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@NolwennLeGuen troll troll-detection failure detected
SexyUniquePtr is too many letters, however badass the name is.
@sehe recent? That's been there since... long.
I think SweetPointer might be appropriate?
@NolwennLeGuen you failed to see a (suspected) obvious troll
@sehe i... i don't understand... ;_;
@sehe I see no troll there.
he was serious
@ThePhD using SUP = SexyUniquePtr;
@NolwennLeGuen well. Let's ask the troll. /cc @Zoidberg
@FredOverflow SUP<Guys>
@sehe why? i think i know better than him whether he was trolling or not
@NolwennLeGuen slow cla.. nah.
oh and as to why an echo would need unicode support: filenames.
@FredOverflow I guess there's merit to using SexyUniquePtr after all. Except, MSVC can't do that, so I can't do SUP<Guys>, SUP<Girls>, or even SUP<per> :c
@ThePhD MSVC y u no using?
MSVC ... I don't know what they're doing.
They hired like half of the major C++ movers and shakers. They should have amazing C++ 11 support.
They should write a Clang backend.
I was saying
@MooingDuck That ruins like, all the syntactic sex. my.get_ptrptr() ?
actually, ptrptr moves incorrectly, must null out p and check for null in destructor. But still
@ThePhD exactly
fuck my great project idea.
I thought, hey, if I need it, Boost has it. You guys lied to me :(
2 hours ago, by Zoidberg
Why do you overload operator&?
@MooingDuck Yeaaah but operator& is to eeeassyyy. :c
actually.... this is all wrong. sec.
@rubenvb C# has it!
@MooingDuck As far as I can tell, it's working fine...
@NolwennLeGuen hmm maybe I should learn C# and write everything for my Windows sh in C#.
CLI applications in Windows are pain in the ass
@rubenvb C# console even has pritty colors!!
Unicode in C++ is doublepain
You want to combine both
lol, yeah. I know.
Now I know.
Is there a "free" C# compiler/.../"thing" that isn't mono?
Are there paying C# compilers?
@rubenvb C# compiler is a part of .NET
@NolwennLeGuen euh, VS Pro.
@ThePhD no I mean, what I wrote works fine, but it's completely the wrong approach
it's free
@MooingDuck ... There's another way to do it?
@rubenvb That's not a compiler
How? Teach meeee.
csc ships with all editions of visual studio, even the express one
@NolwennLeGuen it contains compilers and stuff.
csc ships with .NET runtime
@CatPlusPlus Also
can I at least use CMake with C#?
CMake sucks for C#
just get visual studio and start coding
csc has to ship with .NET because C# has Compiler Services that allow you to on-the-fly compile code.
@NolwennLeGuen cause I usually code cross-platform and don't want a system specific stuff.
It doesn't have out-of-box support and anything that's not available out-of-box in CMake is fucking impossible to do
@CatPlusPlus ok. That's convincing :P
Use Mono, it has implementation of MSBuild
@rubenvb That's just asking for trouble. Get mono
FUCK. Apparently VS 2012 doesn't have Database Diagrams
A couple of days ago, I overloaded std::swap. Will someone spank me, please?
It has EVERYTHING that SMSS has, except for that
@FredOverflow With a paddle or a plank of wood or a belt?
What's database diagrams
Or a wooden spoon?
And it had it up to 11 beta.
And why would you want it
@ThePhD stacked-crooked.com/view?id=09acbd607d45bb941fcde44f572f50b9 no need for a special pointer type. You only need the reference type
I need to present my database in graphical form
SQL uni project
@ThePhD Find an item which "initials" are UB, please.
Use Visio
or something
@BartekBanachewicz Why not a class diagram? ._.
It can be done directly from database structure.
@BartekBanachewicz Tables?
@NolwennLeGuen Because effort.
You can spend a week looking for a tool to do that or do it in 20 minutes
It's a fucking uni project, do and forget
@BartekBanachewicz Just make a class diagram and instead of classes you make tables. Simple, really.
