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Yea, but I needed to put as a bookmark. Too much typing.
How so?
You need to manually type all the tags, if you have 3 like python and algorithms its a lot of typing and you cant make typos =)
I go through my bookmark bar faster than typing it all with out errors.
the install screen itself is beutifull
lol it would have been so much simpler in a VM
^ You guys are Illmericans :D
GJ, what was wrong ?
@Borgleader Maybe he wanted nice compiz effects. =)
You can still get that in virtualbox
3D accelerated ?
afaik anyway, just gotta install the additions to make your gpu available
I have read it's not that easy to get a direct GPU pass thorough. You need MB that supports VT-d.
Anything wrong with my answer? :)
@Borgleader It's a wall of text. Try to break it up.
Well I might be wrong about desktop effects but 3D gaming is not so easy on a virtual machine. You need specific hardware.
@Mysticial Have you ever read a novel? :)
@StackedCrooked um, hell no...
@Mysticial Except for VN I suppose.
@StackedCrooked Not even those. I'm afraid to get into them.
VN? Visual Novels?
@Mysticial I read Tsukihime on @Xeo's advice and it got me hooked for a few days.
There's a subreddit dedicated to them.
There is a subreddit on most subjects with a reasonable fanbase
i got ubuntu
is there visual C++ on linux ?
There's probably a fucking subreddit for like every single semi-popular fucking anime.
@Borgleader Ah. I should subscribe to that. HxH one of my top 5 animes.
@MohamedAhmedNabil: I highly doubt it but there are other IDEs, afaik Eclipse does C++, and there are most likely other ones
There doesn't seem to be an Ah my goddess subreddit :(
@MohamedAhmedNabil VC++6 runs under WINE (but you don't want to even consider subjecting yourself to that any more). I believe some of the slightly newer versions partially work, but nothing even close to current really works at all.
@MohamedAhmedNabil No. Common C++ IDEs are codeblocks, kdevelop and qtcreator.
@EthanSteinberg: Aren't you stuck using the Qt library if you use QtCreator? I mean I like the IDE itself, but the custom libraries not so much
Why would one install a Linux distro and want to get Visual C++ on it O_ó.
@Borgleader No idea.
You downloaded Ubuntu.. only to ask to run Visual Studio.. So confused.
I was just asking
I wanted linux because it is beautiful
and i want to use linux, I dont care about visual studio
@Borgleader Although QtCreator is obviously oriented toward producing programs that use Qt, you can also use it to create programs that don't use Qt. It just won't do as much to help you in that.
Are there any other good linux compilers?
GCC and Clang
Well he's going to need G++
@Borgleader AFAIK you can write and compile anything. It just has some built-in flavours for Qt based apps. Which is quite obvious.
Oh ok, I had tried the IDE before but never actually tried to compile something standard with it.
where does Code::Blocks keep its settings? Like Syntax highlighting
Yesterday I learned about "uninterruptible wait state". Apparently it's possible in Linux for a process to get stuck and the only way to kill it is by rebooting the machine.
@Borgleader My friend used it. I think it had support for some popular build system so you could actually use more IDE capabilities than just the editor.
Ah, shop is nearly open. I can buy food soon.
I think I'll try to boil eggs in the microwave today.
Scrambled eggs are good
@Rapptz True.
> nice vid thanks ,Can you butter toast in a microwave im lazy
@StackedCrooked Wait, you can put tin foil in a microwave?
Yeah, as long as there is something else (water) to absorb the waves.
No you can't.
Oh, water.
This sounds about as safe as making a nuclear reactor in your basement.
Have you people not heard of a pan.. :(
Why are you cooking eggs in the microwave..
Don't forget you need to clean all that afterwards.
Microwave is ingeniously efficient.
I'm extremely lazy and would rather clean up a pan than eat eggs off a cup :|
You weirdo.
You know, I noticed some people in the chat are there but never talk almost everyday
Yeah there's a bunch of lurkers.
Well, for me. I am in lazy mode today, so I chat instead of working. Maybe its the other way around for those.
I lurk a lot more during the day.
I meant that like that Nican guy. If you hover over his profile you'll see he's made 0 posts here.
But he's here like.. everyday lol
@Rapptz There there are the ones like me who you can only wish wouldn't post!
He probably forgot to hit the "leave" button.
@Rapptz Yeah, I noticed as well.
Hey @Nican what you up to?
When I disappeared for a month in May, I was still in the room the whole time.
last seen 6s ago.
So I got all those occasional pings.
And chat never went down? Colour me impressed.
@Rapptz JavaScript polling from his browser window.
I think.
Oh, gosh can someone edit this
Q: error while connection to remote machine from python

stallionI am using python's paramiko package to connect to unix machine i have written this code.. import paramiko import sys import os import os.path passwd = "Man" ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect("", "root", password=passwd) ...

