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also cauliflower
and peas
My lifelong dream is to write a cooking simulator with procedural shaders which make the meat's geometry contract, change surface detail and color.
It's been a while since I had pho. I'll need to raid the chinatown soon.
And then it prints out food to eat.
@ScottW A few weeks ago I thought I was the only person on Earth to enjoy goat cheese.
Then I discovered I wasn't alone.
I only ate goat cheese once, but I did not find it problematic.
I wanted to try goat cheese, but killing the goat and eating it was the best decision.
I'm carnivore like that.
@DomagojPandža You could have waited a bit. Then you would have both the goat and its cheese.
One of the things I want to do is actually kill an animal, gut it personally and then eat it.
Honestly, I want to be aware of the process personally.
no thanks
It's easy just to get meat off the shelf, feels like it was never a living creature.
I am not sure I could do it, but I'd love to try.
One of my friends brought steak tartare made of moose the other day. It was deliiiciiioouuus.
@DomagojPandža The hint there is that meat isn't worth the cost ^^
Hate this talk of food, now I'm hungry.
Damn it.
One of the things I don't understand is how do people manage to give 15-20 answers
and get no reputation for almost any of them?
Because their answers consistently suck?
And there is the second part of such people, those who managed to have multi-k reputations and a shitload of answers of 0-1. Ahahah. Persistent.
At least they try.
I dislike more those who land dozens of upvotes on a single answers because they quoted the standard.
It feels like we're all rats in a cage, pressing the upvote button by pure instinct.
Yeah, that sucks even more :D
we should ban Standard quotes from all answers that don't tag "Le Standard"
I tend to keep a human touch to my answers. The topics are usually scary enough for OPs without us going all official on them.
The OP didn't come for quotes from the standard. At least a personalized reference to it, if anything.
Also, pictures, people love pictures.
#define PEOPLE www.lolcats.com
Hah, good one!
by the way
I decided to spec Wide so that all integers are two's complement
is that wise?
I don't know of any S&M or one's complement machines
Doesn't seem too dangerous a choice, just be consistent.
I love reflection
it's le sexy
NULL < -1 and NULL == 0, courtesy of PHP™. Because being consistent is for pussies.
@DomagojPandža You mean @Cat?
Hah. Btw, where is that bastard? Don't tell me he's sleepin' :D
Someone played way too much GTA IV.
I think so.
I have a problem
And I have a bladder the size of a nut.
is that big or small for bladders?
I hope small, because it is driving me insane. It's the damn Coke.
how do you know it's size?
Relative sizes of coke volume intake, temporal discrepancy between bathroom runs etc.
I take that 80% of Coke's volume is pure crap for the system.
My mother says 100%, we disagree.
Puppy Linux is a lightweight Linux distribution that focuses on ease of use. The entire system can be run from RAM, allowing the boot medium to be removed after the operating system has started. Applications such as AbiWord (a free word processing application), Gnumeric (a spreadsheet) and MPlayer (a free multimedia player) are included, along with a wide choice of web browsers that can be installed. The distribution was originally developed by Barry Kauler and other members of the community. The tool Woof can build a Puppy Linux distribution from the binary packages of other Linux distr...
@DomagojPandža Coke is well over 90% water.
@JerryCoffin True, but either my bladder is very small or the body doesn't really work/prune with a high enough precision. :(
And whose code is over 90% water? DeadMG's?
@DomagojPandža Probably mine.
I can feel the pressure, but I outright refuse to go to the bathroom, like I'm teaching someone a lesson. Silly logic.
oh just take a piss, it's le silly not to
Coke does make me go for a piss much more often.
Same thing with coffee.
@EtiennedeMartel Almost anything with caffeine will. The official terminology (if I recall correctly) is that caffeine is an anti-diuretic inhibitor.
Well, with that said, I'm gonna catch some sleep.
I have to wake up in 7 hours for work.
@EtiennedeMartel G'night. Sleep well. Etc.
Only 2 weeks before I move in closer to work. I can't wait.