@ThePhD so what do you think of that version?
@CatPlusPlus The point is, I did everythin in VS 2012 and I it exceeded expectations
Every time you use implicit conversion a puppy dies
@ThePhD Underappreciated Boobs!
@MooingDuck That seems less convenient, though, and not built-into the unique_ptr type. Same usability, but it seems... ... I dunno, it's useful both ways. The second way makes it so that you don't even have to necessarily use a my_unique, just a unique_ptr.
@BartekBanachewicz Install the Beta again and use its diagram stuff.
@FredOverflow It's not really punishment if you're getting spanked with boobs, is it?
@ThePhD the lack of a my_unique is a big thing IMO.
@rubenvb I'm going official path. Installing SMSS 2012 now
@ThePhD Don't do that, unique_ptr has no virtual dtor
I mean, I don't think I've met anyone who's got enough waist muscle to spin themselves SO fast they can smack you with their boob and make it hurt.
@CatPlusPlus we'd worked around that
It probably won't be an issue, but it's a big warning sign to stay away from trying to use it polymorphically
I like the second idea and I'll probably end up doing it that way,
but.... HNNNGH I wanted that operator&. I wanted it bad.
I want to write something in Factor
I want my pasta to finish cooking
Sounds math-y and Haskell-y.
Well I want my pasta
@CatPlusPlus This is why u-ni can't have nice things!
Is there something like an unordered_set in std?
It's called unordered_set
Zomg. SSMS 2012 won't install, because my second VS (2010) isn't updated. BECAUSE FUCK LOGIC
@CatPlusPlus What's your homework, write a UNIque_ptr? ;)
Saw it coming so hard.
I was typing that
@FredOverflow that's so bad given current circumstances
uni are destroying us
@AndreiTita Yes. It's called std::unordered_set.
@BartekBanachewicz Wait you're using SQL server why
@BartekBanachewicz A few sed scripts, 1 perl, or a hacky vim session and graphviz dot
@FredOverflow Slowpoke
@CatPlusPlus 1. Integrated with VS. 2. Reqs
@sehe I'll take 8
Yeah I see.
@BartekBanachewicz curent circumstances sound nice
I was expecting it to be in <set> for some reason
@AndreiTita That only has set and multi_set.
@AndreiTita Yes. It's called unordered_set.
@BartekBanachewicz ?! syntax bloddy error
You're bad at SQL
@BartekBanachewicz Dropping the naked pointers from the Lounge sounds like a good idea :)
I'm so so bad.
@ThePhD It has velociraptor logo
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Lounge-wide ban on pointers now in effect [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [get-out] [no-questions]
@BartekBanachewicz Dubstep?
@KonradRudolph more or less.
@CatPlusPlus That's pretty badass.
Hey! Don't play with my feelings!? I saw that star. Now it's been taken away
Sob sob
Square brackets.
let-in is great.
@Zoidberg what was that "use OpenGL" about? I want to argue with somebody about it.
get-out is nice too.
@sehe Maybe the star turned into a black hole?
@sehe That's like something you'd need in an Anime's dialogue, lulz.
@BartekBanachewicz instead of DirectX, because person in question couldn't use MSVC because MSVC doesn't support Ogonek.
I love how MSVC has to do the supporting of Ogonek, not the other way around.
@Zoidberg Wait, so you can't use DirectX outside MSVC? That would make it a lot crappier.
@FredOverflow actually, it rematerialized, then migrated to another message - presumably through a wormhole
If we said that even 5 years ago, someone would smack us. :3c
@ThePhD Nah. MSVC should support C++11. Support for ogonek is a logical consequence of that.
@sehe Cue Tony appearing
@Zoidberg lisp? also: why?
@CatPlusPlus He's late
@Zoidberg Aha
Because it sometimes makes code more readable.
