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@ThePhD Clearly
@thecoshman My system is longer than yours.
@sehe :( I know when I'm not wanted <cries>
Sehe, slayer of Internets
@R.MartinhoFernandes o_0 what are we talking about?
@ThePhD Mmm. The title, I like it. However, it doesn't jell with the name, does it
@thecoshman Pissing contests in regional and cultural differences
@sehe oooh, right right, nothing about the size of our gentlemen vegetables
Not yet
We'll wait until you get to be real curious
Anyone here from California State University Fullerton?
@sehe Achmed? Is that you?
Someone got the reference
@StackedCrooked Tracking IP addresses are we
You could just ask "who here tried to hack Coliru"?
Why is installing the IDE the hardest part when learning to code? (self.learnprogramming)
I just started logging request info and noticed this IP.
@sehe just because I didn't comment on the poor humour does not mean I failed to get the reference
@Rapptz It is helpful: it is to prevent people from learning how to let the IDE do useless stuff instead of learning how to code
@thecoshman I didn't say you did
@thecoshman Oh wait.... You do?!!?
@sehe well then, I think we can agree
We can. But we most certainly should not
@sehe doesn't mean I'm going to act on it
@sehe even on the most trivial of details?
Not on the subject
@sehe that, and filtering out the idiots
I wish tthere was a better way to cold-boot a VM.
Mine takes forever.
@ThePhD hardware... (or: don't boot Windows)
I won't sleep till I wrote a loading kernel and loaded it.
You'll die
Every human dies.
@Zoidberg ¬_¬ how stupidly low level are you going?
Assembly on ring 0.
How long are you intending to subject us you moaning about this?
Until you finally learn to ignore it
psyduck reminds me of mooingduck now.
Not the first time
No need to be so negative about it
let's try some other Linux distro.
oh noes. Do you have backups? Insurance?
be sure to wear protection
@DeadMG what's spurred this on?
@thecoshman Might be finding employment that works on Linux.
and for the record
@Rapptz I don't know why you would think that.
@sehe What is that screen shot from?
I only did with the Ubuntu installer what it told me to.
@DeadMG bleh, yucky way of doing it. You really should just use a bootable USB stick
oh gross Wubi
Wubi sucks.
@thecoshman I actually don't have one available.
Never used it
@Code-Guru The mumble (voice chat) client
@DeadMG CD? (or is it DVD now for ubuntu)
Removable. Storage.
@thecoshman DVD, and I don't even have a DVD drive, let alone a DVD.
Optical drives only sold at antique shops near his home
@DeadMG Are you having trouble installing Ubuntu? I've never installed Linux from a .exe before. Guess I'm too old school. I still burn the ISO image to a CD...
Don't you have a USB?
1 min ago, by DeadMG
@thecoshman I actually don't have one available.
Unsightly Stream of Banter?
I had a USB stick a long time ago, but lost it and never bought a new one, as I didn't need it.
DVD for Ubuntu I tink
@DeadMG what you looking for in a linux distro? just something to play with?
He needs it for where he's (possibly) working
@DeadMG Look in the washing machine. It's where USB sticks accumulate
if you're using VBox ro VMWare, you can mount the Ubuntu ISO or just load the file and you can use the ISO directly.
@ThePhD I might do that.
@DeadMG bleh, I've got them stashed all over the place. you can never have enough USB sticks when your mad!
@DeadMG if you are just wanting to play, VM is probably the best option
but the potential employment I'm looking at involves GPGPU and virtual machines and GPUs apparently don't mix well together.
10 GB of Dropbox space.
I could go to 16 but I think this should be enough.
@DeadMG ah, that they don't
@DeadMG What happened when you ran the installer mentioned in the instructions that you linked earlier?
have you not got a spare drive @DeadMG ?
Now I can delete this old, shoddy drive.
@Code-Guru It seemed to work fine, but then I got dumped to GRUB when I tried to run it.
@thecoshman No. I've no use for it.
