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36 views but no followers. :(
Hello, again!
The data structure std::deque is usually implemented with, is that called an unrolled linked list?
Is that a linked list with 3 elements or a more complex structure with 8 elements?
It's an unrolled linked list.
does it have 3 elements or 8?
That's the part I'm trying to figure out...
In computer programming, an unrolled linked list is a variation on the linked list which stores multiple elements in each node. It can dramatically increase cache performance, while decreasing the memory overhead associated with storing list metadata such as references. It is related to the B-tree. Overview A typical unrolled linked list node looks like this: record node { node next // reference to next node in list int numElements // number of elements in this node, up to maxElements array elements // an array of numElements elements, /...
Doesn't look too complicated.
Just a linked list with an array of elements in each node.
A: Evaluating a math expression given in string form

Kos Petoussisi'd vote for the built in javascript for quickest getting it done.

^^ lolwut
Hmm, std::deque offers O(1) lookup so it can't be implemented as an unrolled linked list.
Is it a dynamic array of pointers to arrays?
@Mysticial LOL
I voted delete.
I voted down.
And protected. Too many crap answers by noobs.
Good call
..Wait. The JDK has a build-in Javascript engine?
So, I just finished FC3 Blood Dragon.
The ending was worth it.
That's nice to hear read.
@Mysticial In Haskell it's trivial.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Mysticial He's obviously talking about embedding Rhino.
He's talking about using JNI to call std::system to invoke Node.js.
> A slightly modified version of Rhino 1.6r2 comes bundled with the Sun Microsystems release of Java SE version 6, which was released in December 2006.
No, in Node.js you never wait. All I/O is non-blocking.
So there is a built-in JS engine.
A: Evaluating a math expression given in string form

RealHowToWith JDK1.6, you can use the built-in Javascript engine. import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager; import javax.script.ScriptEngine; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager(); ScriptEngine engine = m...

I will never understand what is going on in Java developer's mind.
I dislike these answers. They're nothing but big ugly hacks.
@rightfold Do I look like I read the answers to these crap questions?
ScriptEngineManager mgr = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = mgr.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
What the fuck is going on here. I don't even. Wat.
Eh, it even comes with a factory.
It is not a Factory; It is a Manager!
// What's wrong with, like, this?
ScriptEngine engine = new JavaScriptScriptEngine();
Because abstraction.
Because code reuse.
What if the JDK has to get a jar from Oracle's servers before continuing?
Also, the factory method can more easily be configured using XML files!
And we all know XML is easy to edit by non programmers!
XML isn't even easy to edit by programmers.
So, with that, we can fire all the programmers and keep only the suits.
I don't wear suits.
I wear either T-shirts or nothing.
(Which I'm guessing was the original goal with the whole "enterprise development" movement)
@rightfold Me too. I even do so at work, because fuck dress codes.
My boss wouldn't mind if I didn't wear a shirt.
As long as I get my work done in time it's fine.
Where "in time" is ASAP and BEFORE DEADLINE.
guys I'm confused.
Please don't ask an idiotic question.
We always need stuff done for yesterday.
We're usually quite in time.
Some days we have absolutely nothing to do.
@rightfold in java how do I make an int with a decimal you guys?
@Crowz wat.
int x = 42;?
oh just trying to piss you off
@Crowz divide by another int =p
C# has a decimal type. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@rightfold Which is a quad precision IEEE 754 number.
@rightfold I just heard about a professor that gave a math test where every answer was 42.
(I like being the serious person)
@EtiennedeMartel TIL. But it's really decimal, right? Or binary like float?
@EtiennedeMartel I like the expression "we need to be there, like yesterday"
Of course, I'm sure that's been done many times...still, it's freakin awesome!
@rightfold It's like a float, but bigger.
> A decimal number is a floating-point value that consists of a sign, a numeric value where each digit in the value ranges from 0 to 9, and a scaling factor that indicates the position of a floating decimal point that separates the integral and fractional parts of the numeric value.
I think.
But in a float you have x * 2 ^ y, doesn't a decimal use x * 10 ^ y?
Hm, you might be right.
@rightfold Are you talking about the internal representation or the string representation (often printed to the screen)?
@Code-Guru No.
Guys, I uh
I have a question.
@ThePhD The answer is...42
If I have multiple return values in C++,
NSDecimalNumber uses mantissa * 10 ^ exponent to perform calculations, and floats use mantissa * 2 ^ exponent. But I'm unsure about C#'s decimal.
is it possible to pass all of the returned values (in like a tuple or something) all as arguments to another function automatically?
> The decimal type is just another form of floating point number - but unlike float and double, the base used is 10.
@rightfold It appears it's like that.
@ThePhD Can you give an example?
@ThePhD Like as a gist or coliru or something?
GCC has a decimal type too, as a language extension.
@EtiennedeMartel It's because you don't want to lose information when converting between decimals and human-readable representation, the latter being decimal when talking about monetary values.
Sounds reasonable.
Oh well. I'll probably never use it.
I won't finish school so I will become homeless.
@Code-Guru Eh, I just realized what I want to do isn't that wonderful.
So I'll just try it some other way.
gah! damn review audits! I seem to never pass them...
@ThePhD you can write a template function that forwards tuple elements as arguments to another given function.
@ThePhD no problem
@ThePhD Sometimes formulating a question helps clarify what you are really trying to do.
Uh, my federal tax refund is twice as big as what I was expecting.
@EtiennedeMartel Nice?
Oh wait, that makes no sense.
I should sleep.
@Borgleader Turns out it has something to do with tuition and stuff.
Also, I want synthetic watermelon.
@EtiennedeMartel But, you're not a student
@Borgleader I was for the past 6 years.
That's quite a long time.
@EtiennedeMartel Now don't go and do something rash with it.
@rightfold So when I hear you guys whine about how school sucks, let's just say I'm unimpressed.
@LucDanton I just bought some Coke.
(The beverage)
Fuck school.
Fuck noobs.
FUckk Java.
Fuck a bitch.
Fuck Erlang
Calm down, kid. Everything is going to be just fine.
No I won't get my diploma and I wil diiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
(Wait, I'll die anyway, so why worry?)
die without a diploma?
Q: Disadvantage of Pointers

