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@MarkGarcia Kinda impressive. I once saw a documentary about the Antwerp Diamond Heist. That was also impressive.
They stole for about 100 million EUR.
Well, they're all rich beyond their wildest dreams, I'm sure.
@ThePhD How?
Surely this header only anyways?
The library was header-only in a very broken way: with my 1 cpp and million-header approach, I could make it header-only simply by the definition that it would indeed only be defined once, and so everything could be in the headers.
Now that I'm doing multiple cpp and million-headers, that doesn't fly, so I have to change from having a declspec( dllimport/export ) on the class itself to the individual functions.
I spent 6 hours trying to find out why something wouldn't draw until I realised I had been clearing the screen the entire time.
Get some sleep.
Well that's a lie, I got mad midway through so I played some vidya.
Then I have to do some management of the const static data, but now because class members aren't being exported, I can have std::vector<std::unique_ptr<T>> and I won't have to forward-export the template to use it from the DLL. Since I'm not forward-declaring or explicitly instantiating templates anymore, that means std::vector<> isn't trying to make a push_back for class types that don't have a copy constructor (std::unique_ptr, ubiquitous_ptr, etc.)
@Rapptz Vidya games free the mind.
it does
@Rapptz Ow. It's bad when that happens :( Luckily, we've all been there :)
Post fap remorse.
Actual name for it is post-coital tristesse
I didn't think anyone would actually name it.
static has no effect on a global free-function, right?
Aww, titties.
Titties eh
It's still giving me the same error because std::vector isn't specialized for my ubiquitous_ptr class. ;~;
@ThePhD Also: no coitus -> not post-coital. Well strictly, any fapping after losing virginity would correctly be called "post-coital"
Which I guess would explain the tristesse.
"Once, I had it all..."
The term post-coital tristesse is actually for after sex like the name implies, but people get it after masturbating too.
19 hours ago, by sehe
@ThePhD No it persists for all the lifetime of the process that loads it. But it's invisble outside the TU
Oh. So naming a function static will make it define the function a million times, once for each TU.
Guess I'd better undo all those static free functions... :3c
@ThePhD Exactly. I think it is quite a good sign that you formulated the crux yourself there
> "For as far as sensual pleasure is concerned, the mind is so caught up in it, as if at peace in a [true] good, that it is quite prevented from thinking of anything else. But after the enjoyment of sensual pleasure is past, the greatest sadness follows. If this does not completely engross, still it thoroughly confuses and dulls the mind." Spinoza
q_q I wish I could tell std::vector "hey this is a moveable-only type work like you would for std::vector<std::unique_ptr>>"
@ThePhD You don't have to. You're probably getting the error because you're invoking a function that requires copying the elements
.reserve ?
@ThePhD Are you sure it's with reserve()?
Not sure. It's not telling me what's proc'ing the use of the private copy ctor.
Things like dest = src where dest and src are std::vector<>s will of course require copying
@ThePhD You're doing something wrong.
Heeeeeeeerpity derpppiiity.
I forgot to place std::move on some things.
4 mins ago, by Andrei Tita
@ThePhD You're doing something wrong.
Well, hey, now it works perfectly. :3c
Thanks for the help @AndreiTita @Insilico!
I would give you cookies but yeah.
I don't think you'd all appreciate mailed cookies.
@ThePhD You know, I help a lot of people by being a smartass but not everyone is grateful.
Appreciate it.
I appreciate Smart Assery.
And Cynicism.
59 secs ago, by ThePhD
It's what makes Cat so amazing~
^ for posterity :)
Cut that out. ;~;
@sehe you want to know?
q_q when is the full Milan VS 2012 compiler going to come out
In that case, the find command seems ok. Oh, the art of specifying requirements :) — sehe 1 min ago
@ThePhD I think Milan is the codename for the CTP specifically.
Well, when is it going to be not-CTP.
care to explain @sehe
If we're going to wait this long for the compiler it better be the most standards-compliant, feature-packed loveliness I've ever set my eyeballs on.
@ThePhD I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will have in-class initialization. And possibly constexpr.
holly crap! Just got into work, where I have chat open over night. I got a temp ban last night! wtf?!
oh come on now, how the fuck is this ban worthy?
sigh... let's just move on
@thecoshman SMBC did it first (well, maybe)
What would you think of a person who learns many things ?
@AndreiTita not really.
@thecoshman Yeah.
@AndreiTita not really.
Still it was the first thing which popped into my head.
I meant "yeah, not really".
erm, can some Frenchie help translate this 'quand le binome fait crasher mon code' Google is not really working it out right. In particular, what is this 'binmoe'?
That'd be an interesting type trait.
@thecoshman "When the binomial crashed my code". Is it something math-related?