@Zoidberg What a boring reason
@BartekBanachewicz You can, they're just bad at it
You can't use it outside of Windows though
@Zoidberg Every language feature can be abused to make code more readable ;)
So OpenGL is still better unless you have manpower to write two renderers
MinGW and DirectX.... all the horrors... ;~;
^ whoa serious bandwidth
Or you can use something that already abstracts over those two
My desktop Windows games were and will be written in OpenGL anyway
But who'd do that
It's sensible choice after all
> image not found
yep, serious bandwidth right there
@sehe "image not found"
Typical Dutch racism.
Oneboxing is bad
Why is it called oneboxing again
It's weird name
Anyway, our flat room got 2nd mechanical keyboard today. Clack clack clickety clack.
@CatPlusPlus I dunno. Is there any advantage to using DirectX in windows?
@EtiennedeMartel Typical twitpic anti hotlink
Because it puts stuff in one box.
And I fucked MS by removing 2010 alltogether. F you MS.
@ThePhD Some GPUs' drivers (cough Intel) are terrible at OpenGL
@NolwennLeGuen Why the 'one', though? It's not like you expect it to go in TWO boxes.
@BartekBanachewicz Yay. Way to teach them! (?)
Supporting like 2.0 or shit
@ThePhD Well you could, right?
One sounds a bit redundant.
fuck. C# hates my args
@CatPlusPlus 4.0. And I'm working on it.
C# also hates your guts
@ThePhD You've never been on an assembly line, boxing things.
@BartekBanachewicz Your GPUs still suck
I wouldn't be surprised.
Just did one at work.
@EtiennedeMartel ...
@CatPlusPlus In x86 tablets they are powerful enough
And please note that Intel has relative short history of GPUs
@CatPlusPlus Doesn't Windows native OpenGL lib and drivers, when you link to it, only go as far as OpenGL 1.1?
@rubenvb Wait, you're doing echo and date in C#?
Hardware is improving too.
But really only GPUs I've seen having trouble with OpenGL 2.0 were Intel integrated chips
@EtiennedeMartel against your own server?
just had to teach my mom SQL
@sehe Trying to.
@MooingDuck localhost
@Crowz Ouch
I do hope something's changed since 2 years ago
I think Boost and some Win32 API isn't going to kill me
@Crowz poor thing.
@Crowz You have my sympathy.
C# ain't working out.
But there are still Intel GPUs out there that can't run basic OpenGL shit at all
@rubenvb Why not?
and I'm not very inclined to learn it.
Or maybe it's just drivers, dunno
@rubenvb That sounds rather ... you know... upside down
Well, thankfully
Everything in my eingine is utterly abstracted from DirectX
Haskell y u two different types named FilePath.
Even the enums I've encapsulated with my own values, so.
Anyway, I'm not in development team right now. I just make sure these guys don't fuck up.
Hackage y u such a mess.
But still, artefacts in a game that uses bitmap fonts to render a rectangular grid
I can effectively ignore DirectX for now.
here's a question: is it possible to make a website use hardware accelerated graphics?
@Crowz wut. the browser does that for you already
@Crowz bananu7.github.com/OpenMOBA
@rubenvb Win32API to do... what? Encoding conversions?
@NolwennLeGuen webGL /cc @Crowz
WebGL is another thing
@NolwennLeGuen I want to put something interactive that involves a few 3D models
@CatPlusPlus just answering the bird.
canvas can be accelerated even without WebGL
@sehe Unicode commandline args
@CatPlusPlus canvas sucks
Also compositors nowadays use acceleration to draw entire page
I just fixed my C# echo.
At least Firefox and Chrome do
@Crowz Did she give you a funny name? ;)
@Crowz then WebGL.
You can even show FPS counter for the chat
@rubenvb What exactly is the problem. Does windows do charset conversion on main args?!?!
@rubenvb GetCommandLineW
@CatPlusPlus yeah, I know. That's what I'm thinking about.
And then use a real Unicode implementation to process it
@MooingDuck I don't think so.
@FredOverflow ahaha
Boost.ProgramOptions should use that on Windows IMO.
