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Haha, I opened Recycle Bin and Explorer crashed.
Ok then.
@CatPlusPlus: welcome to Microsoft software.
What the hell were you keeping in it?
I'm cleaning old code.
43k files.
I forgot to press Shift, I think.
@nightcracker oh really? it could be an explorer extension. or another plugin-like thing
Perhaps my old logging API isn't that bad: void LogInfo(const std::string&);, void LogWarning(const std::string&); and void LogError(const std::string&);.
Logging without file/line is bad.
I also like streaming syntax.
Hm.. I can fix that.
So, LOG(info) << "asdfasdf"; is cool.
I resorted to something like LogInfo(SS() << ... << )""
Well, I never bothered with levels to date.
I prefer logf(const char* fmt, ...);.
Type safety says hello.
LOG() can be log_record(__FILE__, __LINE__, __func__)
who cares about type-safety, %d is way more readable then << << <<
But I really hate stuff like Logger::SharedInstance().log(kLogLevelError, "Blah..");
With operator<< overloaded and logging in dtor.
Easily extended for multiple loggers.
I don't need fancy formatting in my logs.
@CatPlusPlus Using @DeadMG's idea there?
yeah, I did something similar with exceptions once.
Yeah, exceptions.
That was it.
create object, stream interface, throw exception with stream's contents as message in destructor.
was super-lazy and probably totally unnecessary and completely obfuscated
Boost.Exception does that or something similar, I think.
Today I wrote a ScopedSplashscreen
It's a hack actually to hide clumsiness while going to full screen modus in my really app. The splash screen simply makes the entire screen black for a second. It looks as it's all part of the same operation.
ScopedSplash is the actual class name if you must know.
I also wrote a ScopedHide.
Hide you wife, hide yo kids.
Please no. I live like 3 miles from there.
Couldn't concepts be made with a C++ library instead of a language feature?
My boss personally knew him before the incident.
@vedosity Not satisfyingly. AFAIK.
Oh. Well I made something pretty nifty: ideone.com/P15K2
Boost also had lambda's as a library feature, but it's not the same as the real thing.
Ignore the errors :P ideone has an old compiler for C++0x
@vedosity Already are, but the language feature is for making errors cleaner.
Hmm. Ok
Boost.ConceptCheck is one.
Yeah I think I've heard of it
Robot and Luc probably each have one, too.
I should really write some sort of filter that checks the last line in questions for "thank you", "greetings", etc.
I always put greetings as the last line of my questions.
You shouldn't. It adds unnecessary clutter. The same goes for signatures, etc
sarcasm. I don't think putting greetings as the last line on anything would make sense. Nvm.
Or, if I have, it wasn't significant to me at the time, more just automatic
I just realized I could put my Minecraft worlds under source control.
whaaa? sounds.. interesting
did someone just try to demolish my answer? stackoverflow.com/suggested-edits/324263
$ git add -A .
$ git commit -m "Create wheat farm"
pure genius
Oh fuck, a creeper blew up my chest room!
$ git checkout -f
I'm only unsure how it will work with branching.
Merging would probably fuck up all the things, and merge conflicts are like impossible to fix.
I think it treats binary files different
as in, not merging them
Q: Resolving a Git conflict with binary files

Kevin WilsonI've been using Git on Windows (msysgit) to track changes for some design work I've been doing. Today I've been working on a different PC (brian) and am now trying to merge the edits done today back into my regular local version on my laptop. On my laptop, I've used 'git pull brian master' to p...

You need to merge them manually.
well at least it won't merge them automatically
Merging them manually is kinda crappy with Minecraft chunk files.
you could split up the world file into chunks before committing it and then just go through each chunk that is conflicting
are world files already split up into chunks?
$ git remote add origin [email protected]:daknok/Minecraft.git
$ git push -u origin master
I don't need no expensive server!
You pretty much can't resolve binary conflicts in any other way than using one or the other version.
you can get a linux virtual server for pretty cheap actually
Free is cheaper.
I got mine free :D
Me and my friends currently put the server in Dropbox after stopping it.
Versioning MC world is silly.
If the main server keeper is offline, I can play locally.
Though "free" is relative, I got it for writing quite some code.
@RadekSlupik: make sure to write a little interface for your friends though :)
assuming they aren't programmers as well
We won't use Git with Dropbox.
Dropbox will break zeh repository if multiple people use it at once.
Dropbox should have atomic directories.
In our graphics API we have a dispose method whose comment reads "Destroy the Old World if required"
I did check the svn log for user:sauron...
