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IE6 is really fast. It's malware that's making it appear slow.
It takes more than half a second to start up, so it's not fast.
Or: IE6 is slow, because people who are browsing your computer have shitty uplinks.
Pick yer joke.
@Mysticial But I don't control that specific struct. So I'mma be happy that this works.
I don't know, but downloading a file using ff always goes faster than when downloading the same file with IE6, at least for me.
maybe on x64 I will revert to the original code, if it proves problematic
@stdOrgnlDave keep your code with u dude :-p
@DeadMG Don't copy to an aligned buffer and reload. You'll kill performance. Just use a misaligned load instead.
@Mysticial Are you advocating using horrific pointer casts, which probably invoke UB in plenty of ways?
Of course he is, he writes number crunching code.
@DeadMG Don't need to in this case. Just replace those _mm_load_ps with mm_loadu_ps.
@classdaknok_t you know how long firefox takes to start on Windows?
@MooingDuck probably longer than downloading that file.
@Mysticial Yeah, but the source array isn't actually specified as an array. It's like, union { struct { float x, y, z; }, struct { float r, g, b; }; };
Also, this is SSE code, it's almost impossible to avoid type-punning float and __m128 in all but trivial apps. I'm pretty sure compilers have that as an exception to strict-aliasing.
Speaking of faily browsers, Chrome seems to regularly swap out half of my OS out.
@CatPlusPlus whoa, my firefox launched quickly? Did they finally fix the slow launch thing?
@CatPlusPlus are you running Google Chrome OS?
@DeadMG Oh, ew...
No, Windows.
@stdOrgnlDave context was browsers, so I'd assume not
@Mysticial I know. I would replace it... but then I'd have to write all my own mathematical support code, including stuff like quaternions.
@MooingDuck assumptions will get you in deep shit when the war comes
@MooingDuck Dunno, starts in about minute from cold boot, I think, for me.
@stdOrgnlDave alright, he himself said he was talking about browsers. That's pretty freaking clear to me :D
FF starts in about ~10 seconds with me with ~5 tabs open
@CatPlusPlus I just booted it cold, took less than two seconds just now
Well, less than a minute. Eye measuring, though. Not accurate.
Chrome takes longer.
Mostly because it has to spawn gazillion child processes.
I wonder
I reall,y really want to dig into Firefox and determine why the hell it takes 176mb RAM to have this single chat tab open
if you do *(__m128*)p, does that generate an aligned or unaligned load?
Most of that is XPCOM and XUL.
@stdOrgnlDave For me it takes 350mb for a gazillion tabs :P
And the rest is crappy Gecko.
@DeadMG Aligned load.
Well, it's 31 actually
@Mysticial Misaligned mouse click.
@MooingDuck by the war, I was referring to the coming one between robots and humans that R. George alluded to
perhaps on x64, I will #ifdef it to use the original code
Or don't build 32-bit version.
then on x86 use the revised code which actually works on x86
@DeadMG What's wrong with using a misaligned load?
@DeadMG if obscure indie developers like you don't drop support for x86 nobody's going to make the transition to x64!
@Mysticial It does run somewhat slower.
my original code could push 0.0005sec/tick, and the new code pushes 0.00072sec/tick
@DeadMG There are much bigger problems in that code then a simple misalignment. I'm actually surprised if SSE is giving you any speedup at all.
@Mysticial For one, the compiler wouldn't inline the non-SSE version :P
yes, how's that pathfinding coming along?
and it does inline the SSE version
@DeadMG are you using VC? you can force inlining
@stdOrgnlDave Who cares? If the SSE version works, it works.
and my performance measurements did indicate a speedup for the SSE version
@DeadMG how's the pathfinding coming along?
@Mysticial Feel free to describe a more optimized version of the code.
@stdOrgnlDave It works fine.
@DeadMG congratulations! units no longer collide with themselves?
@stdOrgnlDave It's been working fine for like, a week. Or two.
@MooingDuck regarding your answer to the pointer question...one can make a very fast binary tree using arrays
@DeadMG If I were to rewrite that, I'd do 4 pixels at a time - not just one.
@Mysticial Who said anything about pixels?
@MooingDuck replace 'pointers' with indices into the array (or vector, or whatever) and there you go
the algorithm describes whether or not a sphere and an AABB intersect
@DeadMG or whatever it is - if you happen to be calling it many times in succession.
actually, I kinda do
@stdOrgnlDave That's just using a int as a pointer, In my book, that still counts as a pointer.
