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@GigaBass sounds like you are in good standing then... but considering you get that last 30% broken down... it's a rather large region to be better then you
Technically, it's a weighted average, but at least in my case all the subjects have the same weight because.
@thecoshman It may be large but it isn't highly populated (you know, normal distribution and shit).
@thecoshman Well I barely studied ~2h for each test in the day before the last semester, some tests I've done this semester not even 2h did I look at anything on the day...
@GigaBass yeah, but employers only see that 14 out of 20
@thecoshman Not to be a asshole, but I constantly get thrown in my face mad from my friends because I don't attend classes, do the projects or even actually care about anything, and score better than most of them that actually have study plans and work really hard for the grades.
@thecoshman In Portugal? No one gives a fuck, really (at least not in IT).
@R.MartinhoFernandes THAT is the kind of thing I do not know and have a notion of, I'm constantly asking everyone I know about related things, employment, GPAs, how to, opportunties and that kind of thing.
@GigaBass IME being a natural can counter lack of study.
but not being asked to memorize the fucking UCD.
VB people here? Count the errors …
Q: Is this simple VB.Net class thread safe? If not, how can I improve it?

user1532208Public Class UtilityClass Private Shared _MyVar As String Public Shared ReadOnly Property MyVar() As String Get If String.IsNullOrEmpty(_MyVar) Then _MyVar = New Random().Next(0,10) 'Generate random number End If Return _MyVa...

@DeadMG What. What do you mean by UCD?
Employers checking grades?
@R.MartinhoFernandes what I meant was, in the UK, a 1st is a first, there is no way to differentiate between you and (crude maths permitted) 30% of the people who did your course. with this GPA thing, only 5% of people share your grade, at 14 out of 20, 25% are better then you (again, allowing for crude maths methods
@R.MartinhoFernandes One of my final exam questions.
asked me what the codepoint was for E with some kind of accent.
@DeadMG Yeah, it definitively is... if I actually ever had the effort of studying somthing for real, and then didn't achieve the goal I wanted, I'd feel pretty fail x)
@thecoshman Very crud maths. Normal distribution dude. It's way less than 30%.
@DeadMG Woah.
Grades are mostly just a first step, they do not care too much about it, but when it comes to getting through a pile of CVs, those with low grades will almost always be first to go
@DeadMG Are you sure you did not dream that?
You put your grades on CV what
@R.MartinhoFernandes I am sure it is... on my course, out of the... 20 or so people who actually finished only me and two friends for 1sts :P
@thecoshman The first to go, or the first to be discarded?
@GigaBass ¬_¬ what's the difference, either way they are not getting the job
@thecoshman Out of a whopping twenty people? Wow.
I am impressed.
@thecoshman The first to go as in get employed.
Formalised education is pretty worthless, especially if you're better at learning on your own
Because then you're being shoehorned into a framework that doesn't work, doesn't make sense, and only serves to annoy you
@GigaBass "first to go" means "first to be discarded".
@CatPlusPlus this this this this this this, I feel as useless as I did when I first enrolled in college 2 years back. Any of the shit I know "because of college" I could've learned in 5% of the time, on my own
@R.MartinhoFernandes there was more then that, I think... I lost track what with some hardly turning up
But seriously who puts grades on CV SERIOUSLY
@CatPlusPlus I do.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Why do you think I ragequit? ^^
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah, kk. Everyone, @CatPlusPlus
@CatPlusPlus people who have no work experience
which is 95% of the body student @ college.
gotta start somewhere
@CatPlusPlus oh, where do you work again?
@thecoshman My point is... you are basing your numbers on a sample of 20 people and arguing with me about statistics?
Especially @ IT... lol
Make use of your fucking uni and get an internship DURING
That's literally one of few things that uni is actually useful for
Only intership opportunity we have is next year @ 2nd semester.
@GigaBass I don't.
@R.MartinhoFernandes hey, I didn't deny that assuming even distribution was crude maths
@R.MartinhoFernandes Must have a good portfolio then?