user2350631My code: #include "stdio.h" main() { const int x = 10; int *p; p=&x; *p=20; printf("Value at p: %d \n",*p); printf("Value at x: %d", x); } The output I get is : Value at p: 20 Value at x: 20 Thus, the value of a constant variable is changed. Is this one of the disadv...

Isn't this a type error?
I don't have a "C only" compiler to check but it doesn't compile with MSCV
1 message moved to bin
KITTEHS. anyway. Hello.
how many kittehs?
@telkitty, good thing i found you
@telkitty I decided you have a point
@telkitty it's about superrationality
w.r.t to the blue eyed islanders
but still
superrationality is not well understood
maybe you have an intuition about it
still, the classical answer is correct within certain parameters
you just have to really be clear what the assumptions are
i think your intuition is that those assumptions are not coherent
which is fair, because, well, the setup doesn't really make much sense if you think about it
anyway, so, i think you have a point
if you figure out how to word it better you might even be able to convince terence tao
hmm, you there?
well, maybe you're one of the islanders
i'm guessing that's why it's taking you so long to respond :D
was afk
haha ok
well, anyway
Remind me, why blue eyed island is different from the unexpected death sentence problem
if you learn some formal math you might be able to explain yourself better
well, it is if you adopt classical logic
but well, i don't know if you don't understand classical logic or you understand its limitations too well
it's hard to tell
anyway, i don't really care to try to convince you
please answer the question? :p
we discussed about this before
then I forgot
there's something called common knowledge
yes I remember that
Common knowledge is a special kind of knowledge for a group of s. There is common knowledge of p in a group of agents G when all the agents in G know p, they all know that they know p, they all know that they all know that they know p, and so on ad infinitum. The concept was first introduced in the philosophical literature by David Kellogg Lewis in his study Convention (1969). It was first given a mathematical formulation in a set-theoretical framework by Robert Aumann (1976). Computer scientists grew an interest in the subject of epistemic logic in general – and of common know...
but like
ooh a war, I'll get the popcorn
infinity is an interesting concept
so, it's hard to say if it's meaningful in this context
that's all
both puzzle evolves around induction and deduction
sorry wrong link originally
that is (n = 1) true, n+1 true if n true
well, this point is that you can bootstrap one but not the other
then all true for n between 1 & infinity
as in you have a coherent base case that works for one but not the other
but well
well, let me try again
maybe it's not coherent after all
death sentence one
maybe the base case is inherently contradictory in both
it's not coherent because it's self-referential
monday to sunday 7 day unexpected otherwise can not execute
so can not be sunday
you can't make statements like the death sentence one in formal logic
because it is the last day and thus can be expected
i.e. you can't make a statement something conditional on knowledge of the truth of the statement itsel
it's inherently a paradox
it can't converge
and so can not be saturday, because it can not be sunday so if not executed on friday, has to be saturday
but maybe the initial base case in the blue eyed islanders case is a paradox as well
as in there's no logic way the base situation could come into existence...no possible predecessor states
something like that
it's not as obvious, but it's possible
anyway, that's my take on it
i think your claim is that some degree of superrationality is required to coordinate the logicians
if there is one, then it will work ... if the wiseman claim there is 1 blue eyed island
and that if that's presupposed, then you might as well claim further superrationality
and will work for two
but will fail @ 3
well, classically, yes
well, not quite
well, hmm
well, you might have a very deep intuition about something non-classical
