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Fuck it. I'm gonna brave the cold to go get a Chipole burrito.
I hope I don't stir up my cold/flu anymore than it already is.
Yes that's how it works
Q: Multiple files combined in one static library

William McCartySo I was wondering whether it's possible to have a static library with multiple files in it? Right now I can use a static library attached to a specific .h and corresponding .cpp in other programs. But when I try to add addional .h's and .cpps to the static library my other programs that try us...

/me off to watch a movie and rest in bed. cya fellows
@VladLazarenko bye
have any researchers investigated why people waste time trying to help people in forums?
I love how this site allows people to punish you for wasting your time trying to help
I do it for the fame and glory
I can tell you that right now
they'll probably turn around and force payment like EE did
The suggested edit queue is a cesspool.
a guy wanted "assembly-like" languages that were really low level. I explained that C is nearly assembly language already, why not use that? downvoted
here's a question I expect to see soon: "Hi, I'm a kid that has delusions of grandeur. What's a really fun and cool lang to play with that will make girls want to go out with me"
"We’re not going to tell you what you should be like – we love people that think and do things differently – but there are some things that, with you, will be a given." :I what does it mean?
@Crowz what was the context?
@doug65536 job offering
sounds like a company you don't want to work for
best case scenario: the interviewer is a jerk. that way you know that it will be miserable working there
I have an odd temptation to be sarcastic about "doing things differently"
Instead of using an NlogN algorithm, I used an N^2!
if I were interviewing someone terrible, I would not even imply that they were bad. At worst I would say we need someone with different qualifications. If an interviewer is using little head-game statements like that, I wouldnt be concerned about that job.
not that you're terrible lol
So hard to find a cool place to work hah
you'd be surprised. You want to know the ultimate answer to any algorithm question?
the correct answer is: "did we profile it and find that this is the bottleneck? How many times will this be called?"
@doug65536 what's that?
I've given that answer and the interviewer was very happy with it and didn't even want me to write it out
he wants to see if you'll spend 3 days optimizing the splash screen
Hell yes I would
thats bad
they don't care about your pure vision of a perfect software world. they want to make money
I think aesthetics and a good user interface ultimately make better software than many other things haha
for fun, just try this as an exercise: take a problem and write it as fast as you can. No regard whatsoever for anything. elapsed time is all that matters. what would it look like?
want to be a programmer in outr group?
@javawarrior programmer for what?
We program java, and we'd like to have more java programmers
It's a teen group.
@javawarrior Alright but I'm 21 haha
That's ok!
As long as you're awesome and cool
@doug65536 I tend to sketch a ui, then implement it on a basic scale, build up aesthetic and maximize user interface, then make a good algorithm
we have a 21 year old in the group
@javawarrior Well I can definitely do that!
add me on Skype if interested
then i'll brief you a little more
wth is going on
@Rapptz Jolly Cooperation, of course.
I made a sublime text 2 theme today
I finished vg++, vld, link.exe and cl.exe today.
I can now Press F7 in Visual Studio and get out a MinGW Executable, linked with all the proper libraries.
I'm a mother fucking genius.
I'm sure
eventually physicists will have an equation that shows why no good deed goes unpunished
@Rapptz Hey
Hey hey. Heeey.
Wanna try it? :3c
Uh, okay
just send it to me via dropbox
Tile party?
we already share a folder, might as well use it
We should change the name to Rapptz Party
Or RapphD.
did that work
TileParty.cpp DELETEED
I moved it to RapphD/Tile Party
I think we'd need to rename the folder.
Don't you get it?
For me, it just became Tile Party / Tile Party
I'm going to delete TIle party from my shared folders
and let you reinvite me after you rename it.
Just rename it yourself
Tooo laate.
Reshare. <3
too lazy
I'm new to the suggested edit queue and I already rejected 6 out of 8 total.
k well, I invited you
Were they bad edits?
Were they really ?
Wow, damn.
All dat rejection.
> We're paid to answer those same questions over and over again.
the whole edit thing is weird really
it still says the OP's name
@ThePhD Sending it?
@Rapptz Just doing a few double-checks.
Don't wanna send you something that doesn't work. D:
@Rapptz It should be pouring into your dropbox now.
122 files added.
It has all the source files plus the built ones (go to Visual GCC / link / bin / Debug )
Take the link.exe, cl.exe, vg++.exe, gnutoolchain.dll, and vld.exe and put them in your MinGW /bin folder
And then use that as your Executable path for a VS project
Q: android async proper usage

beerentI have a question regarding the different threads in async. I understand the "onPostExcecute()" method runs on the UI thread. does this mean it is proper to use methods and variables from that thread, rather than the async thread. I want to use the "EditText" editor from my UI thread with the res...

