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@Zoidberg Gah, XML.
You can install MediaWiki locally and import.
@Zoidberg and yes, the guy who handed me the code did say it is not very well written
I just need it to use the site at my poor internetless home. :<
How is that restaurant legal!?
sorry, but i have a question too: i just read that vector elements are "guaranteed to be stored in contiguous storage locations in the same order as represented by the vector". does that mean the memory addresses are sequential? how can that be if a vector is scalable?
@Zoidberg Fred's on there.
wasn't sure if it was worth a full posted question or not
There's his face.
@EtiennedeMartel lol.
His face looks like the Haskell logo.
(Because our gravatars are all pictures of us)
@EindacorDS Reallocation.
@Xeo you can live at your workplace, if there are internets
@Abyx :s
@EtiennedeMartel I feel sorry for @NeelBasu.
@Xeo so if something is stored in the next address and the vector gets bigger, it reallocates memory for whatever was displaced?
He has a weird back.
@EindacorDS Wut, no. Do you know how dynamic arrays work?
Also heed this:
@EindacorDS Allocates a bigger buffer somewhere, move the data, frees the previous buffer.
@Zoidberg ha ha. I'll first go for lua then heskel
@sehe xD
> 8. Stupidity is contagious.
@Xeo i guess not the specific process, no
Give me summer.
@EtiennedeMartel ah, so it moves the whole vector?
@EindacorDS You allocate a chunk of memory, stuff it full, and when you need more space, you allocate a new chunk, copy everything over, and destroys the old chunk
@sehe Obvious joke is obvious, but that does explain Congress
@sehe stop editing that stupid message.
Plinks are annoying.
@Zoidberg Disable them. Noob.
Not getting plinked is annoying.
@Xeo awesome, thanks
@Zoidberg Sorry, ninja editing sometimes confuses chat. I edited before, but it never showed up. Went to edit again, surprisingly, showed the last version with intended edit, so I just dismissed with enter. This time... showed up. \o/ arms up in despair
@EindacorDS Yes.
@EtiennedeMartel appreciate the help
And that's why reallocations can be expensive, so you should always reserve the amount of memory you'll need if you know it.
Use of PuTTY, PSCP, PSFTP and Plink is illegal in countries where encryption is outlawed. You can outlaw encryption?
its a WMD
anyway tea
@Ell Later.
@EtiennedeMartel ok, so if it's possible to project the maximum size that a vector might be, i should reserve all of it
@EindacorDS Yes, that way you only do one allocation.
@kush Countries can outlaw anything, they are the ones making the laws
@EtiennedeMartel awesome, will do. thanks again
@Collin I didn't think of that. It just seemed odd.
would be tough to get away with in most western countries, but yeah
@EindacorDS I'd class that more as an "if it's really easy" than "if it's possible". std::vector is fairly "smart" about reallocating, so reallocations are rarely a real problem. As such, if the size you'll need is obvious or easy to get, go ahead and use it -- but unless a profiler has said it's necessary, don't put a lot of extra effort into it.
@Collin doesn't the US have laws against exporting encryption...stuff?
@melak47 There are still some laws in place, but most of those are defunct now.
Yeah, and it was never illegal for US Citizens to use it, First Amendment rights and all that
The export of cryptography in the United States is the transfer from the United States to another country of devices and technology related to cryptography. Since World War II, many governments, including the U.S. and its NATO allies, have regulated the export of cryptography for national security considerations, and, as late as 1992, cryptography was on the U.S. Munitions List as an Auxiliary Military Technology. In light of the enormous impact of cryptanalysis in World War II, it was abundantly clear to these governments that denying current and potential enemies access to cryptographi...
@Collin but most people in the world aren't US citizens :)
@melak47 True, but you were asking about US export laws
I'm not sure what you mean by absolulte_path/relative_path. I do want to "capture" (i.e. "emit"?) the / and then keep parsing as if I never saw it. Is that what your example does? I was under the impression it didn't, but I haven't tested it. — 3noch 8 mins ago
^ Proof that Spirit users seem to simply prefer complicated approaches?
