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@LucDanton i think, how the powers of -1 go round and round, that's pretty interesting. it is trivial if you can assume they already do (by definition of complex numbers). the thing is to get there without that assumption.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Powers? Or roots?
roots are powers
I've never examined the complex numbers other than through the lens of i.
well for a start (-1)^0 = 1 (right), ^0.5 = i (up), ^1 = -1 (left), ^1.5 = - 1 (down), ^2 = 1 (closed circle)
but it's the 45 degree angles, square roots of i, that makes it start looking like a circle
hello @dead
still mad at me?
@FredOverflow But that involves doing what somebody else told you to instead of doing somethin for yourself
i though you were mad at me
DeadMG is mad at everyone.
today I have to pack and clean and shit so I can move tomorrow
@Cheersandhth.-Alf statistically true :)
@DeadMG I'd do the shitting part last, just in case there'll be a stench
@daknøk nope. you'd run into cycles too easily. Most you could expect would be def n !` priority 2 { .... }` - but this would make for some small compilation, as the AST can no longer reflect precedence (deferring it to semantic analysis)
@sehe Is what I said when it comes to user-defined operators
@Blank I noticed this this morning when I woke up. If you care to explain what 'flipping' is, I might come up with something
@DeadMG Oh good. I'm not just talking out of my neck then. I'm talking out of our necks now :)
@Blank e.g. from your description
3 hours ago, by Blank
In vim, is it possible to copy lines (in visual mode), and then paste them as flipped?
I'd say this should exactly that: '<,'>g/^/t '>
Good to see people have lives. Sadly this leaves me alone in this room
Anyways: the Russians have their own huffington post nowadays:
Note the sub title of the site: "…novae res a nobis confictae"
@sehe I was eating noodles.
@sehe I have no idea wat dat means
@sehe FogNews.ru is that from Spolsky?
You know.
I’m really in the mood to write an iPhone app.
Only I really suck at combining networking with GUIs.
Networking with GUIs is like the most terrible thing in the world. Everything can and will go wrong at some point, and you have to present error messages, and you don’t know what the user will do.
Hmm, seems interesting. weblog.plexobject.com/?p=1685
hai everyone
I was gonna go out to day, but meh
Guess I’ll just write a DNKUnreliableTableViewController class or something which works well with slow and unreliable data sources and inherit from that.
@daknøk oh I haven't had noodles in years
sounds good :)
@daknøk Surprisingly it works fine in the languages I've seen using that.
You don't want thousands of different precedence levels. Humans can't cope with that. They'll be putting parentheses all over anyway.
I fail at spelling :(
I only just noticed, which is even worse
I should go back to bed
This room has many animals :)
A lion, a polar bear, a puppy
<— A human.
A bee
a robot
A pirate.
An anime character.
A soldier.
@TonyTheLion It's a wasp.
@daknøk Who?
@TonyTheLion Right, forgot about the cat
Who's the bee?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Shog9
it's a wasp
We also have a Konrad.
You mean Konrad?
epic typo
that was lol
@NikiC The cat is quite forgettable, isn't he? ;)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Indeed :)
And also forgotten was the mooing duck :)
@TonyTheLion Yeah. Build a nice depression to last a decade!
@NikiC ape. Ape was missing. Apes ranks after ducks now. Wonder what collation this defines
Ugh, collations. That's soooo complicated.
It's just a word
Like tea and crumpets?
(I hate it when I spot a typo too late for correction...)
Oh hey, what do you know. That is a meaning of collation.
> a light meal that may be permitted on days of general fast
> any light meal.
You have to be a robot to be afraid of a light meal.
They really aren't that bad.
He just thinks it is complicated.
Does ECONNREFUSED make sense on an UDP socket?
I'd say: no. But i'm not a networking expert by any stretch
Mmm. Strike that. i know nothing about it really
According to docs it means "No-one listening on the remote address." Makes sense, since we realised the other endpoint wasn't listening yet. :S
@R.MartinhoFernandes man udp(7):
> No receiver was associated with the destination address. This might be caused by a previous packet sent over the socket.
@Morwenn that's not enough. Now try using that rational thing as a template parameter. — R. Martinho Fernandes 11 mins ago
Can I get a visibility vote there ;)?
damn, I was thinking something and then I forgot it
Thank you random non-stranger.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Under the circumstances, that would apparently be a "rational non-stranger". :-)
please tell me this dude’s trolling …
Q: Point objects Not saving negative positions

Vasa SerafinI am getting a FormatException. Due to the fact that the coordinate is negative, e.g. -100 I have tried converting it manually to a string and removing the negative then adding the negative value to the Point object later but to no avail. Is it even possible to save negative values to a Point o...

