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Hmm, hammering nails with cannons...
@RMartinhoFernandes hammering with style!
hammering what?
@sbi I'm now stuck trying to work out who would be able to hurt the most people before he gets stopped... I think the hammer guy might have it, though the cannon would have an easy start... very much a one shot job though
why are you talking about such deadly subjects?
@thecoshman The determined one.
@sbi that's why we have to handle stuff with the appropriate care. discussing wheather a car, weapon or hammer is more dangerous is anyway senseless. Instead we should focus on making them safer
@thecoshman A cannon (I mistyped that, and the robot failed to spot it in time!) is built for killing people. A hammer is built for driving nails, although it can be abused to kill people. That is the difference.
It does seem a bit strange though that you use the fact guns where invented for killing is an argument against using them for fun, yet no seems to have a problem with kids learning martial arts
guns != martial arts
@bamboon No, we should focus on making it harder for Murphy to hurt us with our civil tools, and simply stop making weapons.
"Making weapons safer" is a very laughable goal, at best.
@sbi I know what you are getting at
@TonyTheLion both invented for killing people though
@bamboon How do you make weapons safer? By rendering them unusable?
@thecoshman You can kill more easily using a bulldozer than using a tiny gun. I'd still argue for us to keep bulldozers around, but ban guns.
1 min ago, by sbi
"Making weapons safer" is a very laughable goal, at best.
@sbi that was more refering to the cars. assistancesystems etc
Weapons were never supposed to be "safe"
@bamboon Then you meant to say what I said?
their entire existence is for the unsafety of things
@TonyTheLion what do you mean by that?
Dance like you've never been hurt, work like nobody's watching and love like you don't need the money.
@thecoshman that they weren't invented for the purpose of being safe things to use
@sbi of course I am on your side. I am just thinking you guys are misunderstanding eachother
why the hell is "Fail." starred?
That is fail
Because I said it.
@TonyTheLion well, I know what you mean, but must still point out, that guns are very safe for the user to use. Very few people shoot them selves, and those that do either intended to, or where being stupid with
Seems like every other thing I say today gets starred. I can't help it.
@thecoshman ah right
@thecoshman "Very few"?
Are you sure?
@RMartinhoFernandes star bot
I think you forgot to switch out of "only say witty things to be starred" mode
Mr. Bot
I personally know way too many people that regularly handle firearms but clearly can't do so safely.
@bamboon My problem is that I have had this discussion so often before, and I am actually despising the naivety, pretense, and obtuseness of the pro-gun arguments. IOW, I get him alright, I just can't be arsed to patiently rehash what absolutely should be obvious to a 7yo.
@sbi As far as I know the French have a penchant for hunting
@RMartinhoFernandes let's just not worry about the numbers and give the Darwin award
@sbi Is your view that no civilian should have access to any sort of firearm?
@thecoshman but are they as safe as not using a gun? ;)
@sehe That's mostly fine with me. I'm only appalled by a fondness for shooting.
@jalf I'll just point you towards the Darwin awards :P
@sbi I think these are related.
@thecoshman I am living in a country where almost no civilian has access to a firearm, and we 80 millions probably have less people shot to death than the average Merkin small town.
if some one think it fun to down 10 litres of vodka...
@thecoshman So you're saying that people who accidentally shoot themselves don't count in the "how dangerous are guns" statistics, because they're stupid?
@sbi well, then forget what I said, I only wanted to clear thinks out (and obviously failed)
Do you know a way, using std::ofstream to open/create a file only if it doesn't exist ?
@thecoshman Now imagine a culture in which it is socially acceptable to drink excessive amounts of vodka
@jalf Like Russia?
Sure, there are countless of ways in which you can hurt yourself or others
but I don't quite see how that is supposed to glorify guns
@sbi UK pretty strict on guns too, it's more or less just farmers with shotguns. AFAIK getting a licence for an automatic is more or less impossible
@RMartinhoFernandes yep, for example :)
Russia with its declining population
@thecoshman So? Shotguns don't kill?
@sehe But there's a lot more to hunting than to firing off at a shooting range. You have to patiently stalk and wait, learn the habits of the animals, etc. That tends to sift out a lot of the trigger-happy.
@thecoshman I think "allowing farmers to have shotguns" pretty much voids any claim of having "strict" gun laws
I don't glorify guns, I just enjoy the use of them
@sbi true
@ereOn there's one I honestly don't know off-hand
Why is "Fail." starred?
@thecoshman FTR, I'm a licensed gun user, even though I don't own any, and I occasionally go hunting with father.
@ereOn I don't think there is one.
Just returned from dinner.
