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I think sequential arrays would have worked just fine, obviously a case of premature optimization.
@Mikhail I think a lot of beginners have that problem. I've even started to formulate some thinking about why: they're accustomed to things that look simple being slow--so when they get to something that seems complex, they assume it'll be slow. Little do they realize that (for example) just setting a highlight on a half dozen cells in Excel is a lot more work for the computer than everything they might consider doing with their little table of students and their scores.
I was making fun of the problem statement Use two parallel array
Also we need to fucking parallelize binutils, stuff like changing changing ownership on my 200 TB zfs volume is taking days.
Also zfs needs to go
@Mikhail Oh, I see. Even if it doesn't really respond to your comment, I think mine stands anyway.
@Mikhail Certainly should use something on the order of a thread per spindle (or SATA channel, in the case of SSDs).
The problem is that you need high queuing depth to saturate modern IO devices. The only time when this isn't applicable is for a single HDD that isn't fragmented.
But the other problem is zfs
@Mikhail ...which probably happens a lot in benchmarking, but is pretty rare otherwise.
Also NFS outperforms Samba on Windows clients, for 2 megabyte file sizes the single threaded performance is almost 2x
Also both pNFS on Linux<->Linux or SMB Windows<-Windows> effectively saturates my connection at 900 MB/s. But Windows client, Linux server remains borked.
What about Windows<->Linux via NFS?
Whats the client?
found a few earthworms in gutter, how did they get so high?
in soil that's probably decomposed tree leaves
at the same place that had a frog in the toilet
creatures on this earth totally amaze me
@Mikhail At least for Windows 7, Microsoft has one: technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc732036.aspx
@JerryCoffin Yeah, so NFS is serial on Windows clients. So if you copy a million files there should be like 30 transferring at once to saturate the storage pool. But there isn't so it runs 10x slower.
@Mikhail That seems strange--MS has been pushing threads longer than (almost) anybody. Seems strange they'd write a single-threaded client for this case, though I suppose it's not really a top priority for them.
Probably because they have a vested financial interest for SMB to run faster than NFS. At the end of the day if you go Windows<->Windows you're fine because Windows server does the transfers in parallel.
@Mikhail Always possible, of course.
I haven't looked through it to check, but perhaps a different client would be better?
This at least has a few files with "pnfs" in their names, which gives at least some hint toward the possibility of a parallel NFS implementation.
Code doesn't work today
My logic has gone away
IDE seems to lag
Cursor has gone astray

My patience runs empty,
Like my conscious seems to be,
I spent hours, trying to code it nicely
Quick hacks, it's going to be
my lame poetry is lame
does anyone have a twitter account here?
I need to figure our how twitter work fast
coz testing new features
how can i evaluate a bash command to feed into another command, is it the eval command?
use the pipe | operator
cat whatever.txt | grep thing
$(whatever.txt | grep thing) turned out to be what i wanted
as in git checkout $(git branch | grep someBranchWithThisSubString)
What if low quality questions from China are because they don't have Google?
Please close this
Q: OpenCV read 16 bits tiff image in c++

高杰孙Recently, I have a problem to read 16 bits gray tiff image. Each pixel of this kind image has 2 samples and each sample has 16 bits. However, when I read it in OpenCV, it always in 8 bits and I'm not sure how opencv arranges the 2 samples in .data. I've tried every combination of flags in imread(...

Q: Is this a recursive function?

HaydenThis is hypothetical, but I have a class with two overloaded constructors and one of the constructors is a copy constructor. If an object is passed by reference to the copy constructor, and the copy constructor calls the other constructor, does it become a recursive function? I think that since...

Okay, the chips are all sold out. And yet mine is arriving tomorrow. But the mobos are not sold out and they haven't shipped mine yet. WTF
Their website is down and they didn't show any sign of stocking any when I went there on Sunday.
Do you think its an artificial shortage? I don't think many people are looking to buy these parts, compared to Ryzen for example.
Yes, because there's a ton of scalpers for the CPUs.
I have mine because I preordered it the first day I could.
*will have by tomorrow
Personally, I don't know anybody excited about those parts.
On top of that, every thing is also expensive.
Ram is crazy because of the shortage which is coinciding with all the new CPUs this year.
And video cards are fucked up because of the mining.
