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still waiting for prices to come down. I need a pair of 3TB or 4TB drives to take my Anime collection.
bought a Samsung Spinpoint F2 1TB a couple years ago for £55
But they're still obnoxiously expensive.
now the Samsung Spinpoint F3 500MB is £75
@Mysticial I simply can't make myself understand why people like anime :D
On first sight, it seems so cheap.
You can say the same thing about PHP, Java, etc...
oh fuck this...
Thailand really fucked things up. People need to spread out.
destroyed a lot of factories
A few orbital strikes, you can bring the computer industry on its ass.
I bought a couple 3TB drives for $130 USD each before the floods...
Me too. Bought the new computer a week after the floods, motherfuckers already managed to raise the price even on old items.
And now I still can't find any for under $170 USD... :(
Didn't give them the satisfaction, bought SSDs.
A flood happens, cripples an industry for 3 years.
I've only used ~30% of my 1TB HDD and I haven't cleaned it out for a while
Fuck that shit.
If I didn't need the space, I'd go with an SSD. Though I hardly ever reboot my machine, so SSDs won't make my machine much faster.
truth is, you need a lot less storage when you have a rocking Interwebs connection
One of the bastard things I did is check out a local used hardware site.
threw out all my TV shows and most of my films and a lot of other stuff
Bought a bunch of multi TB HDDs dirt cheap (compared to the new prices)
They were probably hitting themselves over the head when they found out about the price jump.
I hoarded a 3TB drive right after the floods but before the price jump.
I should've hoarded a few more...
The guys at local stores jumped the prices when they heard the news (old items).
They can smell profit in the wind.
$200 for 500 GB
Welcome to Croatia.
@DomagojPandža damn...
The new 690 costs $2000 here.
I heard about that earlier.
that's pretty ridiculous.
Luckily, a little brain and a company helps out to get hardware elsewhere for much less.
And I get back taxes back each year around April.
So, shaves around a bit. But still expensive.
Oh, the prices fell. Now it's 180$ for 500 GB. Gee, thanks.
I'm not sure if I can hold out another year to get new drives. I'm already spilling my personal things onto my dedicated high-performance computation drives...
Also, 480GB SSD - $1200. :Đ
$200 for 80 GB SSD
It looks like the HD companies are actually milking the floods.
A low quality one at that.
It's a shitload of profit, especially if you have stupid citizens how think "the price is right".
@DomagojPandža That's insane.
@DeadMG Madness? This is Croatia.
just for example
$216, apparently
Hahah, three times more capacity for the price of one.
even if you said that's the shittiest SSD around
(which it isn't)
then the price difference is still insanity
The new MacBook Pro, shittiest version available: $5000
need to get job
oh yeah
how much did you say the 7970 was where you are?
@DomagojPandža Dude, we should start a black market import.
@DeadMG Little less than $1000
$550 here
@Mysticial I am all for a black market, since I'm already in the blood market.
I thought my Fender Stratocaster was pricey, but as time passes, my resources for work are getting nasty.
you send me $1650, and I'll buy three, and send you two of them :P
Just wondering, how to you type the euro symbol on a standard keyboard?
I am not really sure, altgr+e?
Seems logical ahahah
@Mysticial Depends on the OS.
OS X has the crappiest layout
@DeadMG So it's not standard.
I always spend hours fixing that crap.
@Mysticial Don't think so.
@DeadMG I might even take you up on that offer once. The sad thing here is that I'm the one on the winning/profit side.
I think I'd be profiting too, since I'd be walking away with a 7970 for nothing.
wow, that was hard...
Only symbols I need.
there's no way I can remember these "standard" key combinations
Not worth remembering :D
0153 is the sequence I remember most
yeah :D
Trust me, it's Standard™.
The euro symbol should just be the shebang. Easier to type.
Best way is to push a button, a window pops and you find the damn symbol.
Use it a few times and you remember the sequence
One of my most traumatic experiences as a programmer was first going on the OS X platform. I felt like a retard.
Well, I kinda live in the states, so I don't think I'll be typing the euro symbol too often.
Nothing, and I mean nothing, is where it is "supposed" to be.
Switching to Linux, beautiful. A lot of options, but logical.
Linux, ewwww
OS X is one big herp derp and their window system needs to be recycled.
It feels just like it is colored, like shifting metal around.
Not flexible, tolerant and they just had to reverse the three buttons to be unique.
And yet, they produce an amazing UI on the iPhone, can't do the same thing on OS X ten years later.
gotta admit, Microsoft seem to be the only people who know how to produce a nice desktop UI
Very true.