The US did not (and could not) make cryptography illegal, only the transfer of the tech from the US to outside it
(Also, proof that many people have very fuzzy ideas about parsing, judging from the lingo-jumle)
Spirit is like regexps, @sehe.
@Collin Oh, I thought they made intelligence illegal?
I have a problem. Oh, I'll use Spirit. ???. Now I have two problems.
@BartekBanachewicz boost.spirit is like boost.expressive
@BartekBanachewicz Ah. At that level. Yeah. Spirit is like C++. Regexen are like a job. Life is like a box of ... oh wait
@sehe That we've done on our own, no legislative action required (wait, what do you mean?)
Well, I'm joking of course, I was never able to comprehend the thingy neither was it really needed in my area of interests
@JerryCoffin fair enough. i won't bend over backwards to project the memory allocation, but i'll try to do it when i can as good practice
anyone want to try out my flickr downloader? it seems mostly stable now...
@melak47 yeah, next time I'm going to download something from Flickr I'll certainly use it
@melak47 what is flickr?
@Abyx some photo sharing website
I know only imgur.com/r/gonewild
@BartekBanachewicz you want the VS project or the binaries? :p
@melak47 that totally flew over your head, didn't it?
@melak47 opensource it
@BartekBanachewicz yep.
@melak47 I can't honestly recall the last time I've ever visited flickr
@ScottW ehh no thanks D:
@ScottW I need the actual skin cells shed by @melak47 into his keyboard to accurately reproduce his results
you guys are creepy.
@ScottW We must consider all variables
I saved a website with chromium as .html, and it created a bla_files folder with images and js and crap...and whenever I move either the .html file or the folder to another folder, both the file and the folder move there. wtf?
when I try to rename the file, windows tells me that if I do this, the file will no longer blong to the folder bla_files . folders can own files? :o
...I wonder what happens if I move the file inside the folder...
"The destination folder is a subfolder of the source folder"
wait, it did it anyway
wtf windows
so they're not inseparable after all
@melak47 Yeah, it's based solely on the naming and where they sit in the file system
shell black magic
pfft what is it about algorithms and data structures that makes people think you should know it all by rote
@LightnessRacesinOrbit You should probably have a good idea of which one to look up for a given situation
Because SO refuses to answer my question, does anybody here know? stackoverflow.com/questions/14846070/…
Wikipedia probably has a comparison table somewhere
@Mikhail you spelt "neighbour" wrong
@LightnessRacesinOrbit This is america
@Mikhail No it's not
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Interestingly if I set my dictionary to Canadian, it says I spelled it wrong
@Mikhail Who gives a fuck about Canadian?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Canada might be a kind of America?
@Mikhail Some kind of proprietary thing over a shared bus.. but it looks like the details depend on your architecture
@Mikhail If so that might explain why nobody gives a fuck about it
hello =)
freedesktop gurus you are welcome http://stackoverflow.com/q/14859893/1625014
@rostamn739 Why ask that in a C++ room?
@rostamn739 No drive by linking
so I can't boost my questions here?
sry didn't know won't do that again
@rostamn739 not generally
Feb 6 at 8:31, by thecoshman
New here? Do us a favour, and read this.
@rostamn739 It's not even a question
@rostamn739 I agree that right now, it's not really a question. I do see the germ of a question hidden there, but to the extent that there is one, it strikes me as more a UX question than a programming question. With some work on rewriting you probably have a good question, but one that belongs on UX rather than SO.
@JerryCoffin Thank you, Jerry, I didn't even know that ux.se does exist =)
@rostamn739 Trying to advertise something on a community before you're even part of that community is generally frowned upon, whatever the community is.
@rostamn739 Common courtesy dictates that you find out before doing it.
@rostamn739 no you’ll be downvoted and banned.
@Zoidberg He's already done it.
And no, he won't get banned.
And he'll only be downvoted by bitter assholes.
Whats the boost header that contains a string representing which compiler I am using ?
