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we already noted that the problem, if any, is in code you haven't shown
and that you should create a minimal but complete example that exhibits the error
talking about it you can learn new things, as you probably just did
ok, let me try to build a self-contained repro.
but at least i am going to have breakfast now... :-)
@Cheersandhth.-Alf MMMMmmmmmm bacon...
Wow, I just discovered cdecl.org from this answer.
Hey guys, I need some help asking this question
Q: Initialization lists and implicit casting

GGGI'm working a small C++ JSON library to help sharpen my rusty C++ skills, and I'm having trouble understanding some behavior with initialization lists. The core of the library is a variant class (named "var") that stores any of the various JSON datatypes (null, boolean, number, string, object, a...

I think I'm being too vague but I really don't know enough about what I'm doing to give the right details
@GGG Have you tried creating a var lookalike with all of the constructors/conversion operators but with dummy implementations, and none of the irrelevant toString etc. stuff?
@LucDanton yeah i had something like that for a while but got rid of it
hmm yeah it could work
i still don't understand what's going on though... why it has to be explicitly cast to a var
it's like it's getting cast to something else on its way to becoming a var unless i explicitly cast it
This might be what's going on, yes.
gotta be, not sure why though
goo' mornin' pals and gals
goo morning
What does goo mean? xD
sticky stuff =p
morning peeoplse
I'm looking at the demo now
...downloading executable?
woo its done
lol I think the buildings are missing at my screen...
It looks pretty good for me
but isn't it a bit late now android is dropping flash support?
and everything else will
Maybe that is why they are bringing that out
Btw, does anyone know on what those internet-based-pc's will be based on? I mean, they practically only consist of a browser and everything will be emulated there
Are you one of them?
an internet based pc?
@Papergay I believe they will be based on internet.
Well I was not talking about the internet part but the software emulation >.>
@Papergay Not emulated, they assume (a bit too early if you ask me) that everything will become SaaS. So you use something like google docs instead of office, a service like onlive instead of local games, something like picasa instead of a local photo mgmt app, ...
@KillianDS that is execatly what I was talking about :D thx for the info
1 hour later…
@Papergay aha, I thought it was rather empty too :)
Q: Minimal Windows 8 C++ XAML application?

Eye of HellIf i use "create blank C++ XAML application" in Visual Studio 2012 Express, the created project has 18 files with more that 25 kilobytes of source code. Looking on that code it's hard to separate what is required for Windows 8 application and what is written just because manager in charge for sam...

@sehe what version is your adobe flash player?
lol 25kb of source code.
@Papergay not the foggiest
not the whut?
> just because manager in charge for sample apps read some "best practice patterns for leviathan enterprise apps" book recently :)
@Papergay I have no idea - found it: Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202
Same here. Do you use a linux distro?
I've a command line App which may act like an interpreter depending upon the command line options user provides. and then sometimes it may print a long list of results. that I want to show like less or more Is there any cross platform way of doing this ?
I have no buildings either. Intel GPU.
@Papergay Yup. Chrome uses Version: (11.3 r31)
@NeelBasu std::cout?
@rubenvb I have nVidia
@rubenvb I want my output be scrollable like unix less or more command
@sehe OK. So the uber Flash demo is completely borked. Let's congratulate Adobe.
@NeelBasu look into ncurses or something.
@sehe huh, so your version is 11.3?
although you'll need alternatives for Windows (there are curses libraries that work on Windows)
@rubenvb Is there any cross platform curses ?
@Papergay On Chrome. My primary browser is Opera
But I don't need all features of curses. I just need UP and down arrow to work like it works when I invoke something to less
@sehe why do you have different versions? :o
@Papergay Haven't the foggiest :)
@NeelBasu use PDCurses on Windows and ncurses on everything else?
@Papergay Chrome comes with its own Flash player
@Papergay @rubenvb Just for checks, we are talking about the epic citadel demo, no? I see no buildings, but I don't know whether there should be
@rubenvb But do I really need to use curses ? Ijust want the scrollable output but no scrollbar etc .. decorations
@sehe lol
@rubenvb I see, I did not know
@sehe yeah, all I saw were rocks and flames, and a horizon.
@sehe yes we are and it is probably due to our flash version
@rubenvb I thought they were little bushes
I have to try it out on my windows later
@NeelBasu cross platform? then I'd say curses is your only option. Otherwise you'd need to tap into platform APIs.
Whoa. I'm trying this in Chrome now, and it appears Chrome is much more efficient in utilizing CPU
Pretty soon I'll need the fire extinguisher ready
@rubenvb So all applications that have similar functionality uses curses ? or there is something called libless or libscroll ?
@rubenvb Horizon is good. Also, music! Let's not forget about the sound
@NeelBasu I don't know. I'm not Google.
@sehe my sound is muted.
@sehe hahahaha
@NeelBasu I think those (less/more) use either external pages (exec/fork) or they use libtermcap and related. Probably the things that libncurses is built on
CPU Temperature:     +54.0°C  (high = +60.0°C, crit = +95.0°C)
MB Temperature:      +42.0°C  (high = +45.0°C, crit = +95.0°C)

Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 0:       +57.0°C  (high = +78.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
Core 1:       +46.0°C  (high = +78.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
Core 2:       +52.0°C  (high = +78.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
Core 3:       +55.0°C  (high = +78.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
I wasn't kidding. I'll close that browser. Mind you, I wasn't actually using it: it was just in the background
@sehe you're worried about 57°C? My Vaio reaches 88 quite quickly
@rubenvb and it still works without crashing?
@rubenvb Wut? Why would that happen. Something is wrong with that
@sehe it looks like database/storage library
mine reaches 60-70 quite quickly xDDD
At least on windows
I know CPUs are spec-ed to handle it and barely not-die, but I've never trusted my CPU to go > 60°C
CPU Temperature:     +42.0°C  (high = +60.0°C, crit = +95.0°C)
MB Temperature:      +41.0°C  (high = +45.0°C, crit = +95.0°C)

Adapter: ISA adapter
Core 0:       +45.0°C  (high = +78.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
Core 1:       +35.0°C  (high = +78.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
Core 2:       +42.0°C  (high = +78.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
Core 3:       +45.0°C  (high = +78.0°C, crit = +100.0°C)
See, this is more normal ^
@rubenvb Laptops are designed to handle higher temps. Mine regularly goes over 90C.
Oh, laptops make a difference yes
Sometimes when I grab my android phone of the dashboard stand, it almost scorches my hand. I always wonder how they make it so it doesn't melt :)
(the phone, not my hand)
@sehe lol. But the chips are the same, so the max temperatures are also the same.
heck, the cooling in a desktop is always better, so I don't see the problem really?
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's okay either way. I use my real name in enough places. In fact, it might serve my 'anonymity' in chats and forums to use my real name there :)
@rubenvb Me neither. I'm just happy that I have a very very quiet CPU fan, which I never hear because it idles all the time with CPU temp <50°C
@sehe try running windows xD
@sehe hehe. me too. But I'm still running a Core 2 Duo E8400 3.4GHz OC in my dekstop. I'm so old school.
I have an athlon 64 x2 3.1 GHz xDDD
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah, I find that intriguingly useless information. It builds awareness, even though. My 6y/o daughter loves it. I'll read it out loud. Like: "Ooh, a rock of 70-150 meters in diameter nearly missed the earth at 25 km/s!" and then add "At a distance of only 20 million kilmoters" :)
my laptop has an i5. It blows my Core2 away.
@rubenvb It's getting time to upgrade my box. I have built myself a real win system with a Q9550 some years ago (I swapped out the motherboard, but the rest is ~4.5 years old). I picked a really convenient case and really good fan.
I'm reluctant to start with new stuff because I fear it won't ever be as good as my current setup
@rubenvb That's because the fan needs to have the power of a small hovercraft
@R.MartinhoFernandes I wouldn't be suprised if I actually nicked that twitter feed from your 'followed' list, perhaps :) I know I stumbled across it via twitter
@sehe lol indeed.
@sehe I'm scared to. I upgraded to a HD6970 GPU recently, and now all games are running super fluently yet again. I just feel like I need to upgrade from that ol' DDR2 RAM, but have no real need XD
Interestingly, remember mr curiousguy?
Aug 14 at 19:14, by R. Martinho Fernandes
in Discussion between curiousguy and David Rodríguez - dribeas, 14 hours ago, by curiousguy
Seriously, I was in the C++ committee.
lol yeah. I read that.
He has just managed to find a convincing explanation of that as humor. /cc R.MartinhoFernandes
in Discussion between curiousguy and David Rodríguez - dribeas, 8 hours ago, by curiousguy
@sehe I only mentioned the C++ committee when I read the word "bullshit".
in Discussion between curiousguy and David Rodríguez - dribeas, 3 mins ago, by sehe
@curiousguy Ahahahaha - so it was a reference to infamous Herbert Schildt's books :)
Mr. Schildt (apparently still) markets his books using the phrase 'He was on the C++ standard committee'
Damn. /cc doesn't work without @ :) /cc (look up^) @R.MartinhoFernandes
is "catb" the evil litb-cat++ hybrid?
afk (slow day :))
Say, If you get a vote on a post and later the voter decides to revoke his vote, does it count as a downvote? Is it shown as a downvote?
@Papergay no. The vote (up or down) is just removed, along with any rep gained or lost by both parties being restored.
i see, thx
I hate downvoters who dont comment :@
@Papergay I don't. That would mean I sometimes hate myself.
Got a link?
Well I do but it isn't as important as to bother you with it
I see you are scared of more downvotes :P
oh I noticed a misspelling just now
yuck. C. I should downvote everything related to that question.
stackoverflow.com/a/12026028/1548637 did i write bullshit here?
@sehe More like hot day... Phew.
Can I keep my doxygen generated docs in bitbucket git repo ?
@StackedCrooked agreed
@NeelBasu why not? How large is it
@sehe 5.2 MB but I want to be able to browse the docs online
@NeelBasu Oh, that's another matter
@sehe I don't want version controlling on docs. I just want to keep it online
Is there any way to do this with bitbucket ?
@NeelBasu you mean, hosting
@sehe Yep
@NeelBasu Hosting static files could be done on a zillion locations. I usually self-host (2xVPS, 1x home server) but I guess Google Site should be enough
@sehe but bitbucket doesn't have any hosting right ?
Aight. My documentation generator now nicely formats function declarations and type names. Scumbag libclang doesn’t provide an API for doing that. :<
lol I segfaulted Python
@NeelBasu it might. I don't know
pls give some hint on this.
Link spam is not appreciated in this room
libclang y u no function to check if type has register qualifier.
A number is called lucky if the sum of its digits, as well as the sum of the squares of its digits is a prime number. How many numbers between A and B are lucky?
how to proceed on this question?
By answering it.
Bruteforce solution for this will be very time consuming. Any another logic.... pls..
Anyone here have a Nexus 7?
Q: Does the Google Nexus 7 support external keyboards?

