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Btw, I was assuming 22+.
+1 for conducting yourself as an adult on the internet, where adults act like 12 year olds.
My parents are two people who once fucked and then one of them got a fat belly of which I popped out.
You popped out of a fat belly? Sounds like a shit I took once.
I was born.
My hobby: asking Chinese people when they have elections.
I wasn't born. I was sequenced.
@ScottW nice! :D
I have fixed some new things in the latest version.
I have so many XKCD bookmarks, I don't even know which one's are which anymore
Do $ git pull origin master --force
Radek, why did you write a bug tracker?
Add the sources to the Gemfile again and run bundle install
There's like a bajillion of those.
@Drise boredom.
I would ask to help, but I not know ruby.
I also prefer hg over git, so theres the nail in the coffin
Oh wait no just run $ git pull origin master --force
It'll get you the latest version.
My opinion on Version control: hg>svn>git
With gravatars and some bug fixes (pun intended).
Mostly because I don't know shit about git and the commands look complicated
I <3 tortoisehg
Scott, its about midnight, and my mind does not filter what I say past 10pm
So half of what I say just popped in my head a few seconds ago
I haven't yet implemented that.
For the wiki, click "wiki" in the header.
Have you pulled the latest version?
Then you can add wiki pages iirc.
You can add vaginas too, but make sure they are clean first.
And free of aids.
Though, add too many, and ruby get's over excited and can be prone to crashing.
Ruby segfaults sometimes. :P
It happened to me once.
Programmers segfault too, especially when females are involved
Most females don't understand that segfault means "its ok, just start the application again, and try a different path".
@ScottW Markdown works too.
Most think "I'm a stupid user" and logoff the system, which leads to BSOD in some systems.
@Radek DongML?
@Drise look it up.
It's a funny language.
I was asking if you support it.
I don't and I won't.
Also, you should look into adding openID support
Is nobody getting a kick out of my rant about programmer segfaults?
Radek, I will be honest. I hate making logins. If I could make everything use my openID, I would. but most websites are greedy
@ScottW yeah.
And also images, links, and such.
Oh. Hmm.
I'll look at it in an hour or five.
3.5 is best, trust me.
11:00? Meh.
Oh I know.
I use a CSS reset stylesheet, but I haven't yet added styles for <em> and <strong>.
Ok, it is waaay past my bedtime. I have work in the monring, which means "Broswe SO and gigle at chat.so while code compiles".
@ScottW it should work if you turn off CSS.
Good night folks.
I'm bored.
The UI needs some tweaks, though. For example, the header should highlight "wiki" if your looking at a wiki page, or "tickets" while viewing tickets.
I'll do that in five hours. :P
I'm in bed at the moment.
Ik ga opstaan.
I'm hungry as fuck.
How do you call the collection of nodes of the same depth in a tree? A row?
@StackedCrooked a “collection of nodes with the same depth”
That's not a good class name :p
I've gone from HorizontalTreeRowInfo to Etage.
@StackedOverflow SameDepthRowsCollection
@ScottW Lol :D
Doesn't matter that it's long. Cocoa has identifiers like NSUbiquitusKeyValueStoreDidChangeExternallyNotification.
@ScottW now I'm getting even more hungry. ):
@RadekdaknokSlupik Not bad. I'll entrust you with naming from now on.
@CatPlusPlus When you've done C for long enough, you love it despite its many shortcomings.
C doesn't use SQL or joins, so it's high performance and web scale.
@StackedCrooked level?
@FredOverflow Dammit why can't I come up with that?
And when you visit your father, technically, it's a level up :)
Q: unexpected output in cout and printf

cirronimboFor the code below: main() { int i = 1 ; cout << i << ++i << i++ ; } Why do I get the output as 331 instead of what was expected i.e 122 ? ( Same is the case even if I use printf instead of cout ?)

Anyone wanna cast the final vote?
@ManofOneWay afternoon.
King Leoric?
He's a skeleton
I got a 'cultural reference', yay!
@ScottW (double check: Jeff Dunham?)
Character: "Achmed the Dead Terrorist"
Ouch. Raw pointing going on on early Thursday morning:
Aha. Feeds linked to it too
I'm so sick
One sick mofo
@sehe it's a course I'm on to get out of doing work this week
a hoy
@sbi thanks for the corrections, I shouldn't be allowed to edit my own questions :P
@thecoshman Two things strike me (a) you get on a lot of courses. That is usually a sign of a nice employer, but how does that fit with your general rants? (b) you actually think you'll learn 'more' about bash from a course? I suppose that means you haven't used it to date?
me too, and I had breakfast not that long ago
any ways, I've to head off to bash course ¬_¬
@thecoshman We don't need to see your hairy bush
@thecoshman I get it. A bashing course. Because you don't bash your workplace quite well enough :)
@sehe a) sure, lots of course are nice, doesn't make the job any better b) I took the course mostly as a way to waste time, I have learnt a few little tidbits here and there but for the most part, it's either what I already knew or what I would simply need to search on Google for the bash equivalent. I have got a nice hefty bash book to keep on hand
any ways, I'll hopefully be around later
A Bash course would be nice.
@sehe Do letters normally strike you like this?
hm... is it possible to setup VC++ such way that it will build project on remote machine? and the compiler will send output to IDE
it seems I need a remote console for Windows, and something what will redirect its output to MSVS output window
@TonyTheLion macro-driven?
unfortunately so
#define where(expr) ? - crap
I wish we'd have __define and __undef operators to use inside macro
like #define WRAP(x) __define f LIB_MACRO_F x __undef f
hm... actually that thing doesn't use #define where
Hi guys! I'm a newbie here. I wanna match the PID in Windows Task Manager with the checksum/hash value generated by dynamic base ASLR in Visual Studio 2010? I have already enabled the ASLR in Visual Studio 2010 but no data is received. Any idea how?

