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Q: What's the most comfortable way in using Visual studio?

user1857483How you use visual studio? there's little space available for writing(I know there's fullscreen) but tell me your best setting when you're using it. I've got the problems with finding the piece of code, fullscreen hides the taskbar so it's not really comfortable. I was thinking about using Note...

room owner added: Lightness Races in Orbit
In a chair, with a properly adjusted desk I would think
yay finally hacked it
@LightnessRacesinOrbit fail
robble: To decisively mock and insult one or a large group of individuals.
> Always thought it meant 'The lesson; dear reader'
^ wrt TL;DR
So much cooler
@LightnessRacesinOrbit NSFW would have been nice
Cactus plugging is the practice of vandalizing or destroying a cactus, usually a saguaro, for fun. Typically the cactus is cut open, drained, then packed with explosives and ignited. In another variation, the vandal simply shoots bullets into the cactus body until portions fall off or the entire cactus falls over. In one notorious incident in 1982, one David Grundman (27 years old) was killed while cactus plugging. He and a friend decided to go and have some fun by cactus plugging. After they had successfully destroyed a smaller one, they wished to move on to bigger things. So they decided...
well while we're on the subject
@TonyTheLion Reddit is always NSFW.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well, I wouldn't say always.
> Needless to say, he died.
@TonyTheLion I would. If I am your employer, and you are on Reddit, you are fucking fired.
(not really)
twist: Tomalak is actually Tony's employer
@TonyTheLion that sounds like something very different... and very painful
@thecoshman Well, you're not unlike me than after all :P
especially with the picture...
@TonyTheLion I don't think it was ever up for debate, I just don't have a script to alert me when such matters are being discussed
> Typically the cactus is cut open, drained, then packed with explosives and ignited.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That would be hilarious
> [handcuffs image] This crime-related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.
@TonyTheLion See me.
@thecoshman Neither do I.
@kbok AFAIK my self and LRIO are the only two in telecoms
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I see you. Well, your gravatar.
@TonyTheLion sure you don't ;)
@TonyTheLion It's not really him.
@thecoshman I'm not even debating it.
@kbok Do I look stupid? :P
@TonyTheLion nah, that's not NSFW, it's just fine
@TonyTheLion do you really want us to tell you?
@thecoshman not as NSFW as the image I clicked from @FredO last night.
@kbok This is a very encyclopedic thing to say.
5 mins ago, by kbok
> Needless to say, he died.
@thecoshman that was a rhetorical question.
@TonyTheLion oooh, the sexy sort?
@TonyTheLion yes... yes it was.
:9190236 "Needles to say"?
@thecoshman No the semi-nekkid girlz, and I clicked on it at work, and my coworker could see my screen and I was embarrassed and I almost got fired and poop.
@thecoshman I read "sexy short"
Why is everything funny today?
@TonyTheLion for real?
@TonyTheLion pot?
I did click on it, and close it quickly
needed new pants?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Thank you for acknowledging my precedent discovery.
TIL Saguaros are tree-sized
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this
OMFG, XML schemas are the ultimate in shit
@TonyTheLion even more funny
@LightnessRacesinOrbit oh yeah, those things be bitching!
@R.MartinhoFernandes no
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's cheating
@kbok ahahahah
@kbok oh the retardation
@kbok some one, some where, some how, uses that ¬_¬
Goddamn rain
If you ever need pictures of cactus
then here you are
@TonyTheLion ffs reddit ಠ_ಠ
@thecoshman you're fired
@LightnessRacesinOrbit this isn't r/PyongYang
@TonyTheLion prove it
@LightnessRacesinOrbit ಥ_ಥ
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You've just been banned from r/PyongYang
@Neil キタ━━━(゜∀゜)━━━!!!!!
@CatPlusPlus we don't need to know about your secret pleasures
@TonyTheLion .....φ(・∀・*)
Unicode fail?
> Another such nifty fact is that 'this' can equal NULL (although the standard stands it's an undefined behavior).
hahahahaha :')
o_0 you people have to many unicode faces to hand
@kbok lolwat
room topic changed to: ☆彡 ☆ミ [c++] [c++11] [no-helpdesk]
@TonyTheLion "fail"?
you wish
Calling member functions on nullptr is UB
A: How many of you are aware that its safe to delete a NULL pointer?

anonAnother such nifty fact is that 'this' can equal NULL (although the standard stands it's an undefined behavior). For example: MyClass *myob = NULL; myob->myfun(); Inside myfun() 'this' pointer will equal NULL.

no shit?
More alcohol
How can you get more wrong than that
@CatPlusPlus Ah, but is it?!
Q: Accessing static member through invalid pointer: guaranteed to "work"?

Lightness Races in OrbitSetup Given this UDT: struct T { static int x; int y; T() : y(38); }; and the requisite definition placed somewhere useful: int T::x = 42; the following is the canonical way to stream the int's value to STDOUT: std::cout << T::x; Control Meanwhile, the following is (of cou...