I haven't ever seen a grade on CV
he has skills
you know
It's silly
It's ridiculous
Or make sure you have a good friend who has a software company and go work there. =D
It's uncomparable
I checked out the exam from the year before
@thecoshman The point is that it is way too crude. The numbers only support your point because they are crude.
It means nothing
@Zoidberg Portugal in a sentence.
it's stuff like "Does German keyboard layout allow for entry of Chinese Pinyin symbols?"
@DeadMG That's fine, I know that one.
I don't work on grades higher than minimum passing because :effort:
and Arabic, British, and French as well?
oh gawd
I don't breathe, because :effort:
@DeadMG No, but that was not in the exam, was it?
@DeadMG I like to think that was at least covered on your course...
Grades are literally worthless
@TonyTheLion if breathing takes effort, you're doing it wrong.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes- all four of the above.
@thecoshman You can hope.
@DeadMG Dammit.
@LuchianGrigore my shit in your zapada, whatever that may be ...
@Zoidberg I was making a joke on @CatPlusPlus earlier statement
@CatPlusPlus I would not say literally. At the LEAST, they show the person is determined/naturally intelligent and puts an effort.
Especially when exams are as ridiculous as mine or DeadMG's
@TonyTheLion I know. And I was belittling the joke.
also, Unicode layout algorithms when you start inserting RTL/LTR overrides.
@CatPlusPlus not really, if I two CVs, I am going to call up the guy who got a 1st before I call up the guy (if at all) who only just passed
@LuchianGrigore Dunno about that language, but Google Translate is terrible at German.
@Zoidberg Why not Zoidberg?
@GigaBass Not really, if you are aware how things are graded
depending on who went to 'franks fly by night cheaty uni'
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's romanian...
@TonyTheLion Why not Tony The Lion?
Really, don't waste your life on uni
Pass and forget
@CatPlusPlus playing the game to get better grades is still good though. It's what we do in the real world.
@GigaBass Not at all.
If you want to work in industry, you will be learning new shit and adapting all the time anyway
@CatPlusPlus Well, uni isn't just studying and grades, or I might've not enrolled in it
oh sure, once you have a job, uni is nothing
you've just described how little effort you put in to your university.
and I can rapidly demonstrate that natural intelligence has nothing to do with it.
People on this website are retarded
@DeadMG How so then?
You're on this website
Intelligence and laziness are completely separate and unrelated things.
@NolwennLeGuen oh yaw! sarcastic opinions :D
You don't say
@GigaBass Well, I just described an exam where the only way to pass would have been to memorize the Unicode Character Database.
@GigaBass No. I don't put my grades on my CV because I don't think it deserves mention.
which, in case you forgot, is several MB of data.
I didn't go to school today because it'd have been a waste of time.
@DeadMG Memorize the UCD? The fuck? That's stupid. MEMORIZING? But oh well, that goes with my argument: if the person scored good on it, it reveals work towards it.
Without Unihan, that is.
Wow, I went on for 14 hours without noticing that I typoed "subtlest"
@GigaBass Right.
@GigaBass That's the point we're trying to make ,yes
but my fundamental point is
saying "I have a degree" is meaningless.
the only thing that would be meaningful is "I passed X course."
No, if a person scored good it means they're good at memorising shit
I have a degree. It is 2/10. :D
Retarded guy asks: "How can I change process description?"
I answer: "You can't"
Retarded guy asks: "Ok but how do I change it?"
but then, in order to know what that means, you would have to know all the details about X course.
@CatPlusPlus I'm no idiot, I know that there are certain classes which is more decorate shit down than understand
You don't have to be able to remember everything to be a good programmer
@GigaBass I think I should point out the the cat and the dog are bitter cynical old farts whipper snappers
@DeadMG I learned something??
Or CS or whatever
@CatPlusPlus And that they had to TAKE the time to memorize shit, precisely.
@NolwennLeGuen how do you change it?
Ah yes, ranting about university courses? I'm in
just for once, I didn't even start it.
