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functors ... nopes
@MooingDuck Exactly. If I need to know some advanced C++. I come here. :)
@Atif a funtor is either a free standing function, or a class that overloads operator()
@Mysticial std::partition is hardly advanced :)
@Atif and use either of those two, to pass in for the predicate of your call to find
@MooingDuck in your opinion, what counts as advanced C++?
@MooingDuck No, that's advanced. Very advanced. They never taught it in my undergrad classes.
@stdOrgnlDave Pity that the fixed-function pipeline is a POS then, isn't i?
@stdOrgnlDave templates
@MooingDuck is it advanced usage of the language, solving advanced problems using C++ to its fullest, etc...
@DeadMG the fixed-function pipeline is amazing for 2D
@Mysticial say what now? Actually... I don't think mine did either! Who's running our schools?
@stdOrgnlDave So, in theory, if i just used some "basic" OpenGL and made it run on windows, it wouldn't be a disaster to port it to Android and iOS ? (C++ with STL)
@johnathon sure .. let me take a quick tutorial on google ... would come back if having difficulty ... thx bro
@ScarletAmaranth correct. just remember to start your design off using texture atlases, that is the main thing you need to absolutely have for mobile chipsets. that means put your sprites into big-ish textures and render from slices of said textures
@MooingDuck Exactly. They made us learn Scheme in my undergrad. Like seriously... fucking SCHEME?!?
It was supposed to be a freshman class.
@stdOrgnlDave Mhmm, thanks. I want to stick to something like a chessboard, nothing fancy AT ALL.
It was the very last CS class I took - because they refused to give me a CS degree without it...
@MooingDuck anyone can write a template. are you talking variadic templates etc.?
@stdOrgnlDave How would you suggest doing text? I never found a good way of doing that in OpenGL.
@stdOrgnlDave templates are the doorway to (almost) everything that is confusing with C++. (SFINAE for instance, and metaprogramming)
@MooingDuck Good news is that templates don't need to be used! :) (If you're an asketic and don't like reusing your code :P)
@MooingDuck SFINAE is easy to understand , by it's self, figuring out how to make it work in code.. not so much
@EthanSteinberg there's actually font-drawing routines; I usually render off-screen (since text doesn't change a lot) and draw that buffer onscreen.
@MooingDuck i guess the true issue with template meta-programming is knowing exactly how far you can go without breaking your compilers mind
Or how long you can stand super long compile times before going insane.
@Ethan that too
Everyone should read en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm or msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/tca70763.aspx and at least know what algorithms are available. transform, generate, and accumulate (in <numeric>) are particularly incredible.
@EthanSteinberg Yeah that's important .... or you simply run out of ram ^^
@johnathon I am an expert in breaking compilers minds. or, at least, their wills.
@MooingDuck or have the standard on pdf handy
Reminds me of that SSE4.2 madness that I dumped here a while back.
@johnathon I review the algorithms about once a year to make sure I still recall what tools are available there.
@stdOrgnlDave yea, iv'e never got into meta-programming really, i find it interesting though
I usually template even stuff I don't really need to just in case i need some copy -> paste one day.
@EthanSteinberg the usual approach is to make a texture atlas, with a library like freetype, but it's possible to do more advanced "real-time" stuff by using ported libraries
@stdOrgnlDave template functions and classes yes, but as far as performing calculations at compile time, that i cant do
@johnathon C++11 makes that about 50000x easier though, with constexpr and such
VS11 doesn't have constexpr :-/
VS10 does...
@stdOrgnlDave yea, any good tutorials out there on the subject?
It does ? Just sod that VS team ...
Let's remove ALL the features. Including windows XP support ...
no, it doesn't actually
Nvm then :)
It's still annoying tho.
I always run into situations I'd like to use it in and i ... well, can't ...
@johnathon I learned by blood, sweat, tears, and contact with Boost
@ScottW Sex insufficiency.