@tom_mai78101 Because you starred it?
@tom_mai78101 Smartphone?
@thecoshman No, you don't just enjoy the use of them, you also try very hard to convince others that using guns is (1) acceptable, and (2) fun.
@ereOn you might need to check your self first
@sbi & @sehe: Thanks. I was afraid of that :/ Any easy way to implement this in an atomic way ?
That might not be the textbook definition of "glorify", but it's close enough for me ;)
@jalf In fact, this all started out (since @Tony asked) by him suggesting I take my kids to a shooting range.
@jalf +1
@ereOn the win32 API should be able to do it
if you're on Windows
I'd assume other OS'es have similar apis
@ereOn Wasn't there a way to open a file only if it already exists? If so, you could try that, and conclude from the success of it. I might be confusing this with finding out if you have writing permissions on a certain path, though.
Can't you do that with fopen?
@jalf: I'm targetting Linux. I intend to create a pidfile
@ereOn nuclear? Yeah, I'd just drop down to the c api (creat a.k.a. open with O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC)
@sbi yeah... kind of regret trying to be funny opening my mouth now ¬_¬
yeah, I don't think it's doable with C++ iostreams
@ereOn On linux, use advisory locks. Please post a question on SO next time, I'll add a demo snippet
@sbi oh I see
guys what is meant by "cute code". hacky code?
Means it's fluffy?
@sehe: It seems more complicated than intended. You are right, I should post it as a question.
@thecoshman It's our sincere goal for you to have no fun keep your mouth shut here.
@bamboon usually "a bit too clever"
IMO anyway
Ah, got it. fopen in C11 can do it.
@sbi :'( meany
fopen("foo", "...x");
Why does std::assert not work? Is it a macro or something?
@jalf yeah ok. makes kinda sense
though now I am curious... archery? Enjoyable past time or taboo?
@Pubby It's a macro.
@RMartinhoFernandes Stupid cplusplus says it's a function.
(which IMO makes more sense)
@ereOn Waiting for it ... :)
@Pubby cplusplus.com?
Why are you still using that?
Yeah, the main problem with cplusplus.com is that people think it's a valid reference.
@RMartinhoFernandes duckduckgo has it as !cpp and so I use it for quick reference
@sbi is there such a thing? other then here ofc
I have c++ set in my browser as a keyword for http://en.cppreference.com/mwiki/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&search=%s
Know of a chrome extension that does that?
Chrome does that out of the box.
@thecoshman That's at least the third time in the last hour you write "then" where you mean "than". Sigh. Call me dumb, but this is incredibly confusing for me.
Right-click omnibox > Search Engines...
you could just autohotkey
@sehe: And here it is :)
@RMartinhoFernandes Learned something today
@sbi Aw man, I've totally not been paying attention.
@sbi yeah... I'm not to good at English by the way
A bit late I guess.
@RMartinhoFernandes I hate that comic
It keeps mocking my Engrish, but I fail to learn from it
@thecoshman I think I know why.
@RMartinhoFernandes Yay it works
I need something like how I remember the difference between of and off, "telling some to get off the table, through throw lots fucks into it"
see, I know words
BTW, just in case you think you've seen it all... I ran into this over the weekend. Yeah, I know, Rule 34, and all that. But still. Also, it's cool it exists. Kind of anti-discriminatory. Well, such is the net, I guess. Oh, and it's NSFW. Sorry I forgot that.
@RMartinhoFernandes don't question it, it works!
@sbi erm... "pornfortheblind"
But in oral speech "through" and "throw" are not alike.
Unless you have a weird accent.
did you paste the wrong link?
@thecoshman Yeah, you got that wrong, too, at least once, in the last hour.
@sbi Have you tried listening to one of them?
@ereOn See, that's why you need to post questions: you already got good pointers before I could even post.
Why is that porn just boring people talking?
@RMartinhoFernandes to me, ough and ow both get read the same
A: How to create a file only if it doesn't exist?

seheI learned about proper daemonizing here (back in the day): http://www.enderunix.org/docs/eng/daemon.php It is a good read. I have since improved the locking code to eliminate race conditions on platforms that allow advisory file locking with specific regions specified. Here is a relevant sni...

@RMartinhoFernandes No, of course I didn't. Why? Is it a hoax?!
@sbi It's... almost SFW.
@sbi I never claimed to be perfect... recently
@RMartinhoFernandes He's a Brit, so he ought to have a funny accent.,
Very close to not pornographic.
@RMartinhoFernandes Oh. Maybe I should have checked. Feels embarrassed.
1 min ago, by Pubby
Why is that porn just boring people talking?