Q: C++ Exception Handling - Concrete Example

user1541636I've this program (parts of program not posted): //Includes and functions int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ifstream loc("achievements.loc", ios::binary); getline(loc, header, static_cast<char>(1)); loc.seekg(15, ios::cur); loc.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&su...

^ I'm not sure what a good answer would be
In the context of SO I guess an answer detailing how to do exception handling would be considered "good", because it addresses the technical issue that the OP asks for.
But it would be ungood as advice. Best advice here to just use exit, yes?
It's a beginner's small program with all code in main
@StackedCrooked Because it is better :)
I'm using a C framework that insists on having callback functions created that take a void * pointer that can be used to pass arbitrary data to. How in the heck would I pass in an instantiation of a class to a function that expects void *? Is this even possible?
minecraft server makes me sad
it keeps reverting to an earlier version, or not saving chunks or something
@jimnorton just pass a pointer to the instance
a void* can be anything after all
as long as its only user data and its not expecting anything in particular it should be okay
@JimNorton disregarding const/volatile, all data pointers convert implicitly to void*, so it's very easy
You know I actually did that and thought it was wrong because I read the compiler warning incorrectly... doh..
the exact warning might be important
I might just hammer my router into oblivion.
It chokes up with 1 user and 2 connections.
Good lord.
is it the firmware?
Why is this crap not given up for free.
Because it's fucking useless.
I like using winapi, it makes me proud when something works
@Ell I don't know. Maybe.
It was an unused variable warning...
Somehow I read that as "unusable"
I can't change it to anything, because D-Link had WONDERFUL idea to release new version of the hardware and change the internals just enough so DD-WRT is not compatible any more.
@jimnorton what project are you writing to learn c++?
good night people, I'm gone
And of course with DD-WRT being fucking dead for at least 2 years, there's no hope of anyone updating it.
@Ell I'm converting a C program that does some Cairo / GTK animation to C++.
dd-wrt is dead?
So excellent, I was able to pass a pointer to my image object to the callback function, and simply call a member function as Image->Function() sweet.
I got all confused over nothing.... had I actually read the warning...
a callback function?
Yep... a function that is registered into the GTK framework so that when an event happens, the "callback" function gets called to handle the event.
void my_callback(double x, double y) { std::cout << "Clicked at (" << x << ", " << y << ")\n"; }
foo.on_click = &my_callback;
Something like that.
oh I thought you had written a callback function for your image function
hmm I would prefer std::function or boost signals but if its c then function pointers are the only way
@Ell No, just needed to be able to pass the object to the callback function.
I am interested in seeing your source code
I understand you are learning c++?
Are v.cbegin() and v.cend() only part of VC++? It doesn't compile in gcc nor clang
it's in the standard
Oh sorry, in gcc it works
@Ell Trying to. What I have right now isn't all that interesting... Just a simple wrapper class that encapsulates a Cairo image.
However, in clang it doesn't work for me
are you assigning the iterator to anything?
@keith.layne ideone.com/iGpN7
This doesn't work for me in clang3.2
@jimnorton I'm still interested in looking at it :) if it is private work then no worries
"windows virtual memory is running low, the system may run poorly while swapping files" what? Lets see, programs with the most VMSize are NSServer, devenv, and mysqld. Mem Usage are netbeans, chrome, chrome. Hmm. Strange
do you think the open source attitude is applicable to all fields of programming?
@MooingDuck You should uninstall netbeans, it's just horrible
@Ell It is work stuff... so I probably shouldn't share it. It's such a thin wrapper class that I'm debating whether or not it's really even worth using it..
@ManofOneWay it's what we use at work, I don't have much choice :( And yes, yes it is horrible.
@jimnorton oh okay :) good luck with it anyway
@Ell thanks :-)
@mooingduck aren't you allowed to choose what you use? o.o
@ManofOneWay looks like it ought to work, whats the error?
@RadekSlupik Function pointer? le ewww
@Ell well, when a new person is added to this project, it takes an average of 2-3 weeks plus the help of someone already on the project to merely make it compile. (And even then, the way we compile is completely different than the official build). Nobody has dared try with another ide. (I should actually....)
oh right
I seem to have gotten rid of eclipse at some point
the. build system is the most irritating part of c++ I think
or does that count as the tools?
clang++-mp-3.2 sample.c++ -std=c++11
sample.c++:36:48: error: no member named 'cbegin' in 'std::vector<int, std::allocator<int>>'
for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator i = v.cbegin(); i != v.cend(); ++i) {
~ ^
sample.c++:36:65: error: no member named 'cend' in 'std::vector<int, std::allocator<int>>'
for(std::vector<int>::const_iterator i = v.cbegin(); i != v.cend(); ++i) {
did you #include<vector> ?
