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Most of wheels is either straightforward enough that docs are boring (the type traits are one example), or still going to be profoundly changed, or unfinished.
I think this one has the best docs bitbucket.org/martinhofernandes/wheels/src/…
why is Clock a template
So you can pick a different clock if you want?
There's using stopwatch = basic_stopwatch<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock>; if you don't want to bother.
But the high-res clock in some implementations isn't. So I decided to make it flexible.
It also makes testing feasible :P
.c++ too?
Yeah, he's weird like that.
did I ever mention how bad the cppreference search sucks
Yeah, it does.
What are you talking about?
I too am confused.
Did you mean to link to a comment?
I thought SO included links when I do that
Q: Error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall user::user(void)" (??0user@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function "..."

tarantinoI am trying to code a college assignment and seem to having problems compiling, i have done a Google search on the error and the fixes I've seen don't work with my code. I would appreciate your help. Below is the error code : Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall...

Just paste the url to the comment
You borked something.
Ah, clipboard fail, because you have to refresh the page after posting a comment before the link to it works
i.e. the AJAX comment submission mechanism doesn't yield the same GUI element as is generated serverside
Two upvotes for "fix my code plz" — Non-Stop Time Travel 1 min ago
@R.MartinhoFernandes Post a comment. Then, click on the date/time part of your new comment. Note how it is not a link with an URL. Click on your address bar to ctrl+c, without noticing that actually the address bar has nothing particularly useful in it. ctrl+v here and wait for the trullz
@R.MartinhoFernandes Then do F5 on the question page, click on the date/time part of your new comment again. Note that it is now a full link.
it keeps getting rejected as a bug on meta
too much effort
Never noticed this. — R. Martinho Fernandes 6 secs ago
Worked fine...
Works for me
What browser are you using?
I am using FF 18.
Hmm works for me on meta
okay I figured it out.
Firefox 18; the link is okay, but clicking on it doesn't update the address bar if I've tinkered with it already in any way since page load
@Non-StopTimeTravel tinkered with the address bar? makes sense.
Not noticing this, and ctrl+c/ctrl+v'ing quickly without paying too much attention in the intermediate steps, caused the problem.
If you want to copy a link, copy a link
@Non-StopTimeTravel Anyway, I really want to finish those docs some time, but right now I have that damn real life taking priority for using my "free time" (I am learning German because I am living in Germany), so I cannot dedicate much time to hobby projects :(
@MooingDuck Yeah, as in, wrote something in it. A partial URL that you gave up on, a note to self, whatever.
if I put something in the address bar, then I dont want the page to mess with that.
@MooingDuck Agreed. It's desired behaviour.
oh, I'm still in the Java room!
well the time's wrong, because only GMT matters
and the date's wrong, because the US date format is retarded
otherwise, good job!
@Rapptz why do you have a pointer member?
yeah, have a local std::tm.
I don't know if tm can be anything other than a pointer
never tried
@Rapptz also %%
what about %%?
I don't know if I've ever before seen anyone other than me write not struct tm in C++ code. THANK YOU
@Rapptz Are you kidding?!
@Non-StopTimeTravel No, I don't care about literal %
@Rapptz what if they want % to appear in the output? Usually they'd put %% in teh format.
@Rapptz localtime and shit return a pointer to internal stuff that is shared
@Rapptz Not that
You are supposed to copy that thing immediately and discard the returned value.
;_; did I not mention it was useless
I am quite likely never going to use this ever again
Something like std::tm thingy = *std::localtime(...);
@Rapptz you should fix it and save it. it's nice.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Even for mktime? Are you sure?
@Rapptz I'd also suggest an ostream& parameter
@Non-StopTimeTravel For localtime, gmtime and ctime.
(He uses localtime)
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh so he does in the ctor missed that
I fixed your %% thing
> yeah, have a local std::tm.
@Rapptz ah, wait. milliseconds is wrong.
don't tell me that :(
I spent like, 95% of my time on that specific part
it was driving me nuts
They probably want milliseconds since the previous second, not milliseconds between the time stored and now
Just % 1000 that. The epoch is aligned to a year.
wait, you're storing a tm, which has no notion of miliseconds. ergo the milliseconds is always zero.
yeah tm doesn't have milliseconds
that's why I made it up
Oh wait.
That is buggy.
What if it takes me 10 hours to call format?
@Rapptz so just displays a random number?
Oh shit.
You should not grab the times separately (ideally, you should grab it only once).
@MooingDuck Uh.. What I did was take the current time, and then take epoch time, then subtract. It isn't really random, it's just useless.
I will also express my dislike for default constructing to the current time :( Reminds me of Java's Calendar API.
I don't know why this is even in a class
I was thinking something more complex until I learned about tm
(this is the first time I've used it)
but never mind that I am still waiting for movie ideas
Also, I have seven minutes to fulfill my self-promise of getting word breaks working.
Ever since Griwes posted that picture my computer is wigging out, freezing, closing random windows... :(
I have 7½ hours left of off-peak bandwidth!
@Non-StopTimeTravel I heard Django Unchained is good.
@R.MartinhoFernandes not my cup of tea
How could we guess?
You don't need to now
Hey, why is RMF italicised?
@Rapptz also note that if one creates a Date, and then waits several seconds, and then calls format, the milliseconds will print a number > 1000. It will print the number of milliseconds since the Date was created.
@Non-StopTimeTravel I am a room owner.
So yeah, you better behave or I'll kick you out.
(Pro-tip: room owners can't kick people out)
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'd considered that, but discounted it. There's no way he could make that kind of mistake, right?
(Pro-tip: I can't behave)
@MooingDuck Well, he did. The code is racy.
@Non-StopTimeTravel Yeah, we got a bunch of owners 'round these parts.
Ok, now all that is left is the famn iterator.
Woot, 10820 milliseconds.
hmm, 25 files have been changed in source control since my last get. And my pull just updated 437 files. That can't be good....
oh, in a tree I forgot about one of the guys cleared out all the old docs. Ok.
that's probably why my computer wigged out a bit back then.
I left to go eat and you guys are still commenting on my code :(
I need to get a grip
Anyone know how to get a grip on life while avoiding massive failure?
going with Source Code
@Ell drugs
@Non-StopTimeTravel good ratings
What kind of drugs?
Im doing something like 5 pieces of homework Now instead of weeks ago because I have no will power :o
Q: Does intel c++ compiler have its own STL?

