C++ tends to be oriented toward large projects and libraries. Libraries usually avoid having singletons. A "good" class supports more than one object and a good library supports more than one client interface at a time.
Singletons are no better or worse in C++ than other languages. Actually their implementation in C++ is fancier than most: they get initialized on first use, in a thread safe fashion, and destroyed in the order opposite their (dynamic) initialization.
You have to use a particular idiom to get those features, but there's nothing wrong with singletons in C++ except that we'd rather raise the abstraction level.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Teenage mutant, ninja turtles ... dude, i hate you, now i can't get the soundtrack out of my head ... are you proud of yourself now ... ?
@RadekdaknokSlupik May the barbarians invade your personal space ...
@Ell You could always give it to a hooker, then convince yourself either that she's really not a hooker, or that you will transform her into something else. (Also, I am replying to message #3777773. Neato.)
@RadekdaknokSlupik The standard absolutely specificies 'standard' quotes there, no way it just defines the minimum. However, you can use them in raw literals, I guess: auto trythis = R"“(test)”"
I did have quite a lot of biology but I've never really had to know the latin stuff in this area :) Tho I do have some decent basics of "everyday-latin" :)
@sehe It's quite funny how useful latin can be, sometimes ... :) (It's even funnier that knowing a language that's actually in use would be kinda more useful :P)
@sehe I haven't ordered it yet but it's on my wishlist :) I fell in love with it as you posted the link. But I'll spend a lot of time googling a lot of phrases :)
@RadekdaknokSlupik You are a freak of nature. Make sure they don't hire you midway college. You'd be dealt a low deal if you skip college with that kind of learning ability
@RadekdaknokSlupik It's not just about that. Just finish the darn college :) Or two. And get that 'stage' abroad. I'm just warning you since I detect that you might be the pragmatic type (since you didn't elect Univ. Leiden, or even TUD/TUe/...) and there is a risk that you underestimate the value of finishing college when you get a nice job opportunity (or ten) along the way
@sehe It's crossed my mind several times to quit this sodding institution that calls itself a university so that i can actually learn something on my own while working :) (on interesting stuff actually)
@ScarletAmaranth That's gonna be tough too, I did that. In retrospect, I don't know which sucks more. I didn't think it was as boring, but in terms of big-picture preparation (so, aside from language fetish) I think college is a nice thing to have had. You might do it half-way (step out for a year or two, to work as a programmer) and then revisit college.
That requires some balls and you must trust yourself to come back after those 2 years :)
@sehe It's killing me to see the approach of people that call themselves teachers in my uni ... also the whole approach of the institution itself being focused solely on memorizing random load of crap that rarely has anything to do with computer science whatsoever ...
@sehe I don't see any advantage of finishing this uni aparat from the fact that I'll get an "engineer" degree which i will not give a damn about
@ScarletAmaranth Time to get over it. Get yourself the education you want. Seek out the teachers that do know how to stimulate your growth and find it yourself. SO chat helps a tiny bit, but not if you use it as a 'lamenting chanel' mostly. Learn stuff here. Find that teacher's assistant that actually knows about 'the real world'. Get yourself an extra student position for extra credit and excitement.
@sehe Here's a question. Have you ever felt that something would have been easier at some point had you decided to finish your college ?
@sehe Naah i don't usually lament here :) But i fancy "lamenting" from time to time since sometimes it's unBEARable which yourself should know a lot about (a very sneaky reference to your picture :P).
@ScarletAmaranth Yes. Not the technical stuff of course, but there is so much more. That big picture thing I mentioned before. Also, in my particular case, I might not have gotten burned out after ~10 years of working, because I never stopped 'proving myself' (ludicrous, but still: this is 'baggage' that I could have dispelled by having a degree...)