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Upvotes Please (<-- not on SO, on Herb's blog :))
> @bittermanandy welcome to c++. Similarity to any language other than C is not a driving design force [...] Feel free to use D, Boo, Go or C# if it pleases you more"
@sehe sounds like circlejerk
@TonyTheLion Sounds like uninformed juvenile. A bit like Zoidberg 6 years ago :/
Yay! I did something useful for almost 10 minutes!
@sehe lol
there's nothing wrong with a circlejerk as long as everybody else is circlejerking you.
@jalf Gratz
the day isn't completely wasted then
no day is really wasted in the Lounge
@R.MartinhoFernandes What are teh reasonable alternatives to overloading?
Time is moving too slow today...
@TonyTheLion Yeah, it's epically wasted.
@ThePhD What do you mean by reasonable?
@ThePhD overlording!
And what is the problem that overloading solves in your opinion?
Well, you said C++ overloading is messy. What makes it messy / what's a better way to do it?
@ThePhD What is the problem you want solved by the alternative?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think that most obvious has got to be constructors.
you can't give them different names.
so if you want to have a different constructor for default, C-string, move, and copy, then you have to overload.
Sure you can give them different names
You don't sound like a very creative language designer.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Uh. Overloading solves several problems, I guess. One of them is determining which function to choose when given a set of arguments (types)
@ThePhD That's not a problem, that is the solution.
the simple fact is that I don't view overload resolution as broken and don't see a need to innovate to replace it.
Well then, I don't know what the problem with overloading is in general aside from when functions with the same name need to be addressed with the same or similar type arguments.
Or as Raymond Chen put it: you split the problem between the easy part and the impossible part, and then ask me to solve the impossible part (do overload resolution without overload resolution!)
I also think that, in many cases, overloading has been used where ultimately SFINAE should have been used, or simply more overloads than really should be necessary (cue basic_string)
@ThePhD You continue assuming overloading (the ability to have functions with the same name) as the need for overloading.
@R.MartinhoFernandes but how else would you have functions with the same name!!
@R.MartinhoFernandes If you give constructors different names, how are you going to perfectly forward to them?
or would you re-implement every forwarding function as taking a function which takes memory into which to emplace the value in question?
... tip toes in and takes a seat in the corner...
I thought the problem would be naming functions teh same thing.
@ThePhD The primary core need for naming functions the same thing is generic contexts where you can't know in advance which overload you want to call.
... watches the video from a safe room....
if you are using a statically-known type then you could simply make the user perform overload resolution by giving all the overloads unique names.
@DeadMG o_0 I can't make much sense of that sentence
@thecoshman Let's say that you have f(args); where you know f and args in advance. Obviously, you could figure out which overload of f you wanted to call and, if every overload of f had a unique name, simply alter your code to use the unique name of that overload.
with me so far?
> Well, I would like a nice high-paying job with a hundred-man developer team to develop all my dreams, but that's not gonna happen either. Oh, and I'd also like a very attractive wife who can cook and clean, since I really can't. source
@thecoshman Excuse me, that's my seat :|
@TonyTheLion Butlers can cook and clean as well :|
@TonyTheLion A hundred-man dev team sounds nightmarish
@R.MartinhoFernandes that is true.
are you basically saying use f(A a){} f(B b){} f(C c){} rather then fa(A a){} fb(B b){} fc(C c){} in situations where f() will do the same thing for them all, but just use different thing?
@jalf you weren't the only one to say that, if you look at the comment thread on the answer
@thecoshman No, what I'm saying is that if you know f, A, B, and C in advance, you could know whether you want to call fa, fb, or fc.
@jalf it's ok, you can still sit on it, I'm just taking it.
@TonyTheLion awww, lame
so arguably in this case, there is no need for the compiler to figure it out.
@thecoshman Where are you taking it? :D
@jalf doesn't matter, but you can come along if you wish
A penguin and a pirate go on an adventure together....
but if you don't know whether args is an A, a B, or a C, then you can't figure it out- especially if you don't even know what f's are available.
@DeadMG hmm... but from the developer point of view, you are doing 'f with an a', you are not doing 'fa with an b', it is the same operation, just differing types...
@DeadMG That still carries the assumption that you have overloads to call :(
@DeadMG (I may not actually know what the hell you core point was)
Seems like Opera handles keyboard input even more inconsistently than Firefox does
@DeadMG I don't see how that is a problem.
@TonyTheLion I would invite you along, but I don't trust you to not eat the poultry
I think I'll make an executive decision that I don't give a damn about those 14 Opera users who exist worldwide
@thecoshman hahahaah
@jalf :)
IIRC perfect forwarding is a solution to a deficiency of overload resolution.
@R.MartinhoFernandes How else are you going to implement, say, map::emplace?