user1899020Install intel c++ compiler on windows, use it with visual studio. Does intel c++ compiler has its own STL and use it? Thanks.

^^ wut?
Arrgh, my plan was foiled.
Does he mean, own implementation?
@Mysticial I'd assume
my new headphones are really comfortable, I'm glad I got them to work
I got to say, @Non-StopTimeTravel is by far much more abrasive than @DeadMG.
It's okay, you're the right amount of abrasive.
I gotta frame that
I like how we're now meeting up on old questions :)
@Non-StopTimeTravel oh yeah, a question was closed as a dupe of that one and I was just researching it
@EtiennedeMartel It's true that I choose not to sugar-coat things. Straight up is what you get from me. I'm not universally nasty. I'm quite fair! People these days tend to feel entitled: entitled to help, and entitled to my sending smiley face emoticons even when they're knowingly wasting my time by failing to read the documentation or to search the web.
However I'm also generally a nice person so, put in the proper amount of effort and you'll get nothing but love from me :)
@MooingDuck And I posted a real answer (since one was lacking)
@Non-StopTimeTravel that's why I was researching it, good job!
I have to admit I did only cursory research
I had just given up on finding that information
But since I cited sources very carefully to compensate I think that's okay
@Non-StopTimeTravel Ever thought about not giving a shit?
@EtiennedeMartel I did try it for a while
@EtiennedeMartel Doesn't come naturally :)
Oh, right, I remember that.
I think it's nitpicking at that point, but I would be lying if I said I don't nitpick often.
I'm hungry, so I'm going home.
I'm hungry, so I'm staying pretty much exactly right where I am
When I say STL I always say "STL containers", which I rarely do in the first place
it's still wierd to me that I have a wife.
Does she know?
@R.MartinhoFernandes she says she finds it weird to remember that we're married as well.
it still feels like dating
we keep referring to each other as boyfriend/girlfriend on accident
wasup fellow SO citizens
Finally, it compiles!
Now I need to finish it :(
@R.MartinhoFernandes tomorrow
It's just a couple lines!
@R.MartinhoFernandes "I only have one error left!"
It never is. Who am I lying to.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yourself and us and the general public
@R.MartinhoFernandes: u reminded me of me like 15 years ago :-D
@VladLazarenko Are you 40?
@R.MartinhoFernandes 20?
I vote 35.
no, but like 15 years ago i remember thinking that it is impossible to write more than 30 lines of code that compiles on the first try :)
Imma just solve the general case and leave the corner cases for tomorrow.
Hey, listen. Read the rules or we'll hate you.
Fammit, I'm fooling myself again.
New pin message, same amount of hate.
@CatPlusPlus: Cat, r u saying that i might just need to start following rules? I mean, cmon, relax it for a little while, it is Maarten Luther King Jr. day!
@VladLazarenko We're refreshing the pin
(But yes)
If I make a proposal for room MOTDs, do you think it will be implemented?
Ahaha, who am I kidding
A welcome message
It's an acronym for "message of the day"
Is that different from pins or room topic?
Who is Maarten Luther King Jr. ?
Pins expire
@CatPlusPlus I like that idea actually. Or a popup when you join a room for the first time
Also nobody looks that way
Hey, hold on for a second. The topic is saying that Cat got a sexy voice. Does this chat support voice?