Windows just feels right. Windows XP, Windows 7 (sorry Vista, pretty but useless)
Linux doesn't even have the concept of "user", as in, a person who doesn't want to code everything
and MacOS is just WTF
And I really don't get the menu bar upstairs, constant and absolute to the top of the screen.
When I was a kid, the Windows Explorer never felt as an actual application. In OS X, it is painfully obvious.
Even starts up like a lazy bitch.
"Finder", I'd rather manually find the data than use it.
And its logo... Just... Why?
I don't even get why people need finders
never heard of folders and organization? :P
But, it came from these guys, so what's the point in asking? :D
This looks like a logo of a bad movie about pirates, ships and somehow, Newton.
I've just taken a look at the old commercials about Apple and how they want to "stick it to the man", "freeeeeeeeedom", "yarrr!"
And today, they're "the man".
Fuck, that's a bedtime story about human nature.
I want my company to grow to a maximum of 20-50 people.
Not a man over it. Just a big family of friends who like to what they do.
Watched the Bungie 20 year anniv., the relationship shared by the core team is just amazing.
But I guess it is usually gradual, you get complacent and have no choice really, in order to stay afloat.
I'd argue that there isn't a necessary size limit
And I have to admit something, I've never played Halo. Hah.
more accurately, you need to keep strict hiring policies, and not have any individual team grow too large.
Very true.
you could have a team for implementing Wide, and a team for making Kyrostat, etc :P
Ahahah. :D It is entertaining to see their beginnings, that behind all those huge companies was a bunch of plain noobs who had no clue what they were doing.
as with every tech startup
One of the founders of Blizzard actually admitted that he went and learned C++ when he was given a task of bringing forth a new game.
And one of the things you actually said kind of stuck with me... On the topic of Carmack. He is the reverse (hah, Carmack's reverse). He started out great and then plonked like a turd in the past ten years.
I could make a pretty fine case for Blizzard not making anything particularly good over the last ten years.
Well, if stealing computers from your office is considered "starting out great".
If I had enough for a decent life, I'd rather work on new ideas and relatively fail rather than forcing "things that sell".
if I had some moneys, I'd spend them on implementing Wide, me thinks
I really don't see the appeal in millions, so what? What are you going to do with them? I really have no idea where to spend millions nor do I want to. For example, implementing Wide is a noble approach, chasing a new idea, improving upon the old and expanding yourself rather than your bank account.
hey, I'm fine with millions
Everyone is fine with them, but what to do with them? Can you even spend them? Even if you try?
I could build myself a house in a cliff so that I would be nice and isolated
Well, there's that, yeah. :D
and a spanking awesome PC
and the world's fastest internets collection
and a chef to make me some better food than the crap I eat now
but beyond that, I'm admittedly out of ideas
I mean, I'm really not the travel-the-world kind of guy
what would I want to see?
Yup, pretty much where all my money goes. Except for the cliff part, but it's a nice house. And I lack a chef, but sometimes my mother calls me for some tasty dinners. Other than that, I eat things I found in stores, already done. :(
mountains and beaches are just lumps of rocks to me.
Same here :D
@DeadMG Reminds me that I never actually sent you my share of the Kyro-related expenses.
feel free to correct that :P
Where do I wire that shit?
I just bought insurance, so I feel like I have way too much money.
my email address is in the team wiki
(I have a weird relationship with money)
I really couldn't resist this one:
Q: Operator Overloading << in c++

thlgoodI'm a fresh man in C++. I write this simple program to practice Overlaoding. This is my code: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class sex_t { private: char __sex__; public: sex_t(char sex_v = 'M'):__sex__(sex_v) { if (sex_v != 'M' &...

@chris um... wtf?
Oh, dear lord... Why would you __________ the shit out of your code? :(
@DeadMG How much was it? 4.17$?
@EtiennedeMartel Yup
@EtiennedeMartel Exactly.
Feel free to send 4.18 since you're feeling rich today :Đ
One of the amazing things about SO is - even though we are not getting paid for helping - we are. Every time I go through the questions, I get this feeling: "Holy shit, I'm awesome." Makes you feel good about yourself.
doesn't help me with the sickening feeling that I'mma have to move back in with my parents
Ha, I got your full name now.
Well, hot meals sound good. :P
I knew it was something along those lines. :P
fucking paypal.
shut up
Alright, Google-Fu time.
I know how much you appreciate privacy, so removed. :D
One day I'll show up at your door and drag you to the nearest pub.
