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@RadekdaknokSlupik Aye, communicating with a script-driven part of the program. I could use my own range-checking but it was faster.
This is true: For an implementation storing begin and end but not size (such as GCC), at can compare the computed pointer to end, but doing it yourself requires computing size, doing the comparison, then computing the pointer.
why is cat starred twice same message
When charging batteries, should they be removed from the charger when full?
i think so
Ok, I better do that then :D
There is no need to remove the batteries.
@Ell Done :)
@Potatoswatter Dammit!
If the charger can indicate that they're full, it can also stop charging them by itself.
Now I did something unneeded.
If it didn't indicate such, then how do you know?
I just worry that in case of a brief power interruption the charger will start all over again.
Which might be bad for the batteries.
Nah, chargers don't have that much state. If the batteries need it, the memory chip will be attached to the cells themselves.
So the batteries have a chip which indicates their state?
Wasn't there an article a while back about Macs getting their batteries hacked?
Batteries are made of electrochemical cells. There exist batteries where a few bits of memory are required.
It's rechargeable Duracell AA batteries.
Yeah, battery engineers rarely worry about security.
I worked on an industrial battery system, which was to be controlled from the manufacturer's central office over the internet.
@Potatoswatter They should have the basic security principles battered into them.
The software engineer before me designed it so the packet contained the a number of bytes to be written, and the battery dutifully wrote them all into memory. Good stuff.
@Potatoswatter Somehow that sounds like a potentially interesting job.
It was, I would have kept it but there was a lot of politics.
@Potatoswatter Too much resistance in order for you to function properly as a programmer?
Nah, the boss was a kind of megalomaniac and I made him look bad.
Sounds familiar.
He had ordered the system to be designed with an Ethernet port, because he wasn't aware of any other way to get on the internet.
He was also in charge of visiting the installation site and gathering requirements.
There's this thing called power-of-Ethernet though.
But that's probably unrelated.
Sometime after the product was already due, it emerged that the site did not have any kind of connectivity, and we'd need a cell modem instead. He still hesitated to admit he was wrong, whereupon I kind of did my own lobbying. That was the beginning of the end.
@sehe Yep, see Wikipedia.
Power over ethernet is cool… but we had plenty of power (being inside a battery) and no ethernet.
Well, hence the Ethernet port! -- your boss
Oh. The battery output was measured in kilowatts, a little more than you can get through an ethernet jack.
@StackedCrooked hmm. Didn't think of that!
@Potatoswatter That's -1 for your boss then.
Meh. I'm sure he got off scot free. I found a new cool job.
argh silly yaml-cpp! I get an exception when de-referencing a node if the type is sequence, that cant be good design, can it? it works for 3 subclasses, but throws an exception for one?
is it possible for a template's type to be determined by a parameter that is passed into constructor?
Factory function?
That should work.
I thought it was possible?
@thecoshman if the template is the constructor itself :-)
@EthanSteinberg yes
Ops sorry.. I misunderstood the question .
I want to create a buffer class, so something like std::vector<foo> myData; templatedBufferClass myBuffer = templatedBufferClass(myData) so I don't need to explicitly state that my template class is 'of type' foo
@thecoshman T Make(const Identity<T>&) { return T(); }
you could just put an auto there
@thecoshman Use a factory function. Call it buffer( myData ) or something.
@manasij7479 how so? that would surely just be auto myBuffer = templatedBufferClass<foo>(myData); which yes is a bit easier
yeah, I think I will go for that method, I don't really need to hide it away like that, was more just wanting to play around with needlessly complex things :P
Clang y u no emit diagnostic when I forgot to lock mutex.
Anyone know about any good high level C++ abstraction library for modern (>=3.3) OpenGL ?
just abstracting OpenGL, not a full 3d engine .
not sure really
as in context creation? orr...?
so that finally I'd only have to deal with the data and writing shaders.
dont know sorry >.<
@manasij7479 When you find said magical library, be sure to share it with all of us.
Can you default a virtual destructor?
@KerrekSB Yes. You can even default a pure virtual destructor, although it takes a separate definition.
@EthanSteinberg Sure :P
I see no magic though..
The process of ..say.. compiling and debugging shaders as well as the messy way to pass information to the gpu..etc can easily be abstracted away (with a lot of work).
Wow. Either the meta police relaxes on weekends or they are letting it slack in general. A room topic mentioning sex used to cause big trouble.
Lounge<C++> is a haven.
Oh, it's just a typo, this room has the best specs. (Or the most specs? I have a pretty big pair myself!)
@Potatoswatter OK, cool. Thanks.
hi guys, I have a quick question about Files. I read that if i open a file with the open functionwith any value in that parameter the default mode is overridden, not combined. so for example if I did this myfile.open("C:\myfile.txt",ios::binary); then I have to explicitly add ios::out or ios::in (for writtin or reading ) is this true ?thanks in advance.
