it might actually be funny to produce a Lounge<C++> book
a collaborative effort
we could call it … No more Stack Overflow
and it would be, like, funny ’cause it has two meanings, and, like, it’s true
ok, now I blew it
by the way, I’m writing weekly lunch reminders at work for our PhD students’ lunch each Thursday and the idea is to send a funny reminder … and unfortunately nobody gets the geek references
@ScottW To be honest, I’m a bit disappointed so far, I tried Bastion yesterday and despite the nice graphics, soundtrack and funny storytelling it’s not my kind of games
Question concerning GitHub: is it good practice to delete your fork of a repository if you only forked it to create a patch, and after your pull request has been merged?
I personally think the idea of accreting blog posts, article by article, then 'structuring' that into a book has a higher chance of ending on-target (and of completing at all)
Things such as the different casting operators, rvalue references, exceptions in depth, new and delete, why pointers are often bad, rule of five, PODs.
Oh, that way. Then the answer must be: because of capitalist Nintendo using restrictive licenses and sueing people who (try to) bypass their 'security' mechanisms?
Can you use protocol buffers in a hostile environment? As in, is there a way to enforce a contract on data at deserialization? (eg, an integer range or something)
Well yes hello Pubby. I've been busy studying for finals and my nerves are breaking IT'S TOMORROW
Does anybody here have experience with Cinder. It seems like a nice try for a C++ graphics util library (without trying to create a game engine) but I can't really estimate the library's quality.
@KillianDS Depends on what you want – as far as I can see (only looked at it once, briefly, though) its design is much more archaic than, say, SFML’s. Not very modern C++-y
@KillianDS Essentially, for me the API failed as soon as I saw that they passed pointers to objects around in places where it seems completely superfluous
I was trying to create a vector of lambda, but failed:
auto ignore = [&]() { return 10; }; //1
std::vector<decltype(ignore)> v; //2
v.push_back([&]() { return 100; }); //3
Up to line #2, it compiles fine. But the line#3 gives compilation error:
error: no matching funct...
@KonradRudolph Thank you, that was what I wanted to know, that's definitely a no-go for me. It also had the impression it's incomplete, as in "we only code what we need when we need it", which is quite stupid for a generic library.
@KillianDS Essentially, for me the API failed as soon as I saw that they passed pointers to objects around in places where it seems completely superfluous
In computer science, a fixed-point combinator (or fixpoint combinator) is a higher-order function that computes a fixed point of other functions. A fixed point of a function f is a value that f doesn't change (x such that x = f(x) ).
Consider the function f(x) = x2. 0 and 1 are fixed points of this function, because 0 = 02 and 1 = 12. This function has no other fixed points.
A very different example comes up with many familiar markup languages. For example, HTML list elements contain item elements which contain paragraphs (p elements) which contain text, emphasis elements like b and i, ...
@RadekdaknokSlupik Hmm, I didn’t imply that they thought references were slow. This is an industry-strengt library, I expect the developers to be quite smart
and they do use ostensibly clean C++, making use of standard library features etc.