@MooingDuck although I agree with you completely, it is indeed a higher-level abstraction. (though arrays have good points for binary trees...for one, data locality...)
@Mysticial: On a modern AMD/intel processor, roughly how big are cache lines?
@MooingDuck 64 bytes
so how can I make it run faster when I call many times in succession?
@Mysticial what does my future hold?
I've got 8 calls which could be concurrent
@MooingDuck That can't be a good thing if I know that off the top if my head.
@Mysticial Or that I knew that you'd know it?
@stdOrgnlDave It sucks. :P
@Mysticial aha! one thing you DON'T know, which is an obvious setup for a joke! the guru failed! my future methaphorically holds the results of deferred computations!
@DeadMG You first load all of them into registers. Then you do a transpose on them to put members into the same register. Do your math. And (vertically) sum up at the end.
@Mysticial That's what I heard. In that case, would you expect much performance difference between a standard binary tree (less than 4k bytes total including overhead) and a variant where all the nodes were allocated in an array (same size)?
@Mysticial You lost me after "load all into register".
@Mysticial I know that off the top of my head. It's just a useful fact to remember.
@MooingDuck not particularly, since you're probably going to spend O(logn) time in your tree, but on the other hand you're only taking up a small amount of cache, the rest of which can be used to load data you're referencing. but a larger tree definitely benefits
@MooingDuck That's tricky to analyze.
@KonradRudolph I updated my answer. I think it does what you intend, in a rather non-complex way (by adding another layer of indirection)
@MooingDuck it can be tricky to analyize how sporadically allocated nodes of a tree will fit into cache
@DeadMG Load all your data from 4 separate calls into registers. In any order. Then shuffle them so that adjacent array elements are in the same register.
@Mysticial So one register that's xxxx, one that's yyyy, etc?
@Mysticial I thought it was 128?
@DeadMG Correct.
@CatPlusPlus That's Power7.
Can't believe I know that off the top of my head...
@stdOrgnlDave basically what it comes down to is I don't think that data locality will benefit you much.
@Mysticial There's not enough registers. I have three vectors, of three components. That would be nine registers. Let alone the output registers and such.
@MooingDuck more room in the cache for data you're referencing is always a good thing, especially since cache can't predict what you'll end up pointing to at the end of your tree traversal
@MooingDuck my rule of thumb is that locality usually benefits you more than you think. Regardless of how much you think it benefits you ;)
@jalf Sounds like Hofstadter's Law.
@DeadMG That's one major drawback. You could try it anyway and see how a bit of register spilling will hurt. Or you can play some very dirty tricks that abuse the hardware register renaming... (I don't recommend this though.)
I think that x64 has 16 XMM registers?
don't do dirty register renaming tricks unless you're targeting specific families and are ready to fall back for others
@DeadMG Correct.
I want to know the dirty tricks.
so that might be doable
but I have no idea how to convert having one component from every vector in a bunch of different registers, into a useful vector
@RMartinhoFernandes I finally realized why everyone calls you a robot
Also, there's enough computation in that routine to actually afford a few spills in the middle. So running out of registers isn't always a deal-breaker when there's enough computation to do.
Because I am.
@DeadMG that's a formal problem with a proven solution, but I completely forget the name
@jalf I wrote a class that was supposed to emulate map but used a sorted vector for the underlying data for faster lookup. std::map's find was faster. I lost all confidence in cache locality then.
@RMartinhoFernandes no, because of asimov
@stdOrgnlDave He also remembers everything that was ever said in this room.
then he knows how much of an ass I really am
He knows everything.
@MooingDuck well, was the class as optimized as std::map? ;)
@KonradRudolph At least I simplified the horrendous duplication of $< $(patsubst %,obj/debug/%.o,$($(@F)_DEPS)) into just ... $^ :)
apart from that, a binary search doesn't exactly lend itself to exploiting locality
oh, wait, I forgot to mention
it's always the same sphere
hahahahaha, a sorted vector?
A beastie boy died :(
My old laptop finally died, and I'm now chatting from a spanking new machine. Which means, I need a list of games I missed in the past four or so years. ;)
@MooingDuck what did you then do with that sorted vector? perform a binary search?