I had to explain IEEE 754 yesterday to a buddy of mine. I wanted to shoot myself half way through, it's so difficult when people have no intuition about how we define numbers and their representations and the notion of significant digits to them is based on "let's say two."
See y'all.
I am going to allow reading non-top values for stacks, queues, and prio queues
I can't wait to see a running version of Wide :Đ
Implemented in all its spec tacular glory.
@DomagojPandža Not to be picky about my fanbase, but how much do you actually know about it? :P
@DeadMG Let me get a pic of something to illustrate.
@ScottW Hmm...are you dear? If so, to whom?
he's the pseudo-puppy
like me, but not smart, sexy, or funny
I like to follow up on interesting stuff
@ScottW Dogs clearly disagree, and based on your assessment, you should apparently take their work for it.
And I mostly lurked around the old clounge stuff and what I could piece together from the chat.
@ScottW They worship people, but only rarely other dogs.
@DomagojPandža Yeah, that repo also contains my previous implementation (it sucked) and an old version of the spec.
actually, I might have pushed a newer version to BB recently.
It's interesting to see it progress and people taking on more ambitious projects. Way too many people justify not taking some initiative by saying "it's too hard", but most of the amazing stuff we see today is product of students working at home, eating pizzas and having messed up sleeping patterns.
@ScottW Dogs I never fed at all still treat me like a god.
Nobody reinvents nothing by understanding it. And there is always room for improvement. Everywhere.
@ScottW Unless you can build one that's rounder and/or has better bearings...
@JerryCoffin Or works better on muddy/sandy/etc terrain, like tank tracks.
or the special wheels aircraft have to support their massive weight
I can't wait to go public with my Miri renderer.
@DeadMG I've worked on those. Nothing in the world that needs reinventing more than those. Then again, the ones I worked on were for planes built in the '50s and early '60s. They probably have been reinvented a few times since.
@JerryCoffin A lot of aircraft safety was
That needs to sustain some heavy pressure.
unlike road safety, aircraft safety is taken extremely seriously
and the aircraft safety people do an incredible job
air travel is basically the safest travel you can imagine.
Yeah, but people make a big deal when one plane crashes. Well, it's equivalent to 150 car crashes, so yeah.
But definitely the safest.
but plane crashes are so rare, even killing 400 people/crash still makes the death rate completely negligible.
@DeadMG Don't underrate my imagination. Actually, it's safe in terms of mileage, but primarily if you take long flights. For short trips, it doesn't work out all that much safer than automobiles.
@JerryCoffin Oh really? I thought that it was basically in a completely different league.
I am enthusiast on aircraft design, but mostly lately I've just been working on rockets with limited range, intentionally. Too many legal issues with anything that can surpass 5 km.
@DeadMG They (airlines and such) like to push that notion, but it's not really particularly accurate.
Also, it is fun to work on specs for an onboard computer for navigation. Broke a prototype when the chute failed. Now I just try to work it out without actually testing all the time.
@DomagojPandža You mentioned that once before. I never got into rockets much, but have designed and built some model aircraft (mostly gliders -- powered models barely need decent aerodynamics, so I find them boring).
Discovered that I tried to use </a> as a line break in a couple pages of my Wide spec
@ScottW No, and I don't generally view TV as an accurate reflection of life :P
@ScottW Already know that :P
dang, I need le piss
One of the things I'd love to do and think I could do if I were given an all clear - push a rocket to around the altitude of the ISS (~340 km). But it is hard to get it back to retrieve anything awesome (say, footage). Best bet would be HARVs with a guidance system.
But that's just ~50 km
before air density drops.
if you had the money, then ask SpaceX. They will start selling tourist flights into orbit soon.
The rocket could be really small, just enough to fit some electronics on it, but the return path is a problem, especially communication with it.
did you hear about that new fibreoptic technology?
2.5terabits down one cable
fuck me, that's some serious speed
Yeah, but what's the point of speed when our damn systems can't handle it?
Everywhere you look, bottlenecks :D
I am a bit jelly of John Carmack's Armadillo Aerospace. So much clearance, so much opportunities.