or you could just not understand the classical solution
i can't tell
so, i'm not going to debate the point further
if you find terence tao in a future life i'm sure you and he can have a long chat about it
If classic solution does not solve the problem, obviously there is no point discussing it, is it?
the classical solution is correct under classical logic
i claim that at least
no but in this case classic logic is flawed
but i won't argue it further
well, you could be right
i'm not sure
lol I don't think you quite get the flaw
i mean, if you think about it from the islander's point of view
then things change
yeah day 3 if there are 3 blue eyed islander?
well, i don't know
well, the three should kill themselves
but maybe not
that's what I am saying in unexpected death sentence paradox
who knows, i just think you should look into this superrationality thing
in some sense, all rationality might be forms of superrationality
implicitly requiring some common assumptions agreed upon by the actors in question ahead of time
it is the typical, n=1 true, n=2 true, if n true => n+1 true but breaks down @ n=3
there might not really be any such thing as classical logic in the unqualified sense
so, if all forms of rationality require prior coordination
then the form of that coordination might as well be arbitrary
do you know much about maths induction?
I expect you do because it is taught at the high school/uni
i know it's a tricky thing
it's more subtle than people think it is
lots of zero-measure events can start to be meaningful once you induct over infinity
well, anyway
@StephenLin like what? example
we can continue this some other time
you remind of the guy from venture bros
that's the tricky thing about zero measure events...there's an uncountable infinity of them but they're all impossible to imagine ahead of time
i don't know
@Johann me?
hehe yes
i'll take that as a compliment
i enjoy being compared to fictional characters
and i often wonder if the feeling is mutual
anyway, later
the popcorn was delish
that was very deep
are you a redditor?
you sound like one
How did you know?
actually I just lurk
on reddit
just an intuition
something about movies and popcorn
classic reddit :)
i think people mostly just post to masturbate there, to be honest (intellectually or otherwise)
I only like about two subreddits
all the others are trash
two's a good number
you rarely ever need a higher one, if you think about it
r/atheism is a circlejerk, r/funny isn't funny, etc.
i mean, there's no real use for integers past 2 in real math
it's all just combinations of 0, 1, and 2 in disguise after that
good sir I applaud you
plus some transcendentals like pi and e
that's all you really need
anyway, later
lol wut? kid you should include headers before using them!
( from Person of Interest season 2 episode 11 at 14:17 )
@ScottW doggie ^_^
"He is quite a programmer. What he is creating is ground breaking"
@Jueecy.new He probably wrote that after as a reminder.
But at least it's real code.
No indentation...
@EtiennedeMartel yup, that occurred to me right after posting...
@Jueecy.new I see meta tracker... taskbar on the bottom... gnome 2... Fedora 13-ish? I wanna say
but the dir structure is OS X!
I though UNIX systems shared the same file structure
OS X puts some directories starting with a capital letter, I think. it shares some directories with Linux/UNIX though
@Jueecy.new Sure, but when you get stuff like Applications, Library, System or Users, then it's pretty obvious.
yeah those four were the cue that it's OS X ;p
or, uh.... someone manually mkdir'ed those on Linux >_>
also, he's coding on a file in /? :P
i always wonder about tv shows...
According to the TV show that guy is a genius
Breaking news: most writers are not programmers.
@allquixotic leave CSI alone lol
They watched too much of Minority Report
I would gladly trade fixing a nasty bug in my legacy C++ codebase over writing this InnoSetup file in Pascal
Sympathy vibes, please. Pascal. Yes really. -_-
Who here wants a REAL cryptography challenge?
Simple challenge: Find the algorithm used to encrypt a given file