@sehe: Indeed ;) I thought this one was trivial, that's why I posted in the chat.
turns out, it isn't exactly trivial.
lol, @sbi feels embarassed for not checking out some porn.
@sbi :O so... racism is it :P
This chat is more erotic than that site :(
@ereOn I posted a link to a good resource, and a link to real-life implementation that I'd trust
@thecoshman It's xenophobia, not racism.
@RMartinhoFernandes Actually, it's experience. You'll have to struggle with a different accent the moment you get into a different town. I thought German is bad that way, but England seemed far worse to me...
@Pubby you bet your muscular builders butt it is
@sehe: thanks. Reading it right now.
FYI, I'm not good at erotic fiction
@Pubby I have yet to see anything erotic in this chatroom. I have seen lots of references to sex and porn here, but nothing erotic.
@sbi oh yeah, that. yeah every region in England has their own special way of not speaking English 'right'
Fairly sure what you foreigners get taught as English is just an average
@sbi now I am tempted to try writing erotica
Anyway, I need to leave in order to pick up one of the kids now. What with having to rise an hour earlier, being in school on Monday, and spending 75mins doing Aikido, I might have to carry him home. Sigh.
@RMartinhoFernandes what about comparing time? :P
"Aikido" sounds like Brazilian for "Ow, what pain"
@thecoshman It's a martial art.
@thecoshman lmgtfy
@RMartinhoFernandes It's more about self-control and defense, though.
Well, have fun @sbi
Anyway, I'm off.
@sbi ¬_¬ I'll let it lie...
OMG I heard a new reference in Berio's Sinfonia.
And I thought I knew the piece inside out
English fail :( "day off work" or "day of work" wait... I see they both work... which is a day you book so you don't have to go in? I think 'off'
in case you wanted to know that that was. A version with slightly better audio: youtube.com/watch?v=9YU-V2C4ryU&feature=related
what is it @sehe?
@RMartinhoFernandes Spot on
well fuck me, the best display of powers of deduction I have ever seen
Add a "number" text object: http://sprunge.us/QTPL?vim Great for things like "cin" to "change inside number" in "padding: 20px;".
on a less sarcastic note, I had a run-in with (one of) the pet cats over the weekend. I was feeding her treats, and she didn't take to kindly to me thinking I had given her enough treats for the moment
One cannot give enough treats to a cat.
she scratched me quite badly
@CatPlusPlus apparently not
I'm not sure why, but I seem to attract nicks and cuts on my hands more then others seem to
Last I counted, I have 62 small cut scars on my hands.
I'm dangerous when holding a knife.
I've never cut myself. You fail at knife handling.
@RMartinhoFernandes clearly a danger to your self
@CatPlusPlus I know.
@CatPlusPlus Really? For me ^Acb would be just fine (practice, ^A or ^X would be even better for things like this)
from (miniature) modelling I often end up with lots of tiny cuts along my thumb-tip
@thecoshman That's the worst kind of danger.
@RMartinhoFernandes that's just a matter of perspective really
> You will not use our copyrights or trademarks (including Facebook, the Facebook and F Logos, FB, Face, Poke, Wall and 32665), or any confusingly similar marks, without our written permission.
I need to revise my bindings.
Amazing, Facebook claims trademark on the number 32665.
I find it more amazing that it claims trademark on face.
@CatPlusPlus Oh, now of "book" too!
> You will not use our copyrights or trademarks (including Facebook, the Facebook and F Logos, FB, Face, Poke, Book and Wall), or any confusingly similar marks, except as expressly permitted by our Brand Usage Guidelines or with our prior written permission.
So, 32665 == Book?
@RMartinhoFernandes where does that come from?
I saw one thing that apparently showed UPC claiming trade mark over 'the colour brown'
how can you trademark a color?
@TonyTheLion The new Facebook user agreement.
@CatPlusPlus Seems like 32665 is the number used to update some Facebook-y thing through SMS.
@RMartinhoFernandes woah, you must be the only person I know that reads the user agreement
I have no idea @Tony, but they're trying it
@TonyTheLion I'm reading a news article.
Sometimes I read user agreements, but only of things I use.
ah I see
I'm sitting at the airport, and my flight is like at 7:50pm
You could get away with slipping some mad shit into EULA's
ugh, EULA's
@TonyTheLion what's your local time?
@TonyTheLion End User License Agreement
@TonyTheLion oooh, at least you have internet... for now
How do you do strikeout in SO answers?