@DeadMG I'm currently working on a packet processor that needs to be able to receive data from a 10G network card. It's really maxing out the capacity of a single core. Can't imagine 2.5Terabits/s.
it's probably a dumb idea for me to specify serialization of objects to JSON or XML, since I actually have little experience with either of them.
@JerryCoffin Have you considered providing internal sources of power? Electric? Gliders are fun to test aerodynamics, but for some controlled flight etc.)
@DomagojPandža Oh, these are radio controlled.
I guess there are a few people who do free-flight gliders, but I never have.
Oh, sorry, I meant sustained flight. Without radio control, that's really not fun. :D
@JerryCoffin Do bears eat people?
@DomagojPandža How sustained do you want? I've done over an hour at a time, and then landed because it was getting too windy for that glider.
@StackedCrooked I'm not sure about actually eating a whole person, but they certainly have been known to eat pieces of people anyway.
@JerryCoffin Not at the mercy of air currents (well, as far as a plane can be), but being propelled by an engine of some sort, electric, gasoline etc.
So it can manage taking off without the force of a human hand.
@DomagojPandža I've done that, but never found it very exciting.
I worked on a quadcopter recently, electric. Bunch of attitude control problems because I'm actually experimenting with my own propellers, trying to make them light and powerful enough to carry a small camera module. Unfortunately, all I've got now is footage of it running into a lamp in the backyard and flat out falling 5 seconds after taking off.
@DomagojPandža While I have done a hand-thrown glider a few times, most have been with a high-start or a winch. I guess most hand-launching is done differently now (and has been for years). When I did it, you threw the glider like a javelin, but ~10 years ago (or probably more, now that I think about it) they almost all went to "discus style" launching -- you grab one wing tip, spin around and let go.
Winches still rule though.
Yeah, no model helies? One of the exciting features for me is hovering. Simply having the thing a few cm from your head, stable in the air. :D
@DomagojPandža If you're asking me, the answer is no. Never flew a heli at all. They look pretty cool, but I was never interested enough to do more than appreciate it when I saw somebody else flying one.
why oh why did I give my html files a completely different naming convention
@DeadMG Why did you?
One of the more embarrassing moments for me was when I was experimenting with bluetooth control is when I managed to get it somewhere around the chimney of my house and it went out of range. And it managed to go into a sweetspot because the effective radius of my controller was smaller than the place it managed to end up. And there was no way for me to get to it for 10 minutes, fortunately the unfortunate battery life saved me time there.
When you get down to it, even there I was much more an engineer than a pilot -- I probably spent at least as much time running simulations on air-foils and such as actually flying...
@JerryCoffin What you use to run these simulations? (Or were they programs you made yourself?)
@Insilico It is much more fun doing it on your own. :D
@DomagojPandža I agree, but you have to make sure your simulation actually makes sense. :-)
I've seen the type of engineers who think they're always right because they always verify with computer simulation even when the simulation results make no sense.
@Insilico I wrote some myself, and used a few others had written as well. At least at that time, XFoil was considered the best airfoil simulation software, though it was ugly as hell (written in Fortran, with the graphics tacked on after the fact). It did seem to be pretty accurate though.
You approximate physical laws to the best of the system's abilities.
@DomagojPandža Well yeah. But you have to understand the physical laws first. (e.g. when they apply and when they don't)
A computer simulator is no different from a person with pen and paper working it out themselves. It's just much faster. :-)
Well, looking again, it looks like it's still at least close to the same version I was using then.
Well, that's a prerequisite, right? It's basically the only reason I got into it, because of my obsession with physics.
I can't understand people who work "based on feeling".
@DomagojPandža You'd be surprised at how many people just take the output at face value without some kind of verification
I don't trust my gut and I question my instruments. The life of a skeptic. :Đ
@Insilico Actually, it's quite different in one way: it does the computations accurately enough to be usable, which is almost never the case for something with as many calculations as simulating a wind tunnel.
@JerryCoffin I must be misunderstanding. Everything that a computer program does can be done by a human being with pen(cil) and paper.