@AlexDan yes, but if you is ifstream IIRC ios::in is added
(ofstream adding ios::out)
agreed with sehe, not verified though.
@sehe so this is just for fstream object not for ifstream/ofstream. so ifstream will always has ios::in mode even if i did add ios::binary . is this right ?
> The first version effectively calls rdbuf()->open(filename, mode | ios_base::in). — std::basic_ifstream::open
@sehe true.
@RadekdaknokSlupik weehoo. my memory isn't completely rotten yet
@AlexDan I beleive so
Hey @Ove how are you doing?
hey, i'm good thanks
Btw sleeping fixed my lungs. They no longer feel like bricks.
First world problems: the only thing I have to drink right now is clean, fresh water. T_T
@RadekdaknokSlupik Not bad
Thursday I'll be going to Rotterdam and make a talk with a future teacher.
... what for?
They invited me. I can ask questions.
Interesting. Is that normal policy?
I have to think up some good questions.
@sehe I guess so.
"Will there be haskell in the first year curriculum"
"No? I'm leaving."
Hell how ya doin' ya olda Ell?
"Will we get a chance to write a logging debugging for DCPU-16 architectures"
You should all unlearn Haskell. It is getting on my nerves.
I've written a logger class today xD!
I'm doing okay :L
@RadekdaknokSlupik key logger ?
@sbi I want to understand monads first.
@RadekdaknokSlupik Why would one need to write one class in order to log? That sounds Java-ish to me.
@sbi Rest assured, I know nothing about Haskell. I know it exists
@sehe no. A class for logging messages to ostreams with a timestamp.
@sbi And: hi
@RadekdaknokSlupik Woot. No shit
@sehe Don't bother. I'm about to go to bed.
@sbi to keep track of multiple output streams.
I just looked at this tab and saw Haskell all over. I almost soiled my keyboard.
Thread safe, log level filters, multi-sink, extensible of course
@sbi And: ho
It's thread-safe. Didn't think of log levels; might implement that.
It's also asynchronous.
What does it mean to be thread safe? that cross thread variables are synchronised?
@RadekdaknokSlupik If you want a C++-ish log library, have a look at this one. I used this once. (The last I heard it's not usably right now, but you can nevertheless look at it just for reaping off ideas and for its design.)
Man, those Belgians really make good beer.
@Ell so you don't get garbage/UB when you access the same data from multiple threads synchronously.
@sbi I'll look at it!
You didn't what? This means that your class is literally struct MyGlorifiedCout { std::ostream& log(std::ostream& os) const { return os << timestamp(); } };
I had a few German beers tonight, and now I am a bit dizzy. :-/
@sehe ... << t?
my mother is shouting at me for being on the computer too late >.< nighty night
Anyway, good night, folks. I'm gonna go to bet. I have to be up in 6hrs, and heard a flock of kids plus their grandfather out of bed.
Here is my sucky logger class. .hpp .cpp. I have no idea why remove_all_streams is an inline function. Oh well.
@sbi Ha. left over from earlier idea. I reckoned I could do without:
    MyGlorifiedCout logger;
    logger.log() << "hello world" << std::flush;
@RadekdaknokSlupik ^ { <-- that ObjC?
@sbi s/heard/herd/ :) sleep well
@sehe yeah. I wasn't in the mood to compile clang so I'm using the crash-when-using-C++11-lambda version.
@RadekdaknokSlupik wut? It has ObjC support too?
BTW last time I wanted to use it no compiler/lib had std::put_time yet. Which version has it now?
% clang -v
Apple clang version 3.1 (tags/Apple/clang-318.0.58) (based on LLVM 3.1svn)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin11.4.0
Thread model: posix
A: How to get a list of days from an interval of timestamps

seheFrom reading the docs, this should work on C++0x (but I haven't got a compliant compiler handy to test it myself)1: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <ctime> #include <chrono> using namespace std::chrono; template <typename Clock> void dayList(C...

^ see my earlier encounter
@RadekdaknokSlupik mmm. I should update. i'm on 2.9
This logger class is good enough for me at the moment. I can always extend it.
Hey @ScottW you hungry?
I have food!
looks like "een oliebol"
me gusta oliebollen
like a boss
oilballs of steel!
46 mins ago, by Radek 'daknok' Slupik
Lounge<C++> is a haven.
Game Maker has a noone keyword.
@RadekdaknokSlupik You suck. I hate trivia
What's game maker anyway
@sehe a piece of shit we were forced to use in high school instead of C++ to make games.
@ScottW @RadekdaknokSlupik crêpe
@RadekdaknokSlupik You were forced to make games in highschool? Call de kindertelefoon !
@sehe haha!
We also had to make a website!
Everybody was working hard each lesson on their website and all of them got a grade < 7.5.
