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@Drise Nope, mixing those doesn't work.
@RMartinhoFernandes @sbi Which one of you posted this? :)
I don't reddit.
@RMartinhoFernandes That's horrible grammer.
Also, this shit is very very close to compiling. I predict an ICE within the hour.
I didn't read it.
@StackedCrooked Probably somebody with lots of ideas.
@StackedCrooked Not me.
Fück yeah, authentication works.
I thought, since it was posted today :D
WTF?! there is a vote allowance?
So, it was you who were starring everything, heh?
Most things I starred went +4
So it was within reason.
How do you guys group constants that only apply to the implementation of a class, as static const members, a namespace within the implementation, an inner class or struct?
struct. i eventually end up using them somewhere else, or getting them returned by some other class/fucntion
@Collin Unnamed namespace in the implementation file?
@sbi That was my other thought, maybe namespaces inside the unnamed one, there's a bunch of 'em -- might be nice to break them up
@Drise these are register offsets and addresses for a bit of hardware this class is wrapping
^ Gotta love Reddit usernames.
@StackedCrooked I think he's actually quite famous around reddit.
@StackedCrooked That must be quite uncomfortable.
@Drise Yeah, he is.
I want to be buried by them :P
@EtiennedeMartel I guess it's his/her way of life.
No reason to look down on that you jerk!
It compiles!
Shit, wrong results.
@StackedCrooked I'm not judging.
@RMartinhoFernandes Typical results of a green build is red values.
@StackedCrooked spousal abuse obviously
@MooingDuck I thought it was about a man with a too big penis.
@RMartinhoFernandes It's aliiiiive!
@EtiennedeMartel He forgot if (this->isAliiiiiive) teachToReturnProperValues(this);
How did @CatPlusPlus 's awesomeness diagram resurface? I thought we successfully killed it.
It's that awesome.
Kudos for not saving it as a JPEG.
You know, you can use the F word.
You don't have to use ASCII art.
JPEGs are for people who cannot afford hard disks or SSDs.
@EtiennedeMartel I like GUI's
@RadekdaknokSlupik JPEGs are for people who cannot afford hard dicks or STDs.
I refreshed the page D:
JPEGs are for photos.
If you use PNG for a photo, you're dumb.
if you disable assertions, (with -DNDEBUG or whatever) the checked expression is compiled out completely, right?
With standard assert, yes.
Yeah, it's not even evaluated.
assert() is a macro, and it will just expand to nothing.
It expands to ((void)0), I think.
That's nothing, too. Only more verbose.
@CatPlusPlus Ok, just making sure it didn't just compile out the checking part and left the expression
"verbose nothing" sounds weird.
found this: assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&_mutex) == 0);
That's dumb.
That's incredibly dumb.
@CatPlusPlus Code reviews for a reason :-P
Dumber than the @Cat.
Code reviews destroy your soul.
@CatPlusPlus These are nice online ones through Crucible
@CatPlusPlus TIFF FTW.
Or raw images, even better (but slightly less portable).
Thousands of Incompatible File Formats.
Real men use Windows BMP.
Photographer: "Let me take a beautiful picture!"
Camera: "Let me make it lose all the quality!"
BMP's are lossless right?
And if @awoodland is back: We can continue if you wish.
@Drise Yep. IIRC, a Windows BMP is a 40 byte header followed by the pixels, laid out in BGR format.
And IIRC PNG is lossy, but not that lossy?
PNG is good. Real good.
@EtiennedeMartel BlueGreenRed?
No. Blue Green Red.
Raw image files are the best.
@Drise Lossless.
@Drise Most (if not all) varieties of PNG are lossless.
@JerryCoffin Lossless, but compressed? I forgot how PNG's work their magic.
If you want to save space, use a monochrome GIF.
@Drise Yes, compressed (similar to ZIP compression).
> Stack Overflow is holding moderator elections. stackoverflow.com/election Still the most democratic site on the Internet! — Joel Spolsky
I am tempted to reply with a link to my blog.
Lol democratic.
@sbi You have a blog?
@RadekdaknokSlupik Exclusively set up so I could publicly rant about how undemocratic and authoritarian SO is.