@ScarletAmaranth vs11 added like, ranged based for.. and i think thats it for c++11
@johnathon Untrue :)
I could swear I programmed some trivial crap with constexpr...but that may havebeen a dream after too much time making my compiler dump core just before bed
@johnathon Threads, fancy stuff like unordered maps, auto ...
@ScarletAmaranth i was referring to core language, as in constexpr
VS11 is all over concurrency, they're way ahead of GCC in terms of not sucking too terribly at it
@johnathon Well, threads are core language really. It just so happens you need to include thread :P Auto is core ;)
@ScarletAmaranth auto is in VS10
@ScarletAmaranth vs10 had auto
@stdOrgnlDave Yeah even their debuggers and intelli kinda work for threading.
VS10 had lambdas, right ?
very fun to abuse too
less buggy than latest GCC versions, if Robot George is to be believed
I don't use nightly builds myself so I couldn't tell you
@ScarletAmaranth yes. and fyi, the threading support in vs11 is built on top of the ms parallel lib
@johnathon which is not really C++11 threading :-(
@stdOrgnlDave Yeah, it's better.
@stdOrgnlDave Actually, they use those 3 weird memory models and all that I THINK.
PPL > C++11 thread support
@stdOrgnlDave ah but it is, the deal is it's implimentation specific, and underneith that prallel lib does call the native systems threading routinens
@johnathon only to a point; does VS11 conform to the C++11 memory model? (I have no idea)
@stdOrgnlDave as far as the memory model I'm not sure about, i only installed the beta like a week ago :))
@stdOrgnlDave one thing i do love though, about the std threading support is how it models after posix threads, at least at the interface level
@DeadMG @stdOrgnlDave which , in truth is kinda funny considering how ms has been all c++ these days
Speaking of vs11 , whats the overall view on 'metro' ?
@DeadMG yea , kinda figured.
"Hey C++ guise, one of our "Flagship Languages", we're so sorry that we made you write shitty code all these years by forcing our crappy C API on to you. Now, with Metro, you can be forced to write shitty code for another bunch of years with our new C# API!"
@DeadMG and whats more interesting is the revamped interest in MFC ?? Have you read pat's blog post on how many bug's he fixed in it in the vs11 release?
MFC is a bug.
@DeadMG i know right :))
guys, to be fair, C# isn't as bad as everyone says it is. it's really really good if you want to write visual basic code, but you want to make it harder on yourself
I'd really like it if they introduced a GUI library, and maybe some connectivity libraries and stuff, which were as high-quality as the PPL.
@DeadMG me too. Honestly. Have you checked out Casablanca yet?
what's that?
@DeadMG a connectivity library
just gonna use boost::asio, probably
you know, I think Metro is actually a step in the right direction. here's why
@DeadMG it's a dev incubation progject
Microsoft is finally kicking backwards compatibility in the teeth, HARD
@DeadMG and no, it builds strighat off the api
do you have any idea how many hacks they have to have in the win32 api for legacy business apps that do stupid things like modify the stack? it's a wonder windows 7 is as decent as it is
@stdOrgnlDave The purpose of throwing out all your old crap is to replace it with something better.
@stdOrgnlDave maby. C# is not bad?? Its OK i guess, but it's SAD for a company to say they are all into C++, with a complete and total lack of modern GUI libraries to use that aren't bloated or so darn archaic that they are proliferated with concepts long gone from the platform
wow, busy weekend for me. Even with an extra day, only just sitting down to do some coding
@DeadMG the sweetest thing about the threading lib in the std.. is being able to have a return value from a thread.. that alone.. is uber nice..
@johnathon I do not think you read all of my comment before you replied
@stdOrgnlDave i did not. totally lost the context of sarcasm there. i failed.
so my rep is almost 1k, it's almost time for me to change my icon, I think
once i'm done whoring to 1k, that is
how's the weekend been for you guys?
@stdOrgnlDave as to the hacks for legacy business apps, yea the windows headers are sprinkled with hacks to keep old code compatible.
what do I want my tiny 1x1mm slice of the screen to look like if you squint at it really hard?
