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up. OR: vim.
How should I generate bug IDs in Hexapoda.
It's distributed, so auto-increment won't work.
Git's blob hash won't work with revisions.
lol UUIDs
Fossil uses UUIDs.
what's wrong with that?
They're quite long, but that's about it.
I think I'll just use SHA hash of the first revision.
-- TODO: Actually store bug. :^)
Fuck I committed code that doesn't compile.
a good generator incorporates time and MAC address to get really unique IDs
it's bound to be better than something homebrew
SHA hashes are also unique.
Unless two people file exactly the same bug with exactly the same timestamp and exactly the same text.
And even if they do that, it doesn't matter.
They're always unique?
The problem with schemes such as using time and MAC address is that this only helps guarantee uniqueness if every other scheme does the same thing. It only takes one person to generate a UUID in a shitty fashion for the entire system to break down for everyone, everywhere.
Having two different bug reports with the same SHA hash is so unlikely that I'll eat rotten eggs if it happens by accident.
@Zoidberg I agree but you said "SHA hashes are also unique", which is not true.
Unique enough for me.
Uniqueness is not a scale
UUIDs, btw, are not unique either.
There is a limited number of possible UUIDs.
SHA-2 512 is many times unique-er than a UUID
as long as the thing you're hashing is sufficiently unique in origin
I know they're not -- didn't say they were :)
MAC addresses may not even be unique.
You can simulate a different MAC address.
Or make your own hardware.
Or whatever.
Very easily; and, in fact, manufacturers are within their rights to use their MAC block however they wish
doesn't matter
On our current project we got a batch of 50 pieces of equipment all with the same MAC on an internal NIC :(:(
a SHA-2 of the bug content and timestamp should be more than sufficient
That caused us no end of grief. Turned out the devs had set it up with a fucking #define in the fw, too
Ended up pissing around with port-based VLAN filtering on a layer-2 switch we also happened to have in the kit
There is a similiar problem with indicators (or "turn signals" for Yanks); they're great as long as everybody uses them. But if you can't trust that somebody is going to indicate, then you can never trust what a car is going to do when you do not see any indication. Roundabouts are particularly bad for it. "That guy won't be turning here, because he's not indicating. Well, unless he never indicates. Shit." The whole indication paradigm becomes next to useless.
The only real solution is decimating the world population, letting me choose who gets to live or die, of course
And you can put that in your Book<C++> :)
god why are DHT's so damned interesting
glad you liked my story
it's actually related
building a secure DHT is very much like the indicators
you need to have protection against malicious users
@LightnessRacesinOrbit How that works is: You lock people up for not correctly indicating.
@DeadMG: Just kill them
Similar reasons is why I am a closevote/downvote Nazi on SO
I'm not going to upvote some shitty debug-my-code-plz "question" just to be kind! Fuck that! Learn from mistakes, young newbie!
Cool, can you stop commenting on my stuff? Thanks. — eveo 3 mins ago
lol @LightnessRacesinOrbit - ^
For example...
@Griwes This guy does not want to learn, apparently.
@Zoidberg Of course -- but still enough of them that if every computer on earth did nothing but generate new UUIDs full time, the sun would be a essentially a burnt out cinder long before you generated even close to all of them.
@EtiennedeMartel Just arrived at Opportunity. L29 now. I think I will rush through the storyline next time, since I am close to L30.
That's fine as long as the generations are evenly distributed :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes I killed the final boss at lvl 32, IIRC.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Oh no doubt, your point about depending on unique input is valid. Nonetheless, the finite supply of UUIDs isn't now, nor soon likely to become a problem in itself.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Although, I got a character close to that, so I might be able to come and help you rush.
But that's gonna have to wait, 'cause I'm going home.
@JerryCoffin *nods*
@EtiennedeMartel I won't do it tonight. It's time for sleep now.
why is strtok being dumb
I found a nice shotgun, but it eats too much ammo, and I didn't buy any extra shotgun ammo slots :(
Anyway, good night.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I didn't like shotguns at first, until I started using one with my Siren.
Wrecks shit up.
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah, same here.
@Crowz The dumb (or stupid) part is using strtok to start with.
@JerryCoffin what else is there to use?
C# makes me feel so dirty with all these newlined braces ;_;
