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Had you been only half that value, you could have boasted a palindrome factorization: 1 23321 (hehe)
@R.MartinhoFernandes ...but you're 23321 times a prime!
twice a prime?
@JerryCoffin That's the second-best primality.
Guess why.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Gosh, I may have to think about that a while.
Somehow I feel that Emma Rochweel has her Yin/Yang well balanced: 1492847: 1151 1297
Is there any way to compile a windows executable C++ file in Xcode?
In DongML, these would certainly be happier about having the longest:
1029888: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 149            Quintis555
1304064: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 283            Pabloker
pretty much all the major players in C++ development are huge dicks, with the exception of AMD.
curiously enough
@DeadMG Doesn't mingw32 not build on Mac? Why not?
@sehe Why did I ever bring that up here.
@Andrew Not easily. If you compiled gcc for windows to run on OS/X, you might be able to get Xcode to run it, but my guess is that it wouldn't be at all trivial.
hadn't really thought about mingw32, but last I checked, it's chock full of Windows-specific code.
what is a "windows executable c++ file"
@DeadMG Well, I don't see why it wouldn't be possible to build a GCC cross-compiler. Or build clang with a Windows target.
@DeadMG Most of the guys at EDG are pretty decent (or always seemed that way to me, anyway).
@keith.layne a compiled c++ program in tended for windows rather than mac (Xcode is Apple's IDE)
My guess is that getting Xcode to run it would be the hardest part.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Clang targeting Windows was pretty badly broken the last time I looked.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Related: litb is thrice a prime!
34509: 3 11503                                Johannes Schaub - litb
@Andrew then it has nothing to do with c++
@JerryCoffin Hadn't really thought of them as a major power.
I mean, they only vendor front-ends, and I hardly know of anyone that uses them.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wine
Wine surely runs on Mac?
How would wine help getting Xcode to run a different compiler?
@DeadMG Intel, and Microsoft both do. Comeau does, but he's hardly a major player.
4 mins ago, by Andrew
Is there any way to compile a windows executable C++ file in Xcode?
and they're both quite dickish
you guys are ignoring the nonsensicality of this question?
Sorry, I thought you meant the resulting binary.
Surely, XCode supports makefiles too?
@keith.layne I'm sorry – I should say windows executable written in C++ in Xcode
who's gonna use ICC for a general application? "Oh, we purposely fuck our code on our competition's procs."
@sehe Wine is intended for mac
@sehe From what I've heard here, using another toolchain with Xcode is a major pain.
@keith.layne It's not nonsensical. I used to cross compile Windows/AIX executables from linux.
I never used it so I could be wrong though.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Aha.
@Andrew I'm still not entirely sure what you're asking
@sehe as have I
@Andrew Wut. Wine is intended for !Windows
and Microsoft and GNU are as bad as each other. If anything, GNU is worse than Microsoft.
@DeadMG Yes, but EDG isn't.
@Andrew are you asking about compiling C++ on your mac but targeting windows?
@DeadMG At least they crank out new features :S
@JerryCoffin Yes, but the only major compilers you have using them are dicks in their own right. It's hardly easy to get hold of a non-dickish compiler using EDG front-end.
@keith.layne yes. The word I was looking for was targeting for windows
@R.MartinhoFernandes They do a lot of small upgrades. Microsoft tends much more toward a few that are really major upgrades (with quite a few in between that are almost not upgrades at all, at least in terms of compiler conformance).
okay. I never had a mac, but I'd be surprised if you couldn't.
@JerryCoffin Right, like VC11.
@DeadMG What qualifies as a non-dickish compiler?
@JerryCoffin A Wide compiler.
@DeadMG what is EDG?
Edison Design Group.
They write compiler parts.
Like libraries?
@Andrew The company the Clang project is trying to put out of business! (No, I'm not really serious).
@Andrew Parsers and the like. Frontends.
@Andrew No -- compilers themselves. Libraries they leave to others, primarily Dinkumware.
What is Apple's default "frontend"? gcc?
@JerryCoffin How about one which doesn't target only the operating system/processor/etc it's parent company has a financial interest in, and provide support for others to extend/etc their code.