@GigaBass Or they cheated, as many of those ~good memorisers~ do
@DeadMG lolol
@CatPlusPlus Cheat, in what way?
@CatPlusPlus They are ~more scholar~ than you are
Hey I have nothing against that
@NolwennLeGuen oh yes, I forgot you also loved uni
Ok, I'll whip out a personal example some days ago that happened to me.
If I were better at not getting caught I'd steamroll uni with that
It's "faggot" you faggot
Let's talk about something less worthless than uni
huh, welp, I can say for fact that my course was more then just "how much of x can you remember", because I got a good grade and have appalling memory
@thecoshman Me too!
I've learnt very little from being taught stuff, I know what I know because I have wanted to know it
On the test of yesterday they asked terrible questions.
My courses are mainly mathematics applied to informatics
@R.MartinhoFernandes you too what?
I have no idea how people at my uni who aren't self-taught actually manage to get a job
I was due a Theory of Computation exam the next day, I signed up for an improvement just to go around @ uni and meet up with the people, had no intention of going there to actually improve because I didn't care. I was awoke at 3AM, and suddenly I thought "hmm, I got nothing to do... let's see what's on the exam tomorrow", and I started looking at what I supposedly had to know during the coure (oblivious to 80% of the things), and got interested (it was about how compilers parse code, at a basic level).
(see full text)
What's the difference between the points in Steve Krug's book and <insert other author here>'s book?
Because the industry isn't that impenetrable
Well give me the fucking lists of points.
There's plenty of terrible people working
I had database exam today
And yeah, long story short, studied from 3 to 8 AM, and got a 19, highest score of my year. :>
@CatPlusPlus How fun was it on a scale from Access to 10?
@CatPlusPlus are you doing just 'computer science'?
@CatPlusPlus Did it even involve real databases? Or just theoretical relational algebra
@Zoidberg Access, literally
Anyways, brb 15m.
"What makes a good form"
@CatPlusPlus your soul has now been forever scarred.
oh wait, you're a soulless animal. :P
@CatPlusPlus lol, access, people still let that think it's a worthwhile database?
One that is uncluttered and allows you to do what you need to do.
PS: I had to do a presentation a few weeks ago about a project for uni. When I explained which tools I had chosen, none of the teachers knew what JSON/MongoDB/NodeJS were. whatamidoinghere.jpg
@thecoshman Why not? Two words: MySQL.
I.e. one made by a person who used common sense.
@CatPlusPlus Oracle
erm, it's the biggest piece of horseshit ever invented
Xeo has the right approach, but I'd skip iterator_traits and just test decltype(*start). — Ben Voigt 16 mins ago
If only it was that easy.
@NolwennLeGuen ¬_¬ wrong room?
@TonyTheLion you invented Oracle?
@R.MartinhoFernandes why? two words Micro: Soft
"Write a query that does blah blah" where the query is complicated enough that writing it on paper, from memory, and without a way to actually test it, is bullshit
@thecoshman Wrong uni.
@R.MartinhoFernandes and those are not words
@Zoidberg was talking about MS Access
@NolwennLeGuen wrong country :D
fucking long build times.
@thecoshman Wrong life
But there were better questions last year
@BartekBanachewicz To each his own
@TonyTheLion Oh I read "I ever invented." Derp.
"What makes a good tester"
A non-moron.
@NolwennLeGuen may I suggest you try drug dealing, quite profitable, so I hear
@Zoidberg Wrong.
so I here
I saw that
@NolwennLeGuen You obviously should have used Java, XML and Oracle. Other tools are bad and terrible.
@thecoshman I have no idea what it is, but there's very little CS in it
And a lot of Java-inspired ~enterprise~ software engineering
@CatPlusPlus did you pick the course your self?
At least you're doing Java-inspired stuff and not Prolog
@NolwennLeGuen yeah, but at least I saw it my self first :P
I'd rather do Prolog than Java at school.
my self
I saw that too
@NolwennLeGuen ... I think I would rather use prolog
is Java worse than PROLOG?
@Zoidberg I have upcoming project in prolog
interesting question
@thecoshman What do you mean?