@sehe the last time I shaved that yak ;) don’t ask me how to bash-ify it or blame me if it goes on a killing rampage
@Mysticial GPU compute is "bigger" than mining. The real reason is that GPUs have real performance tiers that immediately, predictably, and consistently affect user experience in proportion to cash invested. For example, if I get a 20 core CPU its going to take a very specialized application to see a performance boost (and sometimes its impossible). On the other hand if I go from 1060 to 1080 I'm going to see a boost for all GPU tasks.
But yes, at $100 dollars a core, I'm starting to get pissed off at Intel :-)
There is a place within 10 mins walk from where I live that's specialised in selling raspberry Pi
There is also a pastry headquarter within a few minutes walk ... famous for their pie
Code from official android documentation does not work properly
OpenGL ES bindings on Android 2 were famously broken. OGL wanted an array of ints, and somebody forgot the [].
so android has built in image sharing function - except it doesn't work on Sms, sharing can be done through mail, but without .jpg extension so mail client doesn't know what to use to open it up. Broadcasting thru twitter is great but seems to be in need of 3rd party lib if sent through Facebook
You can pass an exam if you get 55% but you can not release code that only works 55% of the time
2 hours later…
huh, can’t have a look at the at 'Tweets & replies' tab without an account now
@thecoshman yeah
I'm really tempted to try it out
@Mikhail 4 cores should be enough for everyone
@LucDanton tweets & replies hasn't been infinitely scrolling for me for a while now
and since this week it required me to log in
so I just open up the mobile version which has the exact same tweets as the tweets & replies tab
@BartekBanachewicz Basically zero-cost ad-money makers. Works especially well when shared by real people.
@LucDanton Yup. My yaks are clearly from the same genetic pool (though without zsh whiskers)
@Mysticial It logically follows that they're accidentally shipping the whole stock to you
@nwp like me? :D
they seem to just scrape the content from other sites
which is especially hilarious when they do it on paywalled articles like this
@BartekBanachewicz You really should. There's basically no reason not to use. The only one I can think of is the fear of learning something new
@thecoshman I disagree. There's the cost of introducing it to teammates and then the upkeep of build. It's another moving piece with its own version and a set of bugs.
@BartekBanachewicz Have you read this: wiki.haskell.org/Typeclassopedia ? Good stuff
@BartekBanachewicz well, 'cost of introduction' is the fear of learning. I guess the potential bugs could be an issue... still, the benefits far out weigh any of that petty stuff IMO
Kotlin let's you write simpler code faster (compared to Java)
@thecoshman it's not "fear". It's actual time spent by people to learn instead of delivering value to the product.
@thecoshman I know, but that's after the initial slowdown/investment.
also, again, there's more to maintain, at least in our setup I was thinking about
@Horttanainen nope, thanks
The slow down is trivial. And if you are really that worried about, you can constrain it's use to only a small part of the codebase
What do you mean by 'more to maintain', it's just a few lines in the gradle file, I think only one is required to be updated for new versions
@thecoshman that's what I was planning, yes
@thecoshman yes, it's those few lines and making sure it all works
@BartekBanachewicz it'll spread fast :D
@thecoshman we don't have too much java anyway (in my team) so... but yes, ideally I'd infect the whole company I guess
still, this needs to be done carefully
That would be the dream :)
nothing turns interest away better than a failed adoption
there's really no rush with that
Well, here's a serious reason to not use it
also I'm already planning a sneaky commit ;)
You can no longer just hire 'Java developers'
we're not really hiring "x language" developers anyway
But, you could probably get a much better feel for how good a dev they are
I'd personally hope that saying we do some Kotlin could bring fresh people in
If you bring them in, explain you are using Kotlin, they either know it and are probably not plebs, or they can show how adaptable they are buy doing some wee tasks in it
@Horttanainen as a total newb in haskell, I'll read it for sure, thanks :D
@login_not_failed read LYAH first
@login_not_failed How newb?
at a quick glance this doesn't really seem like a total newb resource
It is not :D
not really a newb, just spend on a whole haskell less than a week of time in the past
I have a headache every 5 minutes
> It’s a safe bet that if you’re reading this, you’ve heard of monads
@login_not_failed I would recommend this: seas.upenn.edu/~cis194/spring13/lectures.html
@login_not_failed so give it a week more in fundamentals and then slowly move to typeclasses
@BartekBanachewicz will do, thanks
@Horttanainen I've seen some Haskell materials from UPenn and wasn't entirely impressed
@BartekBanachewicz don't need to have any idea what they are like, simply having heard is good enough
The "official" stuff is LYAH, RWH and THB right now.