Oh, yes, I'd like to see Boost depend on ICU
That would be hilarious to watch
@rubenvb the actual command line parsing doesn't involve unicode at all, right. You could just have a CL parser based on linear string traversal, where you ignore any non-ascii-subset codepoints.
@CatPlusPlus Boost uses ICU all over the place.
@rubenvb Why only on windows? Why is windows Unicode support more important than anywhere else
Only regex does
Well, can do
@sehe It's Unicode string, so yes it does involve Unicode
:7218723 int wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])
{ for(int i=1; i<argc-1; ++i) std::wcout << argv[i] << " ";
  std::wcout << argv[argc-1] << "\n";
Did not work.
@sehe because all the rest (read decent Unix implementations/environments) are UTF-8 (thus char) based.
@rubenvb Define "Did not work."
@rubenvb Oh. Right. That's most likely by virtue of the actual output stream. You'd need to read that chapter by Cheers&HTHAlf (?) in his C++ book. Very enlightning
You still need Unicode implementation to decode and process those strings
You know I'm tired of repeating that
@FredOverflow calling the program with éèçà did not output éèçà, unlike the cmd builtin echo
oops, sorry for 2nd screen
anyway, that's the generated diagram
@BartekBanachewicz Polish entity names...
Oh god nullable strings
@CatPlusPlus everything's UTF16. it's Windows. I need no processing whatsoever.
That never happened to me :)
@sehe Uni requirements :/
@BartekBanachewicz ... sigh
@rubenvb boost.programoptions is char based. There'd have to be processing
So, we got three Poles now? The Cat, Bartek, and Griwes?
@MooingDuck it's all templated. There's wchar_t variants.
@BartekBanachewicz Good thing they have the sanity to allow Ascii-transcriptions of diacritics
@EtiennedeMartel And half of Radek
@rubenvb You suck at Unicode
@CatPlusPlus Pointers in Rust are never null. I find that very interesting. Goodbye NullPointerException!
This chatroom is getting quite cosmopolitan. It's almost like Montreal. But with fewer potholes and less garbage.
@FredOverflow In Soviet Rust, null points at you!
@FredOverflow Great achievement
fucking jar files...
Still not interested
@Crowz what's wrong with jarfiles, now? Oh wait, you're new :)
@CatPlusPlus I don't know of any other language without null pointers.
@sehe Always reminds me of this guy for some reason.
> ReferenceCreateFailed
Not sure if joking or....
@sehe actually this is java haha I am packing my program and putting it online tomorrow
@rubenvb oh, then I agree
Very good error message, yes. Very helpful.
Pointer is a rebindable reference
@sehe null doesn't point anywhere.
@FredOverflow Oh, so it's like C++ references then, but rebindable?
@MooingDuck Thanks again for helping make that implementation. I ended up sprinkling ptrptr everywhere. It's so much fun!
There's plenty of languages where you can't have references pointing at literally nothing
@EtiennedeMartel Well. I'm flabberghasted. It couldn't have anything to do with the name, obviously
@EtiennedeMartel As I understand it, yes.
@sehe Weird, eh?
@CatPlusPlus examples?
Python is a blind spot I'm not proud of :(
Will read book when I have time.
Python is weird
@Zoidberg It tells you about the identifier casing convention used by the developers. Very useful. Also, camel, as it happens.
Oh I must prefix it with "refs/".
@Zoidberg Again
@BartekBanachewicz You're weird
Learn you a Python for Great HRRRRNNNUNNGGGHH (The sound of a python strangling you)
Yeah do I know the API doesn't do that for me.
@CatPlusPlus Have I ever said I'm not?
I'm just confirming that for you
@sehe camelcase? :(
@ThePhD np
57 mins ago, by sehe
@Zoidberg Indeed. Bear in mind git refs have 'namespaces' and by convention local branches go in refs/heads
@Zoidberg or toe, whatever you prefer (I'm guessing you'll go with case)
So I should name my reference "refs/heads/hxp-bugs"?
Hell, I wear a top hat, play piano and code in Lua. I'm still not python weird, though.
@Zoidberg My best guess.