@AndreiTita yeah, that's the Google translation, but it doesn't make sense
@thecoshman Mhm, ok then. You'll be better off with a native speaker.
It's from this humourous site
@AndreiTita thus I asked for a Frenchie :P Perhaps @EtiennedeMartel or @Cicada could help me out? AFAIK the only French speakers... oh @Kbok too
g'day Lounge<C++>, how are we doing today?
days since shit kicked of [ 0 ]
@thecoshman Is Scons still partyin' for our build system in Kyrostat?
@ThePhD it is. you still having id 10 t problems with it?
Nah, things build okay with Scons now.
Just wondering, 'cause gllload was punching me in the mouth for a bit.
yeah, I am still having problems with something on linux. get a runtime error that one of the glload functions symbol is not the right size
which I thought was a link time issue, not run time
but hey
It doesn't help that glload has like a million errors when building, lmao.
I'm pretty sure, though, we're statically linking in glload on build, right?
what errors? I get not a single error during build, hence I can build. But yeah, it should be statically linked so I have no idea wtf is going on
Tee hee, my windows project builds funny then. :3c
all of the stuff in vendor should just build, no problems at all
I'm recompiling now just to make sure.
... Jesus christ, this is taking foreeeeveer.
@thecoshman It's the other guy in the pair made of you and the other guy
I hope it's clear enough :) I really don't know how to say it in english
@kbok Third wheel?
No, there's only two wheels
Oh, poop. glload forgot to define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS
@kbok o_0 thanks for trying, but that's even less clear now
@thecoshman Let me try again
oh... I think I know what you mean
A "Binôme" is a couple a people working together
your partner?
yeah :)
In this context "mon binôme" means "my partner in the binôme"
I think that makes sense...
It’s Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day! @SpaceX, ~100 #womenengineers are changing the future of human spaceflight http://t.co/HMwO4QJewa
^ pretty geeky girls, pick one of your choosing
@kbok huh...
I am a chick & I did Engineering (telecommunications engineering)
man, if only we had some pretty girls here
BTW I didn't do CS or computer engineering
@thecoshman Before I step on everyone's toes...
weWillUseCamelCase? (for Classes / file names? )
I acquired my programming skills through years of experience
or_will_we_use_snake_case (for classes / file names?)
AtTheMomentIAmUsingPascalCase (for classes / file names )
huh... fairly sure the wiki says this
I can assure you that no one ever uses camel case for classes names
and now I'll get back to work
Telkitty is a girl?
Telkitty is a granny
@BartekBanachewicz so she claims
you should have done your investigations
My website is on my profile
pretty sure sehe has digged around & saw my pics
Just like I claim to be French. FWIW I could be some canadian moron
@kbok fairly sure we said pascal case for class names... and either camel or snake for other stuff (we said one or the other I am sure)
I remember that website
@kbok can tell from the time you log on
time zone?
you can't change that
@Telkitty I'm an insomniac canadian moron.
The gifs you used made me think we are back in 90s;
@thecoshman camelCase for local vars, PascalCase for class names and namespaces, but windowImplementation and friends right now are camelCase as classes, so I got confused...
It's fine, I'll just rename the shit out of everything.
Where did you got
You dont have to rename as long as your code is consistent
@ThePhD yeah... following of those rules may have been a bit poor.
@thecoshman It's okay. I'll just become THE ENFORCER (TM).
Fairly sure class names are Pascal Case, but file names are lower case....
@kbok I am sure we could find out more info about you if we wanted to
@ThePhD sure, feel free to make a pull request that changes that shit. but try to do it in a few pull requests so that changes can be reviewed
Anyway @telkitty pics or didnt happen
@BartekBanachewicz ?
boobs or gtfo
wait no
@kbok I am older than you, show respect
@BartekBanachewicz It is on my website, my website is on my profile, my profile has a link on contact page called "meet the founder", I have about a hundred pics there
What kbok said
This is the internet, this kind of stuff doesn't count. I don't really believe you anyway.
Anyway, i think i should get out of bed
There are no girls on the internet except @Cicada
@telkitty maybe if the page allowed at least some navigation...
@BartekBanachewicz ... can't help you there if you don't know how to navigate through websites
Also looks shopped
@Telkitty good lord that is a terrible web site! even my the standards of the 90's that is terrible. Sure not every one is a designer, but you have eyes at least don't you?
@thecoshman Oo shooooosh
Anyone here watch Suits?
I can't navigate through your website
Please tell me someone does! :D
I own the site www.telkitty.com
You know, we have 2013, HTML 5 and so on
those are the apps I developed
Maybe you could update it a bit?
K, got to go now :p
@Telkitty : The site looks so bland.
Again, anyone here watched Suits, the finale?