gimme a sec
At the very, very least, you can run vg++ and vld with standard gcc args and have it spit out text that will work with Visual Studio.
At the most, cl.exe and link.exe will intercept calls to LINK.EXE and CL.EXE and convert regular Microsoft Command Line Arguments to Unix ld (for LINK.EXE) and g++ (for cl.exe) Command Line Parameters.
need some code..
He really changed it to derby?
What is he, auto-spellcheck?
and a bad autospellcheck
> Thank you for reviewing 40 Close Votes today; come back in 19 hours to continue reviewing.
Welp, he did improve the formatting.
Haha, you're too close-happy. :P
Can somebody check some threaded code at stackoverflow.com/questions/14450643/…
@Non-StopTimeTravel Most queues have a limit.. of like 20 to 40.
i'm not sure if I am running into some windows security problems
Yes, I gathered that from the message
The question is, wtf why
@ThePhD I close way more than 40 questions per day. But this is the time time I've used /review
... for example, @Mikhail's "question"
@Non-StopTimeTravel I think its a perfectly legitimate question
@ThePhD How do I change my executable path for my project?
He's too close happy.
@Mikhail It's too localised. It's a request for help with your code. It belongs in a chat or in a discussion forum.
@Non-StopTimeTravel not really, its more asking for help about the threading model
@Rapptz VC++ Directories -> Executable path
SO is for questions about programming languages and tools; it is not a recruiting ground for software development personnel.
I'm trying to find a way to make it so you can select "MinGW" as a Platform and it'll just pick the right thing, but at the moment it's being lame.
@Mikhail Not the way it's phrased. Please re-phrase it then to be a question about a threading model. You can apply the resulting knowledge into your code problem.
@Rapptz I'm not happy about it :(
I think you need time off SO.
@Non-StopTimeTravel The question is quite clear about why doing something isn't working "C++11 + Windows : Getting Native Handle from Within a Thread?". The code also works in Linux
@Rapptz That's never not true
@ThePhD I assume $(PATH) is my path environmental variable?
@Mikhail So?
Oh, and quit writing tags in titles please.
@Rapptz Yeah, visual studio uses what's in the Project -> Properties -> VC++ Directories -> Executable Path
Good luck, though. I hope you can fix your code.
If you don't put it there than the stuff VS puts in front of your regular PATH will supercede the MinGW on your PATH.
@ThePhD I don't have "Executable Path", just "Executable Directory"
That's why you have to put it there.
@Rapptz: Weird
@Rapptz That works too
@Non-StopTimeTravel My code has a lot more problems, what I want to know if why the hell Windows ain't setting my pointer
I'm not being terribly specific. I don't have this open in front of me.
@Non-StopTimeTravel ?
@Rapptz: Your edit re "derpy" shows up as queued, I guess, on the answer proper. But click through to the review queue and it's listed as all approved and ready to go.
I edited out the original to remove the nonsense... weird.
Oh what
is it just me or is something fucked up
Nope, that is definitely weird.
His edit...
Came after yours?
I'm confused.
it almost looks like rev #3 and rev #2 are switched in the history
> Thank you for reviewing 20 Suggested Edits today; come back in 19 hours to continue reviewing.
Q: Locked out of facebook

user208842I tried logging into facebook and the site didn't recognize the computer so now I'm locked out. When I go through the process of unlocking it it tells me it is sending a code pass to my cell phone by text. However, I no longer have the phone number listed under my account so I cant get it and I c...

BOth of you, get owned.
@Non-StopTimeTravel lmao
Is it like a meme to post hilariously awful offtopic questions to Meta?
Because this happens way too often.
It's mainly from two sources:
I think I need to ask an SO question about this...
1. People who are confused and don't understand what "meta" is.
2. People who are question-banned.
Q: Order of revisions in revision history incorrect, when edit was Improved

Lightness Races in OrbitIt looks like revisions 3 and 2 in this answer's revision history are switched. From discussing the apparent anomaly with @Rapptz (the author of one of the edits), he confirms that his edit was an "Improve" from the suggestion of @Anusha. The revisions have identical seconds-resolution timestamp...