Oh, no... You need to apply some hardcore factors into the system. All physics is based on clear, evenly distributed, perfect systems.
@Insilico Theoretically, yes. And theoretically, you could write Windows in Brainfuck. But that doesn't make it actually possible.
@DeadMG Impossible as in no one is insane enough to do it all manually?
@Insilico Actually possible as in doing so would take a ridiculous amount of time and would be riddled with errors.
That which doesn't exist in nature. Temperature jumps between various volumes of air, density, air composition. It's stochastic in a lot of examples.
so by the time you were done, the results would be useless anyway
@DeadMG I was of course ignoring practical issues when I said that you can do everything a simulator does on paper.
@Insilico So in other words, all the issues that actually count.
uploaded a new version of my Wide specification just now
@DeadMG The point I was trying to make was that simulators are just huge calculators
@Insilico yes -- I'm just saying that simulating even a second in a wind tunnel requires several million calculations carried out to, say, 15-digit precision. Even for trivial arithmetic a person will make mistakes in that many calculations (and the math here is not trivial arithmetic).
I'm probably gonna hit the sack in a couple hours so figured I'd push my changes
And such are subject to GIGO as much as everything esle.
@JerryCoffin And I agree. I've written simulators using the Navier-Stokes equations and they're not trivial.
But if you get results involving fluid speeds that go faster than the speed of light you might need to check your boundary/initial conditions. :-)
@JerryCoffin Precisely, computers are far superior tool to pen and pencil. And also, the only way to simulate dynamic system is to turn to probability. There is no such thing as constant density across the board, so many tiny factors that can only be cleverly approximated based on basic observations of physics.
@Insilico Remember, we're talking about gliders here -- it was all at very low Reynolds numbers.
@DomagojPandža A lot of problems involve solving differential equations for which there is no closed form solution for. Even simple physics like pendulums don't have closed form solutions.
So the computer is basically brute forcing the solution (hopefully, in a non-stupid manner).
@DeadMG What's new in the specification?
@Insilico Let me ask Mercurial
Very true. All we're doing is a best guess. Too many variables to account for, that is to expect from nature.
But the basic principles hold and that's nice.
As Carl Sagan would say "We live in a universe in between, between an idealized one and a chaotic one."
added some new statements, fixed adaptors not exposing accessors, made each sublibrary link to it's contents, fixed some formattin and stuff, changed IO to be functional, added regex then() operation, renamed binarymap/set to treemap/set
@DomagojPandža Yeah, they may be guesses, but they are pretty damn good guesses (assuming you do the math correctly)
added function and multicast functions
added window abstraction
added binary serialization
@DeadMG Window abstraction? As in the GUI component?
@Insilico Yes.
you know, there's actually a lot less than I thought in here
@Insilico Certainly, they're the best humanity will ever have. Therefore, they can be considered as solutions as 0.9999.... in infinity can be easily considered as 1.
most of the changes are things like organization and formatting fixes
That's nice. It's too bad that C++ doesn't come with a standard GUI toolkit of some kind.
(or at least a de facto one, not necessarily standard)
well, IMO, the Standard GUI toolkit does not have to be a super-duper-sexy the next WPF thing
it jut needs to be servicable
@DeadMG Yes, I'd much rather not see inheritance hierarchies 20 levels deep (cough WPF cough)
no, I'm going to define something much simpler
I've got a more complete idea of what the total libraries will look like now
but I need to define everything I'm going to add for concurrency, and I also need to do something about networking/filesystem
@DeadMG Are you going to include higher-level concurrency primitives like message queues and the like?
something like boost::thread just isn't high-level enough
oh, by the way, that change log is only since four days ago
boost::thread is good, but it needs to be part of a bigger framework to utilize.
if you didn't visit in the last four days, there's a lot more that's new
I'm experimenting around with making a usable message queue that isn't slow and isn't hard to use in C++, but unfortunately I'm not smart enough to make sure what I wrote is not complete bullshit.
@Insilico Platform?