@ManofOneWay whatever library clang is using there is not C++11 compliant. You're using a C++03 standard library
@ManofOneWay note: clang doesn't ship with a C++ standard library implementation
oh wait I believe I've found what is causing the error
Yes, I've forgotten the stdlib flag
@DeadMG Just an example. One could use a functor/lambda.
@RadekSlupik goodness
you know, I had some guy on Programmers today accuse me of espousing RAII being "The One True Way" to program C++.
I've been starting to like garbage collection.
I quite like it, but languages should still have some construct that is similar to RAII, IMO.
@RadekSlupik if you have RAII, you don't need garbage collection
Jun 10 at 20:31, by StackedCrooked
My theory is that good C++ programming is founded on thinking in terms of ownership and object lifetime.
@MooingDuck That problem is virtually gone when you have a good garbage collector.
Is there a good reason why you wouldn't code an entity as RAII?
@TomW In C++, no.
RAII provides exception safety and automatic memory management.
If you use C++ without RAII you could just as well use C.
even very obscure circumstances?
thinking purely hypothetical here
I can't think of any.
Unless you want to leak resources on purpose.
for me RAII is about semantics and not having better memory usage and stuff
If you absolutely know that the resources will be reclaimed by the OS when the process exits, can it make very performance-critical code faster to not bother?
it makes a lot more sense to me. I find it very inconvenient not having value semantics as well
well, everything's reclaimed by the OS, but I mean...you know for a fact due to the design of the program that it cannot leak
@TomW Use a GC if you allocate lots of resources in performance-critical areas and if deallocation is too slow.
New Microsoft fiasco! Dickhead™ finds that if you take the 3rd root of a sequence of bits that describe Windows 7 : 101111111100111100011010011001011110101001111100010000001001101 and turn it into hex, it says 0x1D1075 which stands for "IDIOTS" in 1337, Microsoft officials contemplating pulling down all copies of Windows 7. For more retarded, dumb and offensive to the sane mind news - stay tuned.
Or a pool.
@TomW Well. If quitting is performance critical. I'd say it is pretty hard to terminate the process... in a loop
@TomW Unportable. My OS is not your OS, and John's OS doesn't automatically reclaim resources.
@RadekSlupik Mmm. The world doesn't need John's OS then :)
I'm not trying to be a douche here, just really, really want to know when and where I should consider not following received wisdom
I would go with RAII always in C++.
the eternal problem with GC is that it can only ever deal with memory.
@TomW You should always follow common sense and your own ethics. Also, don't optimize prematurely. Value correct code over fast code. This includes resource deallocation
it can't cope with files, or db connections, or anything like that
so you can never replace RAII with a GC.
You'll need something like finally or with if you use a GC, which are somewhat similar to RAII.
with f = open('my file', 'r') {
  // do something with f
} // f.close() called automatically on exception, termination, return, whatever.
In C++ that is implicit.
GC sucks. Not only does it work good in theory where there are lots of quickie pops of data, it usually just clogs up until it kicks in and jams everything. Not to mention MG's mention of actual logic that ought to take place at initialization and releasing of files and other things that need proper cleanup. Just making memory allocable isn't really useful.
we have gb's of RAM anyway
Unpredictable GC lockups in .net FTL
@Ell I have 32 GB of RAM and I'm still a good memory citizen. Lots of RAM means opportunities for advancement, not laziness.
Besides, most applications still have an access pool of 4 GB, since they're still all 32-bit.
You screw that up, boom.
I gave up trying to explain to a computer science graduate who is also my senior at work why calling GC.Collect() won't stop the application from running into OutOfMemoryException
but memory leaks are, I would say, less dangerous than forgetting to close a file
oh good old first world problems
my understanding is that allocated memory will never be available to other processes until the process which allocated it has exited, is that correct?
@TomW someone should explain that to minecraft too
@TomW The OS can move it to disk.
sorry, typo
meant 'will never'
@TomW basically, yes
even if you release it
@TomW oh, then no. That's just a common implementation detail.
It's all virtualized, there's no exclusive physical blocks of memory for a particular process.
Once it is properly deallocated, something else can claim it.
surely whatever was in that memory is available to any phantom process that lurks around randomly probing for recently released application data?
@DomagojPandĹža deallocated by the process, not by the program's allocator. There's a slight difference there that I think is what Tom is thinking of.
