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(Or your tickets will all be of kind "N/A". :P)
I'm hungry.
Hey why is it so quiet.
C++ y u weirdly resolving namespaces.
From springbok::core::winapi, springbok::core::foo actually resolves to springbok::springbok::core::foo.
C++ is weird.
Also <chrono> is broken. Great.
Buy a better standard library implementation.
..\springbok\core_winapi\display_driver.cpp:38:5: error: 'display_driver' does not name a type The hell it doesn't.
Ah, fuck, unclosed namespace.
Thanks, GCC, for being helpful and pointing it out.
Don't fall asleep now
that would be a waste of time
@sehe Weren't you going to bed 4 hours ago?
He thought it was a waste of time.
Woooo, it builds.
I'm not in the mood to sleep right now; I'm way too productive.
Sleepy or drunk?
Btw, Who is this "Jeff" everyone hates so much?
The creator of Stack Overflow.
But you know, I don't "hate" him or anything.
I thought that was Joel?
It's just that they rarely listen to people on meta.
Yeah Joel and Jeff.
We're the resistance here.
Lounge<C++> is a haven. It's dangerous outside.
I see.
You know what Jeff did huh?
Was SO orignally focused on C++, or [insert language]? General programming?
you know
Max Payne 3 is full of some really surprising, irritating issues
The first version of the mobile version of SO. I complained about it being ugly on meta. Jeff deleted my post.
for example, you can scroll the mouse wheel to rotate through your weapons- except you drop the one you rotated to
so the only way to switch from pistol to SMG is to drop it and pick it back up
It is kinda ugly honestly
and when you're low on health, it does this automatic bullet time thing for you, which is super nice
My post had ten fucking upvotes!
And he just deleted it!
except when you actually hit the enemy, then it slowmos on their death even if you really need to just keep shooting.
My rant about people deciding whether to use c++11 or not was closed as "duplicate"...
and it has an unskippable cutscenes problem
The question it was considered duplicate of I felt added to the discussion, not duplicated the question
So, playing Max Payne makes you undergo maximum pain?
I asked when was it appropriate to use c++11 in an answer, and the duplicate was when did c++ imply c++11.
I was irked when they closed it as dup
and Cutscene Max has a terrible habit of throwing himself into the most vulnerable positions
ensuring that you are maximally screwed in the ensuing fight
Aaand crash.
Sorry, I forget these things sometimes..
@Cat you crash a lot, don't you?
Starting program: c:\dev\code\projects\springbok/build/bare_minimum.exe
Don't know how to run. Try "help target".
I hate C++.
I hate C++ tools.
Well there is your problem -> C:\. Use / instead.
All /'s should be \'s.
Its just broke flat out
@Radek I was refering to C:\ and / as root of drives
Oh, ok
GDB sets the path. Anyway, that's not the issue.
Apparently this GDB doesn't know anything about x64.
Stupid GNU software.
we're making fun of you? what does that mean?
It means that you suck and we laugh because you suck.
Damnit! I can't type Indeed twice?
I should go complain on meta :D
It's a feature, not a bug.
this chatroom could do with a better line than: We're making fun of you, right now.
sounds more like Monty python :|
@RadekdaknokSlupik I know.
This chat room is the most awesome place to be.
Coincidentally, Monty Python is awesome.
This chat room ain't about C++. More about Java, PHP and Haskell.
It's more about making fun of programming languages in general. And angrily going on when something c++ crashes.
Haskell. <3
Have you learned monads yet?
name: Lounge<C++> !
More about making fun of everything.
Especially SO questions and poor languages.
@CatPlusPlus no, sorry. I was too busy with Ruby.
Screw Ruby.
Ruby is great.
It's boring.
And poor.
It's fun and rich.
Well c'mon does anything beat c++ ?
assert(CatPlusPlus->GetLastPosts() == "Your mom");
Yes, most things.
What about almost everything?
the heavy code, the dangling pointers, the memory leaks
Except for Java, PHP, VB.NET, and Objective-C.
i feel hungry
If you have memory leaks and dangling pointers in C++, you're a fucking noob.
Memory leaks? Whatsthat.
I haven't had a memory leak in years.
Use smart pointers -> problem solved.
For each new a delete, and for each new[] a delete[].
something I read about in my freshman year
For each new, punch yourself in the balls. For each new[], punch yourself in the balls N times.
or just use std::unique_ptr<T>
For each make_shared nothing, for each make_unique nothing.
Star! I can star again!
Buying food properly.
C though, is THE mother
Making those few commits made me tired.
Eh, I still have to port X11 code over.
@zalenex the cat made a chart of awesomeness of languages.
@Radek :D
We got rid of that finally!
yeah looks more like low level to high level rather than awesomeness in the x axis
Not really.
Put Java between C and C++.
And PHP behind C.
And Ruby after Haskell.
You wish.
well of cource you didnt put all of them there did you?
Ruby is somewhere around 0.
There is still room.
Do not star the abomination you fools! You are only encouraging the insanity!
Later I'll make an extended version.
Or maybe right now, since it's better than doing C++.
Mad Paint.NET skillz.
MS Paint > everything.
Paint.Net is tha shiz
I still find coding in C more satisfying than in python (functional only, not web)
python experience is like: yeah, uh hun.. coding yeah... mm hmmm
You're doing web development in C?
C is like: MOTHER OF GAWD!!
8 hours ago, by FredOverflow
Every time I program in C, I feel like I've traveled back in time. You cannot even return a string from a function without getting a headache.
C is awful. Try Ruby. Or at least Haskell.
EVE's core gameplay experience was done primarily in Python.
~600k lines
yeah. screams all the time. but feel at home with C
who can ever forget first love ? ;)
You, if you try Ruby.
C is boilerplate upon boilerplate upon crapiness.
I read something about ruby developers somewhere. Didnt take it seriously though
Probably Ruby on Rails, ignore that. It's shit.
Sinatra > Ruby on Rails.
Sinatra is functional!
Cat, how in the fuck did you get your diagram on the grid again?
There is a VERY good tutorial available for beginners somewhere there
online interpreter. I had the link. cant find it now
Try Ruby, from which Try Haskell was inspired.
thats the one
ruby really IS in every sense, ornamental.. which is a good thing.. gives a new perspective to programming
I never read any tutorial or book on Ruby. I just coded.
Go has to be one of the worst languages I've ever seen.
wouldnt know. why, though?
The syntax is all.... wonky
def ruby
def haskell
  "almost as awesome"
puts "Ruby is #{ruby} and Haskell is #{haskell}!"
package main