The question-ban message has a link to meta.
So they click on the link and go to meta.
They see what looks like SO. And it has an "Ask Question" button at top.
So they ask away.
Now I have no idea why the devs haven't changed this yet.
Because the problem is very obvious.
My first day through the queue.
Mostly towards approvate,
but still fairly even.
I'm more likely to reject edits on heavily voted posts.
@Rapptz You seem to be running extremely short on Edit...
Otherwise, I'm usually a "skip" or "approve".
Although I still reject the majority of minor edits.
@JerryCoffin Well.. I can't really edit what I don't know :D
don't laugh but does anyone know if you can download OS/2 anywhere? It would be a good laugh to try to boot an 80286 targetted OS under a few different hypervisors
@Rapptz I never let my ignorance get in the way... :-)
@JerryCoffin Psst. Do you have any experience with Platform Toolsets and Visual Studio? :o
@doug65536 its quite public on the torrents+rapidshares
@doug65536 That would be OS/2 1.x, which I'm pretty sure will be hard to find. OS/2 2.x and newer all target the 386+.
@ThePhD Not much. I've followed the directions to use the CTP, but that's about it.
@JerryCoffin Psst. Do you have any experience with Platform Toolsets and Visual Studio? :o
I meant non-pirate. would require piracy to get now right?
Ah. Well, okay then. :c
@doug65536 I'm pretty sure we can call it abandonware
I finally got vg++ working but I don't want people to have to explicitly set it for each project.
That seems like such a waste.
@doug65536 In theory, you could buy an old copy from somebody legally. Could probably turn something on on EvilBay if you're patient.
Q: Refreshing error pages lead to error pages even after the error is fixed

Ben BrockaDuring today's maintenance I've noticed an annoying side effect to certain error pages. I happened to end up on http://workplace.stackexchange.com/error?aspxerrorpath=/ when trying to navigate to The Workplace. An interesting side effect of that error scheme is that if you refresh that page, even...

LOL - Microsoft's "MVC4" framework cannot do this simple thing, apparently.
I bought a book an OS/2 yeeeaars ago. and it would be nostalgic to try actually running it
@Rapptz Diiiid you try it yeeet?
it might be a fun challenge to take a shot at getting 286 protected mode working in virtualbox
@doug65536 what I don't get is how is downloading it legal. It was never offered as a download and hence anything that doesn't involve you getting a bunch of disks is illegal
Let me whip up some code.
uh.. okay.
missing doublequotes
spaces in path?
Yes I am missing double quotes somewhere.
code compiles fine in g++ so
I know, it's my tool.
Um. Can you go to %TEMP% ?
Your temp folder, that is.
@ThePhD oh I see
In there, there's going to be a tmp37483274837493BLAHBLAH.rsp <--- The RSP is a Response File that contains all the arguments for compilation
Pop one over to me, yo.
uh, nope.
my tmp files seem to be in hexadecimal, and none end in .rsp
What if he says please
Oh, damn.
Maybe it's deleting it on Compilation.
I have an idea, though.
I just updated the cl.exe to have a Debugger.Launch() in it.
It should freeze your Visual Studio's compilation and launch a debugger
When it's frozen, you should be able to grab the RSP file in %TEMP%
You'll have to drag the cl.exe from the Debug folder to your MinGW again, though. =[
Sorry this is so painful. :c
"An unhandled exception has occured in cl.exe"
yeah, debug exception uncaught = dead program
It should freeze his program, though
/c /ZI /nologo /W3 /WX- /Od /Oy- /D _MBCS /Gm /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Fo"Debug\\" /Fd"Debug\vc110.pdb" /Gd /TP /analyze- /errorReport:prompt main.cpp
yes, that was the point.
The Debugger throws a specific kind of exception.
I know, I was just commenting
a nice windbg trick is to just .symfix ; .reload ; bu kernel32!CreateFileW ; g and it will break on CreateFile call
or x *!CreateFile* if that is troublesome
or closefile or whatever.
I've actually got an end user to get me a stack trace using a copy/paste cdb command line
@Rapptz Okay
I think I fixed the problem.
Copy all the executables back in and see if it works out for ya. :D
still getting the unhandled exception from earlier
did you forget to remove it
it compiles though
DAT comcast derp.
I think these tools might be useful to others.
I shall give them out.
I don't see the point of it
It builds an entire Visual Studio project with MinGW.

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