@Andrew Used to be gcc, recently switched to Clang.
@Andrew Apple uses clang.
Clang's not bad in that respect, but it's hardly finished.
@Andrew I see a SO question that says mingw is in MacPorts
ARgh, why do applications use my locale to pick the language? I want them to use Windows's language, not my locale.
@DeadMG Well, Comeau would certainly qualify by that. So would Green Hills and Portland (all of whom use EDG). Mostly used for embedded stuff though.
@DeadMG What constitutes "hardly finished"
@Andrew Lack of Windows support.
@Andrew If you download Clang, you can't go from source file to executable.
their idea of a "compiler" means "Use somebody else's compiler for a key part of the process"
@DeadMG "go from"? What sourcery is this?
oh, yeah, and their windows support is kinda awful.
@DeadMG That's the same thing you said above.
Source file to executable - you mean that you can't compile a main file without an Xcode project?
@JerryCoffin Tis true. I am not saying that none exist who are not dicks, but they are not major players.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm pretty sure that if you do not have the GNU linker, the same is true on Unix and Mac.
@DeadMG You'd almost think their major sponsor was Apple or something. Oh wait, it is!
@DeadMG So, you compile MSVC from scratch then? How does bootstrapping a compiler make it more of a compiler. Also, what compiler do you know that completely bootstraps itself (you can cheat: it's okay to require an assembler)
@sehe Not what he meant.
@DeadMG Green Hills is a pretty big player (in their realm -- embedded systems).
@R.MartinhoFernandes So what did he mean? (/cc @DeadMG)
@JerryCoffin Eh. I've got nothing against Apple making their own C++ compiler. But if you're going to pretend that you're platform-independent and OSS and great, then it's kinda dickish to then turn around and hardly provide any support at all on the vast majority target.
@sehe It's not a primary constituent of the function of that compiler.
@sehe The need for a third-party linker.
@DeadMG The vast majority of that vast majority doesn't program. Let alone C++
once you install MSVC, then you have MSVC and it works.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh, I see. Of course. I shudda known
@sehe People still like to target them with applications written in C++, you know.
@DeadMG That's why I was surprised. I get it now. Good point
I just can't compile anything I write with it with any version available now
@DeadMG "Target" windows. Makes me feel you think they use it to write viruses only. Oh wait, that's almost true
dude, the idea of "targetting" a platform is not new or ambiguous. What's wrong with you?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Clang is intended a part of LLVM though, and linking falls squarely within LLVM's layer. You may or may not use LLVM's linking, but either way it's out of scope for Clang.
@DeadMG Time to go to bed. Regenerate the humor supply
but it does sounds like vc 12 will be at least mostly c++11 compliant in terms of core language features
@DeadMG I've used clang a lot on Linux, it works great. Haven't tried on Windows.
@JerryCoffin Tell that to the puppy. (Disclaimer: I tried before)
Fact is that Google is also anti Windows.
@JerryCoffin LLVM doesn't have any linking.
Esp when it comes to their PCs.
@DeadMG What, only compiling?
Ah, right. Interpreting.
You can link though.
@keith.layne Far from mostly.
But that's probably not LLVM anymore then.
well, strictly, LLVM can link two modules together into another LLVM IR file.
@DeadMG What part of "Makes me feel" made you think I was saying something about your statement? What's wrong with you? <evil-grin/>
but LLVM provides no way to go from LLVM IR to executable format.
I like how they picked six core language features to incorporate into vc 10
@StackedCrooked The LLVM linker is a WIP.
Ah, it's a WIP...
@DeadMG What does llvm-link do then?
@JerryCoffin Invoke the system's linker.
@JerryCoffin Cries to whatever third party linker it can find.
@StackedCrooked feel free to add to the acromonious list
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, it's got range-based for loops, what more could you want? :P
or it might link together two LLVM IR modules (which still produces one LLVM IR output, not an executable).
@R.MartinhoFernandes I don't know what wip means. Just this.
or both
@JerryCoffin No, wait, that's the one that links bitcode files.
llvm-ld is the one that invokes the system linker.
@StackedCrooked Work in progress.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Okay -- so it does linking, but needs another linker to do the final step?