@jalf Don't make me all envious
I hate how sales people throw around all these buzz words. I wonder how many of them they actually understand?!
@jalf Hey. I'm elite!
You're a polar bear who is facepalming almost permanently
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's a solution to the fact that map::emplace cannot know what parameters you might wish to pass to the constructor of some arbitrary T.
@TonyTheLion ... what if they sell buzzers?
@sehe Your browser is messed up
@DeadMG I don't see why emplace(ctor, args) would not work.
@thecoshman then fine.
@TonyTheLion Come on buzzwords aren't there for understanding. They're specifically designed to deflect meaning. It's like a semantic mirror cloak
Type constructors~
Dammit robot. Seriously, dammit.
@TonyTheLion ... what if they sell bees?
Or even emplace(ctor(args)).
18 hours ago, by Lightness Races in Orbit
oh i have such a passion for coding oh i have full synergy oh i maximise the thrust of imagination inside the asshole of my intellect
With void emplace(lazy object).
lol Lounge. "debauchery". uh-huh...
> the asshole of my intellect
Actually, that might work in D.
@jalf It's really not. Though I do agree that keyboard support has been borked since ~12.10 or thereabouts. I patiently assumed it would get fixed in the next minor rev. However, webkit hegemony probably prevents that
@thecoshman then bzzzzz
@sehe No, 12.10 took a big step towards making it sane. 12.02 was absurdly screwy
@jalf Oh, Opera, not Ubuntu.
(note that I'm talking as a developer trying to handle keyboard input in JS, and not as a user)
hegemony: Leadership or dominance, esp. by one country or social group.
@TonyTheLion ... what if they sell small motors designed to vibrate devices such as phones or gaming controllers?
didn't know webkit was a social group?
@R.MartinhoFernandes If you like. I only tried 12.02, which was completely fucked, 12.10 which was somewhat less fucked, and 12.15 which is also only somewhat fucked
@jalf How did you measure that? Anyways, my most important benchmark is the editing shortcuts in SO posts. They stopped working then. :/
@jalf Nah, I thought you were talking about something else. Don't mind me.
@thecoshman then say vibrator, not buzz word
@TonyTheLion well, webkit itself obviously isn't, but the people who work on it
@TonyTheLion he he he
@sehe Probably because just because they changed the behavior, which broke sites that assumed the old behavior :)
@TonyTheLion "esp." - especially, not: limited to
@sehe just looking at which DOM events are fired on various kinds of keyboad input
@sehe oh yea
Yeah. I should post on Meta for them to upgrade jquery.
@jalf Yeah I understand. I take your word for it. Fact of life: it's broken now for SO usage :)
And I don't really care. I have Vim
This was one easy answer:
A: Is argv[argc] equal to NULL Pointer

rubenvbThe C Standard second mark says explicitly argv[argc] shall be a null pointer. The C++ Standard 3.6.1/2 also says explicitly The value of argv[argc] shall be 0.

I bet it's a dupe anywas
@R.MartinhoFernandes It could do. But you're duplicating the argument information. Once in your choice of ctor, and again in your args.
Either I don't understand a word of what you said or bullshit.
@thecoshman I thought they were the opposite. An antisocial group, sort of thing
I also work on a /completely/ broken mix of Ubuntu Quantal with Gnome3. And I don't really mind. Keyboard access everywhere. Even if I still run metacity --replace& sleep 2; metacity --replace& every single logon. I just figure I'll install Debian/Mint/Ubuntu++ some day and the "problem" will be gone.
I wouldn't want to write fooType1( args ) if the compiler can do the work for me.
Can we vote to close as a dupe please. I found one.
My wife works with vanilla Unity desktop/window manager and is content. So, who cares :_
@jalf an antisocial group is still, paradoxically, a social group. (so glad I got to use that word legitimately in a sentence)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Let me rephrase that. You're asking the user to perform a job that the compiler can do. They are giving the compiler information it already has in the argument types. Also, what are you going to do if T is not a known type? Pass ctors all the way down?
Just like you pass arguments all the way down.
Plus argument types are not always enough to disambiguate properly.
@thecoshman isn't the adverb "paradoxically"?
But that's not possible for C++
I personally would argue that if the argument types are not sufficient to disambiguate then you have written something broken
And it's a job that the compiler can do with messy rules I don't want.
Since functions aren't first class citizens =[
@R.MartinhoFernandes What makes you think that overload resolution is broken, rather than C++ or C#'s implementation of it?
You'd have to make functions first class citizens
@rubenvb yeah, was too excited to use the word :P
@ThePhD No one cares about C++.
50 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@Xeo If I ever implement a language it won't have any of that overload resolution stupidity.
that and Engrish
@DeadMG The fact that every language that has ad hoc overloads + anything else ends up with a fucking mess.