@BartekBanachewicz But this is the 2013 one, not the new shit
also @login_not_failed are you using stack? Because you probably should.
@BartekBanachewicz what is "stack" in this context?
@Horttanainen yea, it is really called "stack", okay
@login_not_failed yea
Trying to find good C++ questions to answer
Either I am outboosted by a well known polar bear or the question is poor :(
@Rerito answer the beginner ones vOv
in south park they were hunting 1 exp wild animals till they became max level, so got for these poor questions! (I assume that everyone remember that episode)
@BartekBanachewicz Isn't that repwhoring?
@Rerito then answer a branch prediction question! as easy as that
@login_not_failed Having played wow quite extensively in my younger days, once you outlevel a given mob too much, killing it no longer gives you XP. So that episode is not accurate! (still awesome anyway)
@Rerito I've played burning crusade some time ago, so I know a bit about wow :)
same :)
enhancement shaman mainly (with heal respe when needed)
@Rerito No? You're helping Real People solve problems. I'd say that's less whoring than most of the wanking
@Rerito I was an archer dude with a pet
12 years ago I tried wow for a couple of weeks. The game revolved around killing hogs back then. I got a guest as a young orcling and killed a couple of thousand in a nearby forest. I rate the experience 4/5. Would not play again.
@BartekBanachewicz pretty good example of an almost pointless waste of time
@Horttanainen Dungeons and raids are where the fun really begins. Missing that out is missing the good 75% of the game
@Horttanainen WoW starts after you reach max level
@Rerito I thought that was 100% the game
everything before you hit your first toon to max is just the intro
@Horttanainen There is also the PvP that was quite fun (battlegrounds)
yea, then you go full-retard-mode "leeeroyyy jjjenkins"
leeroy jenkins was most decidedly PvE
well, you have to get good gear to start some meaningful pvp, so you go in a huge raid group to a dungeon to get that gear
anyway, @Rerito should start helping real people and not worry about language-wankers
My gf is a wow veteran. Almost dropped out of university because of that habit. She managed to quit after we met and is now applying for post-graduate school.
That game causes some serious addictions
@Horttanainen You've never played factorio, have you :P
Well, I was a piece of shit before I started playing.
It's not like it helped, sure, but I won't blame it.
@BartekBanachewicz no
@Rerito arenas bestrinas
What I need is free time to build a bot that plays Factorio. The ultimate automation!
first write a bot to write a bot that plays factorio
If I understand Factorio correctly, you should build a factory that produces a bot to play factorio
@Horttanainen sort of. It's a game about removing yourself from the process
It is actually a game about making music youtube.com/watch?v=OyZ0EAemLq0
@BartekBanachewicz holy cleansing of filthy humans out of godly factories
@Nican nice
This also gets me every time: forums.factorio.com/…
@Nican These people :D
Programming is a tough craft because there is five programmers better than you around every corner
To tell you the truth, I feel like the problem is usually "working with other people".
@Nican hihi
One could memorize every optimization and aspect of C++, but never a useful library with a friendly ecosystem, documentation, and community around it.
@BartekBanachewicz Hi. :3
> One could memorize every optimization and aspect of C++
@Nican dang it, we use that for laugh in Poland and people keep mistaking it for a "hello" :D
there's really nothing funny, you just can't learn 1600 pages of a "book" by heart
@Ven I love how after a few months in the lounge you became as depressed and cynical as all regulars :D
@BartekBanachewicz hey, I've been here since '14!
@BartekBanachewicz Huehuehue. Since I am Brazilian.
but to be fair, it's probably working fulltime with C++ for a year that made me depressed and cynical ;-)
@Ven that ' does make a difference
I have been lurking this place for way too long.
@BartekBanachewicz I have a haskell question for you
@Horttanainen shoot
@BartekBanachewicz I'd even say I'm not depressed and cynical! I just now hate C++.
Shouldn't that pure be: repeat x
I don't hate C++, but I do prefer Java more
it's not ideal
but better than C++ or C#
I don't remember ever asking for your opinion, kitty.
