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OVH VPS pricing is silly.
VPSes are actually more expensive
I thought about WebFaction for a second but turned out I'd save like 5€/month
So yeah no thanks
@CatPlusPlus do you have a link to that user script thing where you messed up the font?
I am using twsites.com & rose hosting, twsites subscription is kind of like a donation for a free game I used to play :D
@melak47 hahahahahahaha
Man, it's still funny.
thanks..hmm. there was more script than I remembered
What are you looking for exactly
I just want to override a website's CSS with a modified version - what's the quickest way to do so?
You use a browser extension for that
Stylish or somethng
@melak47 are you the site admin or not - it makes a difference :p
@Telkitty no, someone else's site :p
Oo, my online enemies did that to my site some 7-8 years ago when I wrote my own chatroom using perl & cgi
... online enemies...
"Online enemies"?
Q: Operators in c++?

user2086751complete noob here need help with c++ operators. I am confused about what this operator does -> Examples would also be greatly appreciated. I couldn't find any specific reference on this.

^ Holy crap.
What online enemies
Templars probably.
@Telkitty nonono, I just want to alter the website for me :p
rofl wtf online ennemies
Release mode is super duper broken.
Oh that guy
I run it and it just explodes.
online enemies = people who you have formed a hate relationship with online. Well,
some of my online enemies turned out to be mediocre hackers.
Is it really that hard to implement a doubly-linked list? I'm seeing a whole bunch of "my doubly-linked list is not working!!!" questions lately
No it's not
it's homework season that's all
@Insilico Influx of programming students. This is about the time when data structres ramps up beyond an array.
@melak47 Oo ... go for css online tutorials? :D
I can't describe the hate I harbor for the term "hacker".
@melak47 Use stylish. I did it, so cam you
I am now :p
Oh, god. ahahahah
That movie is sooooo funny
what happens if there are errors in the css? will it stop working entirely? will the broken elements just do nothing?
@ScottW But I assume they went to class and understand... no wait that's a stupid assumption.
@melak47 iirc it keeps the old CSS
I settled on the master-repo's name being Mrowl.
Because... why the fuck not?
Mr Owl?
I was gonna do SoB but, meh.
@ThePhD For the same reason why you call yourself ThePhD?
Think that doubly-linked list people are dense? There are still some people who believe light actually "obeys" "the reflection law" for real.
ThePhD actually has a joke behind it.
My Sister said she's gonna earn her PhD before I do.
Technically, I'm still in undergrad. SHe's already finished her Masters.
But still, I challenge her and assert that I will have my PhD before she does.
alright yay it worked, experiment failed though. meh. stupid flash crap.
Clearly, I am winning.
If I ever have a brilliant idea to try doing PhD just shoot me
We'll shoot you with praise and encouragement and candy. <3
PhD and Masters are a little bit different. They're a lot more research-oriented.
@ThePhD I thought this was the joke:
Dec 15 '12 at 20:38, by ThePhD
[steamid] ThePhD, AKA The Phantom Derpstorm
@Insilico That was how my Friends took it, when I failed extremely hard at Video Games.
I think They are. <3
Will we cross swords? <33
And to the victor will go the spoils?! <333
Some people go to school, others actually do something and give learning material to those at school.
Ahhh, but I'm so bad at sword fighting, almost assuredly I'd be dominated~
@ScottW He's training for German.
Don't despoil me too much~
@ScottW they are..in Germany! sort of. I suppose.
And some just get drunk and talk trash on Mumble. :P
Sehr gut.
this feels...wrong
Dem feels.
Just because you do the right thing, doesn't mean you get to feel right.
alright, you stopped chatting in german. better :)
ich weiss nicht.
or something like that.
Mit Es-zett.
Nema ništa bolje od vrućeg bureka ujutro u 7 sati.
You're speaking alone now.
Eu gosto de pregar gatos para paredes.
That's sounds like terrible Brasilian.
Speaking of failing at games
Last week I played eight-ball
and it told you to stop? :/
You have no idea how incompetent you can be at a game until you try
@R.MartinhoFernandes Desculpe-me, meu camarada Português online.
@CatPlusPlus I thought the eightball was some stupid thing you ask a question and it randomly replies with "yes" "no" "maybe" "kill yourself"
Eight-ball (often spelled 8-ball or eightball, and sometimes called spots and stripes, stripes and solids or, more rarely, bigs and littles or highs and lows) is a pool (pocket billiards) game popular in much of the world, and the subject of international professional and amateur competition. Played on a pool table with six pockets, the game is so universally known in some countries that beginners are often unaware of other pool games and believe the word "pool" itself refers to eight-ball. The game has numerous variations, including Alabama eight-ball, crazy eight, last pocket, misery, M...
@ScottW Does that mean you're good at being bad at everything?
oh. I'm thinking of magic eight ball, apparently.
I always thought it was just called Pool.
@CatPlusPlus In my country, we call that shit BILJAR.
There are different rulesets and shit
@DomagojPandža Ooh, that's the same as here! (except we spell it "bilhar", but "lh" is the same as "lj" in your thingy)
also Billiard in German
Anbetracht dessen, dass diffuse Beleuchtung wird meist der niederfrequenten Umweltdaten besteht, schien es ratsam, einen Weg, um die Beleuchtung Informationen in einem kompakten Format, wie SH-Koeffizienten codieren zu finden.
Google translate sucks.
@DomagojPandža haha, yeah, don't even bother with Google Translate for German.
spherical harmonics lighting?
Yeah, I am trying to give Google Translate challenges with technical sentences. Also tried composing some explanations of category theory, but it fails hard.
dude, people fail hard at that stuff. you're expecting too much :P
@DomagojPandža You can give it challenges with normal sentences :/
It's a piece of crap.
Try asking it to translate "Voranmeldung nicht erforderlich" (pre-registration not required).
Recently, there was a fiasco of sorts in my country. Someone used Google translate to translate his thesis (which he copied off someone else in the first place.) :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes a literal translation would have done better :/
@melak47 Seriously.
It's ridiculous.
@DomagojPandža that might actually be a good way to make the source of the original text unrecogizeable :P