What the fuck.
it’s maybe telling that I honestly don’t know whether this is a troll or not
Troll or not, the question is horrible. -1
@KonradRudolph It's only a guess, but I'd say "ignorant moron" instead (though that may be based as much on the fact that he's using C# as the question itself).
@sehe lol.
Am I the only one depressed by the fact that the 30-deep stack trace doesn't generate even a single comment?
I don't see a 30 deep stack trace?
@TonyTheLion The question @KonradRudolph just linked.
oh yea
I just saw
@JerryCoffin Not sure – why? It’s not a real stack trace, the CLR is well within its right to collate stack frames (= inlining)
a real stacktrace should not omit inline functions
@KonradRudolph have you heard about that junk dna is not anymore considered junk?
I wonder, what's the significance of it?
@KonradRudolph Other than the occasional munged condition on ending recursion, or something on that order, I rarely see a stack trace even half that deep. Call me old fashioned if you will, but the (looks like) 12 levels just to route a message to a button strikes me as just a tiny bit more than should be really necessary.
will we soon be able to understand how babies grow into actual human?
@JohannesSchaub-litb They eat bacon and store the chemicals inside their bodies, making them grow.
@JohannesSchaub-litb Ah, but more importantly, will we ever understand what went wrong to let them grow up into a programmer instead?
@sehe yesterday i flagged a pic of halfnude chicks. i'm so disappointed that you didn't join
@JohannesSchaub-litb I could kick them in the shins for this kind of publicity, if they couldn’t fire me for that
@KonradRudolph ohh why is that
@JohannesSchaub-litb The significance is huge but it has been known for at least five years
I’m already working for months with the data that has just now been published, and others much longer
but even before this data was available, the recognition that there’s no such thing as “junk DNA” existed
in fact, the whole spiel of “junk DNA” was highly questionable to begin with. Like calling the Higgs boson “God particle”
so will we be able to code together a program of DNA language, put it into some kind of oven and it grows a hand for handicapped people?
@KonradRudolph ohh i see
there are still researchers who question the actual significance of most of the genomic interactions now found (I had a heated discussion about this with a friend of mine just this week) but there can be no doubt that a lot of non-protein-coding DNA still has some kind of function
i mean, the day we understand the counting mechanism that is responsible for us having 10 fingers and not 12 must be a major milestone I imagine?
@JohannesSchaub-litb That’s easy: 5 wouldn’t be symmetrical :p
okay, harder
there must be a for-loop somewhere in those 80% of DNA stuff right?
in this case the answer is historical, like the fact that int converts implicitly to bool in C++ ;)
@JohannesSchaub-litb Well, feedback loops certainly
ohh i see
the'll be called fee loops
so for instance one gene A would modulate the expression of another gene B which, in turn, might modulate the expression of A
which might sound useless until you realise that every gene has several functions
sounds very complicated.
so the feedback loop is just one of the mechanisms
yes, it’s hellishly complicated
i thought there are some codes in that 80% of DNA that simply say "grow him two legs, and two eyes, and put nails on each of the fingers" and such stuff
hello everone
the whole regulation of the DNA is pretty new stuff, because just a few years ago we didn’t have the tools to analyse them
the nails must be round, so there is some kind of mathematical description of how the nails must be formed I imagine
ohh i see
@DeadMG Hey puppy
@JerryCoffin Hey Jerry
@JohannesSchaub-litb Hmm. It’s more modular. There certainly isn’t code for putting the nail on each separate finger. There is code for doing it once, and then there’s code for growing five fingers, and then there’s code for doing that twice – once on each arm
@ManofOneWay Good morning (evening, etc.)
but I guess that’s more or less what you meant
@KonradRudolph ah i see
so it's like functional programming
map function xD
a bit, yes
@KonradRudolph I would imagine the trickiness is less in the repetition than in the variation -- five identical fingers would be trivial, but (for an obvious example) a thumb that's really a fair amount different takes extra coding/work.
@KonradRudolph i'm mostly interested in these regulatory bits. perhaps they provide new ideas for restructuring computer programs?
@JohannesSchaub-litb the human monad!
@JohannesSchaub-litb I think it'd be hard to transfer, since the approach is so different. We design programs basically to tell a story, to be readable. "And then I add a finger at this location, and a finger at this location". Our DNA is "designed" blindly, basically by sticking bits together and seeing what works, so there's no overarching "story" of how the human body is assembled
@KonradRudolph at this high abstraction level, it seems one doesn't need to know about chemistry or physics. it seems all about logics
God wrote the world in PHP, and that’s why the world is so fucked up.
@daknøk Thankfully no -- it predates PHP by a few years. I have it on good authority that the OS for the universe is written in (about 100 lines of) APL.
“a few years”
@daknøk A reliable source tells me that's not true!
See, it's actually written in Perl ;)
Woohoo I have Perl on my iPod. >.>
@JohannesSchaub-litb it was quite obvious you did. Sadly, I wasn't actually there, and now I can't see what it is you flagged. Grrrr
@sehe I have to wonder about this. I mean, yes, halfnude chicks are a bit objectionable, but still...it seems a bit overboard to flag just because the chicks aren't entirely nude.
@JerryCoffin Probably less than you’d imagine. Sometimes just a tiny single difference can lead to quite drastically different outcomes – consider the Hox genes where a single gene insertion at an appropriate position leads to completely new organs (the feet that grow in mutated flies, for instance)
@JohannesSchaub-litb That’s also what I’m interested in at the moment, and the focus of my PhD research
@KonradRudolph ohh I see
codeofhoror ^ ^
@JohannesSchaub-litb More or less, yes. To explain some specific observed effects, biochemistry becomes indispensable.
but in general, yes
@Nils tl;dr They had fuckall for an architecture design.
hat fuckall??
"Unfortunately, each list was “hand-maintained” — there were no shared functions to link and unlink elements from these lists; programmers just manually inlined the link and unlink behavior anywhere it was required. "
@JerryCoffin bruhahahaha
I am really surprised that this turned out to be so good.
@Nils Big pity that the part 1 and 2 weren't up
@DeadMG :(
@Nils The tech may have been bad, but the gameplay design guys knew wtf they were doing, and they invested much in supporting the engine after the game was done.