I wasn't replying to you of course ^_^
@BartekBanachewicz Especially when this instance is for non-deterministic computation like so: pure (+) <*> [2,3,4] <*> pure 4
@Ven Meh, arena wasn't nearly as fun as bgs
@Rerito I beg to differ. a lot. :c
@Horttanainen huh?
@Ven That was the question for bartek
@Ven The warsong gulch rollercoaster, jumping off arathi basin's cliff with the parachute cloak
@Horttanainen yes, but an infinite list is a comonad
@Rerito no I mean, I definitely like it, but it wasn't as skillful as arenas
Not as skillful for sure but much funnier
@Horttanainen so, no, pure shouldn't generate an infinite list. why'd it?
@Ven How does "pure (+) <*> [2,3,4] <*> pure 4" work with that instance if pure (+) produces a list with single element?
@Horttanainen I think it violates the 3rd Applicative law, but I'm struggling at proving it :)
@Horttanainen cartesian product?
@Horttanainen consider Applicative => Monad, return = pure
so now, if you defined pure = repeat, return 5 :: [Int] is an infinite array of Ints. Whoops!
@BartekBanachewicz What do you mean? How can "g <- gs" produce more elements than there are in gs? Do I not understand list-comprehension?
yeah it certainly doesn't make sense when you go to monads, I mean, it's super easy then
Prelude> pure (,) <*> [1,2] <*> [3,4]
@Horttanainen The reason it works is because a list comprehension "extends" lists to fit.
so it cycles on them.
it stops at the longest list, not at the shortest.
Thank you guys
nvm, @Ven is right
Prelude> [x + y | x <- [1], y <- [10,100,1000]]
reminds me why I never use comprehensions
I too dont like them
never used them, in python or in haskell or...
in python they are less avoidable because the language has worse library otherwise
in haskell I don't see a point in using them at all
avoid Python
can't do that I'm afraid
but at least we have typed codebase now
oh? that sounds much better
Would you use "pure ($) <*> gs <*> xs" instead of "g x | g <- gs, x <- xs"?
Only gs <$> xs suffices
@Horttanainen sure
@Horttanainen yep
Haskell is damn hard
haskell is damn good looking gibberish! I'd love to dive into it when I'll have time >:3
@Horttanainen just write ($) <$> gs <*> xs
@Ven I see
or use idiom brackets i guess
Good night, gentleman.
@Ven plzno
@Horttanainen eh, it's like any other language - those details should be learned and understood, but in practice it's not often you have to use them
@Nican gnight
@Nican sleep tight
@BartekBanachewicz actually I'd peruse some haskell thinkos as well
@BartekBanachewicz I have a (very stupid) discord bot in haskell: github.com/vendethiel/Awwbot.hs/blob/master/src/Disco.hs#L23
the next feature I want to add requires a timer, but I have no idea where to insert it
@Ven funny, haskell discord bindings
the with runs in a DiscordBot monad, which doesn't have IO. The async lib I can find uses a bracketed style withTimer, so I can't start it i.e. in ReadyEvent
and I can't bind my withTimer to runBot, because I need access to the bot
@Ven that’s gs <*> xs
@LucDanton ok, I'll rephrase: "in general, don't write pure a <*> b, write a <$> b"
specifically don’t write ($) <$> though
fair enough
@Ven DiscordBot doesn't have IO? 0.0
@Shoe it does, but only in the event blocks
where you're in a Proxy
(you do need to liftIO)
You'd have known if you actually looked at my link :P.
The call/cc proposal looks cool.
link pls
At least it doesn't add a shitton of keywords to the language x)
The thing is, the code may be compiled and linked to both C and C++ programs. So it would be better if someone can provide comments on both sides. — user112758 6 mins ago
Posted by the Deputy Prime Minister of #Ukraine, Pavlo Rozenko, This is what's happening to government computers r… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/879677566382215169
@Horttanainen Only if programming is damn hard
@Ven #rectal
wow such funny
Ssssh. No need to tell people my middle name
Let's prepare for the zombie apocalypse.
You first.
It seems like a fun but expensive hobby.
@sehe Ransomware, apparently.
Yup. Another fun, but expensive, hobby.
Only expensive if you pay. You wouldn't want to legitimize this by paying, and you wouldn't need to because you have backups. Right? ...