@DeadMG Right now it's on Windows, but of course as long as your OS provides the proper primitives it can work on other platforms.
Vista provides a concurrent queue
@DeadMG Yes but it's not that easy to use. :-/
Also, it'll be an interesting learning experience in concurrency.
afaik, the basic principle is similar to a regular singly-linked list, except a couple of operations you CAS instead of simply assign
Do you have a vague ETA on Wide spec's completion?
@DomagojPandža Not really.
I'm not even certain of what I'm missing in the language specification
and I'm sure that there are a billion defects waiting to need correction
Yeah, that's the hard part. And there is always improvements to add, but a first test revision for implementation will have to surface. :D
I mean, someone who assumes the obvious in terms of anything that's missing in the language spec will probably get something close
And then defects will be eradicated until new ideas emerge. :D
@DeadMG I'm going to avoid writing lock free code (unless it's an exact implementation I find in a research paper) because I'm not smart enough to write lock free code yet.
for example, IIRC, my exceptions specification is basically "You know what exceptions are, noobs."
@Insilico Oh. Then that's really simple. Get std::deque<T>, lock, push, unlock. Done.
@DeadMG Yes, but not all that general. It would be nice to be able to push arbitrary objects representing different message types or commands.
@Insilico std::deque<boost::variant<...>>, or std::deque<boost::any>
But do so in a somewhat efficient manner.
@DeadMG Does it involve free store allocation?
@Insilico The any might. variant doesn't.
Or do they do some kind of optimization I'm not aware of?
AFAIK, any has to in the general case, but they may well special-case smaller types, like SSO
but variant definitely does not
@DeadMG It's only that simple if you don't care about doing it particularly well. For one thing, for many purposes, you don't want a queue of unlimited size -- you want it to block when it gets full, so the consumer side can get more CPU time and catch up with the producer side. Most people semi-automatically assume an expandable queue is better, but it often isn't.
@JerryCoffin Balancing that kind of thing is the user's job, IMO.
youtube.com/watch?v=vL1eXdVjN74 No stabilizing thrusters? Trully a hillbilly design.
for example, what if you simply wish to fill the queue from multiple threads at one time, and then read the queue from multiple threads at one time?
@JerryCoffin The queue I'm designing (if I ever actually manage to get it done) will definitely be bounded by the number of unprocessed messages.
I'm just not sure if I should make it SPSC, SPMC, MPSC, or MPMC
sup guise
sup female
@Cicada Hello there.
@Insilico Logically, the "generic" concurrent queue is MPMC.
@Insilico In case you want a little inspiration (though it only handles one type of object in the queue): stackoverflow.com/a/3054795/179910
@DeadMG True, but those need locks on both ends.
@Cicada Hello.
@Insilico True. So make it a policy or smth?
@DeadMG Probably, or make an "unsynchronized" message queue and make it a subobject of a "synchronized" version.
(to avoid code duplication, of course)
well, I personally would start with MPMC and then implement the other versions if it proves necessary for performance.
MPMC sounds good.
@DeadMG Yeah, I'll start with an MPMC design first.
It'll certainly play a role in this data acquisition application I'm making to interface with my microcontroller circuits
@ScottW what.
Because it needs to show a GUI and collect and process the data being shoveled to the PC via serial port.
I have an idea
for my Standard libraries which do not require special compiler support
maybe I should give sample implementations
Milk has multiple producers and multiple consumers.
Although with me on this planet, there's a danger of a deadlock because you can't produce as much milk as I can drink.
that I highly doubt
But in my case, we can say that the producer is my lazy ass going to the store and consumer is my lazy ass going to the fridge. And the lazy ass prefers to sleep over going to the store, but has no problem with consuming.
@DomagojPandža You might be amazed at how much even one cow can/will produce (even the low end is around 10 gallons a day, and over 20 gallons a day isn't all that rare).
How would you people design an application that needs to show a GUI and collects/processes/displays data from a serial port? Every time I try doing that it ends up being a huge mess
@JerryCoffin I need to buy a cow.