@EtiennedeMartel From memory, you can go several pages without finding me.
especially since I don't have a Facebook, a Twitter, a LinkedIn, or anything like that
Hmm, it cost me 4.41$ CAD.
Hmm, 9 addresses in the UK with that name.
I have a Facebook, deactivated it for a year, but my girlfriend wanted to know I was alive since all I do is work or sleep. So, there it sits.
@EtiennedeMartel Where did you find that?
@DeadMG Googlin'.
@EtiennedeMartel I found that result too, and none of them are mine.
One of the perks of living in backward countries is that nobody gives a damn about your address.
In the UK, there's a lot of fucked up people and I understand MG
@DomagojPandža I'm afraid I might be addicted to Facebook. Most of my public life is on there.
It is useful, isn't it? It's nice to connect with people, what anyone might say.
Personally, I'm kind of happy to see what everyone's doing, I won't go batshit crazy staring into displays 0-24h.
Yes. And it's not like I'm ashamed of anything that's up there anyway.
@DomagojPandža I prefer to connect to things worth connecting to.
@DeadMG Yeah, but you're weird.
Usually, I keep family around. And friends. And hot bitches who want to fuck me in a town near me.
I can't believe there are actually people who genuinely fall for that.
@DomagojPandža saem
@DomagojPandža "HOT CHICKS IN <Insert backwater town name>!"
"Hmm, must be one of her identical twin sisters"
I love when it locates them in "Karadžićevo" or "Kragujevac" or "Prnjavor"
It generally locates them right where I am.
I live in a small town where everyone knows everyone. No burglars and most of the people think I'm kind of a mad scientist (and I am publicly declared as an agnostic in a Catholic country), so nobody dares to try anything anyways.
Living in the UK like DeadMG, that's different. :Đ
@DomagojPandža Yeah, but he never leaves his den.
Me neither, only to my backyard from which I launch rockets. Kids love me for that, hah.
@DomagojPandža Yeah, people here are pricks.
couldn't stand knowing everyone even in a tiny village.
People know I exist, but they have recent proof of that.
I usually just zip by in my car.
Yeah, but even if you're just passively aware of them, people will talk.
I actually had cases of people who came to me for money for various things.
@DomagojPandža I'd purchase a firearm.
I do make a lot of money, but why do people get the idea I should finance them?
Worst are the surgery beggars.
Or people looking for a job for their children who don't know which foot is which.
I generally give money to beggars.
But, as I said, I got a weird relationship with money.
Usually, they contact my parents and then I have a shitload of elaborating why I can't give them a job.
My mother is a bit older and when she comes over, she has a hard time understanding why not.
so what actually is your job?
Maybe it's because you're a selfish jerk.
(I'm not actually serious)
I develop all kinds of stuff, mostly backdoor frameworks for businesses or stuff people don't know or don't want to do on their own. Be it desktop or web. It pays very well, but it is not what I want to do. It just steals my time from developing an engine.
I have a few "standard" clients who always have problems, so it's not hard to get work, it is hard doing what you don't like.
Then stop messing around and make that engine. Kyrostat needs you!
With people who don't have a clue.
My father has a hard time understanding why I bitch about it, but I really am not that into money. I want to leave something behind.
money is like food or air
@DomagojPandža And I assume you're not talking about a smelly dump.
you need a certain amount to get by, and when you don't have it, life's hard
but more than enough is a tad of a waste
Unfortunately, yes. I gave my parents 25% share each, so they can have a nice life. They really tried to help me when I was younger, wanted to pay them back. Plus, my father is an economics phd (or whatever), so he understands the business side.
If you can't trust your family, who can you trust?
@DomagojPandža Myself.
@DomagojPandža Your friends?
(Although I consider my closest friends to be part of my family)
@ScottW sounds like an excellent life motto
Friends are good, but such things can be broken. And awkward situations can arise. I'd really need someone good.
@DomagojPandža Need someone good for what?
@DomagojPandža What was it? If he's no longer your friend, he never was? Or something like that?
To entrust him with the company, to start a business with him/her. :D
@DeadMG Sex, obviously.
It really needs to be a good relationship, not one based on temporary benefits.
@EtiennedeMartel numnum
Money has this weird tendency to mess up friendships.
Did you stab him with a dead yak?
hence why I never lend anybody money except family
Add k after 350, and you're getting closer.
And you really need family for that.
Good family.
It's hard to put things in perspective when the company has a lot of nonzero digits on the bank account
Everyone gets a bit paranoid and that's bad.