You probably can't run linux from windows bootloader
You need grub
@Ell Comes with Ubuntu.
@DeadMG now you do :P
@Ell wubi
@DeadMG AWS has GPU instances:
> Cluster GPU instances provide general-purpose graphics processing units (GPUs) with proportionally high CPU and increased network performance making them well suited for applications benefitting from highly parallelized processing, including HPC, rendering and media processing applications.
> For example, a 1064 instance (17024 cores) cluster of cc2.8xlarge instances was able to achieve 240.09 TeraFLOPS for the High Performance Linpack benchmark, placing the cluster at #42 in the November 2011 Top500 list.
hideously expensive, though.
lol. a bit overkill perhaps
@sehe: Do you know why it has to be _4, _3 in that order specifically? (I tried with _1, _2 and it wouldn't compile), for this file: boost.org/doc/libs/1_53_0/libs/spirit/example/qi/…
on_error<fail>(expr, error_handler_function(error_handler)("Error! Expecting ", _4, _3));
@DeadMG Do you mean the GRUB command-line?
@Code-Guru oh lord, the worst place known to man
@Borgleader Yeah. It's in the docs for on_error IIRC. I don't use it. But I recall it has fixed arguments (not related to context at all)
@thecoshman I vaguely remember tinkering with it at one time...can't even remember why i needed to do that...
@DeadMG sounds like grub did not install correctly for you
when I just installed my grub was messed up
had to whip out all the movie clichés to sort shit out
@sehe Oh so it's specific to on_error. Thanks. Because my first impression was that I could use those interchangeably
@thecoshman Yep. It can't read any of my hard drives.
@DeadMG ouch...i have never installed Ubuntu. My most recent Linux install was Debian and I did it from a CD with the ISO image burned on it.
@thecoshman oooo...This is Unix! I know how to do this!
@DeadMG AFAIK the only way to fix a fucked grub like that is to boot into a linux os do some chroot magik
err...I probably completely slaughtered that line...
What keyboard shortcut should I use for 'Compile, link and run'?
@thecoshman or format the MBR and reinstall...
@Code-Guru s/to do // (I think)
@Code-Guru I was going for non destructive methods :P
@thecoshman s/how to do// would be more grammatically correct.
@thecoshman I like sledgehammers ;-)
@Code-Guru bah, you got my meaning
If grub is mexxsed up just boot into live cd and reinstall
any more would have been a wast of bits
@thecoshman heh
@Ell As previously mentioned, no live cd.
@Borgleader Well. They have to be bound by the 'lazy actor' context. And it gets to decide whether they are interchangeable. Anyways, they're not interchangeable (see e.g. stackoverflow.com/a/8549491/85371)
@Ell and so we are back to the burning an ISO issue...
@Ell reinstall grub. that is
@Ell puppy is doing it via wubi (which is where I think most of the fuck ups lie)
all fuck-ups lie
@DeadMG Do you at least have a CD drive?
@sehe you sir, are not adventurous enough
@Code-Guru No. Why would I have such a thing?
Anyways, what does Wubi do? Does it present a 'live' environment before installing? Because, then it should be trivial to repair the system from the 'live' system /cc @DeadMg
I even reinstall Windows from in Windows.
@sehe No, it allows you to install Ubuntu into a folder on your existing NTFS hard drive (at least in theory) from in Windows.
@thecoshman You found one that told the truth?
@DeadMG Wokay. But - no live environment before you do that, then (just making sure you actually answered the question)?
never actually tried WUBI... AFAIK it is an idiot who tries it :P
@sehe no.
Wubi had it's place back when people were afraid of resizing NTFS partitions (and ParitionMagic was the only tool could do it, but $$$)
surely to god you have a free USB?
god.... NOPE
Oh wait you have no removable media do you?
