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@R.MartinhoFernandes Seriously though, I've been on vacation for the last two weeks or so :)
DirectX prefers Row-Major style, right?
Is that why you MUST transpose all matrices before sending them to the Graphics Card?
@ThePhD DirectX doesn't really care either way. If you use the old fixed-function pipeline stuff, then by default it assumes one convention, but that can be overridden
@jalf But then why does it demand when I send my data to shaders, that I call Transpose() for it to work properly?
and in a programmable pipeline (shaders), it concatenates matrices in the way you tell it to anyway, so there isn't really any assumption there in the first place
There has to be a default though, if the Docs tell me to transpose before I ever send my matrices off to the Graphics card.
@ThePhD well, whatever you do, it has to be consistent. If your shaders are written to expect matrices in one representation, then you have to ensure they're sent to the GPU in that representation
In your shader, you multiply the matrices yourself, in the order you choose. So depending on whether you write M*x or x*M, it'll have to be either row- or column-major
Row major vs column major is pretty much a non-issue.
@R.MartinhoFernandes because column major is the only way!
> HLSL .... Matrix packing order for uniform parameters is set to column-major by default.
Because you do whatever you want.
does boost::optional have a "just default construct T now" member?
So unless I specify my packing, it's column-major. But the API is Row-major.
Nice choices, DirectX.
Nice choices...
Btw, GLSL has layout modifiers for that.
GLSL with DirectX.
Sounds like a plan.
I've been meaning to write a GLSL -> HLSL converter.
@ThePhD I suppose that only matters if you access elements directly with indices.
Or switch to OpenGL.
@Zoidberg That's actually something I have in the works.
It's why I'm bothering with all this matrix stuff in the first place.
Or design a shader language that compiles to both GLSL and HLSL.
@Rapptz what time did you get for Euler 24? I got ~1s, does not feel very good
@Zoidberg CG?
@Zoidberg I thought about doing something like that for my masters thesis
@ThePhD Core Graphics?
@MooingDuck = T()?
figured it'd be fun to design a functional-style shader language
@Crowz TIOBE measures buzz, not actual usage.
@Zoidberg No, CG is NVidiau's Shader Language.
@Zoidberg C for Graphics. It's NVidia's thing.
Do I know. :P
the C-derived shader languages are silly
I only ever used GLSL.
It was their proposal for what was going to be the GLSL.
@DeadMG after the optional has been constructed
@EtiennedeMartel "buzz"?
HLSL was also another proposal.
They were both rejected.
lol, the design process for GLSL. Such a joke.
@MooingDuck Why wouldn't = T() still work?
GLSL sucks so much dick.
Oh my, that was fun.
Use Cg?
@Ell You can tell the difference?
@ThePhD well, apart from it being basically the same as Cg and HLSL, sure...
Really, it's the same fucking thing.
@DeadMG that's default + copy (well, assuming C++03, which boost does)
that's HLSL & GLSL isn't it?
They are all the same fucking thing.
@jalf Nooot true. Well, actually, at the current iteration, they're pretty similar.
well I don't know, I was just regurgitating
The thing that made HLSL so great was its Semantics.
@jalf IDK. You can't use real recursion on a GPU, only tail recursion, so it'd be ugly, as you're exposing what would normally be just an optimization.
But DirectX 11 and on scrapped support for DirectX semantics, so now they're only so much as hints, and not actual register-mappers anymore (unless you use DirectX 9).
All three shader languages are just "hey, let's take C, and extend it with lots of SIMD operations, and strip out all the complicated stuff like proper function calls"
@DeadMG I rarely ever use explicit recursion in Haskell.
Most recursive tasks are actually folds, and there is a function for that.
I think I'll write a new Shader Language.
I'll put that in the backend as a Project for the Summer.
@ThePhD ohhhhh lordy lordy
It'll be called Lazy Lounge Shader Language.
Foghorn leghorn
@DeadMG I don't think that's a problem, really. You can do tail recursion pretty reliably and robustly with a functional language.
Because we can't have enough 'L's in our Languages!
low level shading language? >_>
don't do it bro
Because coding it will make you feel good about yourself with minimal work.
Heck, every sane functional language depends heavily on that already. Without that optimization, even the simplest FP program explodes
I'll even write a bytecode and a reflection API, so that the code can be compressed / encrypted.
@ThePhD euh, why
happy new year everyone!
@NolwennLeGuen Le HEY THERE.
Saaame to you.
@DeadMG apparently you assign from a TypedInPlaceFactory
@ThePhD le sanks
@jalf Tail recursive tasks are folds, no? You don't need the tail recursion, you only need a fold primitive.
@melak47 Reflection is what makes Shaders Robust and Not Suck.
@NolwennLeGuen Wait, the year starts on the 7th in France?