look at the error msg he pasted...
Edit to what?
Q: What is missing in this c++ program? printing calculations

Justin Chiang#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main (int a, int b) // print to console: 3.0*5.0=15.00 { double a; double b; a =(3.0); b =(5.0); cout << " " << fixed << setprecision (1) << a << "\n" << endl; cout << "* " <...

it printed the arguments ... along with passwd ...
I hope this is not the his stuff...
@Mysticial Should have edited it out.
@luk32 You know you can edit right? Just needs approval.
@Rapptz too late... it's already recorded in the history.
true but who checks revisions anyway :P
I knew at least Mystic can do it right away.
And I thought the sooner the better.
editing is the only form of rep I get
That Justin guy has 0% accept rate.
That OP is probably on the border of being question banned.
8 questions, 0 accepted.
He keeps editing his question for some reason, really weird lol
the original question has already been answered and he just keeps editing it
Not to mention this.. int main (int a, int b)
Hehe, given the compiler error output, his question looks funny. Like compiler marked half of the code bad. How do I fix it xD
Oh, my.
This also look interesting
int main (int a, int b) // print to console: 3.0*5.0=15.00
double a;
double b;
I tell him to accept an answer to raise his rate
and he's accepting all of them
this is hilarious
Well the code is so broken, every answer seems to be correct so far.
I keep losing and gaining rep though.
I wonder however, one commented, his main as very non standard entry point ... is this even legal. I think there is only a few valid main prototypes.
test2.cpp:7:5: warning: second argument of 'int main(int, int)' should be 'char **' [-Wmain]
[Finished in 1.4s]
Ha ha, who is lazy now ?
compiles fine, just throws a warning
I always have Sublime Text open :P
Maybe OP tries to accept more than one answer. It is true that more than one is correct lol.
I want Unsung Hero
@Rapptz C++ is a hard tag to get that in.
I'm only aware of one person who got it off of C++.
I can try some obscure tag like.. um.. No idea.
My own ratio is less than 2%... so it's impossible for me unless I stop answering C++ and answer like 1000 Android questions.
Not to mention that I'm too picky with the things that I answer.
I guess having the badge is easier.. maybe.
Hmm what is a 0 score accepted answer ?
your total is 0 but it's accepted.
@luk32 An accepted answer with a net vote count of 0.
Ok, so upvotes and downvotes on it are equal. In this meaning ?
They really need to update the data dump, considering I don't exist.
Lol, this does seem hard, cause usually I think someone will come, and upvote a good answer to spare some rep.
@luk32 There are only a couple of forms an implementation is required to accept, but others are possible (and fairly common in some situations, like freestanding environments -- i.e., embedded systems with no OS).
@JerryCoffin I know you can have different entry points and signatures. But usually you do not invoke them as classic main, as I believe.
@luk32 Hard to pin down exact level of variation, but yes, resemblance to main is often pretty minimal.
I am using pythong 3. — Issa Sahawneh 12 mins ago
I'd suggest gthong.
I think windows' DLL had some different entry-points, and drivers too... and boot straps. Well probably anything that is not a user-space program will look different. But it was so long ago when I played with it, that it should stay on the bookshelf among other legends.
hi guys
why am I up so early? :L
@Ell In your timezone or Lounge's timezone?
In my time zone :P 8:10 is way too early for a Saturday >.<
Hmm... that's early, but not so early
I had to wake up at 7:.. what was it?
It's early for me, I like a lie in :L
Go back to sleep :)
I can't do that :L it takes me hours to Get to Sleep haha
of course, if you are sitting in front of computer.
Take a book, and you will sleep in no time.
I am on my phone
And its okay I'm up now I may as well make use of this time
Oh should have thought...
For example tidy my room!
so I will be back later :)
is there a new badge?
@bamboon Yeah. I got a few of them when I woke up from my nap.
I don't get the sense of it, why do you get one for each review? they should make it gold, silver bronze like
@bamboon They do, if you do enough of them.
I got one of the silver ones for 250 reviews on low quality posts.
oh yeah, forget what I said. I didn't read properly
So you can get an additional 5 gold badges for 1000 reviews on each of the 5 categories.
ah ok, what are those 5 different categories?
Close Votes
First Posts
Late Answers
Low Quality Posts
Suggested Edits
So that increases the number of non-luck gold badges to 10.
*excluding tag badges
how is you?
@Mysticial hmm, but you could farm them kinda, too?
wrong reply
yup, sorry.
@bamboon It'll still take a significant amount of work to get them. But at least they are "sure to get" badges. Unlike the repeatable gold badges.
those are all gold badges?
@TonyTheLion Bronze for reviewing 1. Silver for 250. Gold for 1000.
ah right
holy shit... Jon Skeet just stuck his nose into a C++ performance question.
This can't be good...
Q: optimize array with only 3 distinct values? How to design?