@nwp Why ... are you suggest bear should steal it instead? That's totally not moral ... but it's bear's choice
@Telkitty Steal what?
nwp: Only expensive if you pay
@nwp I think it's expensive regardless of whether you do
@Telkitty Pay the ransom. I guess you could steal the password from the ransom people. I would approve that.
why not steal the ransom people instead, maybe you could sell them on the black market through tor or something </trollololo>
We could improve our design by changing our JSON to use [] instead of {} to make our objects have an order, but that would break all our tests. It is perceived that keeping the tests that enforce incorrect behavior is worth more than having correct behavior. I feel like we are doing testing completely wrong.
you are doing everything wrong tbh
a change that requires all many tests need to change means something went wrong
either you are testing the wrong way
or you are changing the API significantly
@ratchetfreak The problem is that they don't have interface between json members and tests checking those members
The only thing that changes is the brackets. The code itself doesn't change much because it just loops over the thing to get at the objects which works either way. The thing that must change is all the test inputs.
I suppose one could have made a create_sample_input function that slaps {} around the given string that can be changed to [], but that seems very far fetched.
@nwp I did not remember that you could loop named members too in js
@Horttanainen they are not named and we are not using javascript
json whatever
values inside curly braces must have names, values inside square brackets cannot have names
if you replace [] with {} then your input or your output isn't valid json
huh, they actually are named
this makes it even worse as changing the test data is not as trivial as I thought
it seems like testing is only useful if you know exactly what you want and you will not change anything, which is not the conclusion I should be making
Apparently testing has the exact opposite effect it should be having.
Or maybe I'm projecting too much from this situation.
You definitely are
My quest to experience an advantage due to testing continues.
@nwp Fewer bugs?
@wilx In theory fewer bugs, faster development, more flexibility. I have just never seen any of that in practice.
@nwp I am pretty sure more testing often correlates with less buggy software release.
@nwp As for the speed of development, it IMHO makes it slower slightly.
Which reminds me of the people who say computer science is not real science. It all goes by believe and experience, nobody demands or attempts a peer-reviewed study to prove a claim.
computer science is science ... for computers
@nwp Don't talk about computer science like it is software engineering
Two different things
why so many things are trying to be science or engineering - social science, computer science, software engineering
because they are sciences or engineering?
@Telkitty Because it attempts to separate knowledge from believe, which is super useful. Although there seem to be an increasing number of people who believe believing is good enough, knowing is overrated.
Does anybody know how function multiversioning works in GCC ?
In particular, I don't understand how the arguments are passed to the functions for different targets
Doesn't the ABI for e.g. vector types change between sse3 and avx ?
when compiling the compiler assumes a certain arch and compile only for that
I thought the compiler compiles code for all archs and then chooses the best one at run-time
(at least when using function multiversioning)
https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/FunctionMultiVersioning says:

> GCC takes care of doing the dispatching to call the right version at runtime
But the examples there do not use any function arguments, and in particular no vector types in function arguments
I am reading this tech blog, everything is highlighted in pink, pink!!!
this one shows the ABI error
sorry this one shows it
This is another nice example: godbolt.org/g/Ht44KC, gcc warns about ABI mismatches, clang just emits some code.
it seems like clangs emits code to convert from one abi to another.
@Ven You seem to have misspelled "Jerrybolt".
FUCK, they're shipping out my motherboard from California. And they still haven't shipped it yet.
Given that it's July 4th weekend coming up, and I have an Anime convention the week after that. I'm probably gonna have nothing until the middle of the July.
> An integrated European military force would save us 20 billion euros a year. One of Steffen Dobbert's options is to invest it in free Wi-Fi and tablets in the 62 largest cities in the EU. Let me know what you think of this idea!
also maybe he could spend the 20 billion on a new denture
@Mysticial You can have them ship it to me instead (and, obviously send me the CPU and memory to go with). I don't know why I volunteer for such duties--I guess I'm just a generous sort of guy...
oh yes, france's Japan Expo is coming up as well
2 hours later…
@JerryCoffin Looks like they just shipped it. I have a tracking # now. But no ETA yet. It's either gonna be Friday (if I'm lucky). Otherwise Monday or next Wednesday depending on whether anybody will do anything on the July 3rd.
And I preordered all this shit last Monday.
@Mysticial Yeah, the third will undoubtedly be essentially an unofficial holiday.
> As far as I can tell he's one of the leaders of the "design patterns" and "TDD" cults that gave us the likes of "dependency injection" and other atrocities. But that's a rant for another day.
uncle bug
hard to tell if he is trolling
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