@CatPlusPlus What's the one at the top about Cat's voice?
@VladLazarenko no
@Non-StopTimeTravel Room topic.
@Non-StopTimeTravel also ignored
@MooingDuck Well, not a popup, there's plenty of room in the messages area
Too bad. So how come you know how the Cat sound like?
@VladLazarenko mumble (teamspeak/ventrillo knockoff)
Argh, famn precendence of &.
It should cover messages area actually
Until dismissed
The good rule is "show it once every time it changes"
@CatPlusPlus That's good. Propose that.
Maybe put it on 24h cooldown or something, because it's not expected to change too often
oh! Cat is actually from Poland!
I have insufficient gold badges to properly represent my greatness.
I'm getting a headache but I don't know why :(
@Non-StopTimeTravel You sound just like the puppy.
I have 59 points. I must be a genius.
@MooingDuck Probably an excuse to avoid sex.
Oh, wait, you are not the wife.
@Non-StopTimeTravel seven is a good number
@CatPlusPlus: I dunno. My car has a big warning about driving safely that I have to "OK" before I can use the Nav or audio screens. Do you think I read it?
@MooingDuck I've been on seven for months, though
Well, there's more chance of that then when it'd be on the side somewhere
@Non-StopTimeTravel you've also been mostly inactive for a lot of that time
@CatPlusPlus I actually think you'd be surprised
Me can't English
Compiles and all tests pass!
People are less likely to read when they're in a hurry to get rid of the thing that's to be read
(I have written no tests for this functionality yet.)
@Non-StopTimeTravel: Hey, it sounds like some Garmin GPS. This was one of the most annoying features they had.
What I really want is /ban but oh well
@MooingDuck I've been inactive for precisely zero of the time that I was including in my moan
@CatPlusPlus: Do not be so unfriendly. Ban is OK when people spam etc. That doesn't happen here often, does it? And remember, too much regulations is no good. I vote for libertarian.
@Non-StopTimeTravel oh
If people weren't bad, we wouldn't have to have those rules
@Non-StopTimeTravel I think he's proposing it goes in the actual chat message. Preferabbly with a unique background/border or something.
@CatPlusPlus: What city are you in in Poland? I've been to Warsaw last year, its nice!
in which case it isn't in the way and doesn't go away when you click something
As a matter of fact, I can even understand Polish language!
I don't think it has translation
Other than German anyway
@VladLazarenko ok. Garmin GPSs don't look like this though
My sentences are terrible
I prefer the subaru impreza. All wheel drive and 35 mpg
@CatPlusPlus: It probably doesn't... Western part of Poland. Still close to Ukraine though, where I used to live
@Non-StopTimeTravel: Is that your car?
@VladLazarenko Almost
This is my car. Ironically the best photo of the model I can find on the web is my own
@Crowz 2WD/4WD/4WDL, semi-automatic, petrol, ~30mpg :)
Never drove that one.... Never had an SUV in my life. But I have a feeling that soon I'm going to need one
Ok, this is buggy as heck. I will stop lying to myself and leave debugging for tomorrow. Good night.
and just generally fit. and VERY comfortable
@Non-StopTimeTravel "petrol"? Murickan here
@Crowz: y'what
@Crowz _petrol_eum.
I hate markdown
Chatdown is special
@Crowz no it's in a liquid form
@VladLazarenko 7/10 would drive
@Non-StopTimeTravel NOT IN MURICKUH
I'd quite like a DB9
well, DB9 is nice, but not practical
Q: Down-voting mechanism is broken