@RMartinhoFernandes well, we don't know which games you've played, so determining which ones you missed is tricky ;)
@RMartinhoFernandes You know you're going to end up playing DF anyway.
@jalf Basically, DF, Minecraft and NetHack.
Adam Nathaniel Yauch (pronounced ; August 5, 1964 – May 4, 2012) was an American rapper, songwriter, and film director. He was best known as a founding member of hip hop trio the Beastie Boys, who formed in 1979 in New York City. He was frequently known by his stage name, MCA, and sometimes worked under the pseudonym Nathanial Hörnblowér. Yauch founded Oscilloscope Laboratories, an independent film production and distribution company based in New York City. A Buddhist, he was involved in the Tibetan independence movement and organized the Tibetan Freedom Concert. Early life Yauch was b...
Recent Batman games are fun, if you want to punch a lot of people.
@RMartinhoFernandes any specific genres you're interested in?
@RMartinhoFernandes terraria is the logical next step
@CatPlusPlus Yeah, when the minecart release comes, I'm sure that's what I'll play.
Assassin's Creed, if you'd like to run of the rooftops like a madman and shoving archers onto the streets below.
@jalf as best I could, yes
@jalf I noticed that, the map was faster
@stdOrgnlDave yes, std::lower_bound
@RMartinhoFernandes Dwarf Fortress
@MooingDuck well, I didn't ask if you optimized it as well as you could, but if you optimized it as well as map ;)
@MooingDuck I've heard that steals time
@MooingDuck I didn't miss that one.
@RMartinhoFernandes seriously, what genres interest you
@jalf I enjoy mostly RPGs and strategy games.
mass effect 1-3?
portal 2, if you haven't played it, obviously
@jalf you asked if it was optimized as a map. Answer yes. As for optimized as well as map, it's hard to say. I believe I did, for the find function at least.
mass effect 3 is the best superhero game every made (if you play a vanguard)
@MooingDuck I asked (or meant to ask) if it was as well optimized as std::map
@stdOrgnlDave yup. It's also a good game in general, even with the ending
@stdOrgnlDave I heard the story sucks (I'm heavily spoiled on that)
Or 4, if you have enough time to decipher the UI. Some say it's better. I suck in both, so.
@jalf you've played vanguard through on insanity? it's so much fun, it's ridiculous
@RMartinhoFernandes no, the ending sucks
@CatPlusPlus Oh, I loved 4.
@stdOrgnlDave Not on insanity yet. But otherwise, yes :)
@jalf Yeah, that's what I meant. With a bit of hyperbole.
@RMartinhoFernandes the story may or may not suck depending on your POV, but the journey from beginning to end (1-3) and the atmosphere etc. are all worth it
@RMartinhoFernandes I'd say it's no big deal. I really liked the rest of the story
and not least, the universe and atmosphere
@jalf are you more of a melee or shotgun fellow? I build my vanguard with max melee ability. you know about the running heavy melee that targets enemies on the ground right? for some reason nobody's bothered to put that on the wiki
drew me in much more than most games do
Space Pirates and Zombies is fun, a somewhat RPGy procedurally-generated-space thing. With zombies.
Also, the ultimate sandbox, Mount and Blade.
@CatPlusPlus I heard Civ 5 was a lot more streamlined. I'll probably try it out anyway, but complexity is what I liked about Civ 4.
@CatPlusPlus Oh, I tried that, but it felt unfinished.
@RMartinhoFernandes if you like action & plot, Deus Ex: Human Revolution shouldn't disappoint you
There are lot of mods, if you don't like vanilla.
@stdOrgnlDave hmm, I don't think so. How do you do that?
@RMartinhoFernandes I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of Legend of Grimrock
Also, pure tactical strategy thingy, Frozen Synapse.
@stdOrgnlDave and I used both, probably mostly shotty though
@jalf after you knock an enemy over with a charge, hold sprint and heavy melee, it will auto-target them on the ground
@stdOrgnlDave oh yeah, that's lovely.
Also, Bastion, definitely.
@RMartinhoFernandes and you can't forget Skyrim.
@CatPlusPlus Um... lol no you don't. Even I haven't mastered them. It's almost as hard as programming directly in assembly.
@Mysticial :(
@jalf found the full code: ideone.com/MQr0Z The relevant function is the find function. Only two lines, and I doubt I can improve it much. It's the same algorithm used by MSVC's map.
