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So, I just googled the name of my cleverly named Haskell raytracer, "Rayskell" and I found a bitbucket repo of the same name which contains a raytracer written by a dude whose commit comments look like this:
"no idea what was happening here, have fun picking up after this "
And this brings me to a question
"Is my raytracer really good enough that people want to steal it?"
apparently yes
If someone, like the gentleman above, copies over most of the code from existing projects and calls it his own without even grasping it, is that infringement and pure douchebaggery?
Where's the satisfaction in that?
infringement? who knows. Douchebaggery? Definitely.
So, I guess I'll just find a new name, perhaps the short description's acronym.
HDMR - Haskell Deterministic Micro Raytracer
Bah, Rayskell :'(
I can never come up with names for projects - much less before the project has actually gone anywhere
It is even more frustrating when you get a good name, the project is a day from going up on a public repo and a Google search kills it. :(
I can always fall back to german and concatenate as many words as I want to make it unique :p
Now I need to rename module names, file names. RSMath, RSTracer, RSConfig, RSMain, RSData, RSTextureUnit, we had a good run.
anyway..after two days staying up enjoying my semester break by doing nothing, I think I'm gonna head to bed :)
Sleep tight!
I probably will. for 20 hours or so :p
6 hours tops here, hate the heat.
Well, I think I'm in a mood for some Kharg Island.
Ice cream headache.
no Close QuarterS?
I just love flying, but I'd love to try that out if I had a good team who is actually structured and willing to play some war make-belief
16 idiots running around like flies without a head is disturbing.
I'd like some tactics, some teamwork. Battlefield 3 looks so damn good and the game is broken the moment you see 6 idiots running into the open shooting at random things.
unfortunately I'm currently occupied
for the first time in a long time, I made a critical realization about my SHA-2 solver
? do tell
I discovered that two boolean formulas which produce the equivalent output do not contain equivalent information
How do I start learning cloud development?
first you need a server park of about 2526 machines to implement the "cloud"
Yes, you just put water there, and the heat from those 2526 machines will do the rest.
@R.MartinhoFernandes LOL!
@R.MartinhoFernandes what is ogonek for?
@KeithLayne Unicode stuffs?
et al?
The et al is the important part.
locale-ish stuff?
Encoding and decoding is easy (and is in the standard).
well, you kinda suck at c++, so I thought I'd go easy on you :)
@KeithLayne So far I'm sticking to untailored algorithms (i.e., no locale-specific rules), but I have a small note to check the Common Locale Data Repository when I'm done with the untailored ones (so, two years from now :P).
The ultimate and overarching goal is to do all that ICU does, but in C++, instead of Java++.
Woo! Whose 100k rep party?
Congratulations, @jalf!
@R.MartinhoFernandes string templates with encoding erased so that you can compare them, etc?
@KeithLayne Yeah. Those templates are actually what I'm working on right now.
SCARY strings...
essentially, an abstraction over "a sequence of codepoints"
Yeah. Got a short description here: gist.io/3166256
you ever use spirit?
It has some Unicode support via something, but it's not too well documented.
that's kinda why I asked. I might do my own little unicode project. At a kindergarten level, of course.
@R.MartinhoFernandes is your plan to specify encoding, or to discover from bytes somehow? and support just encodings that start with UTF, or the other wierder ones?
@KeithLayne I'm only implementing UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32, but I everything uses a well-defined EncodingForm concept that you can implement for other encodings. (I also have an implementation of UTF-7, but that is mostly just so I can check my interfaces work for stateful encodings).
do you use boost conceptcheck regularly?
or did you mean that in a more generic sense?
I use it on wheels, except when building with clang because there was some issue I didn't investigate. I'm not a big fan of it. Defining new concepts is quite clunky.
For this all I have is a textual description of the concepts on a document in the repo.
I'm going to write X11 c++ bindings using boost. For fun. But first, I'm going to make a pretty useless xml parser with spirit. Don't judge me. UTF-8 FTW.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That is probably preferable.
I may formalize them for Boost.ConceptCheck later, but that's not high on my priority list.
Anyone here have experience with WASAPI on Windows 8 Metro devices?
I think when I built the boost libs today I forgot -std=c++11
Anyone knows a WinAPI function that takes a string as an in/out parameter?
I need that to cook up some sample code.
Any idea why WASAPI tries to query for {41D949AB-9862-444A-80F6-C261334DA5EB}?
@R.MartinhoFernandes MessageBox is the simplest one.
or did you mean both in and out?
@DeadMG That's input only.
@DeadMG Right.
When I pass in an IActivateAudioInterfaceCompletionHandler.
CChStringPrintf or something like that
Oh gawd, that sounds awful.
it's basically sprintf but implemented by the Windows API.
Hmm, google doesn't cooperate with that name.
I meant --- {94EA2B94-E9CC-49E0-C0FF-EE64CA8F5B90}
@DeadMG Ah, thanks, that's more like what I was looking for.
I figured when I saw the __inout
Why does Windows provide this functionality?
perhaps it was intended to attract compiler vendors to Windows to make the CRT easier to implement
In general, is it better to use boost stuff and kinda let it abstract away stuff for you until vendors catch up? Or is it better to say, screw this, I'm gonna write effing standard C++ and screw people who have old compilers?
@R.MartinhoFernandes windows even has printf. lobotimized so that it can't handle floating point, but still. i think it started in the days of 16-bit windows with the undocumented "lopen" and "hopen" functions (file handling).
@KeithLayne I pick option two.
Wheels barely works on the latest GCC, and doesn't work on the latest Clang.
By the way, I just saw about 1000 of these which building boost 1.50 with `g++-4.7 -std=c++11`:
`warning: auto_ptr is deprecated `
Ogonek doesn't compile on MSVC, but I want to try it out later.
msvc12 should be closer to working.
where are my primates
But I'll need to get rid of all the uniform initialization.
What version of clang should I be using? I have 2.9, but it doesn't seem too bad.
Latests is 3.1.
@R.MartinhoFernandes big annoyance for me
why is boost 1.50 using a bajillion auto_ptrs? Click here to find out:
Is it true that <initializer_list> is on MSVC, even though there's no syntactic support for it?
this works:
std::array<size_t, 4> const  width = {{ 10,   20,  20}};
But that is an aggregate. That's supposed to work in C++03.
who can spot the bug?
yeah, I wanted to get rid of the =
it was the path of least resistance to compilation on vs10
@R.MartinhoFernandes in a way. msvc 10.0 has a header, but no compiler support.
@KeithLayne But I have things like return { blah, blah } all over. There's no path of least resistance :(
mutable reference FTW
i'll post my msvc c++11 emulation
just uno momento...
ah, ideone is opening...
Alf wrote it ten minutes ago. He calls it "Boost 2.0" :)
^ There
I forgot to ask for "syntax highlighting" but it seems to work anyway.
> #define CPP_IS_DEFAULTED HEY_MSVC_10_HAS_NO_DEFAULTING // C++11 = default
Wow, at some point today I got clang 3.0 without noticing.
I need to sleep now if I am to be awake in time tomorrow. Good night.
good night man. Thanks for the info.
A: C++ deleting node from middle of list

