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@CatPlusPlus Reiser4 isn't long ago. Also, it used to only murder because fsck was basically unsafe
He is still in prison isnt He?
I'd rather die than life in prison
Reiser4 is 2004, the murder thing 2006
It's forever ago
Q: in php decode to encode using md5 funcation

rakeshin php decode to encode using md5 funcation

Worst question ever.
@R.MartinhoFernandes You too
@Mechanicalsnail really? you must be new here
Okay, 57,389th worst question ever.
Okay I know how to graft things, how to create dummy detached commit
@R.MartinhoFernandes The opposite of a funanion?
@Mechanicalsnail Also a recurring question
@sehe I just voted about 20 of them as duplicates.
@CatPlusPlus how about git write-tree (IIRC). Mmm. skip that. What do you need a dummy commit for?
Funkation - funky vacation
To graft before my first real commit
@sehe If you have real content in your root commit it makes it harder to amend/rebase.
I think I completed my new container's code. At least enough that MSVC compiles and creates one without warning. (haven't tried to use any member functions yet)
What is your container?
@MooingDuck time for gcc + valgrind. Time for rigorous analysis. Time for a publication :)
Oh hey, filter-branch has zero-effort option and I missed it
@CatPlusPlus While you're there, don't forget --tag-name-filter (or they wouldn't be rewritten)
I don't have any tags
29 mins ago, by sehe
@CatPlusPlus graft and filter-branch to 'cast in stone'
There's also a small section in the Pro Git Book on this, IIRC
@sehe first comes compiling with GCC with minimal warnings. Then comes making members compile. Then comes running without triggering asserts. Then comes valgrind, Then comes accuracy tests.
@MooingDuck accuracy?
@ThePhD you still around?
@melak47 Haaaaaaaaaaaaaiii
@sehe postconditions met. (sort -> output is actually sorted)
just wanted to say...implementing a simple convolution kernel with CImg and Eigen is really easy :p
git filter-branch --env-filter "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME='foo'; GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL='bar'; GIT_COMMITER_NAME='foo'; GIT_COMMITER_EMAIL='bar'"
Just backup first >.<
@melak47 Don't know what CImg is, and yes, I know Eigen is easy and fully-featured and nice.
@CatPlusPlus wait, you wanted to rewrite authors?
I should sleep.
@sehe Yeah, he's stealing code.
@ThePhD CImg loads, saves and even displays images for you real quick
I thought you just wanted to re-root the history
I'm stealing code from myself
@CatPlusPlus same deal
@CatPlusPlus better hope you don't find out!
Because I thought I need to use rebase -i
And it needs preceding commit
ITT Cat XYs.
@CatPlusPlus XY problem all the way! So, you don't even need a graft. Because that's for rerooting/fake merging
@melak47 Sounds like fun. Except, I don't want it. :3c
@ThePhD mhkay?
Yeah, it worked without a graft
Now I'll know
I wouldn't never conquered BigEndian, learned about Filtering or did anything awesome if I never implemented all these things myself. I'm doing this to learn, not to actually make anything useful.
@CatPlusPlus :) Woot
I don't know what you want. I just remember you wanted to do something with C++ and kernels
@CatPlusPlus But you will never need it again! Mwhahahahaa.
@melak47 Ooh. No that wasn't me I don't think. o_O
I might have more code worth stealing from myself
@ThePhD wut. If you think you can't learn without doing it yourself, you'll keep writing crappy derivatives instead of building new stuff. Perhaps, that is good. I know I did the same for some years
@melak47 No that's Zoidberg (but he has the same syndrom with a twist: he wants the stuff to be useful (or look useful) insteaed)
oh. hm.
@sehe Not the same kernels, I think.
@sehe Well, it's not like I just write crappy shit and then actually use it for anything serious. Right now, I have a list of everything that has done exactly what I have done except Better: CImg (just added it), C++ std::, glm (or Eigen, leaning towards Eigen, or even just ditching that and doing DirectXMath, because it's fast and SIMD and shiny).