Java is worse than anything.
@NolwennLeGuen no, I am not scared of the space bar! Embrace it, you will not break it
@DeadMG I think Prolog is way more interesting.
am not scared the space bar
are you doing this on porpoise or what
@R.MartinhoFernandes PROLOG is completely unusable for basically everything.
I think Java is the winner here
@NolwennLeGuen he is literate in a funny way
@CatPlusPlus ... did you pick your course your self? or just go with what ever some other person chose
@Zoidberg Have you actually tried Prolog?
@DeadMG No, you're just bad at it
it sucks cock, but at least it can suck cock.
@DeadMG What the cat said.
@NolwennLeGuen nope, I am that bad :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes.
@DeadMG This is a valid point
I have played with it a little.
@thecoshman We have a fixed study plan and go with it
But not extensively used it.
@Zoidberg a cock? with that ^ it's even more funny
@BartekBanachewicz Prolog, you fool.
@BartekBanachewicz His own, duh.
@CatPlusPlus No.
@Zoidberg What difference does that make?
@CatPlusPlus sounds like they are just trying to cater to your lazy ways :P
@NolwennLeGuen You are bad at it too?
Next semester there's a group of pickable courses, but they're all worthless too
I've used prolog back in school
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's difficult to be good at something pointless and so desperately mindfucked.
I'd rather skip them but no, you have to pick two
Also two semesters of physical education and non-related courses like foreign languages
Very useful
@NolwennLeGuen hey! I put a lot of effort into job... well... I turn up
@Crowz throw me some folk
@CatPlusPlus on your uni course?
I like to describe Haskell as pointless mathematical wankery, but PROLOG is far, far worse, really.
My teacher once said it was a good idea to make class diagrams before writing your program in "a programming language such as Java, Haskell or Prolog."
^ zisse
Of course I'm picking courses dealing with stuff I already know, so I can expend as little effort as possible
@Zoidberg ROFL
libtorrent Y U HANG ON ~session() { m_thread.join(); } ?!
@CatPlusPlus PE? in uni?
@DeadMG Yeah, you're bad at both
Wish my uni had PE!
@NolwennLeGuen Yes, I get it: you cannot get it. That's fine.
a class diagram before you program in Haskell or PROLOG.
^ He he, SFW
Wish my uni had numerus fixus!
Prolog is interesting exactly because it is different and it forces you to think differently.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I do get it. I'm just not interested and see no point for learning that language for engineers
@DeadMG y u spell Prolog all-caps.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: ITT DeadMG and Cicada bad at non-imperative programming [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
Java is just boring.
@Zoidberg erm... I will conceded a good idea to take a minute to think what you want the class to do, and how you want to use it... but writing stuff down? fuck that
fuck. I always felt that there is something wrong with thread::join()
@R.MartinhoFernandes Bullshit. That's like saying "let's all learn chinese just for the sake of THINKING DIFFERENTLY"
@Zoidberg Nolwenn.
@thecoshman classes in Haskell and Prolog.~
I write a fairly good section of my own code functionally
I just wouldn't want to write all of it functionally
(Haskell has classes, but they are completely different.)
@NolwennLeGuen I won't even bother trying to understand how that analogy makes sense.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm fine with you losing this argument, thank you.
@R.MartinhoFernandes TIL
@Zoidberg Seriously?
@CatPlusPlus Yes?
Who did you think she is
I thought he/she was a newcomer.
probably the worst part of all this is not prolog
...but you
but the fact that the prolog teacher is convinced that the language is a major industry tool
Another one of my teachers is obsessed with the idea that there is one Dutch person in the company who makes UML diagrams and then sends them to Ukraine or India and have the program made there. He says it's done that way in 99.9999% of all software companies. (And he has a software company himself.)
@GigaBass we have swimming once a week. I love it.
@NolwennLeGuen Which is completely unrelated to what I was discussing.
the only really major industry tool is incompetency
@R.MartinhoFernandes ponies
@Zoidberg maybe in shit ones
@NolwennLeGuen bring av back.