@thecoshman: Somewhat productive
I got my ECG/EMG amplifier to work :-)
@thecoshman first it was horrible, then it was awesome
But there's craptons of 60 Hz noise :-(
@stdOrgnlDave that's horribly awesome :D
@Insilico filter caps man..
@Insilico that's what you get for not using Monster cables with gold plating!
@stdOrgnlDave vow to change it every 1k rep
@stdOrgnlDave mona lisa
Hey @thecoshman, seen ep6 yet? :D
@stdOrgnlDave gold is a bad conductor, don't pay extra for low quality
@stdOrgnlDave Of course! That's what's I've been missing all this time! <sarcasm/>
@stdOrgnlDave @Insilico quad star is better than monster cable, just sayin
@MooingDuck oh noes! I might lose some0's and 1's! what do I need instead of gold for my HDMI connector?
@Xeo oh god yes! very glad he tacked on that extra bit
@stdOrgnlDave copper
wonder how long the final dual will take
@thecoshman Indeed.
But on a serious note, I just need to throw in a 60 Hz notch filter and it'll be much better
hey, know what anime doesn't suck? FLCL
So friggin intense, I just had to check the vids of everyone who died :D
Now it's down to Pause and Etho
I can very clearly see electrical signals produced by contracting muscles
But a Fourier analysis tells me there's lots of 60 Hz stuff in it
And I seriously hate to wait two days between each episode xD
I watched through Docs game, was really well played, he had no idea Etho was right there!
Now if I can only get the amplifier and the computer to talk to each other
@thecoshman But I can't get over how he was killed exactly like he killed Pakratt
software, easy. Hardware, easy. Software + hardware, more pain then you can ever imagine
Oh, and Pause stumbling across Pakratt's farm
@thecoshman: I know that too damn well
@Insilico Arduino through usb/serial?
The fact that I'm designing both systems doesn't help
@Xeo oh, is that the water trap that Etho stubbles on when he finally surfaces in ep6?
@EthanSteinberg: A barebones PIC24H talking through a serial-to-USB converter
@Insilico actually, that makes it easier.
@EthanSteinberg clearly, you have never dealt with this stuff :P
@thecoshman Maybe... ?
Straight assembly FTW
@Insilico pic has a C compiler
But I really hope Pause falls into Nebs trap, would save Etho so much pain xD
@Insilico even c++ i belive.. though i may be wrong
@Xeo that would be a shitty ending though, etho just walking around and then suddenly wins
@johnathon: Normally I would use it, but for digital filters assembly is the way to go for PICs
wait, you're talking about minecraft. I got into and out of that. what is this mindcrack extreme?
I've only watch doc and etho
might watch throguh some of the others
Yeah, but I really liked that Nebs set up that trap
Ultra HardCore
He and Pakratt are some nice fresh wind
What is this trap he set up?
It's disguised as someones cave/hidy hole/home
seemingly blocked off with cobble
I am watching mindcrack and this guy blows
if you break the upper one, it falls down, activates a piston through a pressure plate that knocks off a torch from the wall that holds gravel, which holds other torches, etc... which fills a 3x3 whole right in front of the "door"
suddenly wonders if he's too old for this room as the topic has shifted to a video game
@johnathon never fear, C++ question on it's way
And at the bottom is lava
@johnathon You're never too old nor too off topic for Lounge<C++>
Unless it's a C, Java, or PHP question
you know what, Lounge<C++> is getting kind of oldschool
So, if you try to open the door, you're most likely dead
Anyways, afk
it's more like a variadic template that rejects C, PHP, and java
straight up, i read a comment somewhere that read "asking about php here is about like going to the Catholics website and asking about gay marriage" .. i rolled
if my function 'returns' a std::weak_ptr<foo> how do I return a value that the compile will be happy with, but for situations where a value can't be returned. I return a value based on the enum passed in
@thecoshman can you please rephrase that?
@thecoshman boost::optional?
