@stdOrgnlDave So, in theory, if i just used some "basic" OpenGL and made it run on windows, it wouldn't be a disaster to port it to Android and iOS ? (C++ with STL)
@ScarletAmaranth correct. just remember to start your design off using texture atlases, that is the main thing you need to absolutely have for mobile chipsets. that means put your sprites into big-ish textures and render from slices of said textures
@EthanSteinberg the usual approach is to make a texture atlas, with a library like freetype, but it's possible to do more advanced "real-time" stuff by using ported libraries
I could swear I programmed some trivial crap with constexpr...but that may havebeen a dream after too much time making my compiler dump core just before bed
"Hey C++ guise, one of our "Flagship Languages", we're so sorry that we made you write shitty code all these years by forcing our crappy C API on to you. Now, with Metro, you can be forced to write shitty code for another bunch of years with our new C# API!"
@DeadMG and whats more interesting is the revamped interest in MFC ?? Have you read pat's blog post on how many bug's he fixed in it in the vs11 release?
guys, to be fair, C# isn't as bad as everyone says it is. it's really really good if you want to write visual basic code, but you want to make it harder on yourself
do you have any idea how many hacks they have to have in the win32 api for legacy business apps that do stupid things like modify the stack? it's a wonder windows 7 is as decent as it is
@stdOrgnlDave maby. C# is not bad?? Its OK i guess, but it's SAD for a company to say they are all into C++, with a complete and total lack of modern GUI libraries to use that aren't bloated or so darn archaic that they are proliferated with concepts long gone from the platform
if you break the upper one, it falls down, activates a piston through a pressure plate that knocks off a torch from the wall that holds gravel, which holds other torches, etc... which fills a 3x3 whole right in front of the "door"
straight up, i read a comment somewhere that read "asking about php here is about like going to the Catholics website and asking about gay marriage" .. i rolled
if my function 'returns' a std::weak_ptr<foo> how do I return a value that the compile will be happy with, but for situations where a value can't be returned. I return a value based on the enum passed in
@stdOrgnlDave and my code at work does breakpoint for stuff like that (in debug mode if debugger is attached), just so I can doublecheck/validate all problems.
@MooingDuck i was young, but i remember the day we got the atari from the store, and the first time i got to play it
@MooingDuck also remember the day i tried to do something with the comodor my folks bought for my sister. she had no interest in it. i tried to do something, failed.. then picked up that thick ass manual that came with it, and read it.
@johnathon I marked the modified functions as deprecated with a compiler message, so every time he compiles a file that cheats it tells him what he's doing wrong and what to do instead. I can't revoke the functions for backwards compatibility :/
@stdOrgnlDave ah, i partied. then 2 years later, partied more, her sister and her dad are serving life now for murder... so , i partied once for the fact i got rid of the biggest problem in my life, then i partied again due to the fact that i survived getting rid of the biggest problem in my life
@johnathon see, I was all like "wee, I'm a 27yo divorcee from when I was younger too, we have something in common, let's be gay together!" but then it turns out your ex's family are murderers, so I guess we can't do that
@stdOrgnlDave ah , but you fail to realize that i also stated that i'm far from happy
@stdOrgnlDave So, by definition of the word gay, logically speaking , i cant be gay with anyone. It's an impossibility, ie One of those deeper paradoxes that can never happen, like MS VC compiling anything that has some of the more magical aspects of template meta-programming in it
@stdOrgnlDave and therein lies the problem with ms vc , though i use it, i embrace it, but it does not mean Im gay with it :))
@stdOrgnlDave ah nah man you have not offended me, But it's odd to see some one take the hard stance and make someone have to logically explain why they refuse to have the adjective gay added to all the other possible adjectives that would be used to describe themselfs
@johnathon it compiles this dirty, under-handed C++ code that it shouldn't, although it's very hard to tell how it does and why it shouldn't
struct A { int a; bool operator>(const int& inty) { return a > inty; } }; template <class A, class B> auto operator<(const A& a, const B& b) -> decltype(a>b) { return a < b; } int main(void) { A a; a.a = 1; int b = 2; if (a < b) return 4; return 0; }
@stdOrgnlDave other than digging deep into the language specification , i really could not tell you as to why gcc and clang wont compile that, decltype on an operator it's self, would be bool, but auto uses template type deduction rules, so i assume your getting 4 returned consistantly with msvc ?
struct A { int a; bool operator<(const int& inty) { return a < inty; } }; template <class A, class B> auto operator<(const A& a, const B& b) -> decltype(a<b) { return a < b; } int main(void) { A a; a.a = 1; int b = 2; if (a < b) std::cout << "hi"; return 0; }
every compiler will segfault (from an internal stack overflow)
they don't care that the compare isn't const when they're trying to make candidates for overload resolution and recursing infinitely