I think some OSs zero it for security
I mean, it'd be a very sophisticated algorithm that could pull things like passwords, but it's theoretically possible to produce a tiny app that would scrape any and all memory it's allowed to allocate looking for patterns in the junk data
@TomW no, when OS's give a page to a new process, they usually zero it.
zeroing is the important detail I was after
@TomW PCI cards have access to all RAM, IIRC.
MMIO, right.
But zeroing is an important
I had the impression that security was ensured by refusing to allow any process to deref any memory that had ever been allocated by a process that's still live
security feature.
It would be a blatant error to pass it around, especially when everything is aware of its surroundings.
@TomW So, how would a server run for more than a day?
@tomw have you seen cheatengine?
Not a clue
that scans memory and can change it. I know it worked on winxp. maybe it needed elevated privelages or something but that could access abitrary memory regions
@TomW no, if a process frees a page, the OS can zero it and give it to someone else even if the origional process is still running.
@TomW do you know how virtual memory works? That's where the safety lies.
Computers y u so complicated.
when I hear 'virtual memory' I think 'paging file' which I presume is not actually the same thing
basically you search the memory for stuff, change the value, search again, each time narrowing it down until you get a specific address for an integer say. then you change it and bish bash bosh you change the amount of gold on some game.
But a page file without virtual memory would be ... impossible (well, different: it would be called overlays, like in the good old times)
@TomW basically, when you say "load the memory at address 0x53414323", the OS will translate that address to a place in memory, and then load the data. if that memory has been deallocated by your program, the OS knows that, and the lookup will fail. It's literally impossible for a normal C++ program to touch memory the OS hasn't granted it.
@TomW they're related. vaguely.
@MooingDuck well I knew that was the case. Memory protection is pretty pervasive, even if you don't thoroughly understand HOW it happens
@mooingduck but windows/linux can grant a programme access to some other programme's memory?
Paging is a concept entangled (in a way) with virtual memory. It's all to preserve the linearity of memory and simplifying access. Because every process needs its own address space to operate in, the computer must allow some sort of translation between that imaginary virtual space to the actual memory. But it guarantees that things that are required to be adjacent - to be adjacent in actual physical memory.
@TomW it works because the OS knows which processes are allowed to touch which pages. Pages you aren't allowed to touch have no address in your process. You literally cannot reach them (under normal circumstances)
Paging is a concept of "extending the physical RAM" by dumping unused portions onto the HDD, creating the illusion of MOAR space. A performance hit, but a necessary part of OS reality.
@Ell yes, partially. That's why I keep saying "normal programs"
And then come translation lookaside buffers and all sorts of erotic stuff.
I'm trying to play LA Noire, so I'll shut up now :Đ
@DomagojPandĹža Oh? Necessary? I haven't ran with swap or paging in 6+ years. Granted, I run a 8Gb desktop and 512Mb server
is it kernel mode that's allowed to do literally anything?
My idea is: once the system needs to swap it is already dead. I'd rather have it choke than degrade faking it
I think so
I'm definitely mangling my terminology here
@TomW AFAIK yes
I know of ring 0 through ring 3 and that I know I have no reason ever to wish for ring 0
@sehe Agreed, luckily, our OS development approaches have improved and hardware - well... 32 GB here. I used to have an HDD with less space.
@TomW yeah, Windows doesn't do the "ring" thing. I don't know if linux does either.
@DomagojPandĹža I remember when my mom bought a computer with a 2GB harddrive and we were told "that was a bigger harddrive than we'd ever need in our lives"
@DomagojPandĹža So you agree it is not required. Of course, any selfrespecting OS will have to support it, just in case, but god no, swap shouldn't be needed.
I've tried reading OS development tuts, and while I don't really get all the implications, I understood the literal sense of what I was reading
I thought the ring thing was processor not OS level?
I agree that it is not required, but I see it sort of as a failsafe (nowadays). You never know when someone will step over some boundary and you don't need it burning up in flames because there was no swapping available. :D
@Ell Nope, it's OS.
Actually, OS-es that require swapping really look like governments that structurally spend more money than is available.
oh right
@sehe Ahahah, made that same metaphor with a buddy of mine a few days ago. +star
@Mysticial requires HW support though, right?
@MooingDuck Not really. Just standard virtualization and memory protection.
@MooingDuck I thought that the ring thing is an x86 processor model thing, not anything OS-specific.
I have from time to time wondered why the most absolutely performance-critical applications (e.g. simulation engines running on clusters) don't dump the OS altogether and run in the style of the 1940s
The only thing security-wise that a processor provides is the XD-bit.