Cheers and hth. - AlfYou're forgetting to adjust the links in the list. The node is still there after the delete, but now it's invalid. Ooops! This function is useful: NODETYPE* unlink( NODETYPE*& pNode ) { NODETYPE* const result = pNode; pNode = pNode->nextPtr; return result; } Call it passin...

^ Just fly-by link-pasting. Because I liked my answer. :-)
Hey I have a problem: Im trying to build SOCI for windows 7, I have generated everything with cmake, my problem is when i run msbuild, i get Microsoft.cpp.default.props isn't found, i have tried uninstalling and reinstalling windows sdk, visual studios and .net and the same error remains
> Have you tried turning it off and back on again?
So many times...
doesn't cmake create a make file?
no its building for Visual Studios 2010 the way I configured it
but the "default" file isn't there
Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props is there, though.
Yeah it seems to be a common error, but then people install the compiler and everythings sunshine and rainbows
Hmm, moar goat cheese.
if you say so
well i found the files, there in C:/Program Files (x86)/MSBuild
Hey i'm curious, a question to every programmer here: What's the biggest project you've worked on? (amount of lines, size in gigabytes of the source code, compilation time)
@GamErix The Classic virtual machine which shipped in OS X 10.0 - 10.4. It spanned two operating systems, with little interfaces into everything.
Yes, tell me more, please? :) but sounds big ; d
contributed a bit to linux kernel
fairly large
Classic, or Classic Environment, is a hardware and software abstraction layer in early versions of Mac OS X that allows applications compatible with Mac OS 9 to run on the Mac OS X operating system. The name "Classic" is also sometimes used by software vendors to refer to the application programming interface available to "classic" applications, to differentiate between programming for Mac OS X and the previous version of the Mac OS. Classic is supported on PowerPC-based Macs running versions of Mac OS X up to v10.4 Tiger, but is not supported on v10.5 Leopard and later, nor on Intel-base...
The article is wrong, it's not an abstraction layer, it ran its own kernel in an isolated process.
sounds really cool : o
Well… really a semi kernel. It was somewhere between a layer and a pure VM.
that must require some real programming skill hehe
It was fun. Back to work…
wtf... ideone compiles my haskell code but when i run it through my computer it fails on the import of any module...
I got my first unconstructive question close. But it turned out there wasn't a medal for it afterall
does the previous pointer automatically get destroyed (or dereferenced) in an std::shared_ptr if I assign a new one to it with the = operator?
hmmm... maybe I should ask on SO.
it wouldn't be worth much if it didn't manage it's own pointer in all circumstances
@ApprenticeHacker the previously referrred-to object's reference count is decremented. when that count reaches 0 -- no more references to it -- it's destroyed. that destruction may happen when you assign to the shared_ptr.
WTF? std::copy_n with an input iterator (i.e. std::istreambuf) leaves the iterator in an unspecified state. Standard doesn't say specifically that n increments are performed… libstdc++ only performs n-1
Hey, IF I would create my own ungetc function, would it be like just seeking the pointer positing to one back?
or don't I understand ungetc correctly
@GamErix No -- what you unget does not have to be what you previously read.
ah true
>_> it will be hard for me to figure out how to create the equivalent for SolFS
StorageSeekFile(fp,-1,soFromCurrent,NULL); would just need to replace the character at next position by the provided one
just how... :S
@JerryCoffin could you maybe modify some code for me? :$
I don't really understand what somebody told me ;p
"Provided code may be easily modified to exclude ungetc function. Since you read the stream byte by byte and put back only one character which is definitely cannot be '\n', just declare one additional char variable initialize it as '\n', check it before reading and take the value if it is not equal '\n' and put the char into this variable instead of using ungetc function."
@GamErix At least if I'm reading correctly, he means something on this general order:
static char un_gotten_char = '\n';

char get_char(FILE *file) {
if (un_gotten_char != '\n') {
char temp = un_gotten_char;
un_gotten_char = '\n';
return temp;
return fgetc(file);

void un_get(char ch) {
un_gotten_char = ch;
@JerryCoffin thanks!
I see what you did there.
Hey @Xeo, have a look:

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