MosheCan I use an external keyboard with a Google Nexus 7? Will the Nexus pair with an Apple Wireless keyboard? Are there other companies that make compatible keyboards?

A and B are any gives integers ranges 1 <= A <= B <= 10^18
any hint?
@RadekSlupik could you help me with this question?
@AbhinavPriyadarshi No. Why would I know anything about lucky numbers?
I am a programmer, not a mathematician.
@abhinav Any permutation of a group of digits that is lucky is also lucky. (i.e if XY is lucky, YX is lucky).
That fact should reduce the search space.
But I am just guessing here.
yes.. it will definitely reduce the search space..
Can I express _1.second->pair().first == r in boost::lambda ? assuming _1 is the only Parameter
@RadekSlupik: used boost::lambda ?
C++ has lambdas built-in.
Like any sane language.
@TonyTheLion It also solid advice to some novice chat users :)
Also: I can do better than that in both NSFW and offensive (though to do both at once, I'd have to use google, I suppose)
@sehe hahah, maybe it should be in the code of conduct? :P
Does anybody here have experience with libclang?
@TonyTheLion Nah. No fun. I'm assuming he's learning the lesson already. Otherwise...
ah ok
@RadekSlupik You do. Are you looking for more experience... Not me
> zsh: argument list too long: ./doxx.py
I am going to try my documentation generator on something from IOCCC.
@NeelBasu github does.
@rubenvb My project is a bitbucket
@NeelBasu git remote add githubmirror git://github.com/blablabla && git push githubmirror master
@rubenvb actually I need plain documentation. no fancy version controlling needed in documentation. and it should also be private like bitbucket's private repo
Create repo named youraccount.bitbucket.org.
@NeelBasu Soooo... it cannot be a git repo because you don't want version control? That doesn't make sense. Github can be (ab)used for plain file transfer just as well
@CatPlusPlus That looks like it's spot on /cc @NeelBasu
@sehe Good Link Watching
dude (getting the bin hammer out :))
@sehe why shall I invite him to the lounge
@JohannesSchaub-litb You just did
By plinking him
@CatPlusPlus ohh moving to the bin won't help
@sehe Only if the name auto-completes, IIRC
he will still see the message in his "recent mentions" page
@Xeo What?
@CatPlusPlus You only actually ping him if the name auto-completes in the edit box
Or if it's suggested
@Xeo nope
i tested it before
and it works even if it isn't autocompleted
I thought so too, just never tested it.
Anyone who's been here recently can be pinged.
i just washed my mattress
but I won't get it dry until tonight :(
what would you do
why would @curiousguy not hear this?
@JohannesSchaub-litb go out late enough to ensure it's dry by the time you get back.
Noh. It will turn up in his inbox regardless
@Xeo I use plinking to mean both
are they still at it?
You really don't want me to comment on that.
So plonk I guess.
it's been five days...
that guy doesn't know what hes talking about
the C preprocessor is not turing complete
@JohannesSchaub-litb could try a hair dryer or fan
my mattress is too long for a hair dryer
@JohannesSchaub-litb Install Gentoo on a Pentium 4 system, and point the fan at your mattress.
What's C++ Primer 5th Edition for?
Some college textbook or something?
@IDWMaster It's a book that teaches C++. It says so on the Book List
@IDWMaster I think it is something used to prepare raw wood for a layer of varnish
anyone knows where the Boost.Context documentation is at?
@JohannesSchaub-litb Yes but last time it was a trap, and there was an angry mob. — curiousguy 6 mins ago
I wouldn't call these people an angry mob...
that's so condescending...

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