@CatPlusPlus It's one of those tricks that backfires 2 out of 3 times because I misunderstood something either in the hardware or the compiler.
Oh, btw, @bamboon, if you found chapter 5 of C++CiA to be difficult, wait till you get to chapter 7. That's where the madness sets in.
@jalf my insanity build tips are: everything is built toward speed and melee, even with Nova ability 25% to recharges, you Nova before going into battle to get that bonus. pull specialized to dual pull, then slam as your bonus; pull + slam = 2 dead enemies with very short recharge. make sure to learn how to melee heavy enemies effectively, and specialize nova to take out shields and armor
Lock-free data structures are insane.
Oh, Deus Ex: HR. It has crappy ending too, but gameplay is fun.
@CatPlusPlus I liked the endings of DX:HR. They could've definitely been better but considering the stories its a prequel to, they did a very good job
The biggest problem is that it doesn't really matter what you did up to that point.
Sounds typical.
I got "seen all endings" achievement by just reloading and pushing a different button.
I mean, come on.
Also, Fallout: NV. Haven't finished F3, but NV is far less linear from what I've seen so far.
@CatPlusPlus Sounds like ME3.
Fallout 3 was fun, but I'd still recommend Skyrim over it
Sniping people in NV is fun.
OK, the ME3 ending haters need to play as femship. Voice actress is much better and the ending feels much more meaningful
@CatPlusPlus sniping people with a bow in Skyrim is more fun.
@stdOrgnlDave Because it's on a female voice?
@stdOrgnlDave er, no
I'd buy Skyrim, but Steam won't let me.
Stupid region locks.
@CatPlusPlus that's what isohunt is for
She's a much better voice actor, and I liked her throughout the story. But really, it doesn't do anything for the ending
@RMartinhoFernandes because the voice actress is better.
I won't be forced to go to the retail store. I REFUSE!
I don't know, she portrays the vulnerability of the character alot better IMO, the male shephard was really good at being a douche in ME1 but after that he lost a lot of his impact
@stdOrgnlDave I honestly don't see how that helps. But I'll see once I play it.
Also, bit unrelated genre-wise, but still fun to play now and again: Hammerfight.
It's good advice in general though. Jennifer Hale definitely livens up the dialogue throughout the games
my advice: choose default (customizeable) female face, turn hair to dark red. it fits her voice and manner properly
Physics-powered weird looking ship thingies with weapons swinging freely around them.
You have to play to understand.
I hope Legend of Grimrock didn't go unnoticed, it's a nice hybrid sort-of strategy/RPG
@Mysticial So I've produced this pastebin.com/wq1ppkV8
aahhh underscores :O
Also, Recettear. Capitalism, ho!
@DeadMG You don't want to use all those for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++).
@Mysticial How else to convert? I can't return an SSE type as my output values.
and the input boxes are not packed in any way
@DeadMG For your input at least, try to use this macro: software.intel.com/sites/products/documentation/studio/composer/…
Red Faction: Guerilla, open-world shooter that allows you to blow entire structures up. Buildings, bridges, FUN. RPGy elements restricted to collecting stuff to unlock other stuff.
@Mysticial Interesting, VS provides a function like that also
(Armageddon is newer, but it's linear and not really as fun.)
(Even though Magnet Gun.)
@DeadMG It breaks down into a bunch of shuffle instructions. Since you're only using 3 of the 4 elements, it's possible to do it faster manually. But it's tricky to implement a transpose manually if you haven't done it before. So try the macro and see what happens.
those links I posted <--- he's good at being a douche but not portraying the character of Shep as s/he evolves
@CatPlusPlus RF Guerilla was a bit of fun...and that's all. if you like a game like that you should try just cause 2, IMO better
Also, from RTSes, Supreme Commander 2 might be fun. Spiritual successor to Total Annihilation. And if you don't have TA, go buy it, it's on GOG for almost nothing.
@CatPlusPlus SupCom2 was pretty fun.
it didn't have the lifetime of it's predecessor, but nor did it have many of the technical issues...
@stdOrgnlDave Yeah, Just Cause 2 too. But blowing stuff up is more satisfying in RF:G, IMHO.