I mean, the Wide rules right now are pretty simple and easy, and I'm frankly not planning on changing them much.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, the solution you state would just be to make functions first class citizens.
@DeadMG Last I checked, they involved sums.
nah I dropped that
If you can pass functions or functions and their arguments in a bundle through other function calls without having to make functors or function pointers...
Then you can successfully do emplace( ctor(args) );
Do they still have conversion rankings?
As for your question about the colour of the sky: sciencemadesimple.com/sky_blue.htmlThilo 14 secs ago
lol /cc @rubenvb - credits for style
@R.MartinhoFernandes Actually, they do, but there are only two ranks and the rank of a function is the worst rank of all the arguments, so it's hardly a complex scheme.
How do those interact if you have arguments with mixed ranks?
I also don't prefer non-templates or anything like that at the moment
@DeadMG So non-template overloads are never picked if there is a template one with the same arity?
@R.MartinhoFernandes More like, the compiler will throw an overload resolution error.
I am still considering implementing non-template-preference
but it's not in right now
@DeadMG And how would you fix such an error?
well, right now, you can't, since I've only implemented a small subset of the intended design :P
@DeadMG And that right there is the kind of thing I was talking about: have another language feature => need one more rule for overload resolution.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I haven't decided in favour of it yet either.
in future, you can change your template function (kinda like SFINAE) to reject certain arguments, so the non-template would be a better match
You will need one more rule of one form or another, unless you plan to stick with the error.
whats up people
true, but the other new rule is one I would have to introduce, overload resolution or not.
@DeadMG That I can do with parametric polymorphism just fine better.
@Cygwinnian a vector, commonly considered to be the inverse of the primary direction of gravity, or perpendicular to an orbital plane.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, I am certainly currently thinking that in most cases, it would be better to simply specialize the template rather than provide a non-template overload.
but that only comes up when actually dealing with a template function- it's not gonna work for non-template constructors, say.
@MarkGarcia I totally missed this message! Uh, I do have a deadline I guess. I was moreso referring to the fact that I have a constant stream of things to do.
Being the only programmer is quite a heavy load. =[
@DeadMG More exceptions and corner cases!
'sup folks?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Do you think what I said about making functions first-class citizens in the language could solve most of the overload resolution issues?
@ThePhD No, that's irrelevant.
@Fanael a vector, commonly considered to be the inverse of the primary direction of gravity, or perpendicular to an orbital plane.
Oh. =[
@Cygwinnian (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
@Cygwinnian what's left, then?
@thecoshman Lol. umad? :P
On, toward, or relating to the side of a human body or of a thing that is to the west when the person or thing is facing north.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Those things are facts of life. It's better to design a system that can cope with odd things happening than to stick your fingers in your ears and pretend they don't happen. The vast majority of overload sets will not even require the conversion ranks to resolve.
@ThePhD somewhat
@ThePhD The issues with overload resolution are all the corner cases, and exceptions, and rules by enumeration.
@DeadMG I say it's better to design a system that doesn't make them happen.
They are only facts of what you decided to put in your language.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm not really feeling the whole "Pass ctors down the chain" thing. I doubt it's scalability. Passing every single overload the generic code ever calls is going to get very old, very fast.
@DeadMG And yes, I'm still writing loaders. :P
especially since the vast, vast majority of those cases won't even involve any corner cases.
I bet you are not the first to have ever thought that.
probably not.
but, at the most fundamental level, I'd try harder to find a language design that did not call for overload resolution if I genuinely found overload resolution a problem in C++, which I don't.
in my experience it overwhelmingly succeeds in doing the job I expect it to
@DeadMG are you attempting to get ride of overloads altogether?
@DeadMG FWIW the second solution I gave above to the emplace thing is pretty similar to something that already works in D and passing stuff down the chain is just f(object) or f(object()), which is actually simpler than the C++ version of it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Presumably, that involves move/copy (just checking here)
then I don't understand what you have just said
Well, the second form does, but it exists exactly for that.
so what exactly is f, object, and the semantics of f(object)?
f is the function you're passing stuff down to. object is the object, which you got lazily evaluated from your argument, and if f wants to continue the chain will take lazily evaluated as well.
I think D syntax actually involves a keyword at some point, though.
so when f is map::emplace, then object is a constructor function thing?
That's what I said!
A first-class function invoker!
Thingy mahdoodly!
The point is, I was right for once. :D
@ThePhD This is merely an alternative to the C++ perfect forwarding dance. It doesn't really replace overloads.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think what you had (emplace(lazy object)) should owrk
yes... thingy mahdoodly
@ThePhD no
Anybody have game ideas for me to make in gamemaker?
@Fanael =[
@Pawnguy7 ಠ_ಠ
@Pawnguy7 gamemaker

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