@Crowz What are you trying to do? A few possibilities: Boost tokenizer, stringstream, sscanf (not great, but still better than strtok), Boost Spirit if you need something industrial strength.
you can even go pure stl depending on what you want to do
@JerryCoffin I'm trying to extract a file extension and save it as a string
how are you approaching that?
@Crowz That's usually just std::string extension = filename.substr(filename.rfind('.'));
@Rapptz Actually I was trying to do something in java and I don't see why it doesn't work so I am trying it in C to see if it's just how ImageIO works in java
Kay figured it out
why does vim give me an error it can't find the colorscheme wombat?
I have it in ~/.vim/colors/wombat.vim
fixed it, was something with my runtimepath that was fucked up
@R.MartinhoFernandes Okay, this suggests that they're allophones to my ears or something.
now you watch my little pony
yay successfully overloaded cout for vector
Is a message board more or less just a fancy linkedlist, and is 3D modeling just graphs?
what is this remove/erase trick? seems like remove does the same thing
what is the difference?
remove shuffles things around but it doesn't actually shrink the container
The erase-remove idiom is a common C++ technique to eliminate elements that fulfill a certain criterion from a C++ Standard Library container. Motivation A common programming task is remove all elements that have a certain value or fulfill a certain criterion from a collection. In C++, this could be achieved using a hand-written loop. It is, however, preferred to use an algorithm from the C++ Standard Library for such tasks. The algorithm library provides the remove and remove_if algorithms for this. Because these algorithms operate on a range of elements denoted by two forward iter...
I don't like you. :(
@Rapptz :)
The name "remove" is more aptly named than intuition may suggest, since "remove" and "erase" do mean different things (the former being "take away (something unwanted or unnecessary) from the position it occupies")
thing is, I call remove() on my vector then output it. The element seems to be completely gone (unless by "shrink the container" you mean something in terms of memory)
Ah I see (just finished reading it)
so if I were to call vector.size() it should theoretically be the same number before and after remove()
even though if I were to output the vector, the element would no longer show up
This look like a presentable interface if I was gonna use it as an independent project for job interviews?
I don't even know what that does
@Rapptz A few things... seam carving, edge detection, and grid making
I'm making an application using imgur api and it's kind of annoying
@Rapptz What's it do?
if it compiles, saves the current active window or desktop into an image, automatically uploads it to imgur and puts the url in your clipboard
just using it as an experiment to learn api/C#/wpf
@Rapptz That's pretty awesome :o
been done a billion times a billion times better :P
Still, it's cool
My project was probably done in like, 20 minutes by anyone at adobe
I've only spent 2 hours on this
I'm sure others probably did it in 10 minutes
That's impressive though
I took maybe 7-8 hours to do my little project and it's not special at all
WPF designer is the bane of my existence ;_;
this thing is awful
Good noon all!
@Rapptz I was kinda perplexed by it myself...
Has anyone ever used NSIS?
Oooooooooor you could avoid linking to kotaku?
I swear we linked to that earlier in the morning
> lol kotaku
And yet you feel compelled to show it to us. That's nice.
damn imgur API v3..
@ScottW He's a C programmer who got into C++.
Have any of you guys used imgur API?
woohooo i received my copy of Game Engine Architecture
Really? Damn.
@ScottW Who?
@ScottW I'm failing to find a ton wrong with it
though I am totally skimming
@ScottW Oh phew... For a second I was scared you were talking about J.Carmack
That would have made me totally sad
@LightnessRacesinOrbit T'Pol <3
@ScottW For example?
@Borgleader Mirror T'Pol nom nom nom
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Doesn't matter, still hot.
@Borgleader I mean, Mirror T'Pol was the hottest
It's the hair
I actually had a friend do me a painting on canvas of mirror t'pol
it's not bad
nah that's okay
I want him to do Rommie next
for anyone wondering
it's supposed to be webRequest.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Client-ID " + apiKey); :(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I liked her in SG-1
@Borgleader Yeah, she fixed the "doctor" trope; under-used.
@Rapptz: And what is it supposed to be for the rest of us?
my issue I had earlier
I'm just frustrated a bit
I liked Jewel Staite as a doctor too (in SG-A)
Hell yeah Keller yeah
did you guys know there's a law against being annoying on the internet?
@Crowz You are so screwed
Multiple hundreds of charges D:
"MR.CROWZ... did you... or did you not... ASK A JAVA QUESTION IN THE C++ LOUNGE?!"
it's like asking "is religion bad?" on reddit.com/r/atheism
Q: What are SCARY iterators?