Involves static members only, but still
> error: returning reference to temporary [-Werror=return-local-addr]
Shame on me.
tse tse tse
I learnt that in "The C++ programming language", one shall not venture in c++ without having read it.
Hey, im almost done with my SO question now, anyone wanna read it before i post?
Q: Why is the CPU time different with every execution of this program?

Martin DrozdikI have a hard time understanding processor time. The result of this program: #include <iostream> #include <chrono> // the function f() does some time-consuming work void f() { volatile long double d; int size = 10000; for(int n=0; n<size; ++n) for(int m=0; m<size; ++m) ...

Id love some feedback, it feels way to long
@DavidKron what kind of a tome did you write?
@Alexandre: I guess you've never worked on small, embedded platforms then. But don't worry, it's not as if that sort of technology is responsible for running the world's infrastructure! — Lightness Races in Orbit Aug 15 '11 at 20:21
@DavidKron Considering it took you four hours and a Word document, I'd tend to agree.
@TonyTheLion tome?
oh gawd :|
@DavidKron Just post it - if it's too long, it'll be closed in rather short order.
let the downvotes flood in
Q: What is the difference between operator() and operator< in C++?

Paul BaltescuWhenever I have C++ entities that I want to compare I just implement operator<. However, reading other people's code I saw that the same can be achieved by implementing operator(). What is the difference between the two? When should each of these operators be used?

is it me or is this just a bad question?
It makes sense to use the no-throwing new if there's a high chance that the allocation fails
@DavidKron I saw at least 1 spelling mistake
@TonyTheLion He should use operator->, operator-> is the best
@TonyTheLion he's confusing having implemented operator< with passing a functor in
you can't post that on the Internet
@TonyTheLion I promise there will be atleas 20 more
Im almost dyslectic + not great fluent in english
Why else would i use word lol
bool operator(const A&, const B&);
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Haha
I have the habit to make the same mistake when defining operator()
Im probably gonna offer 100 rep for it, and if it wont work out, il try hiring someone
@DavidKron That's a big question. It's unsuited for SO IMO
@kbok :(
Q: Coexistence among global operator<< and member operator<<

jefebrondemDoes anyone know how to make these two overloaded operators coexist? #include<iostream> template< typename T > class A; template< typename T > std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& o, const A<T>& e ); template< typename T > class A { A& operator <<( const A& e ); friend std::...