I did lend 300$ to my brother a little while ago. He needed that to buy a new amp. He paid me back two weeks after.
I usually just give money to family when needed, never expect it back. But if it were me on the taking side, I'd like to pay it back because of dignity/self respect.
But you mustn't make them depend on you.
Maybe it's because I'm young, or overly optimistic, but I'm very trusting of people. The cynics amongst you might call me "naive".
Nah, @Cat is worse.
I really want to hear the Cat speak.
How do you spot a pessimist? He claims he's a realist when you accuse him of being pessimistic. Works every time.
@EtiennedeMartel That's just as prejudiced as the other way around.
I'd love to trust people, but I've been disappointed too many times.
@ScottW You can't. We're all biaised one way or the other.
@DeadMG, for instance, overestimates the worst case when it comes to people.
@EtiennedeMartel has experienced the worst case when it comes to people. Endlessly.
@DeadMG Less QQ more pew pew.
I have a tendency to observe people for what they really are. Everyone is great while everything is going great.
What defines us is how we deal in some interesting situations.
And it's hard to get such conditions for testing.
I'm still looking over this
guy's output messages
sex.cpp:32:10: 附注: 备选是:
@DomagojPandža You have to learn how to deal with everyone's flaws.
But I think you already know that.
The only type of flaws I can overlook is when someone doesn't like bacon.
Real flaws, I just throw an exception.
Until it's dealt with, no go.
@DomagojPandža For me, it's the opposite.
Sex, streams, friends accessing private members... Either I am just discovering unintentional innuendo or Stroustrup is a pervert. — Sage Gerard 22 mins ago
Bacon is awful
@DeadMG, the ultimate devil's advocate.
it's not even tasty
and it's stringy as hell
and frying it is too much work :P
Fry it! :P
You lazy ass.
the reward, she is not worth the investment
like eggs are better le scrambled
@DeadMG Until you learn to speak French, you are forbidden to use "le" in such manner
I used to do that
but then I discovered that I just ate them way too quickly
"I'm le tired. Fire za missiles!!!"
@EtiennedeMartel It's a meme thing. I can use it ALL THE WAYS.
I hate getting eggs out of the shell.
@DeadMG I know it's a meme. DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT.
Or when you snap an egg for frying and it ends up all over your fingers. Goddamn, disgusting.
the point is
In a related subject, I love onions, but I hate that they make me cry when I try to cut them.
bacon isn't really worth the time
I prefer sausages
@DeadMG I'm gonna star that, so that way the lack of context and this room's propension for innuendo will take care of the rest.
but I don't have much to eat them with
You could eat bacon with them
I'd make mash, but that would involve actually cooking potatoes and stuff, which is way too much effort
Cheese is good.
well, that's gotta be a win combination
omelette, cheese, fuckin sausages
add onion and pepper
Sausages made for fucking?
The circle of life.
@EtiennedeMartel Hahaha, I theorized a possibility of reducing adhering, but never investigated it. One of my other theories was a slick-surface eggizmo in which you spill the contents of an egg, boil it and use the inherent mechanical properties of the eggizmo to pop the shaped, hardboiled egg out.
Peeling an egg is like manual memory management.
@DeadMG Yes, oniooonnns.
Onions are awesome.
Shrooms as well.
mushrooms are teh disgusting
Especially those funky Japanese mushrooms.
@DeadMG No, no, no! Tasty as hell!
@DeadMG Seriously, it's like you were raped by a mushroom in your youth.
I have a very violent reaction to some foods
Or he ate some bad shrooms and raped himself with a remote.
I couldn't pretend to enjoy eating chicken if you paid me a million dollars
It's all in your head.
that shit's disgusting
@ScottW It does make it POTATO.
Perhaps I'm just one lucky mofo, but I like everything.
@DeadMG Maybe if you cooked it first.
And can try everything.
@DomagojPandža The only thing I dislike are raw green peppers.
Don't ask me why.
@EtiennedeMartel My parents cook such things very thoroughly
I ate sheep brain once. It was surprisingly tasteless.
@DeadMG Yeah, but they're British, right? So maybe they can't cook properly.
nah, they can most defiitely cook
chicken is just le disgusting
@EtiennedeMartel Next day, you woke up in a field eating grass and yelling Baaaaaaaah
(Like my snide remark about how Brits can't cook?)
along with turkey, and most forms of beef and pork
also mushrooms, seafood, fish
There are so many things I want to try. Like pierogi.

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