Which is to help protect against buffer-overflow attacks.
i.e. the only program on the machine is the program that does the job
i.e. the stage 2 bootloader just runs a simulation algorithm that takes three years, to completion
@TomW you have to write everything yourself to do that, no libraries. Including networking, harddrives, fans, keyboard...
@Mysticial Ah, exec. dis. bit - I made a joke on its shorthand "XD-bit" as "the facepalm bit" and it stuck with me.
@MooingDuck well that's absolutely true...but it depends how much government money you're spending
@TomW eventually, you've just written a whole new OS. Which defeats the point of avoiding an OS, yes? Better to use a stripped down version of linux.
if all you want to do is solve a computational problem, and can pay the people with the right expertise, and save hundreds of thousands in equipment costs
@TomW or google it
sure, practicality dictates that eventually you'll want to change your program...and at that point, ah...shit.
so yeah, if the most bare-bones variant of linux is low-overhead enough, that's the right solution, and I'm sure it is
but I still wonder
there are other advantages to running in user-mode rather than kernel mode
I don't know why, but the Lounge always cheers me up. Nice to be able to spend some time with people who are actually exhibiting intelligence.
@TomW Because you spend a lot without gaining anything in return. Just for example, on Windows you can set your thread to TIME_CRITICAL priority, and nothing will preempt it.
for example, kernel mode coding is much more complex
much more limited stack size
paging is a complete bitch
amongst other things
there's a good chance you'd simply never get it to work
@DomagojPandĹža yeah, I like that too.
@DeadMG and then I open my mouth
@JerryCoffin not even hardware interrupts?
I'm starting to think that the worst part of TF2 is the random crits.
@EtiennedeMartel you're not alone
yeah I like the intelligent conversation
but I think it keeps things from falling into stalemate too often
@EtiennedeMartel Random sucks.
@Flexo I mean, it adds a "luck" factor to the game.
I have no problem with crits that are triggered in specific situations
Because it raises the skill ceiling.
But random stuff? Fuck it.
I don't even know why you care about the skill ceiling
the probability that you are at the skill ceiling is extremely minute
Because it makes the game a better game
I wish I had friends IRL that I could talk to about technical stuff
@EtiennedeMartel never heard that phrase before, but it's an interesting concept. I shall contemplate that.
@EtiennedeMartel Only for the people who are at the skill ceiling.
everyone else already has enough to worry about.
@DeadMG So? From a design standpoint, does that mean we should refrain from thinking about the skill ceiling just because most players will not encounter it?
@Mysticial NMI (memory refresh, parity error) will, but not most others (e.g., unless you have another core that can service it, input from the mouse and keyboard will be completely ignored).
no, but it does mean that in order to justify a change, you would have to have significant evidence that, first, there actually are players, at all, who are already at that ceiling, because else nobody will benefit, and secondly, that you won't fuck over everyone else.
@JerryCoffin wow. interesting
and since it's virtually impossible to show these two things for most non-trivial games, then it's quite unjustified to make changes just to raise a skill ceiling.
Yeah, but let's say you were designing a game.
@Mysticial msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/… "You should almost never use REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS, because this interrupts system threads that manage mouse input, keyboard input, and background disk flushing." (if THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL also)
Would you deny a feature just because it raises the skill ceiling?
I am :D
@EtiennedeMartel I certainly would deny any feature whose sole justification was that.
@MooingDuck The funny thing is that it sounds just like the paging priority on Windows.
@MooingDuck Oops -- yes, I meant real-time, not time critical.
When it's paging, you can barely use the mouse, keyboard, etc...
I would certainly deny any deviation from the core of the game without solid tester data.
you may as well try to optimize a program without any profiler data.
@JerryCoffin one is a class, one is a level, gotta have both set to interrupt the mouse
and if the players are not running out of skill, then raising the ceiling is like reducing the I/O activity of a CPU-bound program- thanks, but it's really not helpful at all.
@MooingDuck Yeah, but it's possible to do time critical that won't -- but real time will.
So, anybody know a question that needs a down-vote? I need to do one quick to get back to a multiple of 5...
Only 5 bits for priority? :P
@MooingDuck Yeah -- real_time/time_critical is the nasty one.
@Mysticial yes
@JerryCoffin lol, just like me. Care more about %5 == 0 than the actual number itself?
@Mysticial It's like the blender we had when I was a kid. 20 speeds, and only two ever got used: off, and the fastest it would go, wishing it would go faster! Honestly, it's not quite like that, but close. 32 levels, and about 5 get used enough to notice.
@Mysticial Yup. My little joke yesterday got a couple (expected) downvotes, now I need to repair the damage.
@JerryCoffin which jokes?

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