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Why yes
We're discussing CUDA and GPU programming
Well, here's a thing. If I have few tens of thousands of elements that I need to apply SIMD to, i can literally just say parallel_for_each() and it just happens to work on any DX11 enabled GPU. I can't see how that isn't useful.
Well you're not harnessing 100% of the GPU power
But you're developping fast
Other way i wouldn't be harnessing even 1% :)
@ScarletAmaranth You're probably just inducing a lot of latency
Well, you guys give a try. It's implemented well in Vs11, all you need is any DX11 gpu.
It is expensive (resource-wise) to constantly be transferring a lot of data between system memory and GPU memory
Yes it is expensive, but if you need to transform all those data with some ridiculous calculations, it's nice to have 1k threads helping you out :)
@ScottW Just go eat something. It's a waste of time and unproductive.
I just went to an American restaurant
Called the Sixties
Ate a "Gaetan's Burger"
Oh boy
3 steaks, 150 g each
My stomach is begging for help
gurgle gurgle
@ScottW wot? impossibul
What's so complex about CUDA?
//Calling a CUDA function on the GPU
devStatus = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
It's not the host side which is complex
It's the device side
Knowing how to optimally access memory banks and stuff
How to avoid branch divergence and everything
All that is non-trivial
(Discrimination aside, why does the majority (at least, from what I see) of "please do this for me" questions come from indians?)
@Cicada Also electrical engineering is non-trivial yet you beg it to give you some more abstraction :)
@ScarletAmaranth I don't see the link
@Cicada We have an OpenCV September. Every September and October, you get 9999999 Indians coming on looking for help with OpenCV.
When I'm trying to solve a problem, I don't care whether somethings going to be 58 times faster or 56.5times faster really.
@ScarletAmaranth You don't
@ScarletAmaranth Other people might.
@Cicada I don't when it's not necessary. I have done a lot of asm, I'm not afraid of that. But premature optimizations suck.
@Cicada Excellent question.
@ScarletAmaranth And what if you're trying to solve that problem millions of times in a realtime situation?
@IDWMaster That's when I start caring about it. Till then, no thanks :)
@ScarletAmaranth It's not premature for everyone. I work on an application on which 58 and 56.5 times are very different
They can mean days of difference
@Cicada Yeah, in such case, go ahead and write async assembly. But you claimed that people beg for "please do this for me" is actually kind of a bad thing. It's not.
@ScarletAmaranth Wat. (Also no, I'm not saying it's bad, I'm saying I don't understand the correlation I observe with indianness. Pun.)
Interesting, it sounded to me as if you weren't exactly fond of people begging for abstractions :) Je suis desole :)
@Cicada Are you referring to Big Indians or Little Indians (or are you referring to Native Americans)?
@ScarletAmaranth No, no. What I don't like in CUDA is that they mix both very high level and very low level.
Also not having a standardized way of representing even the most primitive data types (Yes im talking to you endiens) is a real embarassment :)
@IDWMaster Indians! (Or at least I think they are, by the names)
@Cicada I wouldn't know so I'm gonna trust you on that :P
I'm starting to see how a seemingly simple program for a GPU can become really complex on Cuda....
Well, sort of "more general GPU programming" is (hopefully) going to get only better.
@ScarletAmaranth I've heard there's something new that lets you program the GPU in C# now (think it was some new thing Microsoft's working on).
I'm not sure how something like that would work.
I can't imagine garbage collection on a GPU
Leak and then clean-up everything at once.
Wow, garbage collection on a GPU. You'd need to schedule that on every Monday afternoon! :D
I cannot imagine dynamic memory allocation on GPU either.
GPUs aren't good at general things.
They are good at using a single program for a large amount of data.
The less branches the better.
well, they are literally flat by design, so yes, that would be correct :)
just SIMD the fu*k out of them :)
@IDWMaster You're thinking about AMP, and it's (limited) C++.
Is there ANY kind of branch prediction going on in GPUs ?
Yes of course
But it's for whole warps of threads
Not per-thread
oh, ok
that would make sense, thanks
The AMP is real amazing, i can recommend. It works like a charm.
yeah, it's lowered to DirectCompute
so it, naturally, does not support all sorts of genuinely useful things
VS11 only
I have used OpenCL once. Pretty good stuff.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Only if you have enough coffee available! :)
It's fast as hell.
Yeah but it takes a lot of ... typing :)
I was going to say thinking but it's not really thinking ... it's more of ... typing :)
you know
I don't like coffee. It's bitter as hell.
I'm still thinking about using a GPU to lex
I have done it actually.