Offline Meta Chat

Flags and owners
I gotta run now. Cheers
Please respond.
C is turing complete and any decent OS has networking APIs for C.
@LucDanton Respond NOW.
@vignesh Please read the newbie hints.
does anyone have some experience with node.js C++ ?
Jalf used node.js.
I'm trying to include libssh2.h in a C++ module, it compiles, but it can't get the function
libssh2 is a C lib, so using extern "C"
I guess there is a macro #define s a passed to the compiler with -D. — Johannes Schaub - litb 1 min ago
"It can't get the function." Does the compiler phrase it like that?
I read about mangling names here but I'm not sure it's related. Here is the code FWIW: github.com/Ralt/node-ssh/blob/master/src/ssh.cc
nope, the compiler is fine with it
@JohannesSchaub-litb Corrupted RAM!
but the execution shows "undefined symbol: libssh2_init"
I’d love to see somebody debugging for hours and hours, not finding the problem, while the problem is corrupted RAM.
@daknøk I agree. seems like he should replace his RAM stick
Your RAM stick looks a little worn out boy..
I can finally develop iOS apps now.
I think I should write a app that I can sell on the MacOS appstore. There's a lot of crappy ones there that I think I can do better.
What kind of app?
so, any idea?
my google-fu is not so strong today :|
@daknøk For example like "lingon".
That's a useful program but sucky implementation.
Crashes a lot etc..
I have now this.
@StackedCrooked No. ^ this :p
@TonyTheLion Going out to do what?
@FredOverflow fapping.
You can do that inside.
But that’s not exciting! :D
I'm the proud owner of an Android device with ID 0123456789ABCDEF.
dont believe you
or you hacked it
what did I write?
Holy fuck.
Q: static char arrays & pointers memory

VidakA C++ program consists of two .cpp files, main.cpp and f.cpp. Code of the main.cpp file is as follows: //main.cpp #include <iostream> using namespace std; void f(char* s,int n); const int N=10; static char s[N]; static char a[N]; int main () { int i; for (i=0; i<N; i++) ...