OTOH, JC2 has planes.
and you can grapple cars onto those planes
@CatPlusPlus if you don't have TA, download spring (springrts.com)
@jalf hahadan.mp4 has my favorite quote in all of mass effect. "Depends on the species, Turian"
TA is still good.
Spring I could never get to work.
But yeah, Just Cause 2 is fun, too.
spring has worked fine for me o.O
Also Overgrowth, even just to help fund further development.
And from free games, OpenTTD.
And Kingdom of Loathing.
openttd I could never get the hang of
@Mysticial pastebin.com/7CVahWqS BETTER?
<3 OpenTTD and Wesnoth
@DeadMG Oh yeah, that looks much better. Time it and see what you get.
hello world
@Dave, it's too late, OrgnlDave is already here, and I'm the original
wanna fight
On a unrelated note, I get "You have been permanently banned from this board. A ban has been issued on your IP address." on TTD forums.
moreover I'vebeen standardized by the ISO C++ committee
Stupid dynamic IPs.
I'm std::OrgnlDave
@DeadMG One small thing you can do at the end is a misaligned store. That way you don't need to copy it from the stack into the array.
a bit too geek
@stdOrgnlDave As a rule, when you need a language lawyer, never ever even look into my direction.
@Mysticial The bools aren't large enough for that?
@sbi I was told 'if anyone deserves an std:: on the beginning of their name, it's sbi'
Brb restarting DSL connection.
I suppose that must've been a joke
@stdOrgnlDave Not litb?
@stdOrgnlDave No, that would be Johannes, not me.
@DeadMG Oh, haha, I missed that part.
@RMartinhoFernandes as you can see from those two links, the male voice actor is great at being a douche,but I promise he doesn't portray a nuanced character very well
@stdOrgnlDave Johannes
@sbi why is his name not in the search results more than once? chat.stackoverflow.com/…
There's probably a trick to avoid that copy. That copy is something you definitely want to avoid since there will be a ~20 cycle penalty for immediately accessing the same data with different register sizes.
Gosh, I can't play all those. I need time to loaf around doing nothing! Anyway, thanks guys. I'll pick a few among those to try out.
@RMartinhoFernandes DF is great on a new machine because it goes so much faster on new computers. Very visible difference.
But see if you get any speedup as is. Anyways I'm off to lunch followed by a final.
bye :L
Dwarf Fortress is my CPU benchmark test.
never played dwarf fortress
@MooingDuck Because he usually storms into the room yelling "GUYS!" at us, and doesn't bother with even a greeting as informal as "hey!"
@sbi I didn't find him in the results for "guys" right away either
@sbi chat.stackoverflow.com/search?q=GUYS&user=&room=10 has no results for Johannes saying just "guys" on the first page
Also, from roguelikes, DCSS.
@MooingDuck Chat search sucks.
Don't trust it.
@RMartinhoFernandes I see that
@sbi what the, why's it different when "guys" is in quotes? I give up
@RMartinhoFernandes oh, there you go
@MooingDuck How would I know? Ask balpha.
@RMartinhoFernandes haha really? that's probably gonna kill me. I skipped 6,7 and went to 8 and I am currently on 9. gonna finish with 6,7
@bamboon I'm going sequentially, and I'm slowly wading through 7, couple pages at a time.
@RMartinhoFernandes you are reading a multithreading book sequentially? how lame is that ^^
Well, I only had five hours available for work today. Since I commute about one hour, I called my R&D boss and suggested I'd work from home instead. He didn't like it, but had to admit I have a point. So I put in four hours from home.
After 2.5hrs I wanted to check in what I had done, so that I would have a chance to see the test results before I had to leave. But I found that, on Friday evening, the R&D boss had checked in something that broke the build. Since my changes were rather sweeping and I suspected test errors, I didn't want to check them in on top of that. I called in to ask whether he's already working on that, but he was in a meeting instead.
So I fiddled with the problem myself for about an hour, and just when I got the damn thing to compile, I got a mail that he had checked in a fix. At that point I started to be somewhat pissed. So I checked my stuff in right before I had to leave, being absolutely sure it would break tests. Sigh. Now that I have time again to look at that I find an angry mail from one of my cow-workers saying "you broke the thing!", because something doesn't work anymore for him.
Now I am really pissed.
sbi types faster than a robot.
Pretyping is murder cheating.
@classdaknok_t Sometimes I paste faster than this chat allows.
uh oh
we have an angry bonobo
in disguise
/Lion hides....