PriteshI am trying a resource insensitive functionality in C++. I am implementing an array which has 10000 records but any record will have only possible 3 values i.e. 0,1,2. So i was wondering instead instead of instead of storing memory for 10000 instance all 3 together if some how I can just save one...

It's not the type of question that I'd answer, but the tags have me written all over it.
Jon Skeet has given 22k answers. Holy shit!
A: Why is subtracting these two times (in 1927) giving a strange result?

Jon SkeetIt's a time zone change on December 31st in Shanghai. See this page for details of 1927 in Shanghai. Basically at midnight at the end of 1927, the clocks went back 5 minutes and 52 seconds. So "1927-12-31 23:54:08" actually happened twice, and it looks like Java is parsing it as the later possib...

his highest voted answer ^
@TonyTheLion Yeah... that's what happens when you have hundreds of people visiting your profile every day.
He's been averaging like 5 - 8 upvotes on that everyday for the past year.
holy moly
I wonder how he has become so extremely knowledgeable
he's either been programming for years, or he's just really into .NET and read the spec etc
how do you get a link to a specific tweet?
I think, now people are like - "Oh its Jon Skeet... take +1"
make him overflow.
BTW, I have given him my vote. Have you?
hehe, joking
his code has undefined behavior... haha
He is Jon Skeet, everything is well defined. Okay!
@Mysticial Where?
3 << index_within_byte can overflow. Signed integer overflow = UB
Shifting into the sign-bit is considered overflow.
Actually, I'm not sure if it's UB or just implementation defined.
If index was unsigned, there'd be no problem.
3 is the signed integer though
Because then index_within_byte would be 0, 2, 4 or 6. And 3 << 6 cannot overflow, because 192 is way below INT_MAX, no matter what platform.
has anyone used duckduckgo.com?
@Mysticial Negative shift is a problem, not overflow.
the name is funny!
@Fanael it won't negative shift
> Has anyone else been turned down for a job or worse because they don't belong to Facebook?
negative shift is UB
@StackedCrooked whaaat, only a few days? :)
They were long days :D
@Mysticial It will. If index is negative, index % 4 is negative, so index_within_byte is negative, so there's a negative shift. If index is non-negative, no UB there.
Which route(s) did you play?
All but Ciel and the evil twin (forgot her name). I actually should at least finish the twin route.
@Mysticial Other than this, I don't see a UB there.
I don't think the OP needs to support negative indices.
> People say I'm unapproachable... I just tell them to go fuck themselves.
We've been talking about this answer for a few minutes in the C++ room. There's a few things you might wanna fix, but we'll cut you some slack since you're not in C++ :D 1) 3 << index_within_byte is undefined behavior if it shifts into the sign-bit and overflows. So change it to (unsigned)3 << index_within_byte. 2) The rest of the ints would probably be better off as unsigned. Though it'd be better if they used uint32_t or another fixed-integer type for complete portability. — Mysticial 6 mins ago
9 mins ago, by Fanael
Because then index_within_byte would be 0, 2, 4 or 6. And 3 << 6 cannot overflow, because 192 is way below INT_MAX, no matter what platform.
I completely overlooked that it won't shift more than 6 bits.
why won't it shift more than 6 bit?
@TonyTheLion index_within_byte = (index % 4) * 2
@TonyTheLion Because modulus.
@Mysticial You'd better be off reading what other people write :P
@StackedCrooked The maids are Kohaku (the upbeat one) and Hisui (the silent one). Whom of those was the "evil" one? :)
@Fanael :)
@Mysticial oh right
