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I have an overclocked hardware
Q: Please take me off the chat flagging mod list

Konrad RudolphThis is a request to be taken off the list of users who can (actually, must) validate chat flags. The feature simply isn’t useful. I can’t remember the last time a flag was valid, and there is on average a flag every few minutes. It’s annoying, and it has no offsetting benefit (if that were the ...

There is a slight chance that your hardware is failing, but chances are you system would be unstable. Other wise, it makes no difference (in theory)
@KonradRudolph not a chance in hell :P
@KonradRudolph Such a feature has been requested before, to no effect.
@KonradRudolph Since I'm not nowhere near 10K, I can't help you share your pain when it comes to seeing flagged messages.
@thecoshman Well, if they spam me, I’ll spam then. I’ll just send one request every few minutes
That's not encouraging.
@thecoshman Yeah, probably.
@thecoshman of course processor speed makes a difference. If scheduling happens based on time slots, you can do a lot more work if your CPU can process more (e.g. one full logical cycle) in one timeslots, possibly hiding threading issues
@thecoshman The moon phase makes a difference in programs with UB.
@KillianDS CPU is tweaked to overclock its original stock clock.
@tom have you tested as much as possible with out threads?
and no cocky "everything runs in threads" comments

I'm in Java. My Android phone is running Cyangenmod 7, overclocking its CPU, I'm debugging an APK that for some reason, when you're in debug mode (with breakpoints and all stuffs), everything runs normally. When running without breakpoints, all hell break loose.
@thecoshman Not everything runs in comment threads.
And I need threads, else I get lots of IllegalArgumentExceptions and whatnots
ooh, shrodinger bug :P
@RMartinhoFernandes damn you!!!
@tom_mai78101 Erm. IllegalArgumentException is synonym with "bug".
I doubt throwing threads at it is a fix.
@tom_mai78101 so you saw you where getting this error... and thought you would solve it by throwing threads at the problem?
programs with UB may alter the moon phase
Actually, it's the other way around.
SurfaceView needs threads.
Let me Google this. Probably there are some hints out there.
if the library does X and you use the library correctly, you can assume the library works
@RMartinhoFernandes If it repeats every moment of DDMS logs, then it's not a bug.
if you really think you have found a bug with the library, test the shit out of it
@tom_mai78101 Because, obviously, GUI frameworks always work better in threading environments.
How is IllegalArgumentException not a bug?
@RMartinhoFernandes Java catches it, redo it in a Thread.run(), and then continues to output different errors at different locations.
@RMartinhoFernandes nothing is a bug if you ignore it :D
@thecoshman Yes, ignorance is bliss.
@sehe Error 404: Server not found. :/
@tom_mai78101 if you are getting IllegalArgumentException FIX IT!
I'm trying the ebst I can. I'm still researching on Google.
it means that for some reason, something is not getting what it expects to get. It will come back and byte you, like it already has
no, you are trying to fix a NEW bug cause by dodging the FIRST bug
@sehe Thanks, link's working.
`private void render() {
		synchronized (holder) {
			Canvas c = holder.lockCanvas();
			if (c != null) {
				c.drawRGB(0xff, 0x44, 0x55);
Bug appears just after holder.lockCanvas()
c is null
It's been running like that for 20 seconds.
try this for thought. If see my car radios is missing, and ignore, then want to listen to my car stereo, I would notice no sound is coming out of the speakers. The solution is not to go replace the speakers. By fixing the first problem, missing radio, I fix the later
@thecoshman And call the cops.
@sehe Looking into it right now.
@RMartinhoFernandes won't fix the broken speakers though :P
Wait, now the speakers are broken too?
@RMartinhoFernandes Obviously. There's no sound coming out :)
@sehe Because the volume's down.
I think I fixed it.
@RMartinhoFernandes Like Sehe said, no sound is coming out, they must broken, we ignored the missing radio
I'm holding down F8 just to prove that it's working.
Will report back on my findings.
Ugh, not good.
@catplusplus loving the tut page. Some of the best stuff I have seen for using a library :D
/last CatPlusPlus
^ Lol: Userscript not working at work :)
I'm booooooored.
@RMartinhoFernandes find a true paradox, and solve it
Robots and paradoxes don't go well together.