@CatPlusPlus Well, filter-branch is way more powerful. You might want to permanently remove sensitive information from a repo. Or large files
@R.MartinhoFernandes Possible
This entire repo is large files
It's a Unity project
Dat Unity.
@ThePhD Ya know. gcc -O3 -march=native is also SIMD. Just less shiny. Boring things are good
say, uhm, what are you supposed to do when you have negative weights in your convolution kernel? what am I going to do with negative pixel values? :S
There are some gems I've created, though, that are really worth keeping, such as my Flac loader, my Wav Loader, and (soon) a few of my custom animation formats.
@melak47 error
I'll sleep.
@ThePhD I must say, those are quite good tests of skill.
@melak47 If the final value ends up positive, does it matter?
@Zoidberg /daknok
@ThePhD yeah, but what if it doesn't
Time to waste some time.
SHIT. The secret's out
Eigen does SSE too
@Zoidberg That. My userscript macro is gone (/daknok) LOL
And glm
And probably every other matrix library that's been developed for longer than two weeks
And doesn't originate in Java. :3c
@CatPlusPlus But younger than 15 years
@ThePhD Which one is that
@sehe Ahem. A certain lounge-goer. Not saying me, of course!
It's not like I used Java at any point in time.
Also, random words: Processing. And Fuck.
Not in any particular order...
There's a reason that number crunching is done in Fortran, C++ and C. (And Python, Mathematica etc.)
@ThePhD Oh, I did. Plentyful. I learned the real reason why overdoing OO sucks :)
I think C# is the only language to get OO as good as its going to get.
I can't imagine a better way to do it, from the ground up.
oh, well, derp. doing the math with an int instead of unsigned char, and then clipping it to 0-255 before making it an unsigned char again works better.
The ffs() function shall find the first bit set (beginning with the least significant bit) in i, and return the index of that bit. Bits are numbered starting at one (the least significant bit).
@R.MartinhoFernandes Best function name is best.
@R.MartinhoFernandes rofl
@ThePhD Well, it is a nice language. Many more are just as nice/nicer. I believe Boo, nemerle, Python etc. qualify. Heck, even D might be in the mix (but I don't know)
Well, I'e never used Python, but I've only ever heard good things about it (except it's space-based delimiting and blocks and stuff. That might make me sad. :c )
Smalltalk is OO
yeah I've actually not heard a bad thing about python
@CatPlusPlus Yeah, but look what monster that spawned: Obj-C.
C# is just C#
@ThePhD no it won't. it takes about 3 minutes of getting used to.
@Ell You never heard someone say that indents are the devil?
or how slow it is?
y my internets so slow
Nope :L who would say that?
Yeah, Python is very slow.... One of my biggest turnoffs for most languages that are Python-esque, IMO.
@ThePhD define slow. What is C# in that respect.
C# is actually very fast.
@CatPlusPlus There's no s.l.
@ThePhD Python is too
Aw, it didn't change commiters, only authors
Why is that even separate bah
Not going to reset origin
@CatPlusPlus For taking patches.
Too much effort
@CatPlusPlus Other field. Well, the author submits a patch. The committer... commits
@sehe I guess probably because I've only seen terrible exmaples of python.
Well, it shouldn't be used by default
I saw someone try to make Tic Tac Toe in python. 5 seconds just to print the board. :c
An -empty- board.
@ThePhD Huh. That's an achievement. That's nearly as slow as VS 2010 Profiler today
> fatal: You are on a branch yet to be born
@sehe It was one of my Professors. ._.
Or maybe I'm going to reset origin after all
@ThePhD Ah. He was an expert
@CatPlusPlus Make your mind up already. You seem like a nervous little girl
Alright, all my matrices
Are now column-major
And SSE'd to shit
Which means no transposing when going to the graphics card by default!
@DeadMG Pixicles!
... That's a really good winter-themed drawing program name.
you're a noobsicles :P
That will be my internal editor name.
The default helper anim will be a Noobsicle.
Whatever happened to std''OrgnlDave
And it will look suspiciously like me.