About to upgrade Quickbooks to the latest version... from a disk! Which came in a box! What century is this?
@RadekdaknokSlupik I've found Canon's raw tend to fall apart with relatively little manipulation. Nikons (.nef) do a bit better, but Sony's (.ARW) seem to hold up the best (though it also varies widely with the exact camera; the file format itself doesn't make that much difference.
@spolsky that depends on the definition of "democratic".
How do you do quotes like what sbi did?
@Drise > quote
> quote
@Drise Look at a messages history to see its original text. See the newbie hints for how to do that.
Dammit, I can't get into GApps admin panel.
Stupid Google.
@sbi Well, this was written a year ago, and looks to me that you're still here.
Twitter y u no chat-style Markdown.
@EtiennedeMartel So? (The blog never said I'd leave the site.)
I'm still baffled at the decision to give the WiiU controller a high-res screen. It's just silly.
@sbi I'm still reading it.
@MooingDuck Gimmicks sell
@Pubby not when they add the price of a high res screen to the already expensive wii controllers.
@sbi Oh I think that I've seen that blog once before, but I couldn't find it because you didn't link to it from your profile page.
@EtiennedeMartel He just loves us so much
How come we don't have any events?
@Collin Oh yes.
@Pubby We do, sometimes. There was a big event just yesterday: Tony said something that wasn't about sex!
@sbi So, Jeff's a prick?
@sbi Nice rant. Very interesting history of SO that doesn't really get shown to users as new as myself.
Mac OS X y u no Twitter framework.
Hmm, there's UB going on. Shit.
Life's a bread.
Make Wikipedia's article on "life" redirect to the article on "bread".
I like flatbread.
Nobody will get the pun.
Was it a pun?
@EtiennedeMartel I do. French for "bread" is "pain".
@RMartinhoFernandes Well.
The idea of robots getting jokes is scary.
"Pain for dinner"
In Africa it's for real, afaik.
WTF, how can the layout map be broken? It was working yesterday.
@RMartinhoFernandes what layout map?
The Universe is playing tricks on me.
You have a virus.
@DeadMG For my optimal layout tuple.
I think a pave low just flew over my office.
You know what sucks? Processor bugs and damaged RAM.
Debugging code which is actually correct.
Vacuum cleaners too.
guys, is google for your guys also different than it always was?
@bamboon You make it sound like Google hasn't changed since it was created
@bamboon they change it often, both in looks, design, and internal algorithms
@bamboon What?
everything is changing day by day...
the time changes every moment...
@EtiennedeMartel Did I say that in my posting?
@Drise Yeah, for some reason they don't link that from the FAQ page.
You know what sucks? Testing things internal to my company took 9 days. Testing things with the person I interface with in a customer company? Twenty minutes.
well, it just seems so weird and strange now
I think @bamboon is on something. Probably bath salts. Beware of zombie behavior.
Shit. I accidentally the chat room. Is this bad?
You accidentally the chat room?
@Drise haha, I don't like silly changes on websites
Oh, god, you accidentally the chat room??!
@bamboon It is not a good idea to stab yourself repeatedly and throw your outflowing intestines at police officers. NOT cool.
Also, don't take 2 cans of pepper spray to the face, and continue throwing. You don't want to deal with SWAT later.
Woop, Windows killed Chrome.
Shit, I'm returning local references.
@sbi Januari 9, '11. >>
@RadekdaknokSlupik ??
Bleh, Nehe.
@RMartinhoFernandes Meh.
I don't even actually know how to use matrix stacks.
@sbi Your answer was from January 9, 2011. Probably they are searching "fuck" on SO.
@ManofOneWay let me know if you want some contact info to send an application
@sbi Hahah
@RadekdaknokSlupik I doubt it. He probably just ran into it.
@jalf Yeah thanks, I need to (start and) finish my master thesis first =)
@sbi ah, gotcha. Those non-english characters are a huge pain... But I guess I'm not telling you anything new. German has a few non-ASCII quirks too :)
@jalf äöüß
yup :)
none of them are considered distinct letters though, are they? Just accents and ligatures?
@sbi Do you have a keyboard that makes typing those easier, or do you just do au ou uu(?) and ss?