@thecoshman: "returns" a std::weak_ptr?
also... I assume smart points have no problems with pointing to a sub class
a smart pointer is just a * wrapped up in fancy stuff
@thecoshman it can only return one type if it's one function./
@thecoshman: Assuming said smart pointer was designed by someone competent, sure
@thecoshman they have no problems with that
my question is , WHY are you returning a smart pointer?
why do we even need to tag our room? we're basically the only room that ever has more than 2 users on SO
@stdOrgnlDave so we can bin java
std::weak_ptr<foo>(myEnum option){
switch option{
case theOnlyOption: return //lazy
// should never reach here... but have to return something
if you are really, really determined to chat about C# on SO you may as well go write messages to /dev/null
@thecoshman return std::weak_ptr<foo>(nullptr)
If you should never reach there, do an assert.
@EthanSteinberg throw an std::logic_error
@thecoshman you can return anything that can be converted to a weak_ptr, including nullptr
@MooingDuck something are so simple ¬_¬
@MooingDuck that is the exact reason i was sitting here blinking at that whole thing..
cuz his rep is way higher than mine, and he's asking THAT ..
Though I might throw some sort of 'invalid option' error...
throwing exceptions and assert()'s is one of the more stupid things you can do
"hey let's grind the whole program to a stop because one piece of logic somewhere didn't line up exactly!" (ref: assert())
"hey let's check for errors only under controlled debug conditions!" (ref:assert())
What? assert isn't stupid.
And it isn't for general error checking.
it isn't stupid, but it isn't what should always be done
what is it for then @Pubby?
You use it when you want to assert something :P
but only in a debug build
@stdOrgnlDave if the program has a bug, I want to to freaking STOP until I see what went wrong
@Ell bit of advice; regulars are allowed to
@MooingDuck man I hope your program never tries to open a file that doesn't exist :-( unless youhave throw/catch littered EVERYWHERE
@stdOrgnlDave It's more useful for documentation anyways. And a failed assertion is a software bug, not an error.
@stdOrgnlDave what the hell are you trying to open a file with?
@johnathon I put it on a wooden table and then I take a picture of it and then scan it and OCR it
@stdOrgnlDave My program doesn't stop for runtime_error, only for logic_error
@ScottW butterflies man, that's the real programmer way
Wait, do weak_ptrs automatically pretend that the object is already dead if you create them with a nullptr?
@stdOrgnlDave and my code at work does breakpoint for stuff like that (in debug mode if debugger is attached), just so I can doublecheck/validate all problems.
@EthanSteinberg obviously
@MooingDuck you actually have support code for wooden tables?
@stdOrgnlDave no
(this is your opportunity to reply, "yes, I write software for the lumber industry!")
@stdOrgnlDave I work in the telephone industry
@MooingDuck :O me too
and am trying to figure out why I can't TTS Russian, why my coworker's code crashes, and who broke the voice recognition.
huh... been a while since i've not known if I want to or too
@thecoshman that was correct.
unless your name is to...
@ScottW less typos that way
time for for bed
@MooingDuck yea, but if that pen runs out of ink, or worse yet, spills its guts like a compiler template error. ..
@johnathon and you never have to worry about forgetting to save...
@MooingDuck ya know, modern ide's have improved on that a lot ..
@johnathon I wouldn't know, I habitually CTRL+S lots
I keep having to close the little window in SO about saving the page :/
ctrl+s , !w ... ect
@MooingDuck don't you mean, ctrl shift s?
@stdOrgnlDave no. I assume that is save all?
poll: who here, who works with multiple monitors, like them to be widescreen?
@MooingDuck yes.
@stdOrgnlDave totally unnecessary when you save as often as I do
@stdOrgnlDave I haven't had multimonitor in years
@stdOrgnlDave multiple monitors, would be nice on my lappy :))
@MooingDuck ctrl + shift + s is my coding equivalent of "um, ah..."
@stdOrgnlDave I tend to CTRL+S whenever my keystrokes slow/stop. Like to use the mouse or alt-tab or something.
