far as web frameworks go (no pun intended), the most interesting I've come across so far is Lift sadly, the documentation is abysmal.
So what does retro nitorme mean?
nitrome makes retro style games
such as mega mash
or skywire
haven't you played skywire?
skywire... is that the one with the odd music?
you have a gondola
and ride on a wire
and the music is odd
but catchy
Ah. It is that game. Just a week ago I was thinking of that but I didn't know the name. It was origional to say the least.
But yes, that music...
like daft punk
the guy who does their music is a boss
Don't know what that is either :\
daft punk?
brah do you even techno?
do you TECHNO motherfucker
bruh doesn't even dubstep
brah do you even skrillax
With enough imagination, you can warp that yellow square to become a banana.
source code?
That brings back memories of my 2600
@Pawnguy7 With enough imagination I warp my own intelligence to be as great as the robot's
What shall I add next? (besides a banana sprite)
@ShafikYaghmour I went to a video game exposition this weekend, they had really old game consoles including the early iterations of Pong
they attack you
follow you that is
for example of what I am talking about - Bad Ice Cream (a nitrome game suprise ;))
@Borgleader I read "Ready Player One" the other day and it made me want to play some of those games again ... although I don't know how much patience I would have for them now
Were they in the fossil exhibit nyuk nyuk?
@Borgleader what is that?
A bunch of old video game consoles. Check the link in the message above the image
@Pawnguy7 you're a youngun aren't you ;)
@Johann Well, I am not an old'n :D
come on I am not that old
My orange isn't moving :\
@Pawnguy7 why?
Not sure. I was going for a simple by axis movement.
bugs sigh
The alarms need to be set on creation :\
ok, it works good.
Bit of an ugly orange, because I was too lazy to finish shading it.
it looks like a sushi roll that was half-eaten
Anyway. What next? More fruits?
a watermelon that rushes at you when it 'sees' you
see as in raycasting or see as in, on the same axis?
erp same axis
I remember when I thought it made more sense to use = for comparison rather than ==.
The rabid watermelon eated me :\
oh well :(
It moved, just... not like it was supposed too -_-
moved too fast?
if (x mod 32 == obj_player.x mod 32)
x += (sign(obj_player.x - x))*32;
For some reason, this is always true.
rubs eyes
Not sure why I am using modulous :\ with division, it stops moving altogether.
Any std::forward masters around? Doesn't look like it but thought I would ping anyway
So you randomly spammed it in here? :D
Sounds like it or more accurately reads like it
night all
Ah. Found the bug.
if the melon sees me
and I move out of the axis.
Does it lose me?
else statement?
I don't understand.
I really don't know what I am saying at this point.
Spybreak! - Propellerheads - great hacking music
Sneaky melon. I thought he was dead, but he was FAKING. He got me :\
I am not crazy :D (Yet)
Is it pointless to split a large malloc (~1 GB) into a bunch of smaller ones (~1 MB)?
@Borgleader Exams?! D:<
I'd eat Nutella straight from other places if you let me~
@Pubby It could make sense on a 32-bit system, where getting 1 GB of contiguous address space could be difficult. On a 64-bit system, I see no advantage.
55 views still no followers
I mean, really, not one?
@JerryCoffin Alright, thanks.
@ScottW As if there's another way to eat nutella
I used to eat it with bread when I was like, 6.
TBH I've never actually eaten nutella ever.
nutella is delish
can't have too much though
I think my tablet is breakign =.
It is some 6 years old
So I guess it's survived for a pretty long time?
What? D:
Hey, just because Rapptz made a dumb decision at 6, doesn't mean anything about my tablet! D:
Sounds steamy.
Why did it end?
Did that one last?
half of the last one
DOes that mean I'll get you for at least 1 year of rampant, serious sex? <3
Maybe it's Photoshop that's being a dick and not my tablet.
It seems to be responding fine for Mozilla Firefox and even in Visual Studio
I'm gonna try a different paint program
posted on May 07, 2013 by Scott Meyers

So the joke's on me, I guess. In my discussion of std::move vs. std::forward, I explained that when you call std::forward, the expectation is that you'll pass a type consistent with the rules for template type deduction, meaning (1) an lvalue reference type for lvalues and (2) a non-reference type for rvalues.  I added, If you decide to be a smart aleck and write [code passing an rvalue r