Ok, ladies an gents, im getting up
Lets start a day with a headache
@BartekBanachewicz bleh, you don't even need css to make a better web site then that
@GamesBrainiac bland? it's fucking ghastly
@BartekBanachewicz I started mine with a footache
@thecoshman Hell no. Its the best show I've seen in a while. Just had the season finale! :D
one that isn't about to go away it seems
Wow someone star tony's link
I have that too. Hit my little toe on the drawer when i got up to open the window
@BartekBanachewicz ya know, you could star it too. :P
Hello everyone
question about C++ stringstreams
Hello person I don't know
I am using wireshark and I was wondering whether I could get the c++ stringstream as they are
I can get C arrays, bu they are simply hexes
WireShark is a packet sniffer
@thecoshman good morning to the pirate too :)
Convert then
@Rapptz doesn't it actually use tcpdump for that ?
Where does std::stringstream come into that?
Create a string(buffer), then feed str << string
ok, here is whole idea
But if it is binary, it won't help much
I got the documentation for how the containers are sent
@N3sh tcpdump can save raw packets in various formats. Just use it directly
@N3sh You mean, you want to pay someone to build it for you :) ?
here is what I want to do
stop speaking cryptic
I got a side in C++ which communicates through UDP multicast and uses containers sent in stringstreams
@sehe oh come on now, have you seen that site? morning :D
@Sehe you went out with one of your children?
what I need to do is to recreate those containers not in C++
in another language
@sehe WireShark uses libpcap on Unix and WinPCap on Windows.
@N3sh you are doing something wrong
which means I would love to know that Container::Packet1 (for instance) equals to 0x0FF 0xAAA
what the hell happend!!! I've gone into some sort of mobile version of chat
and I was asking whether it was possible to get a readable C++ stringstream from wireshark or if it was 'lost' on the serialization
@thecoshman click menu
@BartekBanachewicz oh thank fuck
@N3sh you know what, ask a question Stack Overflow proper and then you may actually get somewhere
@TonyTheLion yeah, I noticed. Here it is all about 'awws' and nothing much
thanks ;)
Now you know how retarded I am on chat when using iPad
@TonyTheLion No. I still sleep with my teddy bear
@sehe ahhh, that makes sense, but you always manage to walk in front of someone's camera, don't you? :)
@Rapptz AFAIR libpcap is used by tcpdump. But anyways, one can still use tcpdump even if Wireshark isn't based on it :)
@TonyTheLion Don't you hate being a celebrity yourself?
Yeah that's right, libpcap is used by tcpdump.
@sehe lol
@N3sh Depending on the situation you might just use a netcat with tee to listen in and forward a tcp connection
someone flagged something in the recycle bin
how useful
a stack of puppies
Its a vector
@BartekBanachewicz yes they are contiguous
Anyway, i feel terrible. Should I skip classess?
@BartekBanachewicz I feel terrible too, but I can't skip life.
Today there will be only openers for a new semester
dude don't start off with not showing up
I agree with tony, suck it up and head in
Okaaaay <insert meme>
<meme inserted>
hey look at us, giving grown up advice and all that ja (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ I DON'T LIKE IT
flip a table -> ???? -> profit
@TonyTheLion that really is great
@TonyTheLion I don't know
Amazon: EUR 19,99 EUR 19,98
@Xeo buy buy buy!!!
I'm starting to realize that respect for someone's abilities is not transitive
@jalf is not what now?
@jalf from where does that realization come?
@thecoshman transitive. As in, If A > B && b > C then A > C
I have a lot of respect for sbi, and sbi has said that he respects James Kanze, but every time I come across the latter's comments, I feel like facepalming. He seems like a moron to me. :)
oh, well that's fairly obvious isn't it. Respect is a subjective matter.
I am not skilled enough to judge his abilities
@jalf thanks for supporting me in the discussion
@jalf can you give an example of such comment
@TonyTheLion let's just say he sucks :P
isn't he supposed to be on the Standard's committee?
I suck, I am a sucker for networking invitation emails
@TonyTheLion I think he refers to the discussion here stackoverflow.com/questions/15020171/…
@bamboon that's what prompted it here and now, yes, but I wouldn't have said anything if it wasn't because I've gotten the same impression of him countless times before
@TonyTheLion I don't know, is he?
@bamboon heh, it seems @jalf has a point, I mean, there's obvious evidence that Intel's x86 provides atomic reads/writes for int and he just blatantly refuses to believe it
@jalf I thought he was, someone once said that or I read it somewhere
@jalf yes, that may have been the source
> Dietmar Kuehl [The one man who completely understands all of iostreams]
does he really though?
@thecoshman per the ape he does
haha, oh wow, just found this gem. That is great. :D
@sehe the session is UDP
while googling for Kanze's standard committee status
@jalf oh lol
Nice :D
@jalf It is great?
