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Yeah, but real programmers suck.
@Ell the parallel-merge involves a divide-and-conquer strategy, spawning new threads to take care of a lower piece and an upper piece

due to differing conventions, I was off-by-one in the way I split up those pieces
@CatPlusPlus Real programmers debug by preparing a question on stack overflow and then throwing it away shortly before posting, because they found the bug themselves by distilling the problem (so that others would even bother looking at it).
@FredOverflow I was using gcc
No, I just print the values out
@FredOverflow Huh, I actually do that all the time.
That's one of the reasons I find this site so useful.
but it's not because of SO
@FredOverflow lmao - that happens to me about 80% of the time
This site is horrible
it's because the way to write a decent SO question happens to be writing a proper testcase, which should always be part of debugging anyway
I use geordi for a lot of it
Stop editing the damn message we already read it
@LightnessRacesinOrbit wy-aye-man?
canny Ell
btw, that off-by-one bug was: I was too short by one, so it didn't cause a dereferencing failure
well that escalated quickly
@kfmfe04 You only had 99 cents instead of a dollar?
Fuck people who divide their code in ten thousand functions that are only used once.
and a bitch ain't one
@Zoidberg I like small functions that do one thing.
I like functions that return functions, dawg
@FredOverflow don't get me started on penny-related errors :D
@Zoidberg is it worth functions that are used only twice?
@FredOverflow Doesn't mean you have to divide that one thing into twenty functions.
one function for each character of the string you wish to return
you have to use function pointers of course if you don't know the string length ahead of time
@Zoidberg Have you read "Clean Code"? It's hard not to become obsessed with small functions if you have :)
hmm I think I just found this year's April Fool's post
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Make a template version for the cases where you do know the length at compile-time.
oddly enough, I get my best coding done between 1AM and 5AM - requires that I zonk out earlier for some zzz's in the early evening tho
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol
I get my best coding done 5 years ago
@kfmfe04 I'm the same and because I'm off work for a bit atm I'm currently nocturnal. can't help it :(
time to go out in the snow
Uhh, stupid question, but can someone tell me why std::partition is behaving like this: ideone.com/o7li7V
I expect the output to have -32 to the left of 0
> Reorders the elements in the range [first, last) in such a way that all elements for which the predicate p returns true precede the elements for which predicate p returns false. Relative order of the elements is not preserved.
@SethCarnegie That's partition, not quicksort.
Neither stable_partition.
It does what it's supposed to do
Nothing about it says it will sort the results
condition? Object( p1 ) : Object( p1, p2, p3 );
Oh, I forgot, 0 is <= 0
^ Doesn't compile with MSVC 11.0, does compile with MinGW g++ 4.7.1
Yeah that's a little known fact about 0
when the Object(Object&&) constructor is private
which compiler is right?
A: Lifetime extension and the conditional operator

GManNickGBoth of those are fine. §5.16 says (extraordinarily abridged): 2 If either the second or the third operand has type void Nope. 3 Otherwise, if the second and third operand have different types Nope. 4 If the second and third operands are glvalues of the same value category Nop...

Apparently, Microsoft got it right this time.
int * np(new int 4);
hello all
@Renaud You need parens around the 4.
@FredOverflow No, he does not.
Really? Because g++ only accepts the code with additional parens.
@FredOverflow int np(4).
ok thx, i was just try to ask a multi-line question ... but enter sends the message .... sorry
@Renaud Shift+Enter. Or paste it from somewhere else.
@R.MartinhoFernandes auto np{4};
@R.MartinhoFernandes Isn't Shift+Enter?
@R.MartinhoFernandes actually it's shift+enter I think
Yep, definitely Shift+Enter.
thx !
I was... trolling whistles.
yep, not ctrl+enter
@Renaud So, what is your question?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Erm.
You're not a trollbot.
grrr, you cannot implement proper enums with CRTP :/
@SethCarnegie Copying to an ostream_iterator is so C++98.
in the following code :
int * np(new int (4));
int * np(new int(*np) + 1);
what should be the value of the second *np according to c++ std... is this valid, well defined ...
new int(*np + 1); in the second line
The scope of np starts immediately at the opening paren, so you will get undefined behavior due to dereferencing an uninitialized pointer variable.
Why are you even newing ints.