He's got those weird lines around his eyes...
Don't have one.
I don't do that social networking jazz.
@ScottW At the first Boostcon, Kevlin Henney's flight got delayed, so he ended up coming straight from the airport to his presentation after sleeping the night before in an airport (or something on that order). His first line was something like: "Okay, today I have a hairdo worthy of Scott Meyers."
I think I need a Trie.
@ThePhD Probably not (though it may be your best choice, depending on what you're doing).
@JerryCoffin For identifying a file (usually by its first or last bits), each unique sequence of bits traverses down the trie to retrieve the MagicNumber entry.
It smells like a Trie-style thing to me
Of course, there's no
@ThePhD Your description certainly sounds trie-like.
std::trie<byte, int> sequence; type dealio.
I tried implementing a trie once and it was very.. suboptimal.
I'll probably have to research it a bit more.
I could always just do a hash-map, though.
Hash the first bits out of a file, see if I match anything.
Why doesn't the standard have a trie?
@ThePhD A fairly difficult way to do things -- too much possibility of hashing something irrelevant, and ending up with an apparent mis-match.
@Rapptz Difficulty of implementation and the variety of implementations, no doubt.
Trie can be extremely optomized but only in special cases where you know what's going in a out.
I.. somehow doubt it.
The regular, as-is, plain version of a trie is very space-eating.
Or rather, the "naive" "it always works" version is kind of space-eating.
Though, hm.
Now I've got an idea for how to make a templated trie that might work out very well.
It'll be implemented in terms of a hash table, key is a single item of the sequence and who's value is a std::vector<bool> or something that tells you at which "level" of the tree the sequence is valid for
... Though, that produces an immediate problem, actually...
insert: po
insert: ka

lookup: pa // Does not exist in trie, but will return true.
@Rapptz When the STL was originally suggested for inclusion in the standard, it was an open problem. I'm pretty sure it's been solved since, so the obvious guess would be that nobody's cared enough to write up a paper.
So there has to be an extra level of of protection that says "the parent of this node is X" or "the parent of this node is Y"
Maybe a std::set<value_t> validparents; ?
@ScottW Only if you meet me there, Papi~
@ScottW When I was a kid I preferred being in my room.
It's not really punishment if you get sent to your room and you like it.
Physics.SE is getting spammed right now: physics.stackexchange.com/questions?sort=newest
I guess it's an interesting variation of WAIFU
They're getting spammed pretty hard.
I wonder why no one's shot down that user yet.
There's actually 3 of them.
And the mods are probably asleep.
Project: Add iterator adaptors

[Stepanov] Examples:

restrictors (forward, bidirectional)
const_iterator (*i = const)
Wow, that was an idea back then and it still isn't solved now lol
Tee hee.
Yo dawg...
I heard you like maps, so I put a map in your map.
Nothing gets done unless someone takes charge for it.
Project: Define function_traits and re-implement function objects using them

Functrion_traits is useful!
Being assigned is not taking responsibility.
This is such a pedantic question. It's great to understand the principle, but I can't see the use of it. — bobobobo 5 hours ago
Implementng a Trie in terms of other data structures is LULZ.
Speaking of pedantry:
@DavidRodríguez-dribeas Good news! After some archaeology I found the original message by Daniel Krügler that pointed me to the right direction. In turn, the message links to Issue 94 of the Standard Library, taking us all the way back to 1998. (Stupidly I started looking in the language issues...) — Luc Danton 11 mins ago
I'd better leave breadcrumbs in this chat if I ever need to reference why Standard class templates such as std::vector cannot be declared with additional default template arguments (as described in Standard Library Issue 94), because that would e.g. break code relying on template template parameters. Was a pain to retrieve it and I'm starting to hate Google Groups.
@JerryCoffin Welp, my first hash at a Trie using unordered_map and set. Pretty ugly, don'tcha think? :D
This is still one of my favourite videos ever
You're LATE @Rapptz
I know, I posted it a few days ago
That's been up there forever.
I know noob
I suck dick.
I have no idea if this is an optimal trie.
It's probably not.
It's good enough for me~
Agh, I'm confused. GCC gives answer A, Clang gives answer B, and the example in the standard says it has to be answer C...
And GCC can be coerced into giving answer B by removing a pack and making it a single template parameter.
Someone's having fun in another chat room...
20 flags...
> This user has been automatically suspended for posting inappropriate content and cannot chat for 3 hours 28 minutes.

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