Ah, just found it on Wikipedia, but was still doubting. Thanks.
@JerryCoffin Yeah.
TIL that Clang has a shitty C interface.
and libclang does not expose anything like the API I need if I want to integrate it into my Wide compiler.
@StackedCrooked WIP. It's my stock checkin comment for broken microcommits (e.g. halfway a refactoring).
so I would likely have to extract the parts I need
@DeadMG Wait, why do you need libclang?
Morons. How dare they not provide the API the Puppy needs.
@R.MartinhoFernandes If I want to provide interoperation between Wide and C++.
Is uniform_int_distribution something that can be created on the fly every time I want to generate random numbers, or should I reuse the same object?
you need a new one, afaik.
Rotten opensource. Just contact the MSVC team . They will have more business sense.
how does wide do concurrency?
how does wide do anything?
@StackedCrooked Non-reuse cannot guarantee the distribution.
oh yeah, it doesn't.
@sehe Eh. It's not about that. Just the stuff they did provide was a truly horrific C interface.
and, it of course irks me that I would have to do my own hacks to get what I need, but hey.
#keith.layne not yet :L
@Ell Roughly the same as C++.
I actually haven't finished speccing some of that part of the lib and indeed, lang.
just make sure you get it right the first time round.
@DeadMG It's about the functionality, silly. IMO You're supposed to embed it and shoe-horn it to your needs. Why do people always complain that things aren't completely instant/automatic when they /get/ decades of man-hours in work for free?
@R.MartinhoFernandes what does that mean?
Requiring C++ for clients is kind of restrictive (I'm sure you disagree, but that doesn't change the fact).
@sehe Oh, I got nothing against embedding.
@keith.layne Means that if you want a X distribution, you use the same object.
@DeadMG Oh I see now that you already hinted that you might be a bit demanding :)
Fair enough then
the primary reason I dislike it is because I'd have to re-work every time I wanted to upgrade the Clang version I ripped from.
can you imagine using clang 3.1 still like, five years from now? le owch.
does anyone ever get addicted to a particular song? and just play it over?
@DeadMG libclang has stable APIs. Of course, not everything is stable, but they design it to be stable after a few iterations. Chandler mentioned that on occasion
@Ell All the time.
@DeadMG Erm. Feed that work back upstream.
@sehe The whole point I made was that the data I need is not accessible as part of the API.
Then someone else will "re-work" it if needed.
he'd demand payment
@DeadMG Make it part of the API and request a pull.
and if I want to get it, I would have to refactor the Clang internals- possibly extensively.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Not gonna happen.
@DeadMG Huh, it's data, it's not an API, /but/ it is in shitty C. I'm pretty sure you've lost me
What won't happen?
You doing it? Or it being integrated?
LLVM has a C++-only API. If I want to get the LLVM types out, then that would bind libclang to a C++ interface, not C.
@DeadMG Wokay. I suppose this might be the case of not interoperating at the right level of abstraction. Why not go the IR route? LLVM was designed for that.
I can't seem to bring myself to turn repeat off
100k/260k ...
@sehe That can't bring templates.
I don't think there is a supported 'compiler-as-a-service' library for the actual C++ compiler
@sehe Pretty sure I'd have to do some kind of awfuls to get the data I need back out.
I mean, Clang doesn't expose anything LLVM, so I can't get the output IR or anysuch like that.
Think twice about using libclang, then. Nothing is worse then using an API for something it wasn't intended for. Especially if you fear breakage in future versions
know of any other FOSS C++ compilers?
@DeadMG Mmm. Yeah. Sorry, that was a brainfart
@DeadMG :)
g++ rather
@Ell bwahahaha
you mean the codebase intentionally designed to prevent extension?
with a GPL lic?
you asked if I knew any other FOSS c++ compilers :L
are you gonna sell wide?
Digital Mars C++ compiler source is only $59...
small poem (sehe july 2012)
Sell near, sell far;
Sell narrow, sell Wide:
In terms of the puppy's excrements,
There will be no place to hide!
ahh i did it. broke from the cycle. listening to smooth jazz. aaaaawhhhh yeeeaaahhhh (in a black voice)
Didn't say it made sense.
It is a poem after all. Must appear artsy first
@Ell Depends. Am I gonna be able to eat if I don't?
Do you think it's sellable?
(WTF is the word?)
@DeadMG What if you do?
A: Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array?