Clues: 1. Windows functions “CreateToolhelp32Snapshot" 2.MODULEENTRY32 3.Windows function “OpenProcess"

Appreciate it very much guys.
Perhaps mention your question on SO
yup, it's the same q which i threw in ...
@Abyx you whaaaat?
Nobody has clue to my question, that's why i'm throwing it over to the chat room :)
@TonyTheLion Mmmm his complaint about boilerplate etc. doesn't convince me:
auto r = numbers
        | boost::adaptors::filtered([](int x) { return x > 2; })
        | boost::adaptors::transformed([](int x) { return x * x; });
I'd write that as
auto r = numbers | filtered(arg1 > 2) | transformed(arg1 * arg1);
@sehe wish. __define. like _Pragma operator
Also, in C# I stay away from query syntax as much as possible (possibly except for simple join queries), why mimic the same ugly syntax in C++
I used the option in Visual Studio 2008 to create an ASLR-compatible exe by enabling the option /dynamicbase. But how to link to Windows API???
@Neil Irrelevant, but yes they do :)
@Giggsey wut?
/dynamicbase just adds relocs to .exe
@thecoshman "lots of course are nice, doesn't make the job any better" -- perhaps you should learn to appreciate the job a bit more. "I took the course mostly as a way to waste time" -- Wow. Seems to me that is an attitude that won't get you anywhere.
@Abyx how to find relocs in VStudio?
@Giggsey find what?
man, rtfm
@thecoshman You could ask on meta for the right to be revoked.
@Abyx I did like this: Configuartion>Linker>Advanced enabled Set Checksum, enabled ASLR, ....
hi guys
@Ell Hello Ell. I am not a bot.
@StackedCrooked a Level or a Rank
@Neil You are not a bot.
@sehe No. I am not a bot.
@sehe So you frequently spend some time reading older messages?
I find it interesting that we already have AI that beat the Turing Test
@StackedCrooked Yup I do
@Neil Today was Turing's dying date (june 7th 1954)
@sehe Is that a fact? I didn't even realize
@Neil Well, according to Wikipedia. And the news
Albeit an eccentric man, he was a genius, no doubt about it.
@Neil I don't have a clue what that introductory clause is doing in there
@sehe He was a crossdresser from what I've understood
They tried to lobotomize him in fact.
@Neil So. I'm particularly wondering about the use of 'Albeit'
Now I need to check the wiki or I risk sounding stupid
@Neil Is that a fact too?
You all sound stupid.
Also, hi.
@ScottW You don't sound it
@RMartinhoFernandes Wut
@sehe Did you get replaced with an AI script or something?
@Neil We haven't started yet. You can rest for now.
all indians chatting here? :)
@ScottW Ja, dat zei de robot ook al
I've seen the kinds of conversations two AI which have passed the Turing test have
It's quite hilarious
Gosh, that makes me the odd man here :)
AI #1: "You're a bot, admit it."
AI #2: "You're the bot. I'm quite human."
AI #1: "Prove it then."
SOmeone told me that std::array can't be empty.
I just discovered that ain't true
@rubenvb std::array<int,0>?
@RMartinhoFernandes yeah that.
It was in the discussion about an alternative to optional
That one can't be full, so it doesn't work as an alternative to optional either.
so you needed a stack-based variable length container
sounds tricky
Fixed length + placement new.
A bool and a std::aligned_storage<sizeof(T), alignof(T)>::type do the trick.
So obviously, @awoodland is a flagger, and a good one, and he's even praised by the mods for it. Who'd have thought? I'm impressed.
> OMG. SO Moderators and meta folks praising a regular of the Lounge<C++> chatroom!? That I would live to see the day! — sbi
@Giggsey Not really. I don't think nationality or origin enters the picture here.
@sbi He's got my vote.
@RMartinhoFernandes He wood (haha!) have mine if I'd find a way to give it to him now. How'd you do it?
I don't. I wait.
I'm just stating my approval.
I thought that was idiomatic :S
@sbi thanks!
Also, he's got a robot for gravatar. That's got to count for something.
Some code samples would be nice — Jon 9 hours ago
I think code samples would actually lower that answer's appeal. Does anyone think otherwise here?
@RMartinhoFernandes code is always good. (IMO)
Yeah, but where do I put it?
I don't want to just go there and add "Here's some code: <code>".
And which of cases mentioned do I cover? All of them? That makes for a lot of code.
@RMartinhoFernandes It's <code/>, blasphemer!
@RMartinhoFernandes yeah, I would go that way either code for all or none at all. but you know, if you maybe had made up some crazy examples, you would have noticed earlier there is no such thing as std::shared_ptr::release. I always think that code examples make sure that I actually know what I am talking about.
Yeah, that's true.
@Jon: What for? This is all about should I do A or should I do B. I think we all know how to pass objects by value/reference, no? — sbi 22 secs ago