@MooingDuck will you be gay with me
@stdOrgnlDave I choose to ignore that
I'm also the type of person who saves before and after every battle in pokemon :/
holy hell .. pokemon?!?
I'm really surprised that didn't get starred
@johnathon I just got it on my phone so I've been playing again
@MooingDuck yea, how old are you man?
@johnathon almost 26, going to be married in September
@MooingDuck cuz im envious, i wish my phone had super mario
@johnathon what phone?
@MooingDuck i don't own a smart phone. I do however possess an emulator for the desktop, it does fine.. especially witha usb controller pad
@MooingDuck on the lappy i really go old school, i have centepede on here :))
@johnathon I just love being able to pull it out of my pocket every time I stop for 60 seconds.
@MooingDuck now THAT should tell you my age
@johnathon not really
@MooingDuck you don't know what centepede is?
@MooingDuck think .. 1982
@johnathon sure I do, but lots of people do.
@johnathon older than that
@MooingDuck probably, but thats when i got it
@johnathon oh, I googled it, 1981, so you're right. I really thought it was years older
@MooingDuck i was young, but i remember the day we got the atari from the store, and the first time i got to play it
@MooingDuck also remember the day i tried to do something with the comodor my folks bought for my sister. she had no interest in it. i tried to do something, failed.. then picked up that thick ass manual that came with it, and read it.
@MooingDuck i was 8
@johnathon I never had a video game console (besides my computer) until 1999 :(
@MooingDuck and thats when i got the passion for code
@MooingDuck yea, what year did pokemon come out?
@johnathon 1996
@MooingDuck explains it. i was way too much into my gf , and my horse at the time
@MooingDuck i dropped video games around 13 years old
@MooingDuck 4 years before pokemon
@johnathon My first GF was 2002
@MooingDuck LOL thats the year i got divorced from said gf :))
@johnathon divorced?
@MooingDuck mmmhum
why do my coworkers refuse to understand how the multilingual interface works?
someone has modified it to force foreign languages to use English grammar.
@MooingDuck same reason why some kids in school refuse to learn?
@johnathon unfortunately, it's my boss, so I can't fire him :/
@MooingDuck seems like to me that's a situation where a mix of social engineering and tact would have to be drug out of the toolbox
@MooingDuck it's about like trying to convince someone that void* is a bad thing
@johnathon I marked the modified functions as deprecated with a compiler message, so every time he compiles a file that cheats it tells him what he's doing wrong and what to do instead. I can't revoke the functions for backwards compatibility :/
@MooingDuck careful, that might get you fired
@johnathon it's merely compiler warnings and messages on good practices, he can't fire me for that.
@MooingDuck I suspect you live in the USA?
@johnathon yes
@MooingDuck then trust me, if you sneeze wrong you can be fired
hey 'm a divorcee too! woo
@MooingDuck now, that's not saying there wont be a valid lawsuit
@MooingDuck but yea
@stdOrgnlDave did you party like i did when it was finial?
@johnathon His boss likes me, he can't fire me for something that trivial. :P Besides, he's a good guy.
@johnathon no, not at all, though I did leave for new york city within a month and establish a small harem :-(
@MooingDuck work == sociological experiment in a mild form of communisim
"Can cucumber after hook get scenario variables?"
I love SO
@stdOrgnlDave ah, i partied. then 2 years later, partied more, her sister and her dad are serving life now for murder... so , i partied once for the fact i got rid of the biggest problem in my life, then i partied again due to the fact that i survived getting rid of the biggest problem in my life
@johnathon omfg :-\w
@stdOrgnlDave true story. No joke.
@johnathon see, I was all like "wee, I'm a 27yo divorcee from when I was younger too, we have something in common, let's be gay together!" but then it turns out your ex's family are murderers, so I guess we can't do that
@stdOrgnlDave lmfao, dude I'm far from gay, or happy for that matter
@johnathon how do you quantify your distance from gay?
@stdOrgnlDave on a scale from one to Abraham Lincoln I am yellow
@stdOrgnlDave that's simple. Males don't arouse me, Females do.