Have you benchmarked your lexer and was there a bottleneck?
@RadekdaknokSlupik I may do some benchmarks and post code on my GPU-lexer.
but nor did I ever benchmark my program and determine that the solution was an RTS, a SHA-2 solver, or a new programming language
Makes me wanna play SC2
Diablo 3 is what the cool kids play nowadays :)
Also you have plenty of cheaters there
Abusing the disconnect cheat
Oh god I hate people who miss the point of answers and argue in the void
Oh god I hate people.
That too
non-global is really dumb
@RadekdaknokSlupik me too
I need more attention.
I need people to stop being dumbasses
And think more logically
Fuck you, humans
I need more virgins; I ran out of red ink for checking my practicing tests.
There's certainly plenty in this room
Humans are great. Most of my friends are human.
Imagine that like this room was like full of like Facebook like hipsters like.
Most of my enemies are human.
But it's so hip!
Like not using the word "hipster" is so like 2010.
@ScottW Where did you find that pic of me?
the important thing is simply to eradicate the human race and live all alone
He found it on /b/.
then there's no fuckfaces telling me what to do when they have no idea
I'd love to be put in a computer
Then I could focus on science
Back to testing
I'd love to be free and don't be forced to go to school.
@RadekdaknokSlupik I don't mind school. I like school.
what I object to is some fuckface politician deciding that learning utterly random things is worth my time
You haven't experienced high school.
like the wives of some random monarch
@RadekdaknokSlupik Pretty sure I have.
Or stupid languages like French and German.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Heh. The year above me was the last to have a foreign language as compulsory.
guys, don't be so ignorant
but you have to do way too many subjects
@RadekdaknokSlupik German isn't stupid.
The thing I hate the most about high school, is that you cannot normally argue with teachers. If you do you'll be sent to detention.
you can't do Maths, and then some harder Maths, and then some more Maths, and then maybe some Physics on the side
you have to do 11 distinct subjects at an arbitrarily fixed difficulty all at the same time
I only have six subjects.
lucky you
Dutch, English, physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics.
for 11-16, I had 11 subjects (a couple doubles), and for 16-18, 3 subjects
I had something like that from year 1 to 3.
I don't even know what purpose school serves anymore
you can learn faster and more flexibly for much cheaper public cost from the Interwebs
Through exams?
Interesting. I had Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Slovak, English, German, History, Social Sciences, Geo Science and "Informatics".
exams are a giant irrelevance
"Look, I have this nice sheet of paper who says I can do X, Y, and Z"
I also had German, French, history, Dr. Phill-like life lessons and PE (no fuck given at all).
@ScottW No, it serves to prove that you can't prioritize and you throw good time after bad.
"Actually, I don't understand anything about X, Y and Z besides what I learned by heart"
@ScottW, no that's Steve Ballmer.
@Cicada That one's correct.
The only subjects I need are maths and CS.
@Cicada Not to mention that some (most ?) of the colleges work like that too :)
I prefer SE to CS
maybe my university just sucks, but as far as I can tell, it's a giant pile of pointless wankery
I don't know the difference.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Depends on the country.
I need whatever "informatica" is in English.
@DeadMG Lol
@RadekdaknokSlupik Computer Science.
Meh I need to get up fucking early tomorrow for an English exam.
I already speak English.
Then prove it.
Should be a formality, no?
@EtiennedeMartel I think he kinda has.
Most people think they will learn "Applied Software Engineering" whenever signing up for a college. What most of the colleges teach is " Computer Science " though.
in my experience, English examinations were pointless grammatical circlejerks and "Did you massively overanalyze this story?"
@DeadMG Same here with French exams.
We need to read news articles and answer questions about them.
The thing that scares me most is how my teachers code
Piece of cake and a waste of time.
I mean, wow.
@Cicada Why do you think they teach :) ?
well, I'm not going to become an author and insert this shit into my writing, so why am I bothering?
I read books, insofar as I still read books, to enjoy myself
I always like to correct teachers.
Considering CS is actually math in disguise, most CS teachers are math teachers who wrote slightly more code in their life than other math teachers.
Especially my Dutch teacher, who makes a lot of grammatical mistakes in the shit he talks.
I don't correct teachers because, well, they're teachers
Last time I corrected a teacher he removed half of my points
I correct teacher because I know I'm better.
@ScottW Dutch teacher.
@EtiennedeMartel I don't mind learning actual maths. Stuff like algorithm complexity.
@EtiennedeMartel That's the "gotcha" for people who sign up for a "computer science" program. Usually they don't know what they're getting into :)
Questions shall be answers in Dutch on the exam tomorrow.

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