import (

func main() {
fmt.Printf("Now you have %g problems.",
math.Nextafter(2, 3))
web dev with go using appspot is hassle free
that's printf all over again
Notice that the type comes after the variable name.
func add(x int, y int) int {
return x + y
well that was totally unnecessary
@zalenix want hassle free webdev? Try ruby!
require "sinatra"
get "/" do
  "Hello World!"
run Sinatra::Application
yeah man. be my guru
I'm so talented
do you want some milk now kitty?
no no
DongML is AWESOME!!!
Now, This I could see as useful
func swap(x, y string) (string, string) {
return y, x

func main() {
a, b := swap("hello", "world")
fmt.Println(a, b)
Super seecret powers.
I hate you lol
signing off with a good laugh.
later, people
if 0
  puts "Will always happen!"
Oh I love Ruby.
const Truth = true
fmt.Println("Go rules?", Truth)
Really Go?
Even better, Infinte loops are so easy!
func main() {
for {
Infinite loops in daklang are easy too.
weak -> this()
I'm going to stop here. My point. Go is terrible
Go is nice.
Better than C, at least.
main = forever $ do
Also ^
The best.
Oh, I did forget to mention that you must start your { inline with a statement.
I hate that styling
Opening braces on a separate line is silly, ugly and unreadable.
Utterly silly.
It drives me bonkers.
We have indentation, you know.
Some refuse to use indentation, because they edit in things like vim.
or notepad
vim can do indentation just fine.
Of you don't indent properly, you must die.
.... Ignore vim. Be horrified at programming in notepad
Notepad is the worst program ever.
Stupid people are not my concern.
my university teaches to use notepad as a development environment.
It can undo only one operation and it has issues with newlines.
Your university sucks.
I know.
Use a decent editor or an IDE.
Programming without syntax highlighting is for noobs.
IOW, use vim.
I said decent.
They also teach to xtunnel gedit and firefox over ssh
There's no decenter.
vi != vim.
And vim is actually easier than VS.
Well, on Mac OS X vi is a hard link to vim. :P
When you consider availability of advanced editing features.
Do you even know how to do block editing with VS?
I never used VS.
I remember there's two-tier keyboard shortcut and it's buried somewhere in the menus.
Complete and utter crap.
Qt Creator, or Eclipse
I most often use Xcode and TextMate. Sometimes Emacs, sometimes NetBeans. I use TeXShop for LaTeX.
But most of my dev is using Qt in some form so.
I use five different editors! :D
You didn't need to add netbeans. No need to embarrass yourself
I use vim.
Well, four editors and one operating system.
I don't need anything else.
vim for C++?
God, who needs netflix or xbox when I could just sit here all night
did you ever saw VisualAssistX?
And eat an entire large pape john's pizza
Imma make a build system in Ruby that defaults to the compilers I like.
@RadekdaknokSlupik like the 10 (that i've seen you say"imma do..") other projects you are going to do?
I'm working on only one project, actually.
working != going to
@Abyx Yes.
VAX is not free and requires VS, so.
@Abyx did you ever saw wood? I have...
Stack Overflow is a ripoff of expert-sexchange.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Yes, in my pants.
You know. Stack Overflow really made the Internet a better place. First almost every Google result page included a link to EE, and now it's only SO.
I loved the EE bug that firefox had for free use.
I dislike it. It makes answers by idiots visible to other idiots.
I was one of those idiots.
Sometimes it worked though...
You know. The answers were hidden using JavaScript so that Googlebot wouldn't notice it and they'd rank high in the search results.
lame manipulation of SEO
If your website renders differently to Googlebot than to regular users, your page rank will be near zero, but since Googlebot doesn't run JavaScript (AFAIK), they could hide the answers.
SEO: Pay a specialist $10K for SEO, or hire 20 college kids and pay them mimimum wage to have them post links to your site to random pages around the web.
Note: Buy pizza for lunch for said college kids and they work twice as hard.
I'm sure that Google has measures against Google bombing.
However, your Google ranking isn't solely based on your PageRank.
@RadekdaknokSlupik I know.
Speed is another important factor, and readability and placement of advertisements too.
minecraftanonymous.com ----> I was the inspiration and implementor of version 1
Stack Overflow is fucking fast.
It's almost four o'cock. Imma sleep.
Dreamin about Hexapoda. See you guy/guys.

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