We’re way too nice to the noobs.
You like that word very much don't you
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'm not sanctimonious, I'm an asshole. There's a difference.
@CatPlusPlus Pretty much this.
@EtiennedeMartel not really :D
@NeelBasu Since you read the documentation for Boost before asking, you already know, don't you?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit No I saw that file few days ago
I jus t can't recall its name
@NeelBasu So look it up in the documentation.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit not getting
@NeelBasu You don't understand "look it up in the documentation"?
Oh dear
@LightnessRacesinOrbit not getting
what day is today?
@rostamn739 Monday
it is in the air
for you tea lovers cc @CatPlusPlus
how the fuck do you clean that
doesn't look very hygenic
I thought you weren't supposed to squeeze out the tea bag
@TonyTheLion that's nice until you pull too hard and rip the cord out of the bag
@LightnessRacesinOrbit it's called a dishwasher :)
@Collin you're not
@TonyTheLion guh u
and good luck even getting a dishwasher to reach that
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's hard for a dishwasher to reach stuff that has been thrown in the bin
@CaptainGiraffe oh, so the mug is disposable?
Isn't SCE a well known acronym for short circuit evaluation? Google denies me this.
( a && b ) : a is false, b will never be evaluated?
(a || b ) : a is true b will never be evaluated
never heard of it?
@CaptainGiraffe I wouldn't say it's well known.
But it is very well known among us c++ers right?
@CaptainGiraffe No. I've never seen that acronym.
@CaptainGiraffe Have heard of short-circuit evaluation. Haven't seen anybody abbreviate it as SCE.
note to self never do acronyms yolo
that's when you take the hot wire and the neutral wire and jam them together to evaluate how long it takes to boil the copper in the wire
@CaptainGiraffe You should change your name to Captain Swag McYolo
@DeadMG Never seen that thanks. Madame Bovary was my yolo reference as a young man.
@Borgleader Good idea. I'm currently considering SwagGiraffe CaptainMcYOLO.
You may also want to conside Galatic President McAwesomeville
Guys, can I ask for advice ?
@Borgleader Taken, but I like that style =)
I heard some teenager say yolo in Berlin in the underground, I wanted to slap that kid. Damn
I hate that whole YOLO bullshit
@NikolaNinkovic No.
@TonyTheLion I have nephews in the US in the early teen range, they laugh at YOLO, they are still unsure about swag though.
@TonyTheLion slap him; yolo.
@NikolaNinkovic Don't date crazy.
@NikolaNinkovic Only date chicks who are under the line on the hot/crazy scale
Thing is, these expressions come from feelings not being understood. It's not like YOLO and SWAG are new concepts
@Borgleader Mendoza scale?
Don't stick your dick in crazy
@CaptainGiraffe I mean, the acronym. Of course I know what short-circuit evaluation is, derp.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'm still surprised I have not found one answer in favour of the acronym.
@CaptainGiraffe I'm surprised that you're still surprised. The evidence is clear by now that you're the only person in the world who calls it "SCE".
YOLO is another way of saying: I'll die someday anyway, so I have to take no responsibility for anything I do or any of it's consequences.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'm not the one to create random acronyms (I hope quite the contrary). My surprise is both wikipedia, no SCE, and google, not hits. I'm just plain wrong.
@CaptainGiraffe That you're that surprised to be plain wrong makes me a little worried for you. It is possible for you to be wrong, y'know.
@TonyTheLion its
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Well QED, but hey I just admitted in a fairly public place that I am wrong. Why the worry?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit meh, after the edit time expired. :(
connection failed
@EtiennedeMartel haha nice
@EtiennedeMartel Neat, I only understood the starting instructions though; non of the commentary.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit tits
@DeadMG It's all about them.
I have no idea what the fuck I am doing.
what are you failing at now? :P
@Zoidberg That's how I go through life
@CatPlusPlus Who isn't.
@DeadMG reading about join-semilattices.
I need to eat chocolate but I have no chocolate.

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