I made my website in half an hour and I got a 8.5. xD
But seriously, is that stuff mainstream now? That's not bad at all. I don't remember us doing any such thing. I didn't know about the IPX over BCT connected Ethernet back when I was in Gertrudis, so we made a chat app using a remote-shared floppy drive. That wasn't really optimal, though :)
@CheersandhthAlf Hmm, isn't that supposed to be a Passat?
It's pasta! basta!
@RadekdaknokSlupik Natural selection
I hate pasta. It's tasteless.
Anyone here in East Asia? Check out the eclipse!
@RadekdaknokSlupik You obviously underestimate good meat sauce.
I do like it with ketchup. That said, I like anything with ketchup.
@CheersandhthAlf Looks like the license plate was designed to defy OCR. I'm sure international traffic fines will not be UNICODE proof enough to track that ticket to the car owner
@Potatoswatter you just made me look outside. It's 0 o'clock here in the Netherlands. xD
Nice. Well if you look down and stare very intensely through the earth, you'll see it.
@ScottW using Mercurial, right?
@Potatoswatter Meh. A geigercounter should be able to detect it, methinks
@sehe we have an electromagnetic field which protects us from such evil rays.
Perhaps a somewhat more sophisticated alpha/beta/gamma particle detector
A Geiger counter, also called a Geiger–Müller counter, is a type of particle detector that measures ionizing radiation. They detect the emission of nuclear radiation: alpha particles, beta particles or gamma rays. A Geiger counter detects radiation by ionization produced in a low-pressure gas in a Geiger–Müller tube. Each particle detected produces a pulse of current, but the Geiger counter cannot distinguish the energy of the source particles. Invented in 1908, Geiger counters remain popular instruments used for measurements in health, physics, industry, geology and other fields, because...
^ alpha/beta/gamma
Hey guys! Why is everybody so damn quiet?
sssh it's night
Night's the most fun time of the day.
At night you can browse /b/ with your windows open.
You know, glass windows in your house.
By the way. This bothers me:
Why does the Apple Store have so many Windows?!
Ha ha.
@Maxpm care to explain?
Sarcastic laughter.
Oh. Clear
Huh, this room has the best sex.
Who would have guessed.
Well, look at our competition.
There's an entire room for .htaccess files.
Yeah dis room does definitely have the very best sex.
Of course we also have the most stds.
That goes without saying ;)
I hope you have F1 bound to "std::" macro.
Is there a Windows installer for gtkmm 3?
Your first function is STDs? :\
I only see one for 2.22
I don't think so.
Have fun building that on Windows. ._.
@Maxpm Nah, I'm so hardcore with C++ that i bind F1 to "std::" ... not only to type it quicker but also because i never need help ;) (Not my quote tho, i saw it here as starred a while ago :))
@Maxpm I better use mingw or something I think
Nevertheless, what's all the fuss about singletons :D ?
What's so fundamentally wrong with them :D ?
@ScarletAmaranth nothing, it's a bandwagon
They're pointless in C++.
@Maxpm They are ? Care to elaborate ?
They are kinda pointless
"to abstract something away" is that correct English?
@RadekdaknokSlupik Yes.
They provide no advantages over global variables, but they are more complicated to use.
Apr 25 at 2:51, by OrgnlDave
You know, I replaced the f1 key on my keyboard with an std:: one. Literally, it has std:: on it and when I press it, std:: is typed. I figured since I'm an elite C++ coder I never need help with anything, so the f1 key was just taking up space anyway
@RadekdaknokSlupik I would certainly hope so s:)
@sehe That one, thanks ;)
You want to have a singleton only when you want to manage a resource and there is, be semantic definition, always exactly one instance of that kind of resource.
In kernel development you might have a singleton which manages video ram. There is always only one video ram.
@SethCarnegie You are making them seem harmless. They increase coupling - like globals. Saying 'they're pointless/they're much like complexified globals' doesn't make them harmless
@sehe they seem like a protected interface for accessing globals, no?
@RadekdaknokSlupik That would be a global then.
@sehe And what to use when i actually "need" a singleton or, well, it makes sense from the design point of view ?
You probably don't actually need a singleton.
@ScarletAmaranth You pass it in as context. Keep the references at various local levels as makes sense, but don't just let anyone grab into the singleton
That's why i said "need" not need :)
@sehe So it's still a singleton :-)
Letting any code at any level grab resources from singletons (or globals) is just a recipe for disaster the day you wanted to change libX to libY (or even libY2), you wanted to make a client/server version or a Web-UI on your existing app, wanted to make stuff testable, wanted to make it threadsafe, or just perform better by giving each CPU core it's own instance etc. etc.
Yeah so the idea is not to use them like "fancy encapsulated global variables" :)
@ScarletAmaranth No. The singleton pattern in practice implies that anyone can access the reference (Singleton<T>::instance(), so to say)
That is the really harmful part. If you promise not to use that, you can use a singleton. But then, you don't need the pattern either.

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