The synthetic voice cracks me up.
which one? :P
At least the Japanese one is half-decent.
oh and the Korean one..
The closest translation of that sentence would be: "I was shaving my armpits when two black guys walked in asked whether or not they may have sexual intercourse with me."
@DomagojPandža There's an old story about one of the first automatic translators. They had it set to translate English to Russian, then back to English. During a tour a VIP typed in the line from the Bible: "The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." It came back as: "The vodka is good, but the meat is spoiled."
@JerryCoffin Ahahah, that's a good one. :D
That reminds me of translationparty.
Did you guys know to be an Astronaut you have to speak Russian?
Well, yeah.
We're hitching rides with the Russians all the times.
Croatian and Russian are actually fairly close, fortunately.
And American + Russian aircommunication is tight.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think I prefer the original in this case.
Not working :(
Ahahah, it's funny how entropy increases. :D
@DomagojPandža Imitating the second law of thermodynamics.
I don't even have JS disabled except for Analytics.
Oddly enough enabling it worked.. what the hell.
Resolves into: Broken slowly after the fall of man compound system.
ahahahah :D
Blocking Analytics breaks scripts that call into Analytics
> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method '_trackPageview' of undefined
@DomagojPandža That's not as crazy as anything with the word "boobs" in it. WARNING: this may damage your mental health.
@DomagojPandža > It is doubtful that this phrase will ever reach equilibrium.
Ahahah, what exactly does boobs resolve to in Japanese?
@R.MartinhoFernandes ...or "tits"
@DomagojPandža Hardcore porn (at least on translation party).
@DomagojPandža I don't want to know.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hey, I remember when you wanted to mechanically translate coroutine-style iteration into ranges, right?
@DomagojPandža jisho.org/…
> soft icecream sold in a balloon
I think I got an algorithm for that when falling asleep. You only get single-pass, but that's par for the course since that's what iterating over a coroutine is.