@NolwennLeGuen ¬_¬ smooth
@Zoidberg Just like @Stacked, lol
@BartekBanachewicz Nice bark bark! x)
@Zoidberg Why do they have to be Dutch?
@AndreiTita he was talking about Dutch companies where Dutch people work.
I don't mind the fact that PE classes exist
I mind the fact they're mandatory
I'm gonna use and abuse your nickname until the end of times, mwahaha.
@CatPlusPlus was about to say that :P
I hated PE classes, but for obvious reasons
@BartekBanachewicz But in a serious tone, you mean at uni? (because you supposedly work already?)
PE classes? Physical exercise? Project Euler?
@TonyTheLion lazy fecker :P
@GigaBass yup. It's the only thing about my uni that doesnt quite suck
@Zoidberg former
@thecoshman lulz
@thecoshman in university?
@Zoidberg yeah...
In what terrible countries is that mandatory?
@BartekBanachewicz Sweet... my uni has 3 Tennis courts, 2 football courts, and a volleyball court aswell, but they're rarely usd.
til "PE" physical education
If they'd make that mandatory in The Netherlands I'd quit instantly, as well as many other students.
@Zoidberg Countries which's names != America (because America is totally a country)
the campus I went to, the closest thing to PE we had was stairs
ah fucking fuck nothing works dammit.
Stairs is bad too
@GigaBass ... it is
We in our high-tech country have elevators
We take the elevator at school even when we need to go up only one floor.
@thecoshman oh you don't say!
@CatPlusPlus well of course there where lifts too
@BartekBanachewicz it's software, that's the usual state of affairs.
@DeadMG Proxy objects are only a problem for a few very special cases such as std::vector<bool>, which even standard committee members agree was a bad idea. In most cases, iterators can be implemented as a typedef for value_type*. — Agentlien 11 mins ago
ahahahaha, lol'd
How to be productive: Disable facebook, start crawling reddit, start chatting @ SO, realize you're still not productive, enable facebook, loop
story of my life ^
Ew, Facebook.
productivity requires will power
Apparently Robot is the most productive in this room. Or so he claims
@TonyTheLion Do you think I am?
@thecoshman Yeah, which I have none of. x)
@TonyTheLion He's just the most produced in this room.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you seem to give me that impression
@Xeo he's the only one that was produce, every one else was born :P
I'm probably wrong. As usual.
It just happens that InDesign takes forever to launch in debug mode.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yay, I'm not on page 1!
Are all the users shown on the chatroom online? Or only the vivid-colored ones? The ones not faded*, whatever.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh right
Wait, damn it, I am.
I'm productive I poop
@Xeo no friends, huh?
@Abyx No, just hating fb with a passion.
Say I move to Finland. What happens to my pension?
At new year's eve, I spent 2 ENTIRE hours deleting the people I do not talk to


Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
@Xeo Do you use G+?
@Zoidberg stays in your country of origin, usually
state one will at least
@Zoidberg I think you should ask someone that deals with that.
I'm falling down in ranking, this should be fixed
@thecoshman hmm.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ok.
I have a FB account but don't really use it per se
It's just there
oh, I seem to have become a fixture on the frequent users list for the room :P
Surprisingly, puppy seems to have over 100k messages too
I think because he likes getting into silly arguments
and what's up with @sbi, have I just missed him recently or has he not been around much lately?
It's like email
Check messages, leave
@thecoshman He actually works.
@TonyTheLion oooh yeah... that thing
so yeah, fuck prolog and prolog teachers
also pure functional languages
Zoidlang FTW. \o/
any hoops, time to run away home now I think...
@NolwennLeGuen Stop being bad at them first
There's nothing wrong about being bad at something terrible
It's actually pretty awesome
you suck.
Everybody here sucks.
Also concatenative programming
concatenativeprogramming FTFY
@NolwennLeGuen There's nothing wrong about being bad at anything. It's only a problem when you are bad at everything.
Being bad at doing the things you should be doing is wrong.