This is a homework, lol.
@R.MartinhoFernandes can you decode that hex number into a word?
@JohannesSchaub-litb Nope, it's exactly as it came out of the box.
And... apparently we own four devices with that ID.
@FredOverflow see a town or something
sounds boring
Why don't you see a Lounge instead ;-)
Chillin in the lounge. Like a boss..
@StackedCrooked u cant spell
@StackedCrooked liek a baws
ok, in case someone was interested, the compile went fine but the execution showed "undefined symbol" because I wasn't linking the library in the binding.gyp file.
That's linking, which is before execution.
Hey @StackedCrooked
I somehow lost track of what happened in Last Piece, don't even remember the last episode I red
Last Piece? :D
Can I watch/read it online somewhere?
It's One Piece!!
Even I know that.
Yeah you can read it online. Google should quickly point you to the right places.
There's gonna be a new episode in ~12 hrs.
I like all meanings of the words One Piece :)
@StackedCrooked SafeSearch. Try again with it turned off.
Even without filter it stays the same.
I just wrote a singleton! *runs*
I just wrote a thread-local mutex! Oh, wait..
@StackedCrooked IPC!
Ah screw this singleton.
I love this cartoon
A function with a static variable is much better.
How do you avoid singleton when writing a logger? I'd like to support the following: Log(Warning) << "Hello Mr " << name;.
@daknøk ur problem or ur coworkers not ours :)
@StackedCrooked How about Log("Blah blah", Warning)?
@Nils Luffy vs Bellamy is also cool.
@Nils Streaming syntax is nice and type-safe.
Also: #define LOG(Level) if (!Logger::isAllowed(Level)) {} else Logger::get_stream()
@sehe: By flipping I meant, that if 3 lines are like A\nB\nC, I wanted to paste them as C\nB\nA
@StackedCrooked No defines, no singeltons, no operator overloading
templates if u most
@Nils Good for you :)
@StackedCrooked Boost.Format-like syntax is nicer and type-safe.
no operator overloading is the dumb
op overloading is mo'fuggin'win
Anyone else experiencing trouble with gdb on Mac? It can't read the symbols. And this problem has been persisting for over half a year.
@DeadMG U don't really need it. At least not for the logger.
Does clang have something like __atomic for variable declarations?
@StackedCrooked With clang?
@StackedCrooked It's GDB. What was the expectation if not this?
lol sleep sort
Yes you ned a newer version or lldb
@Nils How else would you log arbitrary user-defined types?
@Nils GCC 4.7 MacPorts build.
@DeadMG toString() methods?
@Nils fail
last I checked, int does not have toString().
nor does basically any other UDT, ever.
It is just a logger, keep it simple
nor could I introduce one for third-party UDTs.
@Nils "Simple" means "Using the system that already exists and works".
not "Reinvent our own system from scratch that doesn't work at all"
Qt also uses overloading and macros
Maybe even singletons, haven't checked.
@DeadMG Can u overload casts for int?
> singletons
@StackedCrooked Context monad (aka reader monad, aka environment monad, aka probably other names monad)!
Is that a singleton?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Aka ((->) r) monad.
Qt also has the % operator for expression template string concatenation
I hate the incomplete QStringRef though. doesn't even have toInt
Yeah I saw that.
you need to convert the ref to a real QString first just to do the conversion
Ugh, why do people want toInt.
QStringRef? As in something like LLVM's StringRef?
rather than doing that, they could have put the toString etc into QStringRef, and create a temporary QStringRef from QString to implement QString::toInt
I need a toMetereologicalData.

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