@EtiennedeMartel it's not that hard to hire a programmer for an hour to write some believable code. You just need to fake an #include "superhackishstuff.h" and some idiotic function names...
New experiment my company has been working on for testing the security of various encryption algorithms
hm... so we don't even have to decrypt the file, just figure out what encrypted it?
@Jueecy.new But why spend more money if most people don't care as long as it looks techy?
@EtiennedeMartel if 20 dollars can make programmers happy, why not?
I spent some time trying to puzzle out what our session cookie was encrypted with at work, but was unable to make any sense out of it. I could tell that it was obviously base64'ed, but not what the underlying data meant.
@allquixotic Yes
@Jueecy.new It's never 20 bucks.
Here. Uploaded a sample file to Dropbox. Public domain
Message embedded into an audio recording that is made to sound like random noise
@EtiennedeMartel I wouldn't pay more than 20$/hour to a programmer to invent 50 lines of believable code.
The WMA itself is not encrypted
@Jueecy.new Or you could just snag them off Stack Overflow.
But the content in the stream is
@EtiennedeMartel or that :P
@IDWMaster that's an interesting approach. so it's a normal WMA container but the "encoded" data is done up by a crypto alg?
@allquixotic Yes; and you can actually listen to the file and it will sound like noise
The challenge is to find what algorithm was used to produce the noise
would a successful decryption produce something like "congratulations, you are the smartest person in the world"? :P
@allquixotic The challenge isn't to decrypt it; just to find out what algorithm produced it. It's supposedly impossible to crack the encryption within a reasonable (lifetime) amount of time.
For any of the algorithms used
The harder challenges embed the code into actual music files and images (fancier; hidden encryption)
steganography? :)
@allquixotic Yes
I guess there are certain crypto algs that do have sort of a signature
there are repeating patterns at the start of SSH keys for instance
outside of that they're supposed to be effectively random...
@EtiennedeMartel, they just explained that that was a compression algorithm to put 250+ Tb on a pen drive...
@allquixotic SUPPOSED to
@Jueecy.new They probably used a compiler that allows for inline magic.
I guess with frequency sampling you can find certain drift trends with different crypto algs?
if you have a large enough sample size
@allquixotic Essentially; yes, and this should be a big enough sample size for the given algorithm
I should definitely study more
Feel free to share the audio file too. It's effectively public domain.
is there a word for stuff seeming hyper-3-dimensional?
Like really perceptible depth, moreso than what is normal reality
@Crowz I believe it's called going crazy.
ah shit, I got that then
@rightfold When I dereference a null pointer, it just pops up this comic: xkcd.com/371
@IDWMaster you may be interested in this (paywalled unfortunately)
the abstract sounds like the paper's results would give someone the knowledge they need to start writing a program that would detect the encryption type of the ciphertext
In Linux; it is possible to handle segfaults in userspace
@IDWMaster are you asking?
@allquixotic No; I'm pointing out that you can actually have a handler for segfaults in user mode.
@IDWMaster o_O.. yeah.. but can you continue running a functional program afterwards?
@allquixotic Yes; it's often used for memory-mapped I/O in userspace
you can't handle SIGKILL or SIGSTOP, I think you can handle every other signal
@allquixotic Yes; including sigsegv
Can you vote on my answer if it works? Thanks. :) Glad I could have helped. — user1924605 28 mins ago
In Windows; it is possible to handle Access Violations in user space
@Jueecy.new He has 1 rep, he needs upvotes to get basic privileges.
OP is a help vampire.
@Rapptz It's actually the OP's first ever question on the whole network.
On AU, the OP only has answers.

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