Daaaaamn. I just posted a comment at that meta post and it got an upvote within seconds. Who is reading that fast?
meta bots
@sehe that was me - I got notified and agreed with what you said
@awoodland ahaha :) cheers and props for the work!
Even casperOne (the most deletionist of them, I think) comes around here to ask when he's considering deleting some C++ question.
Also, we have @Shog9 spying on us hanging out here 20hrs/day for months now, and sometimes he even said something!
@sbi Oh thanks. That's a good way of putting what I thought as well.
@awoodland No need to thank me. I just wrote exactly what I thought.
@RMartinhoFernandes No need to thank me. I just wrote exactly what I thought.
@sbi His chat profile reads "Silently watching... Or just asleep."
@RMartinhoFernandes A very well-played cart. We shouldn't feel secure even while he's asleep or away on some other errand. Always aware that he could be watching us right now, noticing every whisper we share about the upcoming SO revolution, about to use it all as evidence in front of the meta court.
I turned on the jammer.
OMG, did I just blurt out about our biggest secret?!
didn't know we had a secret?!
That's how secret it was.
@TonyTheLion Of course you wouldn't know. There are no nekkid females involved, after all.
ah, so I only know about it if it has boobs in it?
@TonyTheLion No, not if it has them in — only if it gets the out!
ok, this web thing is actually pretty cool. Can run a VNC client in the browser
@TonyTheLion Is that a plea for bigger boobs?
@jalf what web thing?
@jalf Meh. SSH FTW :)
@TonyTheLion the interwebs!
@TonyTheLion The, you know, interwebz!
I don't think George W. Bush intended that with 'l33t' spelling when he accidentally introduced the word interwebs, actually
@sehe except that part of our product is basically a modified VNC client. :)
oh the interwebs, I thought that was only for porn, not for running VNC clients in the browser
@TonyTheLion I am sure one can also view porn via VNC.
In the beginning of t4e interwebz, God said, let there be porn. And it was good.
@Cicada, are you listening?
Silence ensues. No. Good.
you can also view the porn someone else is viewing through VNC and a backdoor you secretly installed on their machine
@Neil Whatever happened with the quality of porn since then, only the devil knows
@sehe The work of the devil and of lolcats
@sbi is she really that stuck up about us talking about explicit subjects?
@RMartinhoFernandes Oh yeah, that would have been much better. Oh well, missed it.
she's in the wrong room to make a fuss about that :P
@TonyTheLion That would be meta voyeurism, then, right? I mean, watching someone watching others...
@sbi haha
@TonyTheLion No, she mostly keeps her butterfly shut about it now. :b
oh good :)
@sbi I'm pretty sure her avatar would have distracted attracted my attention if she were present
@sehe You mean because a polar bear isn't used to cicadas?
maybe I should change my gravatar to be a pair of boobs?
(FTR: not actually true, just a nice thing to say. I'm not impacted by gravatars in general)
oh, god, I can't believe I just said that :P
Tony the Tuple
@TonyTheLion What was it?
I ain't repeating it
@TonyTheLion Saw it anyway, @TtB. (You know how the robot keeps explaining how you can see deleted messages, right?)
@sbi That would be me, in fact
@sehe You would be StB?
I'm confused.
holy crap what backwards logic am I working with? What determines whether or not a label for a field is visible depends on if it is allowed enough space to be shown. The amount of space it "occupies" can be calculated by the number of characters used in Italian, despite the fact that the labels might actually be longer or shorter than that in another language.
@sbi I keep explaining how you can resurrect them.
@RMartinhoFernandes Oh, you mean you can just cite them and thus see them?
@sbi I felt too lazy to build an history link out of it.
Resurrecting it was easier.
@sbi Yes sir. Certainly sir.
what did tony say?
wow. VS getcwd has the wrong parameter type
it has int instead of size_t
@Ell It's not that interesting really. He made a fool of himself.
ahh kk
"I'd like to candidate for a mod position. Will I be a good mod? Dunno, but I have titties"
and there's no initializer lists in VS2012 RC.
If that's not a strong enough argument, I don't know what is
Q: Buying a SO Account

user1441982I will pay via PayPal.com, I want an account with 1k+ rep. The more rep, the more I pay. Email me at: [email protected]. I want to buy one to start good with the community. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p>This is a paragraph.</p> <p>This is a paragrap...

Fuck Visual Studio
They're completely clueless.
@Cicada You have my vote.
damn, why did it get deleted?!
Take a guess.
Hmm. An initializer list sequences the computation of each element.

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