KavehI get annoyed by the fact that when I cast a down-vote on a post that I think is bad someone comes and up-votes the post just to make the total zero again. Where as if I didn't down-vote the post would remain with zero votes. Now the effect is that if someone thinks that a post really has a prob...

I like my Honda :)
@Crowz and now I realise what "Murickan" means ;p
Waah waah voting is broken
@CatPlusPlus I get annoyed
3.5 liters, 271 HP, blah blah, and you don't care if you get a ding
@CatPlusPlus I was just reading that old meta post about pity upvotes
This post is so dumb I don't even know how to respond
"A good voting mechanism should be transparent and encourage users to cast votes honestly based on their own evaluation of the question independent of other user's opinion and votes."
That's not dumb
He's completely right
Well I didn't read his whole question so if he has a suggestion then I can't vouch for my support of that --- but he's certainly not wrong about the problem
@CatPlusPlus By definition, my upvote is 5x more powerful than your downvote. :)
2.5x for questions
Oh, it's waah waah about rep
I don't even think in terms of rep
I thought we didn't care about rep
@Mysticial: that's actually a good idea. An upvote from those with more rep. should give more points!
He's referring to the +10/-2
@VladLazarenko Bad idea actually. Rep doesn't correlate too well with expertise.
Kill rep
@Rapptz I think Luchian is the only one here to cares much for rep.
Please, for the love of Knuth, 'code' is a mass noun. You don't write 'codes' and you don't need 'a code'. It's just code, okay?
@Mysticial: That's true. That's why you don't get hired just because you have a lot of rep on SO :-D
plz send teh codez
Why am I even on meta
@VladLazarenko Yeah, you'll actually get fired for having too much rep haha.
@ThePhD You still had that coming ^. So, luckily
5 hours ago, by sehe
@TimPost Wait. A. Bleeding. Second. Did you just delete your Twitter account?
I write this code and it no work. please help me
^ That appears to have been a twitter fail
Damn, I screwed up. I write this codes
What the fuck are you posting
Mother of God!
fap fap fap fap fap
@CatPlusPlus It makes perfect sense. Just follow some links or - ignore it :)
What links
Do you even see that
To date, nobody has came to me with a job offer because of my rep.
What the fuck is that
@Mysticial Really? I got like 3
@CatPlusPlus Nope. Not if it's crowz
Is that image appropriate?
@Non-StopTimeTravel: Yes
Not mind safe
@CatPlusPlus Interesting.
but appropriate
Not mind safe - also rather NSFW
@Mysticial Actually I had a request for interview from a well-known large software-related company due to my rep.
Got through three stages before they realised that being awesome on SO wasn't going to cut it for them :(
I got my first request after I answered a really technical SSE question.
Eh, good for you guys. And I almost have no rep :)
Then a got a few more after the Loop and Denormal Float questions.
I hate software dev interviews with a passion
The Branch Predictor question gave me a countless number of them - and they're still coming - about one or two a month.
not a lot of interesting questions to answer anyway, and most of them are related to popular stuff like web development and things like that.
They always set fucking dumb tasks about sorting algorithms that nobody ever needs to solve in ten minutes off the top of their head
But not a single of those requests said anything about my SO rep.
They were always about my posts.
I'm sure it's deliberately ironic that I'm pushing to introduce this interview technique at our place
@Mysticial If your posts were good, they gave you high rep
@Mysticial Okay so I can't prove that.
@Mysticial For the purposes of this conversation, perhaps let's consider "reputation" as in the broader sense of the term
@Non-StopTimeTravel Well, the emails always began with some form of "We are impressed by your answer(s) to XXX..."
@R.MartinhoFernandes only an hour late. Congrats
The offer I got from Apple was from the branch predictor question. He even admitted it during the walk-in interview.
(btw, I got the job at Apple. Now I'm just waiting for a few other companies to respond before I decide where to go)
@Mysticial: for what dept, ASIC development for their ARM based cpu?
@VladLazarenko Probably more complicated than that. They haven't given me a formal letter yet, but I got a call from them today to setup another meeting to select the exact position to take.
oh that's great! Congratulations!!!
@Mysticial Oh they just told me they saw me kick fucking ass on SO in general :)
they were twats anyway
@Non-StopTimeTravel I get emails like that every once in a while.
I even even got a message from a MAL user when one my of my answers hit Hacker News.
It was kinda like... uh... wtf?!?!
Q: How come I cant use IO Exception in an actionlistner?