Mind you, I never went full masochist with libgit, but I keep my eyes open when reading messages and browsing/copying git repos
lol I have an empty commit.
@CatPlusPlus well, I might suck, but Windows sucks even more; _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT); got me the first character of the four.
Just a date.
No message, no tree, nothing. xD
@rubenvb Yes, it does
@sehe gitlib != libgit
libgit is terrible. gitlib is a wrapper around libgit2, which is less terrible.
Don't try to make Unicode work with stdout
@Zoidberg same deal, actually. s/libXXX/git repository format/
You'll kill yourself first
Use console API
@sehe heh :P
Well, thanks. "refs/heads/hxp-bugs" works.
@rubenvb Did you know/find/read the chapter I was referring to earlier? I think it details all this stuff
let commit = (createCommit repo) { commitLog = "Initialize Hexapoda" }
writtenCommit <- writeCommit Nothing commit
let ref = let oid = RefTargetId . fromJust $ commitOid writtenCommit
          in createRef "refs/heads/hxp-bugs" oid repo
writeRef_ ref
@Zoidberg Only an hour lost :)
@sehe what chapter of what?
10 mins ago, by sehe
@rubenvb Oh. Right. That's most likely by virtue of the actual output stream. You'd need to read that chapter by Cheers&HTHAlf (?) in his C++ book. Very enlightning
@Zoidberg Pull that inner let to the outside
@sehe No! I've learned a lot. Nothing's lost. Also, I was watching Tussen Kunst & Kitsch in between.
@CatPlusPlus oh I just noticed. xD
@sehe oh. Didn't look yet.
He does a lot of hackish stuff I really want to avoid.
I initially used <- but then noticed that createRef returns Reference instead of IO Reference.
And you don't really need that ref anyway
@Zoidberg Why on earth would you watch Tusschen Kunscht & Kits
Oh of course.
let oid = ...
writeRef_ $ createRef ...
No it's a let = in.
@rubenvb he also dispenses a lot of essential platform information on proper console unicode output in standard C++. That might interest you.
let oid = RefTargetId . fromJust $ commitOid writtenCommit
in createRef "refs/heads/hxp-bugs" oid repo
There's clearly an in there.
Also fromJust is probably bad
It's not in this case.
I know for sure it's a Just here.
let oid = RefTargetId . fromJust $ commitOid writtenCommit
writeRef_ $ createRef "refs/heads/hxp-bugs" oid repo
in is implicit for the rest of do block
Thanks. You're almost awesome.
fuck. I wanted to write POSIX utilities using Boost. I end up reading about unicode crappiness in Windows console. That's C++ for ya.
@rubenvb Sadly, resonates
And also CLI under Windows
hm, could you "define" a division by 0 in C++ ? so I don't get an exception but like, make divisions by 0, divisions by 0.00000000000000000000000000000000001
@CatPlusPlus Fortunately, I'm continuing to be able to avoid most of that
@GamErix undefined
or std::nan
@Rapptz well I mean, there are no (windows, VC++) compiler options to define what should happen at a division by 0? :X
it automatically throws an exception
I don't think you can redefine it
CPU throws the exception
Hmm. Anyone well versed in c# at hand?
hey, I just noticed I removed my CommandLineToArgvW using code.
@Rapptz yes but I find it kinda stupid to write code all the time with var/(something+0.000001)
Why are you dividing by zero.
Well don't divide by zero
(knowing that something cannot be negative)
Stop being bad at math and coding
Don't divide by zero.
It does weird things in Javascript.
@CatPlusPlus tell the driver to move his ass instead of staying in place ;>
divide by zero. Get IEEE Floating Point INF.
What does that even mean
ah don't tell me you don't know what "distance traveled" is ..
I'm pretty sure everyone here has taken a higher level math course than you.
@Rapptz i can be pretty sure of that too but then still, when a car stays in place, the distance traveled is 0, so each time I make sure it ISN't 0 by adding a small value because it's stupid to do if(var == 0) all the time.
You know.

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