Mark GarciaI'm reading the VC11 Blog on VC11's C++11 features when I've come up to the SCARY iterators topic. What are SCARY iterators and how does this affect my C++ coding experience?

@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'm just curious.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit And I'm lazy when it comes to reading C++ standard papers.
I remember googling those
just publicising
The acronym SCARY describes assignments and initializations that are Seemingly erroneous (appearing Constrained by conflicting generic parameters), but Actually work with the Right implementation (unconstrained bY the conflict due to minimized dependencies).
Seriously? That's a joke right?
I like funny backronyms too
@Rapptz I think they made the name out from the acronym.
there's a project called GAARDIAN: GNSS Availability Accuracy Reliability anD Integrity Assessment for timing and Navigation
@Rapptz And not the other way around.
then its successor SENTINEL was similarly silly
so when I whipped up a server simulator / test agent, I called it Primus: Partially ReductIve mechanism for determining whether the systeM is ready for USe
half a day of funny backronym creation followed in dev team chat
Oh man he isn't kidding
It's actually in the paper
@Rapptz I've read that part.
man I haven't thought up a decent SO question in ages :(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'm surprised that isn't a dupe.
@Mysticial Why? Do you know what they are?
@Rapptz I've heard about it in the lounge. Of course it scared me shit. But at least I've heard of it.
@Mysticial me too
That backronym is amazing.
From now on, I'm scared of asking two sentence questions on SO.
@MarkGarcia (a) good
@MarkGarcia (b) I'm pretty sure the downvotes came from ignorance
@MarkGarcia (c) That's not really a lot of downvotes so I wouldn't be worried...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Maybe the question just lacks some humor. :)
you certainly weren't at your punniest
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yeah... :(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I somehow missed the punchline.
I might have to find a way to troll PHP/Javascript tags for rep
but they're so full of crap it's hard to get a look in
I heard those two tags are a complete mess...
they are
there needs to be a law against posting non-abstracted problems
it's a constant torrent of shite :(
and nobody will do anything about it (like fixing the FAQ) because we're here to "help" people, apparently, in all circumstances ever
I mean like, how many repwhores are there in Javascript and PHP? If they keep feeding them, then the problem won't go away.
I obviously don't hang out in those tags so I wouldn't know.
hah, I was thinking how annoying I find chat's reply feature, having to grab my mouse and click things... and found myself in the Newbie Hints, and had an epiphany. I knew that the "X:" syntax was a message ID and would create the reply;
indeed I do it manually sometimes when Ctrl+X'ing a reply and later Ctrl+V'ing it to finish off and send... and I knew that the "X" at the RHS of each message is the same ID. It just never occured to me to actually read it there and use it. Duh...
@Mysticial Yeah that's right
hmm how do I know how many stars I have left
Although I do hear that some of the users are aggressively closing and deleting all of them specifically to discourage them from being answered.
Since you lose the rep once the question gets deleted.
I don't think that many people care about rep to that degree
I honestly think there is a vast and active group of users who are answering all the bullshit just because they don't "get it" and are so focussed on wanting to "help" the poster with their immediate problem, without any OCD concept of database integrity or neatness or whatever. It's annoying because I do have that
So they're trying to do the right thing -- it's just that I disagree that it is the right thing and feel as you do that they're actually harmful in the grand scheme
That said, despite being far more aggressive with downvotes and closevotes than most, I usually get a lot of support for this on meta, so I don't really get it.
Well... meta is different.
no I mean
questions on meta about this behaviour on main
That's what I mean. Meta regulars aren't normal users.
I have this conversation there and people agree with me. So where are those people in the problem questions, downvoting and closing with me? :(
@Mysticial aha
There's some level of mob-like-ness to it.
@Mysticial yes I suppose you're right
And there's definitely some brainwashing involved.
I follow meta, and it's pretty clear. If you step back and watch how people behave it's pretty staggering.
A lot of psychology involved.
Can't say I understand all of it since I'm not in that area.
Yeah I do try to avoid meta nowadays actually
I follow meta because I don't want to miss anything important. But I try to keep myself from being brainwashed.
SO as a place on the internet where 80% of people are nerds in one small place in a technical forum is inherently dangerous to anyone trying to avoid pathetic hyper-logical "debates"; on meta, it's closer to 100%. it makes it so much worse.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit True.
and it's very easy to get caught up in that when you do care about SO and feel strongly about certain aspects of it, and have no other way to try to shape things
@Mysticial 'important'? wtf
What's opposite NULL in php ? TRUE?
@LucDanton As an example, there was a meta post calling for me to stop gaining passive rep on my top answer.
or 1? or undefined?
@Mysticial Oh, important.
@bushdiver Nothing is "opposite" to NULL in PHP
Fortunately, it got downvoted into oblivion.... But still, I don't want to miss these things.
@bushdiver Not being NULL is "opposite" to NULL in PHP
so anything other than NULL is opposite?
well, not opposite but not NULL
I see.. thanks
srry stupid question
@bushdiver yes and no
stackoverflow.com/a/1060932/560648 haha (deleted answer; high rep req'd)
Can't say I'm not guilty of something like that. But it's always a good laugh to see something simple that's heavily upvoted.
ffs another question called "Polymorphism and Typecasting in C++"
@Mysticial I'm laughing at the -4 deleted answer ;p
@LightnessRacesinOrbit that too
what is it
> haha. moron.
Q: Polymorphism and Typecasting in C++

Sean CI'm having a problem in C++. I wish to take a derived class, hold it as its base class with some other base classes. Then perform some operations on all the classes that only require them to be the base class. After this I wish to have the derived part of the class back again. I've tried to sim...

if this was reddit, that'd be the top comment
Do we have a FAQ entry for this?
@Rapptz haha yeah
I hate you too
I'm not sure I want to post that here in plain text.
I'll do a screenie.
user image
That guy RON_PAUL did something similar
excellent work
Here's one with a lot of spam on it:
Q: PHP expresses two different strings to be the same

Andy Possible Duplicate: What is a loosely typed language? php == vs === operator How do the equality (== double equals) and identity (=== triple equals) comparison operators differ? Why does the following statement return true? "608E-4234" == "272E-3063" I have also tried this with si...

lol you the robot and jerry?
Yeah, we can nuke things that are downvoted.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit The comment above you doesn't think so.
yeah I saw that
it's sad
That user hasn't been around long enough.
and this is the other problem
dumb question.
Is there a defined path to the pictures library on Windows?
@Crowz Is there a path to any library in Windows? stackoverflow.com/questions/8900930/…
LOL. One more excuse for not learning higher math.
I don't get it

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