Being able to say, at runtime, "Hey, what's the register layout for this shader code's input?"
@R.MartinhoFernandes Only if it's non-mutually-recursive.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Not all folds are tail recursive
@R.MartinhoFernandes You need tail recursion to avoid blowing the stack
@ThePhD and then what?
And have it be like "This is the shader layout, does your shit match?"
@NolwennLeGuen That's not what I wrote.
lets you reuse the same stack frame, instead of pushing a new one for each iteration
"Yeahmy shit matches, GO!"
@R.MartinhoFernandes First time I accidentally join the lounge since beginning of the month
@R.MartinhoFernandes Har har.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Its not what I wrote either, if you think about it
So anyway, airports are pretty boring, when you think about it
@melak47 Reflection allows for automatic creation of InputLayouts, which both D3D and OpenGL require.
@DeadMG Mutual recursive functions are banana-splits, which are catas, which are folds.
i forgot how bbcode works
It's a useful abstraction, and really one that shouldn't have been removed from DirectX 11/10.
[](), @NolwennLeGuen
@jalf Only if you use the recursive explicitly.
@NolwennLeGuen bbcode? 1995 called, they'd like their crappy markup back
@ThePhD missed the http
@R.MartinhoFernandes How could you transform it into a fold if they return different types?
If you make fold a primitive, you don't need the explicit recursion.
@jalf i even forgot the name of that shitty markup language then
Tool are awesome.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'll just pretend that sentence made sense in English, shall I? ;)
@DeadMG Well, with a banana split :P I wrote a program that did those transformations automatically for the Program Calculus class.
@jalf Sorry. "Only if you use the recursion explicitly."
You don't blow the stack with fold (+) 0 [1,2,3,4] (assuming fold is a primitive).
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't really see the connection though. Fold is one specific higher-order recursive function, but you can do lots of things recursively without using fold. Tail call recursion is a general class of recursive functions which may or may not use fold, and which can be optimized efficiently
@jalf My point is that all tail recursive functions are catamorphisms, i.e. implementable with a fold.
Seems like you're saying we don't need to optimize the general case if we instead optimize a single specific case
I don't understand half of what you two are saying, but it almost sounds like you're splitting hairs here.
@jalf I am saying it is the same case, basically.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah, but seems simpler and more straightforward to just implement your compiler to optimize tail calls regardless of where they occur, and then your fold function will also benefit from it
@ThePhD welcome to the lounge
why is it so hard to find header file names for boost libraries? Can't find boost::optional
Rather than optimizing the fold function, and then forcing the user to implement everything in terms of fold, which is doable, sure, but seems a pointless restriction :)
@MooingDuck boost/optional.hpp
what were we talking about again?
oh wait, ideone doesn't have boost
@jalf No, he's saying you can reduce all tail recursion to fold.
@jalf Well, I was just trying to say you don't really need that optimzation.
@R.MartinhoFernandes But you do. If nothing else, then you need it in your fold function
You don't need it everywhere else, but if you're implementing it anyway, why not apply it everywhere you can?
Because you don't need code to detect it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes but it's trivial to detect
You just need to magically put an imperative loop in a primitve, which is trivialer :P
#include <optional.hpp> I thought? o.O
@Ell <boost/optional.hpp>, depending on which folder is your root for boost.
omg how do you know where i store my libs
I read your mind.
Your sooooul.
And to be honest, I don't think explicit tail recursion is something particularly useful.
@R.MartinhoFernandes what do you mean, explicit?
Writing it yourself.
well, it's useful in implementing an efficient fold function ;)
Q: expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or '__attribute__' before '{' token

SamI am pretty new to header files and am getting the error expected '=', ',', ';', 'asm' or 'attribute' before '{' token

I think folds are much more readable and they have the advantage that you cannot accidentally write non-tail recursion.
Answer this correctly and get +1000 internets.
@LuchianGrigore oh god the tags
I admit this may be some bias from that Program Calculus class and I haven't looked at much functional code written outside of that.
In that we looked down upon explicit recursion because it is harder to reason about.
@R.MartinhoFernandes eh, I agree with you that folds are generally more readable, I'd just rather have a compiler able to optimize regular code, rather than a "magic" standard library that you have to use because "ordinary" code cannot be optimized as efficiently
It's like the STL. Just plain C++ code, and it's efficient because the compiler is able to optimize all C++ code, not just the magic "special" std::vector
Especially with such an easily applied and well-understood optimization
which every functional language already implements
aspectratio = width / height, right?
I'm not looney?
that is correct
Hencewhy things are usually 16:9, 8:6, etc. etc.
well, normal people would say 4:3 instad of 8:6
but other than that, sure
lol 8:6
16:10 is also popular lately.