CodingLegendShort & Simple Answer: Branch prediction. This means that the compiler makes a guess at the branch direction. When it goes the same way a lot of times in a row, its guesses are correct, and therefore it doesn't waste time going back and changing its guess.

oh boy
you mean the compiler branch predicting?
@Xeo Going down
@Ell i'm listening to madonna "american life" album.
@GManNickG Even though Mysticial provided an amazing answer, many people don't have the time or patience to read a relatively long answer like that. You're right, I'm not adding anything. I was condensing the accepted answer into a short, easy-to-read paragraph. — CodingLegend 17 secs ago
b4 that pink floyd "meddle"
@jonskeet While I was in the garden the other day, I built my own Raspberry Pi. It didn't last long, though. http://t.co/V9JJc8Hx
@sehe awesome
now the black keys "el camino"
(madonna finished)
it's a bit random
@R.MartinhoFernandes Damn was just too late to post "CodingLegend if people can't be bothered to read an answer, one could argue they deserve to not-know it."
I'm listening to sky fm solo piano now :L although don't like the current track
@sehe that's one problem less on SO. in usenet groups it's very annoying when the OP asks follow up questions that shows he hasn't read your answer at all. no follow up questions or other debate on SO! :-)
@Ell is that old sky with john williams on guitar?
reminds me to download all the old sky albums, i only have them on vinyl...
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Well... easier to let it slide (comments are inconvenient and chat is opt-in). Yay. You do get the guys that don't get it, though
oh, radio station!
well i used to listen to radio paradise, and a lot of norwegian stations. but on low bandwidth connection now. far out in the north norwegian outbacks...
@sehe We could undelete and redelete it :P
@Xeo LOL. Soooo tempting.
nah. I'm off to bed. It's 3:50am
@Cheersandhth.-Alf That's what annoyed me the most about that guy that earns twenty times my salary.
@sehe g'night
Sky was a British instrumental group that specialised in fusing a variety of musical styles including light rock, progressive rock, classical and jazz. The group's best known members were classical guitarist John Williams, bass player Herbie Flowers (a former member of Blue Mink and T. Rex), and Francis Monkman, a founder member of progressive rock band Curved Air. History Formation In 1971, world-famous classical guitarist John Williams released Changes, his first recording of non-classical music (and the first on which he played electric guitar). Among the musicians working on the al...
@R.MartinhoFernandes I guess we should feel honored that he condescended to grace us with his presence
do you speak Norwegian Alf? (can I call you that? saves a lot of typing for me)
@Ell @Ch<tab>
@Ell Everyone calls him Alf. I don't see why you cannot.
@Ell i'm norwegian -- it's one of the few remaining non-EU (almost free) countries in Europe
@xeo I'm on my phone :)
@Ell @Ch<touch> ?
@alf coolio :) I know a guy who was on tour with a Norwegian band. cant remember who. I have interest in learning Norwegian. so far I have jet er Elliot :L
"jeg er Elliot"
doesnt work :(
but most norwegian know english
oops sorry yeah that was autocorrect
I just fancy learning it :L
I know there are two main dialects? bokmal and... norsk? can't rmemeber
right. ill just use the internet then :L
that's "nynorsk", literally "new norwegian". it was an attempt at capturing the real norwegian dialects in an official language. mosty it failed and is just annoying schoolchildren who have to struggle with it, plus people who have to fill in forms written in nynorsk
"bokmål" is the common norwegian language
"riksmål" is an old variant, more formal
then there is the language of the indigenious people, samish
so do school children learn both nynorsk and bokmal?
until recently they had to. i think that's changed now. it's hard enough to learn the rules of just main norwegian bokmål + english!
oh kk
The Sami people, also spelled Sámi or Saami, are the indigenous people inhabiting the Arctic area of Sápmi, which today encompasses parts of far northern Sweden, Norway, Finland, the Kola Peninsula of Russia, and the border area between south and middle Sweden and Norway. The Sámi are the only indigenous people of Scandinavia recognized under the international conventions of Indigenous peoples, and hence the northernmost indigenous people of Europe. Sami ancestral lands span an area of approximately 388,350 km2 (150,000 sq. mi.), which is approximately the size of Sweden, in th...
@Andrew You cannot generate clang++ from scratch
@DavidRodríguez-dribeas he seemed pretty confused about the build process in general
norwegian bokmål looks logical from what I have glanced of it
the grammatical rules I mean
oh yes all languages feel logical. we have a kind of hardwired understanding of languages. i guess alien languages (like e.g. dolphin language, if there is a language structure) would be difficult to understand for us... :-)
it is more similar to english than Spanish or french at least
yeah. I wonder how their language works. and I wonder if you can think if you can't speak too :L
anyway I should be sleeping
A: Does std::function's copy-constructor require the template type's argument types to be complete types?