Speaking about non-ascii: How do people in other countries use something like c++?
@Drise What do you mean? We write C++ code like anyone else ;)
With their hands!
Main difference is that { and } are harder to type ;)
@Drise I've seen some do #define if <if in my language> kinda thing, but most just seem to use the english keywords
Do germans program in German?
Or do they just name variables in ascii equivalent german?
@Drise C++ only has some 60 English words. Everything else is whatever you want it to be. Yes they do
@Drise I've seen plenty of stackoverflow questions where I found the code hard to read because all the variables were in a language other than english
Coding not in English is silly.
@Drise Contrary to popular belief, German is not a programming language.
@sbi Danke.
@Drise You're very willkommen.
Do germans program in a German equivalent of c++?
@Drise It varies, of course ;)
in C++, but some people use german variable names and the like
@Drise You mean, Do Germans spell their variables and types in German or English?
those people ought to be kicked in the nuts, of course ;)
trying to understand code where functions and variables are named in some foreign language is surprisingly painful
most people I know just use English names
@Collin No, I mean is there an equiv if and for and while?
@Drise no, but sometimes they'll use define for that. Rarely.
@Drise Not if you're at all sane
That would be utterly stupid waste of time.
Chinese has to be the worst I suppose.
> @Drise I've seen some do #define if <if in my language> kinda thing, but most just seem to use the english keywords
do they even have English letters on their keyboards to type "if" and such?
@Drise Imagine how hard it'd be to ask for help with your code then. Imagine all the C++ textbooks that'd be completely useless
@Collin Shouldn't that be #define <if in my language> if?
@Drise C++ is an international standard. It's the same everywhere. Of course, people might prefer to name identifiers using their preferred language, but IMO that's silly. I once was in a company that had to sweep through several 100kLoC and clean them of non-English identifiers, because the code was unexpectedly to be sold internationally.
@DeadMG yes
@DeadMG Yeah, was quoting @MooingDuck without thinking about it
I don't like how my project is organised.
@DeadMG Also I can never seem to remember the proper order for #defines and typedefs. Every time I check myself it makes perfect sense though
@Collin the typedef order drives me insane. Is there a reason it's in that order?
@MooingDuck It also drives me quite insane.
Source type can be multiple tokens, I guess.
#define X Y
typedef Y X;
@sbi non-English identifiers Like an abbreviation that non english-as-a-first-language speakers wouldn't understand?
using is better anyway.
@CatPlusPlus I fail to see how that's relevant
@DeadMG typedef size_t unsigned int //oh god
#define AKA typedef
unsigned int AKA size_t;
@RMartinhoFernandes You can put typedef in the middle?
Sshhh, don't tell anyone.
@CatPlusPlus wait what? Since when?
Since always.
@Drise Ha. There's this story (I heard it from Nicolai Josuttis) of Dietmar Kühl retreating into a corner for hours one night at a C++ std committee meeting in the 90s, hacking away furiously at his laptop. Late in the evening, he presented a hacked GCC that had all its keywords replaced by their German pendant. Just for fun.
@CatPlusPlus did you see the follow up comment from yours?
#define EVER ;;
for(EVER) { }
@awoodland Yes. :P
@Collin that I've seen before
@Collin #define forever while (true)
@drise - I will join you when I find where that room went
@CatPlusPlus Also a good one
@MooingDuck syntactically, typedef is treated as a storage class, so it's basically like extern int a vs. int extern a.
@Drise Yep. Not only abbreviations, though: int hoehe = hole_hoehe(geraet); That should be hard to decipher for any non-native.
@CatPlusPlus produces warnings though
@sbi Ok, I speak english and I don't even know what that's all about.
@MooingDuck What warnings?
@sbi int gibberish = longer_gibberish(different_gibberish);
Infinite loops are technically optimisable away.
MSVC generates lots of stupid warnings.
@sbi int height = hole_height(device);
@CatPlusPlus nonsense, you can put a break/return/exception in them
@Drise int height = get_height(device); /cc @RMartinho, @sehe
@MooingDuck That's not infinite then.
@CatPlusPlus "condition is always true" in MSVC with -W4
-W4 is useless on MSVC.