@RMartinhoFernandes I'm insane. I shouldn't care about peoples unhealthy desires in Vim: stackoverflow.com/questions/9873459/… :)
@RMartinhoFernandes <strike>Here is a relevant snippet from a project that I was involved in:</strike>
Hm, when Vim is running some commands it opens up a console window.
@RMartinhoFernandes is it not the same as chat?
@CatPlusPlus Only on windows, I think. Why?
I'm wondering how to get rid of that.
Tiem to build my own vim build.
A: C++ map definition basics

R. Martinho FernandesYou can either user a bigger fish type, like int32_t, or use a boost::variant.

@thecoshman Why would it?
@sehe Thanks.
@thecoshman yea thank fuck for that
else it'd be really damn boring
and since I don't smoke anymore, that isn't an option either, to go outside for a ciggy
damnit, I feel like one
@RMartinhoFernandes oh yeah, I forget consistency is something SO does not care for
@TonyTheLion Can't you go outside for no ciggy?
get a doughnut, a good one mind. One can sit down and enjoy in bliss, forgetting about the world for a few brief, but very good, moments
@RMartinhoFernandes thanks for fixing my markdown failure in the Vim Q
@RMartinhoFernandes seems so pointless
@sehe I still couldn't get v` to look right.
@RMartinhoFernandes Me neither :) That is sucky always
I can get it to work in chat, but not there.
and now that I've found a chair with a powersocket next to it, I'm not gonna move, especially for a "no-ciggy" situation
@TonyTheLion lol
@RMartinhoFernandes Been there. Done that. I accepted it. Perhaps if we find an alternative Unicode code point to spoof markdown
@TonyTheLion just get a huge extension cable and start walking around with it trailing behind you :P
@RMartinhoFernandes erm... /r/wtf called, they want their content back
@RMartinhoFernandes One hit: youtube.com/watch?v=QhTHZYnA7gk
Google hijacking links is annoying as fuck.
@RMartinhoFernandes No fear, I took care of it
@thecoshman lol, that would be hilarious, but I don't have a hughe extension cord, and my feet fucking hurt right now, so I don't want to walk
I think posting that link to Berio earlier got me totally hooked on something new: listen music via youtube at work.
Currently listening to
I am now stuck in the stupid movie trailer section.
yes, internet grammar nazis are furious and unforgiving
what site are you browsing?
@TonyTheLion hmm... I think I shall suggest a doughnut again
@TonyTheLion YouTube.
@thecoshman hmmm doughnuts :)
@TonyTheLion still not learnt much though
haha, make a spelling mistake on a reddit post
watch the horrors unfold
Anyone know any good movies on theaters?
@TonyTheLion oh yes, doughnuts is a much better idea then doughnut
@TonyTheLion yeah, been there, not fun
@RMartinhoFernandes want a pedantic response?
@thecoshman I'm pretty sure I don't, but now I'm curious.
@RMartinhoFernandes do you really mean films about theatres, or do you mean films currently showing in theatres. and theatres now days are generally considered for live stage acts, rather then a cinema that shows films
Oh man, I'm antiquated?
@RMartinhoFernandes Oh, come on, it's not that bad.
@RMartinhoFernandes well, it's not uncommon to hear people call them theatres still. Probably is the older folks though
@TonyTheLion I don't believe it, I know I can't write a sentence without ten errors, but nothing happens %)
I thought "movie theater" was an Americanism, when I was in the US, this is what people called it
@Abyx you're lucky then I guess.
It might probably is
what kind of sentence is that?
but a lot of Americanisms have worked their way over
Man, it's ok when you write "than" instead of "then" and vice-versa. One can infer the right one. But "It might probably is" is not salvageable.
yea well, the Western culture in Europe has taken a lot from American culture
luckily not all things
@RMartinhoFernandes why don't we just say that it is a dialect thing...
But WTF does "It might probably is" mean?
euh, strange English dialect you have
meh, the Airline I fly with is so small, I can't find the flippin check in desk
@RMartinhoFernandes I some how wrote 'might' rather than most
@TonyTheLion trolled?
@thecoshman I feel trolled, yes
@thecoshman lol, you only noticed now?
jeez, that took you a while
@TonyTheLion I noticed when he first mentioned it, just thought I could get away with it :P
you do NOT get away with it when there's a robot involved :P
^^ Yay another accidental repcap - more than a more since my previous repcap
I'm so lazy these days
Does reputation one-box?
No, that's a picture.
Hey, I'm half-right - it's a one-boxed picture!
@Pubby Then, everything oneboxes.
I recall zero-boxing before, I think it was a bug though
@Pubby This? N.B. check the message before this one.
Starring it turns it backwards?
Yeah, we tried that before.

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