@Mysticial Also (unsigned)3 is fucking ugly. What's wrong with 3u?
@Xeo I finished the Hisui route. I forgot Kohaku's name, but I do know a little bit about her story so that's why I referred to her as the evil twin.
@Fanael It never crossed my mind. :)
> "I look everyone up on facebook - if there's nothing there then I assume there's something wrong".
how can a manager of a company make these assumptions when hiring?
that's just wrong
they discriminate using FB? WTF?
I really recommend playing it, it's nice too and gives much background info on Kohaku's childhood in the Tohno Mansion
I don't really remember how much Hisui's route did
The Hisui route was a little boring. Arcueid and Akiha were much more interesting.
Akiha Ending was :'(
@Mysticial Well, we all know you don't know C (and therefore you don't know how to do arithmetics in C++ either).
PS: I also didn't finish Ciel's route
I don't like her. :/
@TonyTheLion After all he is a manager, not a engineer.
@Xeo I didn't like her either.
@Xeo I like how the name "Tohno" sounds dark and weighty. Typical for Typemoon family names. Like Matō in FZ.
@TonyTheLion But everyone not using FB clearly has no social life and won't get along with his coworkers!
I have a FB. But I hardly ever post anything to it anymore.
So you used to.
So sure, they can look at it. They won't find anything other than a bunch of old computer pictures.
I never did.
@Xeo, @StackedCrooked: what are you two talking about?
@StackedCrooked The long "o" sounds, eh
@Fanael Tsukihime
@Xeo I guess :D
You also played F/SN?
I did begin a VN but forgot to continue playiing...
Oooooh.... :)
Do it :)
It was about a guy who perceived all his surroundings as gore. So his friends would come to talk to him but in his eyes they were lumps of meat making gargling sounds in a room covered with blood.
@VinayakGarg he's more an idiot than anything else, imho
@Xeo that reasoning doesn't really hold up to scrutiny :)
@StackedCrooked That is Saya no Uta
@TonyTheLion Some people will find even better names than "idiot" for him ;)
this thread is where I got that from
@Xeo Ah yeah. That was a fascinating beginning at least :)
It's a really short one (4h or so)
@VinayakGarg heheh
@Xeo Oh, I could finish it today perhaps.
If I have the courage to install VMWare fusion and Windows :D
Someone told me "If your name is being searched on Google instead of Facebook, you are famous". I don't remember the last word exactly.
@Xeo IIRC Saya no Uta had voice actors. That might be why I stopped playing it. I liked the simple background music while reading the dialog in Tsukihime.
Searching my name on google gets a bunch of hits from other people with the same name. meh...
Notre Dame ^
Meh French.
@StackedCrooked In most VNs, you can disable voices
@Mysticial Googling for name works correctly for me most of the time. If not, add some context. Reveals a lot about them. But "mystical" is not going to work.
But then I feel like I'm missing out. What a quandary.
@VinayakGarg I mean my real name. (which is bold on my profile)
Nobody cares about "Mysticial".
@Mysticial Aww..
@Mysticial I just noticed you have i after c
You noticed something that most people don't.
BREAKING NEWS!!! Another person has just noticed the "i" in my name.
Maybe you should sneak in another letter.
Or make it MYSTICiAL so people notice.
@Mysticial Which one? :D
@StackedCrooked There's a word joiner in his name.
A word joiner?
A word boner.
@Fanael Well that's sneaky.
Wait, what?
> Word joiner, encoded in Unicode 3.2 and above as U+2060 and HTML as &#8288;. The word-joiner does not normally produce any space but prohibits a line break on either side of it.
@Mysticial I just noticed the "M" in your name.

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