Yeah, MSVC is stoopeed.
@DeadMG fine
Don't use that.
@MooingDuck C++11 allows them to be optimised away, AFAIR. We had this conversation some months ago.
There's nothing wrong with while(true). That warning should trigger on while(x == x) and shit, not that.
@CatPlusPlus Only if there's no I/O, volatile access, synchronization, and other shits.
@CatPlusPlus Rather the contrary: infinite loops should be warned against, because they're nearly always a poor idea.
@sehe What's even worse, tough, is if you find code that's been written in a company in country A, by developers from all over the world, and contains identifiers in language B, with "helpful" comments in language C. I once worked for a German company which had a codebase that was half in English and half in German, with Russian, Polish, and Hungarian liberally sprinkled across it. That was almost impossible to deal with if you wanted to keep your sanity.
Hole - von holen, ganz klar. I hoffe dass code nicht wirklich so aussieht bie ihnen?
@JerryCoffin while (true) is pretty obviously a deliberate infinite loop.
@CatPlusPlus And just as obviously a bad idea (usually).
Most non-deliberate infinite loops are not detectable at compile time.
@DeadMG That's bound not to be infinite
Well, I gotta go to bed. I have to be up and about before 6, and be fit to bully the kids out the door very shortly afterwards. Also, my boss wants me to be able to think during the day. That bully!
I need to push my wake times back to normal
@sbi G'night (and good luck).
I asked a question about MongoDB. This is what somebody put in his answer:
waking up at 17:45 is fine today, but when I have an exam at 1pm, I need to be awake for it
> In general, the problem with auto-incremented IDs is that they don't scale.
@JerryCoffin Good night!
@DeadMG start by pushing your sleep times back to normal. Just look at how I do it :)
I thought it would be easy... :(
2 mins ago, by sehe
Hole - von holen, ganz klar. I hoffe dass code nicht wirklich so aussieht bie ihnen?
@sbi s/bie/bei/g
You have fully used your vote allowance for today. Leave me alone status bar thingy!
@RMartinhoFernandes Are you sure it's not an NP-Complete optimization problem?
@RMartinhoFernandes Looks easy enough (except the fourth and fifth arrows from the left in the middle row are obviously swapped).
@sehe Yeah, I chose to glance over that. :) I, after all, can't say a single Dutch sentence.
@sbi Oh, I make similar typos in those too. It's just that I'm more likely to spot them myself :)
@DeadMG No. The right order is easy to get: sort by size.
It's the mapping the tuple values from the N sources to the 1 destination that's messing me up.
Which is technically just a heuristic
@RMartinhoFernandes you're assuming that no type ever has an alignment above it's size
@DeadMG Oh, sorry, I meant sort by alignment :S
@RMartinhoFernandes That's a sweet simplification of things.
I still think that's going to be an NP-Complete problem
smells like bin packing
There's only one container.
@DeadMG A safe assumption. You couldn't create arrays of objects with alignment requirements stricter than their own size.
1 container is still NP-Complete
@JerryCoffin That's not actually true. Items which are to be sent to the GPU must be 16byte aligned, but you might be sending only a 3float vector.
plus, you can need cache-line-size alignment for arbitrary items to prevent false sharing
@DeadMG As far as C and C++ care, it is true.
Any type with alignment X < Y can fit perfectly without padding after one of alignment Y.
If I sort by alignment I always get everything perfectly compacted with only inevitable padding at the end. QED.
You may want to use stricter alignment, but in C and C++, stricter alignment than the size can never be required.
well that's a fairly silly restriction
@DeadMG remember, we're talking about tuples here. #pragma can take care of non-standard padding/alignment within structs, but a tuple is not a struct.
@sehe I know that.
@DeadMG Perhaps -- at least C++11 adds alignof and such so you can deal with alignment requirements directly instead of just inferring them from the size.
all I'm saying is that there are some fairly reasonable use cases of types whose alignment being bigger than their size would be genuinely useful
@JerryCoffin I can't find that requirement actually.
AFAICS you can have alignof(char) == 2. I see a requirement that char has the weakest alignment, but that's it.
@JerryCoffin is that right? That would make some GPU stuff a PITA

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