Maybe you have a spare machine to network boot? :3
He has enough server racks in his room to heat the block, but no USB, Optical drive or whatnot
@Ell Yeah that's fun
I had a USB some time ago but lost it and never had a cause to replace it.
half the USB ports on my machine don't function anyway
@sehe racks? what you wasting money on racks for!? servers stack well enough on their own
@Ell I think he'd like it if you inquired once more
what about a live CD?
@thecoshman Don't ask me
@thecoshman On behalf of the Puppy: shut it fuckwits
He. Doesn't. Have. It.
@sehe hmm... perhaps a USB? (ok, I,ll stop this now)
(really want to suggest a CD one more time)
Why not eSata? USB3? Zoidberg Thunderbolt? ISCSI!
allow me
even enquired about booting from the storage on my iPhone.
or my father's tablet.
My BIOS offers to boot from my HP printer :)
I doubt that will work @DeadMG as I think you would need to format the boot device to put the ISO image on
It should even work, I guess, provided I put a properly prepared SD card in there
Was gonna say sd card
From phone or some such
@thecoshman That's not an issue with SD card "Mass Volume" emulation
I know I know removable media
@DeadMG In order to install Linux!
A frontal lobe, perhaps (removal media too)
@sehe true... though will he be bitching in half an hour that Ubuntu stole all the data from his phones.
16 mins ago, by DeadMG
@thecoshman He's not bitching too often
At least, never about his phone. I doubt he has one
looks like a VM will have to do
Get windows in the VM
p2v scripts will do nicely
@sehe no? there's so much bitching it's hard to keep track of where it comes from
@thecoshman that's what she said
ohai Polska
@BartekBanachewicz ag come on, at least let us suggest using a 3.5" floppy first before you pull out that sort of material
@thecoshman Hey, to be entirely fair, I only ever did what the ubuntu site told me to
alive and screaming
@DeadMG well you see there's your problem, you didn't come here first :P
ah, well, I also tried the Official Ubuntu Support IRC channel, and they were much more full of ideas
(not that any of them worked)
@DeadMG To be honest, I haven't seen your exact problem description. Did you post it? I have my share of linux fu :|
see, we did not give suggestions, because we didn't want to waste time on crap ideas... ooh, live CD?
Q: Attempt to install Ubuntu 12.10 from Windows but get GRUB instead

DeadMGI have a Ubuntu ISO that I have just downloaded from ubuntu.com and used the Windows Installer to install Ubuntu, but when it boots, instead of Ubuntu I get some GRUB ... something. I have looked at this question and attempted to follow the answer's advice, but all I've gotten back from attempti...

Ah. Good. Lemme read
Press tab at the grub cli
Doesn't that show commands or something?
but the only one I could get anything out of was ls.
the others either did absolutely nothing or complained that I didn't give them arguments (helpfully without mentioning what arguments those should be).
argh VM Ubuntu, why do you download language packs, I don't care about that but do care about my slooooow download speed :(
like I said, if you are where I think you are, you are basically screwed... can you still boot into windows on that machine?
@thecoshman If I had to be here on my phone, I really would be bitching.
You. An skip language packs somewhow
@sehe Yeah. Didn't find anything useful there
Wokay. Did you install to a native partition or to such a "magic" file?
Wubi creates a "magic" file.
have you tried simple restarting the install process?
@thecoshman I reinstalled several times. Wubi takes about -1nanoseconds to complete, so.
@DeadMG So to clarify, when you try to boot, do you get a command-line or a text-based menu that lets you select to boot Windows or Ubuntu ?
@DeadMG So, like, always? Mmm. Makes sense. Sadly, I have no idea on "how" it does so - so I'm basically clueless. Why don't you install it properly? -- oh wait
@DeadMG really? it takes next to no time for install the entire image?
@Code-Guru Yep. If I pick Windows that works fine. If I pick Ubuntu I get GRUB.
@thecoshman Yep.
why would it take longer? half the installation seems to take place on the other end, it's just a question of "Allocate big file, move a couple smaller files in".
@DeadMG that sounds brokenly fast to me, but I've never used wubi

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