/Chicken shows up....
@RMartinhoFernandes I am a pedant. Even in chat I don't want you amateurs to disturb my narratives.
@GManNickG has a new avatar!
No, he hasn't.
I don't see it
@Mysticial Yeah. This is actually going quite a bit slower than the previous build.
It's not monochrome anymore.
also, it doesn't produce the correct results
It was always like that
and then comes that puppy
it was always that one
it this right to answer a same question twice by a same user?
or, it's been that one for a long time
That's the same one. I know because I have it hanging on my wall.
A: SkyDrive backup questions

HGyI'm afraid that is a valid problem and I'm afraid, yes, the files on drive S: are duplicates. At least that is my experience.

@Pubby wut? you have it hanging on your wall?
@TonyTheLion :)
@Mayankswami yeah, why not? As long as it's not the same answer.
@Mayankswami Should be merged with the other one.
@Mayankswami For the same user to post two answers, you mean?
If they're different answers, there's no problem with it
@Mayankswami It's even allowed to post multiple answers to one post with the same account, as long as they aren't dupes of each other.
four people answering the same question from the same person
but it can be done in 1 answer by editing
I haven't changed my avatar in a couple years.
is it looks like for reputation
@TonyTheLion Is it noteworthy that the one question those four people answer is from the same person? I mean, given this chat's restriction, one question cannot be asked by multiple users, no?
@stdOrgnlDave no more thoughts, really. It's just a bug.
isn't it looks like for reputation
@Mayankswami You don't want one answer which contains multiple different answers. That would break the voting system.
@sbi I did say its from the same person
Same as posting one question asking multiple things.
@TonyTheLion I mean, given this chat's restriction, one question cannot be asked by multiple users, no?
@TonyTheLion And I wondered why you did say that.
or you meant it is implicitly so, and I shouldn't have said it
@sbi because I felt like it
@Xeo copy & paste
@Xeo In this case, I don't think the second answer can stand on its own. But I don't really understand what it is talking about, so I could be wrong.
@TonyTheLion No, I typed that!
@classdaknok_t Sometimes an answer with multiple different answers in it is the best answer.
Depends on the question, though.
With a very concrete, to-the-point question, it is unlikely.
Debug-my-code questions, on the other hand, have thousands of possible good answers. :P
Not really. But at the same time they're boring.
And I forgot where I was going with this.
> The caveat to that is if someone is clearly trying to get you to do their homework for them, they should be voted down to the spinning molten core.
@DeadMG Well, that's optimization. It's hard to guess what's the fastest. So you just try a bunch of things and pick the best. In your particular case, if doing 4 at a time with a transpose isn't better because of the transpose overhead, then the next thing I'd do is to see how feasible it is to switch the data-layout to a struct-of-arrays packing.
@Mysticial No, that's my mistake. I accidentally queried the input array instead of the output array, so it always came back true.
now it's definitely faster
oh ah. That's good. :)
Now you can see how HPC code can get very bloated. :)
just need to work out why it doesn't work correctly :P
I turned your 10-line function into ~50 lines? :D
If I have a void funct1(int a, char b) how can I call it in a thread? I have tried doing thread(funct1,5,'4') but I get an error saying that there are too many parameters. If I use bind, it says that there are multiple versions that will fit. How can this be resolved?
perhaps it's a bug in the calling code
> Wheels are a kind of algebra where division is always defined. In particular, division by zero is meaningful.
@DeadMG, what do you mean?
@soandos My function is returning a bad result
but I checked the input params and they're actually fine
got it
@DeadMG I think I found your bug:
temp1x = _mm_max_ps(temp1x, zero);
temp1y = _mm_max_py(temp1x, zero);
temp1z = _mm_max_pz(temp1x, zero);
oh yeah
I caught that as soon as it failed to compile
also caught the bug where I didn't square e like was done in the original function
You're probably gonna need to step through it and print out each of the vectors.
Especially around the tranposes.
But yeah, you get the idea. In a lot of the stuff I do, even simple tasks can get to hundreds of lines long after doing such transformations combined with other micro-optimizations.
C++ parallelism meeting kicking off. Today's topic is async operations. #cxx #wg21
I kind of wish I'd spent more time on my STM lib. Would've been fun to submit it to the committee

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