What happened to Neil Butterworth's account? His about section says "please delete me". I have never seen him saying "please".
By the way what happened to his reputation score?
@EtiennedeMartel He quit for a reason. He didn't like the system. Yet, he had a lot of value to add. Doesn't that go for many of "us"? I could list a few names...
@MooingDuck Common sense. They (correctly) understand that a part of the safety of shared pointers is lost (the lifetime management) when you keep raw pointers. Perhaps they are juniors and their senior said: don't mix raw pointers and smart pointers. It's not that surprising
@EtiennedeMartel Well, perhaps. You could be confusing "him, now" with "him, then". Which is an inaccurate approximation :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes You need a better quotations book. The other one is just as bland... "When I was young, I was told: 'You'll see, when you're fifty.' I am fifty and I haven't seen a thing". Meh
I have a base class to handle images to be dragged on the screen. It veribols for the name, and x,y position of each image. Then it has methods to scale them and do other operations.
I would like to have 2 of these classes, but the imegs name and x,y postion would be diffrent.
I first tried t...
Before I get into the answer, some things you should know:
The Microsoft VC++ November 2012 CTP does not play nice with Variadics and Function Pointers / Function Signatures. In almost all cases, it is necessary to expand them manually by hand. It sucks majorly, but you'll have to live with it ...
@Zoidberg I once tried their fried-chicken-salad. It was a fucking scam. :| From the outside, the box size looked decent, but the bottom was actually raised by like 5cm. :|
@Xeo _b is a valid C++ expression as it is the name of a variable, provided by Phoenix. _b is not a valid Phoenix fragment, because it's unbound. It should typically be used as e.g. let(_b = 4)[ 8 + _b ].
@Xeo Compile-time, but cryptic, possibly long, and a pain to implement yourself. The question is not about using Phoenix, it's about having that feature for yourself.
On a quest to migrate some new UI into Managed/C# land, I have recently turned on Common Language Runtime Support (/clr) on a large legacy project, which uses MFC in a Shared DLL and relies on about a dozen other projects within our overall solution. This project is the core of our application, a...
@LucDanton Btw, what does the original example in the do-notation question desugarise into? I thought do-notation was just SomeMonad >>= (\x -> ...) >>= (\y -> ...) >>= ..., but how does that work if you have, say a <- stuffA, b <- stuffB?
@Xeo A lambda expression inherits the outer scope, so you get access to the variable anwhere further down. Add some parens around binds if 'further down' isn't clear.
auth username password = do
dbHandle <- ask
user <- liftIO $ getUserFromDB dbHandle username
if authenticateUser username password
then return $ Just user
else return Nothing
@R.MartinhoFernandes Eh, I can imagine do-notation cheating for that, but how does that work out for the desugarised version? I mean, the function passed to bind can return any kind of new monad, right?