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The group I have founded now has 400 members.
I wonder whether it could reach 500 by the end of this year. Of course this might depend on the effort I am putting into it.
3 hours later…
3 hours later…
@Mikhail if it's real then that's kinda cool
I wonder why gender is brought up at all tho; how's this any different from "this male model can write code"
What is this victoria's secret model is also a 1337 troll?
Selfie (taken by others), you are doing it right!
Humm... I remember when i overpopulated my Sims city all they did was protest
Can someone who played Sims city a lot confirm whether this is true?
Not sure if this is a good place to ask this, but can anyone recommend a book or books that cover all the topics I've stated?
- Structural Programming
- Procedural Programming
- OOP Programming
- Functional Programming
- Event Driven Programming
- Imperative Programming
- Declarative Programming
- Aspect Orientated Programming
- Statically & Dynamically Typed
- Weakly & Strongly Typed
- Losely Typed?? (Same as Weakly?)
2 hours later…
Now that's breaking the stereotypes
Pretty awesome profile, also has a cute dog.
But why is she coding iOS apps for clients? How much do you get for modelling?
I can't imagine anyone would code IOS apps just for fun.
@TelKitty Honestly I'm not sure how much they earn, likely depends hugely on popularity. She might do programming as a side income perhaps, or because she doesn't want to focus on only one. Pretty admirable in any case
True, deserve to be officially recognised by stackoverflow.
hey, if someone here has some time, could you try building this and the examples to see if it works for you? github.com/math-fehr/fast-wfc
It should create a result folder under examples with some images, but it's not doing that for me here.
6 hours later…
Q: Using placement new in generic programming

L. F.When using placement new in generic code to construct an object at a specified address, the usage pattern is a bit different from usual code. For example, consider this implementation of uninitialized_copy: ([uninitialized.copy]) template <class It, class For> For uninitialized_copy(It first, I...

A project from someone who's both French and knows Daru13? What are the odds o_o
Oh, they go to the same school apparently
2 hours later…

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