Skill: 3
> DeadMG It is beautiful.
huh, on the shootout page I can click the column headers and it takes me to the bottom of the page. Not sure what's up there.
> Rapptz It is a robot that loves animals.
@Rapptz Sounds about right.
> Pubby The speed that reads smut is fast.
@ThePhD I like dogs more than cats!
> ThePhD It is a robot of the justice.
The Justice is an awesome thing.
I dedicate my life to The Justice.
Learn Me a Derp For Great Justice. <-- My robot will write that book.
My shader language will be named Derp, for my Robot has determined it.
@DeadMG Life imprisonment
@ThePhD Derpsicles, FTFY
@Rapptz So, take 4 cats. And 5 dogs
@Rapptz And one squirrel /cc @sehe
Squirrels? Psh..
Night all
Goodnight sehe
ela night @sehe
Damn it someone beat me to my answer.
Why does this always happen
Because @LuchianGrigore :P
It was some guy named Nikos C.
Same difference :P
templates or more or less like generic containers?
I'm not quite being able to understand it
@GigaBass ...what?
trying to understand what c++ templates are.. not quite grasping it >_>
@GigaBass oh. well. kinda.
That is
dirty as fuck.... lol.
Negation in the XMMAth library isn't really negation.
It's take the original vector and subtracting it from 0.
Which means 0 preserves its 0 sign
slightly more accurately, a template is a "function" where you give it types (or values), and it "returns" a class or function. std::vector is a template. When you give it <int>, it "returns" a class that is a vector specialized for int types.
whereas real float negation makes 0.0f -0.0f
.... so dirty.
ah that makes it more perceptible, thanks @MooingDuck
Mmm... DirectXMath does some dirty optimizations
But... they're so dirty. ... . I love it. <3
Can anyone try to sort of explain to me all the syntax going around in this line?
    template <typename... A> void addObject(int drawLevel, A&&... args) { getLayer(drawLevel).addObject(std::forward<A>(args)...); }
Is MATLAB hard?
I hate when MSVC's linker fails to link against static libraries. At least tell me where you looked so I can figure out what path is wrong!
@GigaBass well that's advanced
this is like
lightyears ahead of what I'll ever do LOL
(my code was "revised" by sehe, as in, transported 20 years into the future)
@GigaBass The core of it is a function void addObject(int drawLevel, ...otherstuff) {} right?
the original function was this: void addObject(char* name, char* surfaceFile, int xPos, int yPos, int drawLevel, bool willMoveVar);
yes, that's right
@GigaBass template means that this function can be instantiated for different types.
template <typename... A> means you can give it any number of types you want, and every combination is a different function (but all with the same name)
I'm reading
I'm thinking deep into what you're saying, I'm here don't think I'm AFK
What does instantiate mean anyways? Create an instance of? That doesn't really make sense for function templates.
@Pubby sure it does. there's one instance of every (non-inline) function. That's the heart of ODR
can be used as different types would be abetter wording perhaps? If I understood
@GigaBass Think of templates as a "factory", or a machine that makes functions you ca call.
@MooingDuck so then non-template functions get instantiated too? :S
You give it "colors" and it gives you (whatever it makes) in that color, and then you can use that thingy.
@Pubby yes, that's why they can't be in headers (though I've never seen anyone use that term. Usually it's just "defined")
by type we mean object type?
Like, Foo class, a Foo object?
type Foo?
@GigaBass if I write addObject<float> then it generates a function named addObject based on floats. (I'm not talking about the parameters or body yet, I'm trying to stay simple)
and the double &&, what does it mean? after A, the supposed type?
&& is rvalue reference :S
never seen & used twice, kk
templates are like compile-time functions which work on type
@GigaBass && is confusing, but it usually means you can pass temporary objects to the function by reference. If it's only one & you can only pass named objects to it. One is not "more" than another, they're two separate categories of variables.