@Rapptz yeah, but not popular enough. 16:9 needs to die :(
@NolwennLeGuen ya know. I'm still a bear. But you knew that. How come people keep confusing mehaha
Bonne année
The real test is
if my LOOKAT functions can work in 2D and match the DirectXMath stuff
Then I know I'm a real matrix pro.
@jalf 16:9 works all right for TV and movies (I guess), but especially on something like a smaller laptop, it utterly sucks. 16:10 isn't quite as bad, but 4:3 is (IMO) drastically better.
Yeah, having few lines sucks.
@sehe Merci, à vous aussi :) Tous mes voeux de bonheur et de réussite
Thanks. Keep a few for yourself though :)
@NolwennLeGuen Tabarouette, tu y vas pas à moitié.
@Rapptz What?
What about... 1600x1200 instead?
I think it's high time all the Canadians apologized to us for being Canadian.
I think he's confusing an aspect ratio with a resolution
@EtiennedeMartel Bonne année à ti aussi le québécoué !
I'm not confusing anything, I was making a light-hearted joke.
Is there a difference between typedef struct {} name; and struct name {} in C++? Is that right that only the first works on C?
@NolwennLeGuen Merci, bonne année à toi aussi!
@R.MartinhoFernandes She messes up the accent.
@EtiennedeMartel Ah.
@Jeffrey The second would work in C if you typed out struct name each time you referred to it
what should I attempt to program in... dare I say it... java?
@Jeffrey I don't know C++, but in C the first binds name to an anonymous struct while the second declares a struct name.
@Collin got that backwards
@Griwes Blatant racism.
@R.MartinhoFernandes "Written" accent. Happy new year to you too btw. Whatever your resolution is!
@JerryCoffin Yeah, I've accepted that 4:3 has gone the way of the dodo though... But 16:10 is a nice compromise between what is usable, and what's available on the market
oh hey, boarding my plane now.... How exciting...
See you all in a million hours
@NolwennLeGuen Where is that accent from btw (really WTF, those guys should learn some French, no?)
@etienne Are you referring to the Canadian thing?
@jalf Later.
@Ell Of course.
How is that racist ?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Nowhere.
@jalf What plane is it? Let us follow you on flight radar
@NolwennLeGuen I don't see the "Crash" button. Does that work on Firefox?
@NolwennLeGuen spam! twice linked to a commercial site
@R.MartinhoFernandes From Québec ofc :D
Stylish y u randomly disable stylesheet.
@NolwennLeGuen Ah. That explains why he said "Nowhere".
oh I'm missing sarcasm
@R.MartinhoFernandes What I really want is a monitor that will show files from my camera at full resolution (6048x4032).
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh you.
@JerryCoffin you must have very pretty icons
@sehe Note: "Want", not "have".
@JerryCoffin missing the point. You want to show files? I prefer showing their contents
Let the nitpicking begin.
@sehe Ah, I see. But the icon isn't the file -- the file is the content.
Oh, also, I can now say that, IME, native French speakers are not only terrible at English and Portuguese, but they appear to also be terrible at German.
@JerryCoffin really. filemanagers don't concur :)
@sehe They're wrong. I'm right. What's new?
@Zoidberg that's saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
@JerryCoffin The medium is the message!
@JerryCoffin you want the full list?
@sehe No it's awesome.
@Zoidberg really. ok, who is it
Native drench aren't awful at ebgirl iirc
Do I know.
@Zoidberg Luxo Jr.?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Func<TLanguage, bool> frenchSpeakATerrible = language => true;
It's a random GIF I found on the Intertubes.
@Ell Drunk. Again
@R.MartinhoFernandes Given that messages are neither rare nor (usually) well done, I guess medium is the only choice left.
@sehe There is fascinating data on OkCupid.
Why is the Y axis not labelled. What do "2:1" and "1:1" mean?
@Zoidberg to annoy you
@Zoidberg It is...
@Zoidberg Odds.
What's an Odd of Masturbating. xd
Is there some way to mount several directories on the same mountpoints? (preferably without unionfs?)
@NolwennLeGuen And since we have established québécois are terrible at French too, the conclusion is that québécois cannot speak a single language properly.
@EtiennedeMartel puceau (je plaisante bien sûr !)
If I write X& operator =(const X&) = default; does this count as overloading?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I hear they speak a flawless cariboosh.
@Zoidberg Probability.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Try doing something properly with the US next to you.
Cool. :P
@EtiennedeMartel Nice save.
You can properly not give a fuck.
@EtiennedeMartel If it's any comfort, the Europeans are just as bad as you Canadians -- they just don't have the US next door to give such a direct comparison, so their inferiority is less obvious! :-)
ding ding ding ding
dong dong dong dong

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