@Insilico You need a GUI designer, really. AFAIK, virtually all decent programmers suck dick at GUI design.
@ScottW www.downloadmoreram.com
@DeadMG The GUI part isn't the problem. The Serial port code is not the problem. It's trying to put them all together results in smelly code.
the real question is
how do I organize my Standard I/O libs?
could have like, separate submodules for filesystem, networking, etc
In little schrödinger boxes?
or I could put them all under I/O
@DeadMG Personally I would put them all under I/O
@DomagojPandža And some land for it to live on...
@Insilico hurrrmmm... sounds gewd.
I don't like having namespaces like System::IO::File::FileSystem::FileReader::FileReaderStream::FileInputStreamReade‌​r or some shit like that
@Insilico Me neither.
I'd have Standard.IO.File and Standard.IO.Directory, and stuff like that
@JerryCoffin Oh, I've got that covered. I'll just link it to my neighbour's infrastructure.
@DeadMG Roughly like a class hierarchy -- I/O as a base class, various specializations as derived classes, but most of the time you work with the interface provided by the base.
@Insilico lol, that's disgusting. :D
@JerryCoffin Base classes are for suckers, and non-generic languages.
@DeadMG "Roughly like", with the emphasis on "roughly".
@JerryCoffin fair enough
Namespaces are something designed to avoid nameclashes, not for the obsessively organized.
@Insilico I have only stuff like Standard.Submodule.Type.
And you still have schmucks who pull in the entire std namespace.
also, my entire specification does not mention the word class at all -> win.
That's some genericness you've got there.
@DeadMG Streams. Just that. Fucking streams.
With layering
8:21, day-night reversal complete.
to do
libraries: Networking, Filesystem, Concurrency, Compiler, GUI, Memory, Interoperation
language: don't even know
formatting: put all code samples in code tags, get more code samples, provide sample implementations, get a real website design, introduce more cross-links
@DeadMG A compiler library?
You need help with website design? I can take some free time for it. Also, call in when you need assistance with the implementation, could be fun.
@Insilico More correctly, an interface.
Like for making compilers in general or is it actually a Wide compiler?
@DomagojPandža Uh, have you seen the current website?
Oh okay.
@Insilico It's an interface to the current compiler which is compiling the program right now.
so you can do shit like make types, reflect on them, mutate them, etc.
@DeadMG Well, yes, but that's the usual "academic" design. Looks like shit, but the content is great. :D
@DomagojPandža heh
@DeadMG I see.
Layering is really awesome
well, at some point in the future, I'd like for it to not look like shit
but I will wait until the content is finished, I think
easier for me to work without formatting being too distracting
Yeah focus on the content
the only formatting I do is wrap at 80 characters, and indent code samples and stuff
Also, collections as views / slices and stuff
@Cicada I have ranges.
I could write up some nice formatting, pop parts of the specifications up and down, make it look nice and provide it with the existing Kyrostat content manager specified for working with specification details (little work overhead)
But we can do that anyday, the content is what matters.
the compiler library is surprisingly tough to specify
there's a lot there, and you have to very carefully consider how you restrict implementations by the interfaces offered
Do you target a vm or native?
the main reason I went and specified some serialization and GUI instead was because I hated staring at the spec for statements
still needs work
@Cicada Definitely native.
although there's no strict reason why a VM could not be employed.
There are two types of things that carry inherent difficulty while specifying:
a) That which is so obvious it is hard to put in written form.
b) That which is so full of options, you need to spend time pruning restrictions
Native is the best way to go, for a language such as Wide, would be a shame to limit it to JIT compilation or worse
Well I don't know what its goals are!
@DomagojPandža Also, native is a vm
Brb at work.
Nitpicking :P
here's a third kind of thing I struggle to specify
the kind of thing which I want to specify but don't genuinely have a lot of experience with
especially the stuff which must be cross-platform, rather than independent
@DeadMG Wicked problems are a bitch, aren't they?
Hah, I love when people formalize such things. :D
Hah, my ears are getting better, I just checked my tuning by ear, all factors between |~5| cents of designated frequencies.

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