Howard HinnantI've committed a fix to libc++ such that this example now compiles, committed revision 160285. I believe libc++ was being overly aggressive in checking the argument list for complete types.

@DavidRodríguez-dribeas why do i see two dotted lines, one above and one under your message?
but I won't. I will just stop talking and lurk instead. night all :)
morning mates! any hardcore c/asm optimization enthusiast in the houes? :)
""...But all those papers by �Tom Lurksalot'? I thought that was Sherk and his students being coy."

"That? No. That's...that's only his students being coy. They play anonymous games on the net; they make credit-taking into a guessing game. It's just...silliness."

Silly or not, it was amazingly productive. Over the last few years, "Tom Lurksalot" had provided breakthrough insights about everything from nucleonics to computer science to industrial standard"
DeadMG> well, that's a bit of an anticlimax then...! ;)
@Xeo Woah, I never even noticed that. It didn't show up on the front page.
@MartinKällman I "kinda" am one.
@Mysticial It did, that's why I picked it up.
@Mysticial "kinda" ... lol
I know old questions have a lower chance of showing up on the front page on a random refresh.
Maybe I just didn't get "lucky" enough.
just to ask upfront, is it considered poor style to be asking about questions already posted, in this chat?
@Mysticial huh?
@Xeo If you bump a new question vs. and old question. The old question has a much lower probability of showing on the front page for a random page load.
@MartinKällman Yes.
Jul 13 at 10:48, by R. Martinho Fernandes
If you are new here, please read the code of conduct. Thank you.
why that?
By front-page I mean, stackoverflow.com
not under any of the tags
ah, ok
I watch too many tags to camp the tags individually.
meh, still at 100k/260k. T_T
So I just refresh the homepage.
@Mystical alright... I was just wondering whether or not I could pick your brain on a particular sorting problem? :)
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/tag1 or tag2 or tag3 or tag4
or in the search box: [tag1][or][tag2][or][tag3][or][tag4]
@Mysticial I also did not know you were here right now, or I may have replied yes.
bookmark and enjoy
@Xeo I have like 20 of them... And I don't necessary want to miss the things that aren't in my tags - or are not tagged correctly.
@MartinKällman Sorting is not my best thing. But go on.
@Mysticial oh boy
c, c++, java, assembly, performance, optimization, compiler-optimization, openmp, x86, x64, sse, ... the list goes on and on... lol
Most of the questions in the minor tags have them stand-alone and not cross-tagged with a language tag.
Hello, any mods in here. I need someone to undo my edit to an answer before it's approved...
great question title
@DeadMG I see that you have enough rep to approve/disapprove edits. Can you please undo my edit to an answer before it's approved...
A: Effect of !important declaration when sizing (fonts) with rem

JaredMcAteerFirst off !important is lazy coding and dangerous to maintainability. It's toxic and breaks the nature of CSS (the Cascading portion). Avoid it at all costs. Second: code { font-size: 14px !important; font-size: 1rem !important; } Might as well be written: code { font-size: 1rem ...

summarily rejected
although I'm not sure WTF you think was wrong with it, seemed fine to me with a cursory glance
@DeadMG It should be a separate answer as it wasn't suggested by the answerer
but that's the first edit I've rejected because the editor asked for it.
:D Just didn't want to mess with people. they get really angry sometimes when messed with their answers
And thank you!
I know the feeling
but then, I just hate everybody and don't really need a reason
@R.MartinhoFernandes you're my buddy.
@AahanKrish Yes.
Oh... :'(
cries hard... very hard
@DeadMG Oh. Cool :)
It's slowly getting done, sigh
USB 2...
I seriously wonder how anything got corrupted at all, though
@R.MartinhoFernandes Stole your job. nyah nyah
maybe it really was the cable going crap and being the reason for bad writes or stuff
I've had data corruption through a bad esata connection before.
Funny thing is the cable CRC was kinda useless.
It detected the I/O errors and logged them in the HD's SMART. But it still returned that bad data straight into the program...
If you're able to access the SMART diagnostic, you can check that.
I'll wait for chkdsk to finish first
I have a PDF with 17 pages and each one contains nothing but a single picture. How can I turn that into 17 pngs or jpgs?
Other than screenshotting them manually, I mean.
I've was able to predict both HD failures I've had in the last 2 years from just looking at the SMART.
@DeadMG I still see this:
> Thanks for your edit! This edit will be visible only to you until it is peer reviewed.
can you please check?
gotta have two rejections
@R.MartinhoFernandes Cry.
@AahanKrish Needs two rejections. I put the second one in.
me too
@DeadMG Tried it. Didn't work.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Cut yourself?
std::for_each(doc.pages_begin(), doc.pages_end(), extract_image); won't work, will it? :D
I'm sure that you can achieve that :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've used one called "Some PDF Image Extract". Seems like it was on one of the typical download sites. Free and works reasonably well.
@R.MartinhoFernandes gimp
@JerryCoffin Hmm, found that suggested on superuser, but it seems to need money to work past the fifth one.
Let's see if I can download XPDF on this crappy connection.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've definitely used it for more than 5, and don't seem to remember paying anything (though if it was cheap enough, I might have paid and not remember).

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