I understand passing & into a function.... but &&... can't connect it
such as if I built a function which took a type (Foo a)
and then I called Function(&&Foo(constructorArg1OfFoo, arg2,...));
so I can build a stack object and still access it somehow for the function?
if you have a function void bar(int& variable) {} and tried to call bar(3+5), you would get an error, because the result of 3+5 isn't a named variable.
what am I saying lol
wait, what why an error?
hm I thought that'd would work well
@GigaBass back to basics: a=b Can you distinguish the difference between the a variable (lhs) and the b variable (rhs) in the sense of what is allowed for a and what is allowed for b?
not quite sure what you're asking
what is allowed?
Well, a's being changed
the lhs variable must be named (constants are not allowed)
ah, right
@kfmfe04 Presumably, you mean (in particular) that b only needs to be something that produces a value?
ah, b can be whatever it wants, as long as it returns an int?
any1 ever saw something like this:
map<reference_wrapper<const string>,object*,less<string>> m;
m.insert (make_pair( o->name(),o));
right - now, back to what Mooing said... & must be used for named variables (lhs-type) while && can be used for unnamed (rhs-type) vars
my mind blew when i saw this, gcc gave no error
then, inside the function, there's std::forward<A>(args), which literally just says send this object along to this function exactly how it was given to me. and ... says also send along all the other parameters exactly how addObject received them.
hence the name rvalue-reference
oh so &&'s for unnamed things, temporary things that have no name
rhs objects, yeah
@GigaBass basically it's the equivelent of 3+4 = 7; what should the compiler do in that case? The left side is a temporary! It can't assign the value seven to a math expression!
&& is useful for things like perfect-forwarding (avoiding unnecessary copies)... ...don't worry too much if it's not obvious right away (yes to your question) - it takes a little while to sink in
throw an error
yeah I've just gotten used to using pointers, simple pointer arithmetic, passing objects by pointer and all those begginer things, and I get slapped with lines of code like these hehe
yeah, that I can understand well Mooing
@MooingDuck I prefer 2 + 2 = 5 myself. It makes my day better
@GigaBass another neat trick here is that since (A) this is a function, and (B) all template types are used in the parameter list of the function, we don't have to explicitly tell the compiler what all the types are. Instead of addObject<float, char>(3, .14159, 'A') we can just type addObject(3, .14159, 'A') and save a few keystrokes.
@CaptainGiraffe if you think about it i = i + 1 is just as bizarre (from a mathematical POV)
4 = 4 + 1
@kfmfe04 Of course, fortunately we are not dealing with equalities here.
= is overloaded
in base pi >.>
There was a language that allowed these things.
ah, nice shortcut there
hehehe - cognitive dissonance
would you have any suggestion to "unfold" this abit, to be more perceptible to me, while still using a few of these fancy things?
@sbabbi yes
@Crowz Absolutely not.
@AndreiTita good cause I just applied to mathworks
mathlab is used in like half of the physics/biology courses in my college
and octave and a bunch other languages
@GigaBass matlab?
I'd say it's used in all, but I don't want to be saying what I don't know
Yes, mathlab
@GigaBass well basically, template<typename... A> blah blah A&&...args) { blah blah std::forward<A>(args)... is common, and means "this function takes any parameters, and sends them to the next function exactly as I got them. And when we remove that... void addObject(int drawLevel, stuff) { getLayer(drawLevel).addObject(stuff); } is pretty simple
@GigaBass mathlab or matlab?
@GigaBass methlab?
oh, I don't know, whichever is the correct one xD
@GigaBass Your college decides that for you. Depends on the proximity to Mexico.
pfft, nevermind Mooing
I truly understand what this was doing now, atleast regarding the arguments. It's easy, thanks!
isn't this a little prone to errors? using templates»
because we might be missing arguments or putting them in the wrong order or something of sorts, and it won't be obvious?
lol @CaptainGiraffe
@GigaBass basically it gives the same errors as if you typed getLayer(drawLevel).addObject(stuff); instead of addObject(drawLevel, stuff); Sometimes that gets confusing, but usually not.
what really gives strange errors are SFINAE (that's advanced, don't worry about that yet) and overloading (ever try std::cout >> "APPLE"?)
does MS cancels out BS degree ?
scary 6 letter acronym there, will make sure to stay away :>
@GigaBass Templates adds another level of complexity to what we usually call types safety. It does not remove type safety but it adds a computational element to it.