@johnathon of what species?
I meant that for @MooingDuck
@johnathon well thank you for sharing your sexual orientation, but that doesn't mean we can't be gay together
@stdOrgnlDave I was just sliding in quotes
@stdOrgnlDave ah , but you fail to realize that i also stated that i'm far from happy
@stdOrgnlDave So, by definition of the word gay, logically speaking , i cant be gay with anyone. It's an impossibility, ie One of those deeper paradoxes that can never happen, like MS VC compiling anything that has some of the more magical aspects of template meta-programming in it
@johnathon so perhaps when we are gay together we can find happiness together...seeing that they are one in the same
@johnathon MSVC magically compiles code that it shouldn't quite well how it is, thank you
My other favorite was "On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest and 10 being somewhere in the middle..."
@MooingDuck I like from C++03 to C++11
@stdOrgnlDave that was good too
@johnathon seriously though, I am sorry if I have offended you and I am also sorry that it is impossible for you to be happy
@stdOrgnlDave and therein lies the problem with ms vc , though i use it, i embrace it, but it does not mean Im gay with it :))
@stdOrgnlDave ah nah man you have not offended me, But it's odd to see some one take the hard stance and make someone have to logically explain why they refuse to have the adjective gay added to all the other possible adjectives that would be used to describe themselfs
@johnathon it compiles this dirty, under-handed C++ code that it shouldn't, although it's very hard to tell how it does and why it shouldn't

struct A { int a; bool operator>(const int& inty) { return a > inty; } }; template <class A, class B> auto operator<(const A& a, const B& b) -> decltype(a>b) { return a < b; } int main(void) { A a; a.a = 1; int b = 2; if (a < b) return 4; return 0; }
@johnathon where do you live?
@stdOrgnlDave Tn
@johnathon I didn't take that stance, I was just curious as to how you quantified distance from gay
if you can tell me why that should not compile without looking back through the chat logs, I will give you tons of bonus points
operator > .. types are wrong
a is the strcut, b is an int, in main, vc does an implicit cast to A, or vice versa, which it shouldn't do
I hate being in this situation, I feel like I have to explain that I'm not gay, but it really doesn't matter
@johnathon mmm...nope.
@stdOrgnlDave you never had to explain that, i already captured that fact from your previous statments
@stdOrgnlDave hmm, elaborate
the template performs the "cast" perfectly fine,
however it uses auto and the trailing type deduction (a>b) to deduce the return type
MSVC has this...interesting oddity, with operators, it seems
GCC and clang won't compile that
but they will if you make it bool operator>(const int& inty) const {}
one sec let me put that post in a notepad to look at it
@MooingDuck on a scale of 1 to 5 with 10 being somewhere in between is it web scale? mongodb is web scale
@stdOrgnlDave other than digging deep into the language specification , i really could not tell you as to why gcc and clang wont compile that, decltype on an operator it's self, would be bool, but auto uses template type deduction rules, so i assume your getting 4 returned consistantly with msvc ?
no, it recurses infinitely, which is correct behavior when you re-define that operator as const
@stdOrgnlDave interesting. have you reported this?
the thing is, when it compares a>b type deduction, it needs a const a>b, but the a>b compare isn't const, but MSVC does it anyway
the reason why it recurses, of course, isn't immediately obvious, but not part of the point
@stdOrgnlDave to me , it is. im not a template guru, iv'e stated this before.
nor am I...but I learn by blood, sweat and tears
of course, the ODDEST thing is
when you do this
struct A { int a; bool operator<(const int& inty) { return a < inty; } }; template <class A, class B> auto operator<(const A& a, const B& b) -> decltype(a<b) { return a < b; } int main(void) { A a; a.a = 1; int b = 2; if (a < b) std::cout << "hi"; return 0; }
every compiler will segfault (from an internal stack overflow)
they don't care that the compare isn't const when they're trying to make candidates for overload resolution and recursing infinitely

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