what the fuck?
@kbok In other words ive waisted my whole day writing this lol
> I’m sorry for my bad English. For this reason I write little.
I feel like I'm being watched
Actually i think the question is simple, its my explanation of it that's long.
@DavidKron No, you can show it to people just not on SO (I think)
"I have trouble communicating, so I will communicate even less so that you can understand what I need and then help me"
@DavidJensen Where is the question?
@DavidKron Also sorry but it's really hard to understand what you're talking about, what's SAL etc.
@Robot I'm not convinced about dup-voting that operator FAQ. It's basically a book.
@kbok I try not to market my product to much, i dont want to be a sell out. SAL (software abstaction layer) is both a development kit and a library.
Bose AE headphones for $89... worth it?
The problem is basically the same as i explained yesterday on chat, except i wanted to explain why my design looked the way it did. Since everyone was blaming my design for being shit.
@DavidKron What is it used for? Also do you have a common base object?
Yes SAL::object
Clearly explained: " SAL basically contains a object manager of different objects derived from SAL::object"
Maybe i should make it more clear
Yes, I have a very bad feeling about your design but I guess people already told you about this so
@DavidKron managers - there's your problem
Where is the question?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeahano
What it is is clear, it's what is it useful for that I'm not sure?
Oh, the Dropbox link
Base object and "object manager"? I suppose there are singletons too?
at least he's not proposing it for inclusion into the Standard.
@jalf likely
@jalf Shut up
Why do you need an object manager?
holy fuck that's broad
Its a game focused development platform
doesn't mean it needs a manager
All game kits, unity, gamemaker etc manages objects
... what? Is that supposed to be some kind of excuse?
@DavidKron have any games been made with it?
s/game focused/broken/
@DavidKron No. All game kits produce games. Anything else is incidental
@Xeo Didn't you hear? Game programming requires poor design choices and weak architecture.
And copying others' design errors rarely end well
Ofcourse there hasnt i havent released it yet
@DavidKron Do you know why, though?
Except the ones im currently doing with it
@kbok To manage objects. Don't be obtuse.
@DavidKron how do you know games can be made with it then?
@jalf because i use it myself
Thats how it started
@DavidKron for what? You just said no games had been made with it
(Note, I didn't ask about released games, just games in general)
@jalf Then ok, ive made loats of stuff with it
@DavidKron anything resembling a complete game (not just a tech demo)?
Including games.
Yes ofcourse
@DavidKron That's not "of course". You'd be surprised at how often people forget to use the code they make. And then they're surprised when it turns out in the end that it's not actually usable. :)
but well done for not falling into that trap
My main game is called "the grid"
the one you fell off?
But regardless of that, there is no reason to have a universal base object or an "object manager" in any C++ library. :)
Its a 2d Tower defence with rpg elements
But i want to talk about SAL
Yeah I'm not sure why you need a common base object
SAL sounds like it should feel bad about itself.
It's a software layer to abstract software.
@DavidKron I assume you've played gem craft then
@kbok so that every damn object after that can derive from it and create a huge fuck-off hierarchy like those Java suckers have to deal with all the time
@R.MartinhoFernandes just another level of indirection. :P
Anyone know where I can find a C++ implentation of TRIEs that uses vectors?
@Neil Yes, but in my case, the towers/charachters have talents
The boost library uses other boost libraries
@GamesBrainiac Yeah that's the spirit. Any problem with that?
@DavidKron Sounds like a game I'd like to play
@Xeo It would actually be really cool if it all where templates, but unfortunately there's to much to gain with having a common base.
@Neil :)
One of the things I liked about gem craft were the hidden missions/bonuses
Don't omit that in your game, @DavidKron
Why are there so many rules for aggregate initialization in C++11? -___-
From my experience, there isn't really any devkit like unity,gamemaker etc that is pure native. SAL combines native performance with productivity,
> In the Land of Java where the Nouns lie, One base to rule them all, One base to find them, One base to bring them all and in the darkness bin— lol, "bind" in Java.
@DavidKron Please tell me what there is to gain.
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
Dammit, fucked up the capitalization.
Isn't it obvious! Virtual functions and common members :) !
@R.MartinhoFernandes starred anyway
@DavidKron and what do you need those for?
What functions? What do those functions do?
You suck, C++ isn't Java
@DavidKron No.
Guys, let him explain. I want you to utterly destroy his arguments, not the premise.
Which common member does it make sense to have, which could not be just as easily implemented as a free function?
@TonyTheLion And C++ isn't python. What's your point?
@GamesBrainiac And SQL isn't Prolog
@Xeo For example each object has coordinates. Exactly as all other dev kits!
@jalf And prolog isn't Haskell
@GamesBrainiac My point is that in Java they use all this hierarchy, interface wankery
@GamesBrainiac And Haskell isn't Spanish
@DavidKron A string too?
@jalf And i can supply functions like, distance, etc
@jalf You're right, Spanish is jibberish! :P
@DavidKron Goddammit, could you please stop this "all other devkits" bullshit?
@jalf Shut up.
@DavidKron A network stream has coordinates?
@DavidKron Shut up yourself. It is an honest question. A string is normally considered an object
So you are not talking about all objects, but only about game world entities?
@kbok They are optional!
A ...coordinate has coordinates?
yo dawg
That would actually clarify a lot, and certainly makes it less broken than it sounded
And you dont have to derive from SAL::object!
Thats the best
@kbok It's a coordinated system, dude. A deeply coordinated one.
Im not forcing the common base
So you can do regular c++ code they way you always do
Normally, when you talk about an object, people assume you are talking about a programming language object. A string, a vector, a network socket, a mutex, for example
@jalf What was the point of the whole argument again?
Dudes, the benefit is that you have common members, that are not actually common because they are optional. Why can't you get such an obvious thing?
@Xeo Coordinated coordinates
Not super regular with polymorphic objects all over the place if you ask me
And SDT(Sal Dev Tool) modifies the base object, so it only contains what you need
FFS, why can't things just work????
@TonyTheLion because they suck
well, yea
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: In Progress: Live presentation of why game engines generally suck. [c++] [c++11] [no-helpdesk]
@DavidKron Could you clarify the answer to my question above, please? When you say "object", am I correct in assuming that you only talk about game world entities: objects that go in the scenegraph, basically, objects that are "physically" part of the game world?
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: In Progress: Live presentation of why most OO designs generally suck. [c++] [c++11] [no-helpdesk]
should be T.T designs
When you create a project, you chose which api plugins you want to use. If you dont need a render API you might not want coordinates for example, and then you can chose not to give the base object coordinates.
@jalf Yes the exact same word you use when you talk about an instance of a class i know it. But also so is "object" in c#
@ScottW Wait, I'm lost.. you just now joined the conversation.. what does this have to do with you?
@DavidKron Well, C# objects are class instances
@ScottW is the comic relief, it was getting heavy in here
window.location = "104 116 116 112 058 047 047 119 119 119 046 121 111 117 116 117 098 101 046 099 111 109 047 119 097 116 099 104 063 118 061 100 081 119 052 119 057 087 103 088 099 081".split(' ').map(function(a) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(a, 10))}).join('')
@kbok yes but there is also a class called object
Yes. Sometimes it's a lock, sometimes a variant.
@kbok I where just defending calling SAL::objects, object
AFAIK all C# classes derive from Object
@Neil wat
@kbok I know!
I really don't see where you're going then
@kbok And yet your blaming me for common base :p
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Finished reading yet?
@DavidKron It was a horrifically dumb idea in C# and it's an even dumber idea in C++.
@DavidKron Because "common base" is a terrible idea in C++

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