No, have never used cin or cout
anyone ?
@Mhjr MS tends to cancel out everyting
@GigaBass wait what? cout is the first thing people should learn!
@Mhjr Why do you thinkn that?
@MooingDuck No
I didn't LEARN c++
and starting doing this "game engine"
@Mhjr What are the degrees?
and what I need, I go and try to learn. Sloppy, I know xD
@MooingDuck I mean say one was forced to go to a bad major then decided to get an MS on a better one
@GigaBass Not any more than using a regular function.
@GigaBass hahahaha!
@MooingDuck this person wants to eliminate the past by not showing his past degree
His BS
@Mhjr Then don't put it on the CV.
@MooingDuck CIS and CS
@Mhjr oh, didn't realize MS was an acronym for a masters degree O.o Makes sense.
I started by playing around, and doing this: pessoa.fct.unl.pt/t.parreira/run-applet.html
@Mhjr Talk to him. not us.
@MooingDuck CIS sucks
Who ?
@Mhjr its more important than the BS, so people don't notice the BS, but I wouldn't say it "cancels it out"
and then I tried doing some other stuff, and as I wanted to try "real" game programming with c++... there
@MooingDuck being CIS makes me very depressed :(
@MooingDuck It's not what i wanted myself to be
@GigaBass doesn't seem to work
@MooingDuck Takes a while to load and start up.
It takes an awful time to load
Is CIS "Computer Informations System"?
@AndreiTita Java pong takes a while to load and start up?
A horribly programmed one
@MooingDuck It's fancy!
with 100% global variables and 3 functions xD
@MooingDuck Also I couldn't score at all so I gave up.
well, I'm late, so I'm going home now. Later!
@Rapptz Yes, soft CS interfaces and humans and stuffs.
Bye :)
@Rapptz Yes :(
@Rapptz It's a crappy major
why's that
full disclosure: I don't know what it is
@Rapptz All is common sense
@Rapptz more business than science
@Rapptz The not coding part of computer design team.
What is?
@CaptainGiraffe That sounds boring.
VERY, boring
@Rapptz agreed
but then again I know people who intend to do precisely that
@Rapptz I endured it because in my country they don't differentiate between them, and they reward the both degree holders (cs and is ) the same
@Mhjr Your country is?
@Rapptz Basically ignorant with money :D
@CaptainGiraffe Middle East
whew - >FINALLY< see what mocks are for now - been doing TDD for a while, but mocks have escaped me for the longest time...
@CaptainGiraffe Basically it felt worthless, being in a college that i was forced to be in , drove 200km every single fucking day
Can someone tell me why this isn't working
felt exhausted
Should be relatively simple but.. what the hell.
Couldn't do the CS with that pressure
Oh the highlighting on there helped me catch it.
@Mhjr Sry did not mean to disrespect in any way. But the transition should be ease if your interest is there. You should be able to communicate that.
@CaptainGiraffe I know it sounds stupid to spill things like that
Ignore.. I am retarded.
@CaptainGiraffe But the anger
@StackedCrooked your highlighting feature for errors is lovely. Thank you.
@Rapptz I wish all bugs I ever had were that easy.
@Mhjr What are your options now? also how old are you?
@CaptainGiraffe people here are very sick psychologically :(
I am 24
@AndreiTita I don't get the hard bugs.. most of the time.
@CaptainGiraffe I can go to the US and apply to any school now since there is a program here for abroad scholarships
@Mhjr I don't mind you venting here at all. But there are plenty of universities in the EU that are accepting Mid eastern applicants. Have you talked to any of your profs where you got the degree?
@CaptainGiraffe read the above
@Mhjr The EU alternative is cheap. The US is about 4 times the cost.
@CaptainGiraffe the government takes care of that
if you get a high gpa
@Mhjr Great =) Go for it!

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