Good morning.
Oh wait, I just joined. Now it's a bad morning for you guys.
> You will hear Klingon all of the time and, using the recording games, you can start speaking straight away, then compare your voice to a native speaker.
Amazing, they found a native speaker.
Also, mornin'
the world can be so fake ... you can get a device to speak like a native speaker of another language and a silicon mask that makes you look like someone else
> The Klingon Dictionary was published in 1985, so that’s plenty of time for someone to learn Klingon, have a kid, and then teach him Klingon from birth. A native speaker could be over 20 years old already. After all, there are native Esperanto speakers out there... Why not Klingon?
@N3sh bummer
@jalf Oh well:
> And this deafeat is obviously praying on his mind
At least it was a religious debate !
@BartekBanachewicz and I'm the faggot?
well fuck you too
Good morning!
how are you today?
@Xeo, not always all this bits are used in structs/classes. Seems not obvious why it's right for built-in integers — RiaD 3 mins ago
By the way, I am sitting on a PC with win XP right now. Damn, I didn't know that all that cleartype stuff is changing so much.
> in a "public" forum such as this ad hominems are common mainly because more or less everyone is doing it. whoa
@sehe are they now publicly insulting when talking about C++?
I forgot what first was
And oh, actually the lab introduction was rather nice. The subject is called "Parallel processing", and of course first task is to write your own list in C++
Question: Do unordered_map's local_iterators get invalidated if you insert something?
@Xeo I think it depends if it is inserted in that local_iterators bucket
> If you mean the post where I referred to Francis as a 'wanking idiot' then that wasn't the first time I posted here.
Also, I think I have an iterator invalidation problem in my code, aka UB. But MSVC's debug iterators haven't thrown anything in my face yet. :(
@Xeo do you mean he bucket iterators?
@bamboon that is the one's he means
interesting question. maybe post it.
@TonyTheLion A bucket is part of a linked list, IIRC.
@Xeo Just like the others.
@Xeo That will stop existing upon rehashing.
@Xeo yeah, but that seems very ID
15 The insert and emplace members shall not affect the validity of iterators if (N+n) < z * B, where N is the
number of elements in the container prior to the insert operation, n is the number of elements inserted, B is
the container’s bucket count, and z is the container’s maximum load factor.
what about this, from the Standard?
good lord, Witchfinder General really are similar in sound to Black Sabbath
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hmm.. Y'know, I wonder why iterators are invalidated at all. I mean, it's a friggin linked list. I think I don't understand how the hashing works.
Also, references to the elements are never touched. How?! If the list-iterators are invalidated, how can the actual values not be. :|
There's also this:
The insert and emplace members shall not affect the validity of references to container elements, but may invalidate all iterators to the container. The erase members shall invalidate only iterators and references to the erased elements.
blargh, instead of 5 hours sleep I barely got two; apparently my neighbour decided today was a good day to cut down a tree with a chainsaw early in the morning ._.
@Xeo I grabs all elements and inserts them into a larger hash table. Elements that were in the same bucket won't all necessarily end up in the same bucket again. IOW, the existing buckets are gone, so it doesn't even make sense to expect iterators to them to still be valid.
@Xeo If you want an easy example, consider a degenerate table with just one bucket. Rehash it to two buckets.
@melak47 today is always a good day to use a chainsaw
it's as good as any other day
Well, I know for a fact that the iterators aren't actually invalidated, since MSVC didn't punch me in the face. Seems it's only a conceptual thing.
@Xeo I guess those standard quotes are not helpful then?
@Xeo Rehashing can reuse the existing nodes and just rewire different linked lists. But the iterators are meaningless afterwards because the bucket you were iterating is gone.
@thecoshman sure...if you're klingon :p
@melak47 bah! if you can't solve a problem with a chainsaw, it's not a real problem
@R.MartinhoFernandes "Meaningless" in a conceptual sense, right? I mean, how could you invalidate a list iterator without also invalidating references to the actual element?
Maybe I'm just not fully awake yet.
@TonyTheLion welcome to the room Shirlock
@Xeo Right. It still works, but you'll have a hard time thinking up a scenario where that is useful.
@thecoshman I try to be helpful for once, and they just ignore me
@TonyTheLion poor Lion
@TonyTheLion turn and scent
@TonyTheLion Not really, since I understand that iterators should be invalidated. I'm just thinking out loud if the iterators could ever actually be invalidated, as in, MSVC's debug iterators punching you in the face.
@R.MartinhoFernandes k.
@thecoshman turn and scent ?
@Xeo ah right
first = m.begin(0);
last = m.end(0);
// no guarantees [first, last) is a valid range
@R.MartinhoFernandes Btw, I have a scenario. :3
@Xeo Doubt it.
See example code above.

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