RavenDB y u Windows only.
Being bad at seeing why the things you think are bad are things you should be doing is wrong
Parse error
I've yet to find a valid case for using a pure function language... might give it a go at some stage...
@NolwennLeGuen Ok, maybe.
Hint: it's every case
@thecoshman Depends on what you mean by "valid".
@CatPlusPlus I don't think pure functional languages are bad, I just said that to irk you, it totally didn't work, sadly
Prolog however is bad.
Time to get myself some Windows and some Visual Studio 2012. :v
Prolog is logical, not functional
@NolwennLeGuen Oh, btw, JFTR I don't like Prolog. I don't want that to tarnish my reputation.
Hope my terrible router won't crash this time.
@BartekBanachewicz Where did I say it was functional.
@BartekBanachewicz It's first order predifags.
@NolwennLeGuen where did I link to you? just sayin.
Prolog is declarative
@BartekBanachewicz Where did I say you said I said?
Red is a colour, not a sound.
Just saying.
@CatPlusPlus Orthogonal concept
Prolog is also a word
@NolwennLeGuen ponies.
I think you accidentally a word
Tbh I'd probably use Mercury if I wanted to use logic programming
Has anyone seen MiB3?
and if you have, did you like it?
It's also functional
Mebibyte three?
Men in Black 3
@NolwennLeGuen Mebibyte?
"Megabyte three" sounds like a good name for a silly movie.
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, one where learning a new language is actually easier in the long run :P
Oh hey I still got a torrent that was at 21%.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think you spelled shit wrong
There isn't much language to learn in case of Haskell
It's simpler than C really
it's more learning the mindset, if I understand things correctly
And manages to be not primitive, which C is bad at
Erlang is also a pretty simple language.
would you shut up about Erlang
any hoops
see ya'll
Erlang is wonderful and made by a wonderful company.
@Zoidberg Isn't that part of Sony now?
@R.MartinhoFernandes There is Sony Ericsson that makes phones, but I don't think Ericsson is part of Sony.
It was a joint effort between the two
Anyway, "wonderful company"...
Damn, the Site du Zéro just got a sexy new layout. Still doesn't change a thing about their crap content, though.
It's called Sony Mobile Communications now
It was founded on October 1, 2001 as a joint venture between Sony and the Swedish telecommunications equipment company Ericsson, under the name Sony Ericsson. Sony acquired Ericsson's share in the venture on February 16, 2012.
@EtiennedeMartel Why the fuck do you still check that?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've received an email.
Erlang actually stands for Erection Language, because it's so orgasmic.
You need to get out more.
Be retarded
Ask on SO
Accept incorrect answer
@Zoidberg Ericsson Language. And yes, I shall crush any Erlang-related jokes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes is that the new catch phrase?
this shit is annoying
@TonyTheLion I don't want to be a trendsetter.
you're annoying
enough ranting for today ~ cya guise ~ cheers ~ flowers
@TonyTheLion If you hear it often, then maybe you do need to get out more.
@R.MartinhoFernandes but you're doing it.
Yeah, you need to get out more
@EtiennedeMartel I do go out. Every three months.
@NolwennLeGuen Here ya go: --'-✿ ~
void set_trend(trend new_trend) { trend_ = new_trend; }
Ew leading underscore
Ew setter
@CatPlusPlus ITT Cat needs glasses.
no leading underscore at all
trailing underscore
Leading trend.
They're both bad
You're bad. :P
@CatPlusPlus In any case, that was the point.
I'm still trying to work out decent getter/setter function syntax.
@TonyTheLion Hence the "more".
@ThePhD That's a non-problem...
I could engineer a property class but there's overhead associated with that junk. :c
@R.MartinhoFernandes I know, it's just trying to figure out which is nicest/cleanest/makes the most sense.
@ThePhD There is?
@ThePhD Being a non-problem, the answer is "none".
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, I'm fairly certain storing a std::function for the get or the set - and then calling that std::function - would be slower than just calling a method you make, even if one does provide really nice syntactic sugar.

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