@Renaud If you're asking that kind of question, then you're probably not skilled enough in C++ to use pointers properly. Get a good book.
in fact it was in larger code with a class behind
@R.MartinhoFernandes I do NOT get those ads
@R.MartinhoFernandes harhar
Can someone tell me what that means?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ha, sure, yes.
@KonradRudolph Translation?
@Renaud Here is a much simpler example without pointers.
i know pointers, it is a scoping question... np is defined both and i wanted to know when np is valid.
Something about patent law and Apple and Samsung and wtf.
@R.MartinhoFernandes if you are thinking about patent laws when seeing this, you are the right person to be a commercial judge
@fred thx !
@DeadMG “if, when seeing this, you think of patent law, you might have what it takes for a career as a commercial law judge”
Also, 'twas snowing.
@Renaud This is even "useful": void* self = &self; ;)
(I have no idea how to translate Handelsrichter)
@fred does it is always this result ?
I get what the ad is getting at, but I don't get what it's advertising :/
ok cool
@Renaud You mean 0? No, technically the program has undefined behavior. It could print any other value or crash or order pizza.
@KonradRudolph dict.cc said commercial judge, but that sounds strange to me, too
@melak47 "You should consider a job in law" is the message.
@fred i under that's why gcc and vs10 do not have same behaviour
@FredOverflow ..wait, really? :/
something similar but more complex
OpenGL y u never work.
@Renaud What do you mean?
I want OpenGL with exceptions.
@melak47 No idea. It mentions ehrenamt.ihk-berlin.de
Chocolate y u so tasty...
@FredOverflow That would be awesome. A program's undefined behavior ordering me a pizza?
@Zoidberg Make a lightweight wrapper with reporting of each call.
@Zoidberg Use an OpenGL debugger.
I thought people don't like apple for the stupid patent crap they pull. why would you build on that in an ad?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hmm. That exists?
Don't bother with wrappers. That's for silly people that don't know about debuggers.
@ShotgunNinja I first heard it from Lawrence Crowl. Also this:
@user1547160: The stack layout is compiler dependent. A buffer overflow results in undefined behavior. As someone mentioned on one answer, it would be perfectly legal for your computer to order a pizza for you when undefined behavior is triggered (and it might even ask for anchovies). — Mark Wilkins Jul 24 '12 at 0:04
Oh hey gDEBugger.
@fred i had a program with a similar pattern and at the execution gcc and vs10 do not return the same thing (none order pizza however)
@Zoidberg It's great.
I hope it works with Mono.
Nov 23 '12 at 9:23, by FredOverflow
If I ever write a pizza ordering tool, I will call it i+++i :)
I really want someone to make something that orders pizza on UB
Or you know, I can use MonoGame or something.
Does Hell++ order pizza on UB?
@Zoidberg It cares not. If I understand correctly it sits between your program and the driver.
Ah okay. Cool.
@FredOverflow maybe when it freezes over? :)
@FredOverflow Hell++ has different UB for each different cause of UB.
@MarcGlisse If you're ever bored, your know where to find us, right? ;) — FredOverflow 7 secs ago
Let's see if he heeds the call :)
Also, WTF it's Friday!
Can Hell++ make char signed only on even line numbers?
@Zoidberg That is not allowed.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I propose Hell++ switches from a C++ compiler to a Pizza compiler on certain UBs.
On a scale from one to ten, how much does XNA suck?
pi squared
That's a lot.
I wasn't even sure if that's below 10, but apparently, it is :)
lol :P
Typical Fred answer.
wth is DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(MetroWindow), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(MetroWindow)));
Also, I have never used XNA in my life.
I'm about to use an XNA clone.
Why not the original?
Because XNA is so mainstream.
i dont even heard of XNA ..
@Rapptz WPF dependency property thing. Should I feel ashamed for recognizing it?
@FredOverflow Linux.
typedef int st;
typedef char** ea;
int main(st r, ea m);
@R.MartinhoFernandes Rhetorical question.
I just am at awed at its verbosity.
It doesn't even fit in one line in the chat
@Rapptz It does on fullscreen for me.
Buy a bigger gun screen.
Excuse my 768 pixel minority.
@FredOverflow You are terrible.
@Rapptz You have only 768 columns?
768 is lines.
Unless you are using it in portrait...
But that would be 768x1366.
@Rapptz What strange aspect ratio is that? Oh wait, it's just 16:9.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ruining my joke :(
Next question: what would you call a type that constrains an underlying (integral?) type to a finite value domain? (And *enum* and range are out)
@KonradRudolph Pascal had that, and they called it "subranges".
