@rubenvb Not merely condescending, but just plain wrong. @curiousguy seems to fit a profile I've mentioned before. He's like a large rock sticking out of the ground at the wrong spot. Yes, it might be necessary to hit it with a big hammer until it's no longer a problem, but I'd feel no particular anger as I did so.
I'm working a small C++ JSON library to help sharpen my rusty C++ skills, and I'm having trouble understanding some behavior with initialization lists.
The core of the library is a variant class (named "var") that stores any of the various JSON datatypes (null, boolean, number, string, object, a...
@GGG not to me. Either you use a real homogeneous array, C++11, or just a constructor and something like insert. Not some weird probably-undefined-behavior hybrid.
@MohamedAhmedNabil None of which I'm aware. In C++ it's a much tougher thing to do (e.g., depending on whether X denotes a type or a value, a b(X) might be either a variable definition or a function declaration).
"The core of the library is a variant class (named "var") that stores any of the various JSON datatypes (null, boolean, number, string, object, array). "
granted it might not be specific enough, I don't know
@R.MartinhoFernandes idd, I learned ctrl-shift-esc quite fast after I got a vista laptop. Although ctrl-alt-del is more powerful in pulling you out of a mess.
@rubenvb [Alt Ctrl Del] is the old SAS, the Secure Attention Sequence. However, since Windows NT 4.0 security has gone very much downhill. NT 3.51 was certified to some standard, while I believe current Windows could never be certified to any standard. And indeed, nowadays [Alt Ctrl Del] is not guaranteed to work.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf well, I hardly need it, only for full screen games that are full screen even in windowed mode and capture the mouse pointer and want to stay on the foreground.
A secure attention key (SAK) is a special key or key combination to be pressed on a computer keyboard before a login screen must be trusted by a user. The operating system kernel, which interacts directly with the hardware, is able to detect whether the secure attention key has been pressed. When this event is detected, the kernel starts the trusted login processing.
The secure attention key is designed to make login spoofing impossible, as the kernel will suspend any program, including those masquerading as the computer's login process, before starting a trustable login operation.
well, it's supposed to solve the problem of "Your variant has a different interface than the one everyone else is used to for absolutely no reason, and is also a bunch less generic, and you're going to be stuck maintaining it when you could just be re-using existing code"
one can spec "if an infix operator is applied associatively, all operands that participate in the associative invocation of the operator are passed to the respective operator function. If there is no operator function for that arity, the program is ill-formed."
@rubenvb if you now would make up a SO question "I found in my friend's Qt code that he applies the modulo operator on two strings. What does it mean?" you would get a decent amount of upvotes
@R.MartinhoFernandes so the OP class is template<typename L, typename R> struct OpBin { L l; R r; .... };
you can add a ctor like OpBin(OpBin && opb) const& { /* don't move, but actually apply the OP */ }
> In computer programming, a free-form language is a programming language in which the positioning of characters on the page in program text is insignificant. Program text does not need to be placed in specific columns as on old punched card systems, and frequently ends of lines are insignificant.
@GGG That depends on what you need to target. If you really need to support older compilers, then do so. I wouldn't do it just as a matter of principle though.
@JerryCoffin The whole thing is kind of a learning exercise, so I definitely don't have to support them... I already had the initializer_list stuff figured out, but wanted to get it working in 03... I guess I could just hang it up though
@R.MartinhoFernandes wanted to hash QString. since boost looks for a hash function by ADL, i would have needed to define the function in global scope. but if another guy did so too, I would have got multiple definitions errors
yeah, but I know how this stuff works. You guys like C++, so you like the new features in the new version, so you want everyone to use it, so you recommend it. Same way int he javascript room ;)