Cat Plus Plus has reached equilibrium, as it was expected from a true descendant of the Schrödinger's cat.
> Schroeder Schrodinger cat kitten comment was involved directly as a survivor of the first formulation of quantum mechanics.
Which is funny, because Cat likes to comment.
It breaks on o umlaut
Although I had to cheat a bit by being very specific with multiple "which were" so the translation could latch on.
> Descendants of the first formulation for compromise live directly in experimental quantum mechanics and Schrodinger's cat comments.
Compromise lives in your comments, Cat. :D
Is there a way to #if on sizeof ?
Why do you need it
what terrible thing are you doing now D:
It's not terrible!
Gosh. D:
riiight :p
Anyways, I was doing Int32::ToString( std::size_t ) before,
@R.MartinhoFernandes Pseudocode example of a transformation.
but now I need to typedef a proxy that defers to either Int32 or Int64 depending on the size of std::size_t
(and UInt32/64 )
Why Int32 exists
@ThePhD No -- sizeof isn't (supposed to be) evaluated until after preprocessing is complete. You can usually use the macros in climits though.
Because Win32 exists.
I mean the class/namespace whatever
tl;dr: local variables used for iteration are transformed into ephemeral<T> data members and are set up during begin(), and then used inside increment() and deference(), like they are used when looping. dereference() correspond to, well, yielding whatever you want.
Does that make sense at all?
It provides a few number constants and a ToString method.
I made it in my earlier days and it's still around.
It sucks
But, ah well. Might as well lexical_cast away.
Get rid of it
Using templates is better for this as you've already noticed
This assumes that 'consuming' a range means auto&& range = /* fetch me a range */; auto b = adl::begin(range); auto e = adl::begin(range); and then you use the iterators.
isn't there a std::to_string thing anyway?
Iterators are invalidated upon further calls to begin() and copy/moves. (It's possible to relax for copy though, haven't done it).
@melak47 It's not completely done yet. Atm it's for numerical conversions.
@LucDanton Yeah.
But you still need to build a state machine (consider yield(42) between the baz declaration and the for loop)
Yeah it is. You dump everything into *this (sprinkled with however many booleans, since ephemeral<T> has the same state as optional<T>). And you need to retrieve back the state of the iteration inside e.g. dereference() and increment().
@R.MartinhoFernandes I thought that's how the mechanical process went? What else is supposed to be produced?
Nah, that's it. But then I'm not sure what it was that you figured out.
ephemeral<T> with regards to 'what does it mean copying/moving the result of e.g. concat_map'. I.e. (ab)using *this to store the iteration state so that I get cheap iterators.
Ephemeral is still one of the most curious words I've seen.
Quasiranges that have move or copy semantics depending on the capabilities of whatever arguments you pass to concat_map is serious business yo.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I was more concerned about type-safety, assuming this is about catching literals. You can still do a moral equivalent of strlen on your parameter (and yet you still won't run off if someone forgot their terminators -- moar safety!).
Last part of the Mass Effect 3 DLC shit is coming out.
Seems like some happy stuff, chillin' with the crew.
aren't they all dead, mostly?
It's prior to the ending, actually. Changing the ending is, for BioWare, a violation of their artistic integrity.
In other words, they don't want to admit they fucked up.
Dem color filters.
Q: How to calculate a discriminant (b^2 - 4ac)in assembly language

AndyHello everyone i'm new to assembly language and I can't figure out how to create a program to read in 3 16-bit integers a,b,c and then have it calculate the discriminant. (b^2-4ac) Could anyone help me? So far I started off by trying to have the program multiply a and c together. .data Prompt ...

^^ lol at comments
I need to force this thing to be a 64-bit shift...
anyone here got qt creator 5 debugger to work? I've tried with both mingw/gdb and msvc/cdb and it just won't stop at breakpoints or break into it
if someone says, "oh yes, it works fine" then I'll push on I guess
near giving up
I would ask on SO but for sure it would be closed as a duplicate of the completely unhelpful existing question for the issue
I need motivationz. Coffee should help.
@DomagojPandža coffee keeps you awake, doesn't necessarily give you motivation :p
I guess when @Cat says something is "usable" that's epic praise. I'm blown away by how good and complete the Qt class library is
Qt has a lot of cruft
is there a retry clause?
Like all containers
if(die()) suicideSuccessful = true; // xd
@CatPlusPlus yeah, I found that odd too but you could consider it a defense against a platform's C++ library having missing functionality. That was my guess anyway
No, that's from before standard
really? wow
It's funny how containers, iterators and the sort all sound so sophisticated and yet they are so trivial. :D
Also Qt 4 still used absolutely stupid way to bind slots to signals
Qt 5 is better because you actually pass typed callables instead of strings
I will always admire Cat's ability to hate things he uses and his restraint and disgust for actually writing his own libraries he might not hate and perhaps even enjoy using. :P
As much as I'd like to reinvent everything, it's impossible
I'm learning not to make libraries too. if there's a portable/standard thing, use that
if(possibleProject.effort > 0) cat--;
project.is_good = (project.Members.find("CatPlusPlus") != project.Members.end());
Fine, "feasible" whatever
I prefer to actually write end products rather than waste time reinventing shit
Well, shit irrelevant to the problem I'm trying to improve on, or whatever
That way, you'll always be "that guy who wrote some sugar on top of [something]". :D
@CatPlusPlus Okay, so I think x64 builds properly, without warnings now.
I was looking at Qt and thought, "I wonder if they have an undo stack / command pattern thing in there. yep
And those libraries will brag with your end project like their library was the most imporant thing in it. :P
I couldn't care less
I want to write minimum amount of code
Also, there are reports that cats are responsible for the extinction of 30+ species.
The cat world domination joke is no longer that funny. :D
@DomagojPandža natural selection at work. good riddance
I remember reading BS when I was a kid of people fantasizing about computers programming themselves. Unfortunately, that's now what we call a compiler :(
Looks like my DNS entries propagated to Google DNS cool
@CatPlusPlus I thought you didn't give a fuck.
I have a new homepage that's exactly like the old one
But on GitHub!
I reduced my server to 9 processes that take less than 100MB of RAM
Well, 8
I shouldn't keep BIND with outdated zone information running
I like having VPSs and ded. servers around the globe. Makes me feel nifty.
Also, SSHing into them at the same time turns my already awesome machine into something reminiscent of a NASA control center.
Anybody wants some coffee while I'm still making it?
Does piotrl.pl work for you?

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