@KonradRudolph smallint, by contrast with bigint! I have no idea.
both not ideal :/
using dna = ???<char, 4, struct tag_dna>
(that’s the use-case)
> Invalid username/email or password
Reduce, Restrict, LimitedTo, LimitedRange ....
WTF bitbucket.
@KonradRudolph Are yous sure ??? is not a trigraph? ;) Nope, it seems it isn't.
@FredOverflow ??? is the place holder for the type name …
ok, Ada calls them range
Then why didn't you write typename? Oh wait...
i leave, thx for the answer about int a = a;
@Renaud You're welcome.
@R.MartinhoFernandes user error, or shall I better not log out?
@bamboon I don't see how it can be user error. I get the password straight out of my password database.
Oh well, OpenID login worked.
Go figure.
@R.MartinhoFernandes whatcha doing on bitbucket :D
Hurray XNA works!
@Zoidberg It's also deprecated, but yes it works. :3c
Well not so much deprecated as straight up abandoned
Woot, bitbucket wikis finally work with Markdown!
@melak47 Checking out stuff on ogonek.
@FredOverflow What should I do instead
@ThePhD Well MonoGame (XNA clone) is still fairly active, so I don't mind.
@Zoidberg you're using a clone of an abandoned piece of MS stuff. congrats :)
Well, the MonoGame implementors are now free to clean up XNA
And make it better.
MonoGame, I'm rpetty sure, charges a fee for its use though for commercial projects.
For just learning, though, it's fun.
> var graphicsDeviceManager = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
Looks like INTERCAL.
Not to be confused with INTERRACIAL.
@KonradRudolph I called them bounded (not quite what you're after, but a similar idea).
@JerryCoffin bounded is good, I already toyed with constrained but that’s a too general name I think
@KonradRudolph By itself it wouldn't be very good, but bounded<int,...> (for example) seems pretty clear to me.
Okay, but here’s the deal: I’m not after the complete subrange capability, I just want to represent N distinct, contiguous values starting at 0
@SethCarnegie Range-based for-loop:
for (int x : v)
    std::cout << x << ' ';
so rather than having an upper and lower bound, only the upper bound is varied, the lower bound is always 0
hmm, I think I’ll go with natural_bounded for now
@KonradRudolph You could name it zeroton ("zero to n") ;-)
@KonradRudolph Feel free to rewrite to remove that. Seems like bounded<unsigned, 17> is pretty clear.
@Fred Haha, that’s quite witty
@JerryCoffin True, but it implies that the lower bound is merely optional (and defaults to 0), rather than being fixed, doesn’t it?
@FredOverflow Sounds like a variation of a singleton that doesn't allow any instances.
@JerryCoffin How awesome would that be? :)
@FredOverflow System.Void
@KonradRudolph Hadn't occurred to me, but I can certainly see where somebody might read it that way.
ah shit, I gotta run
pub meeting ^^
@KonradRudolph I've heard pubs can lead to the runs -- usually to pee, not shit though.
first they lead to drinking
@KonradRudolph I'd say rather that drinking led to pubs.
egg vs hen
it just dawned on me I know the perfect description for the Java code at my work: "C with overdone interfaces and inheritence."
@MooingDuck So... C with classes?
@TonyTheLion I starred because that is my motto.
@KonradRudolph You of all people should realize the egg nearly had to come first (change from not-quite-hen to hen had to result from mutation, which nearly has to happen very early in gestation to produce a viable specimen).
@FredOverflow no, classes implies that objects have... whats the word... always valid states? In the Java, classes are either (A) groups of functions (with overdone inheritance), or (B) C structs.
@FredOverflow C with quasi-classes and the occasional pseudo-class thrown in for variation.
@JerryCoffin I think a gamete mutation in the parent is the more likely scenario, but yeah, egg first.
@MooingDuck Invariants.
I don't think C with classes cares much about invariants.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, that's the word. Our Java code has no invariants. All members of "data" classes are public and have no useful members.
@R.MartinhoFernandes alright
either way. It's dumb.
Yeah, classes without invariants are just silly.
Screw it.
I'll use three.js.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I just recently learned that many of the "data" classes have members that are never used too. Always null. Always.
Well, dumb data holders are ok, as long as they look like dumb data holders.
@AndreiTita Not sure why I hadn't considered that, but you're right. Anyway, have fun at the pub.

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