Chaz32621 ` b4.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { final public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { Appontments.toArray(); TypeofAppotment.toArray(); try{ FileWriter fw = new FileWriter ("Appontments.txt"); Writer output = n...

Someone got question-banned on SO :v
@CatPlusPlus "appotment, appontment, whatever. Typing is teh hardz"
here is a look that high-rep users give when they see noob's questions
That's the look that the puppy gives when he sees a noob's question.
All questions on SO are bad
A: Down-voting mechanism is broken

YannisThe root cause of the issue is that the voting system is horribly skewed in favour of upvotes. A much simpler solution would be for upvotes on answers to cost reputation. Let's put our money where our mouth is...

i have only a few bottles of beer left
@Mysticial MAL?
i hope to run out at around 10 PM, so that I can go to sleep
I was hoping you weren't going to say that
Because it came up at the top of my search results and I thought "nah, no way..."
I'm serious.
myanimelist.net? what that is all about?
i don't get it
Some guy PM'ed me on MAL after seeing my answer on Hacker News.
I was like, "Am I really getting that popular?"
so? it is a common knowledge that tons of anime fans run day jobs as UNIX system administrators and similar
At least nobody has tried to stalk me on Facebook yet.
@Mysticial What a great idea!
well FB is not for that :-D
MAL is by far a better place
30 degrees outside :-((( where is that damn summer???
10F here
sweet jesus, where r u
I'm hungry, but I'm sooo not going outside.
Although I think I'll eventually half to before I starve.
@Mysticial Let's not risk mistaking fame for popularity.
@VladLazarenko Urbana Illinois
@Mysticial That's cold!
@Non-StopTimeTravel Good point
thats freezing.
Actually it's not
It's more than 12 degrees centigrade below freezing
Though I imagine you could still freeze at it
I remember in Kiev it was like -22F (-30C), boy that was cold
and I had to walk like 10 minutes from a bus to the office where i used to monkey code
I never ran faster in my life.

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