This is a list of paradoxes, grouped thematically. The grouping is approximate, as paradoxes may fit into more than one category. Because of varying definitions of the term paradox, some of the following are not considered to be paradoxes by everyone. This list collects only scenarios that have been called a paradox by at least one source and have their own article. Although considered paradoxes, some of these are based on fallacious reasoning, or incomplete/faulty analysis. Logic * Barbershop paradox: The supposition that if one of two simultaneous assumptions leads to a contradiction,...
Why not?
god dam you @stacked
@RMartinhoFernandes According to the movies paradoxes are the best way to kill AIs.
@thecoshman A paradox isn't truly true if it's a paradox.
Oh, right, I forgot we spread those lies.
Also since Gödel it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to construct a proper paradox in any formal system. Meh. Still bored
@StackedCrooked I wonder if this will turn out true... though I personally would make AI aware of the notion of a paradox
if it can work out that something is a paradox, it can handle it... I guess...
How would it turn out to be true?
@thecoshman Chatbots don't seem to have problem with paradoxes.
@thecoshman AD = artificial stupidity
But that's just because they're too stupid.
@thecoshman It doesn't need to do that. Fork off the verification to a thread and axe it if it takes too long.
What if paradoxs never existed? <---- That's false but true right there..
@tom_mai78101 what if is not a proposition, so cannot be a paradox
@StackedCrooked So, if they're smart, they're too stupid to handle paradoxes?
@RMartinhoFernandes except, what if something can be solved but takes a long time work it out?
Look, it's a paradox.
@RMartinhoFernandes Zing!
@StackedCrooked they have simpler things to worry about
@thecoshman Does that sentence make sense?
HTC Sense is HTC making sense. Paradox!
@thecoshman Why would a false positive cause trouble?
@tom_mai78101 get a dictionary
Yes, I need one badly.
If it's a defense mechanism, false negatives are bad, but false positives aren't.
Actually, paradoxes don't have to be texts.
@RMartinhoFernandes depends on how a paradox was handled
@thecoshman It would be handled by shooting the person that attempted to use it as a weapon.
Halting problem meets denial of service. I guess this conversation only needs to reference Prisoner's Dilemma and the Birthday Paradox to be (NP) complete and hip now
or funky triangles
I am a firm believer in "just shoot them" as a way of fixing problems.
NVM. Wrong room to chat.
@thecoshman we still have them
@tom_mai78101 "We"?
@RMartinhoFernandes indeed
C/P wrongly.
@thecoshman Hey, when you're an evil AI overlord, it works miracles.
@RMartinhoFernandes or if you just want to rule as a vicious tyrant, but that's much the same
> A massive battleship can float in a few litres of water
@thecoshman You must be bored out of your mind. You found that WP quote by still searching for paradoxes.
A few.
@sehe You must be bored out of your mind. You found out how he found that quote.
@RMartinhoFernandes indeed, a few
That's easy. 5 seconds of work (google + deduction). I'm curious.
Sue me
@sehe ¬_¬ maybe I will... maybe I will
@thecoshman Not you. But you probably will, since you're so bored
@sehe I am hard at work I'll have you know :P
Lunch time for me :D
Q: Placement new for contiguous memory

AtulI am facing some problems for using placement new for contiguous memory.Please guide me, if there is any other way to do this. Please refer my code. #include <new> //================================================ class MyClass { private : int ma; public : MyClass():ma(-1){} ...

This guy is using operator new and placement new, but doesn't know loops.
Loops are surprisingly hard, especially strange ones
I am a strange loop, but I'm not hard.
It's too darn sunny to read SO chat outside
Damn these guys have daylight saving completely backwards
My smallest one almost dropped her face into her cornflake bowl this morning. Whoever stops this daylight stealing madness gets my vote.
It is not that bad. IMHO.
I think it's easier to just fix the Earth's orbit than to get our timekeeping to work right.
That should be something to look out for when searching for extraterrestrial intelligent life: any planet where the year is an exact multiple of the day has an advanced civilisation.
@RMartinhoFernandes but DST doesn't even depend on the earth's orbit
Twiddling that would allow us to fix stuff like leap years and leap seconds
DST is just a pointless hack
@tom_mai78101 Enjoy the moment
@wilx Oh, it's ridiculous, but the worst part even is that they don't adjust DST on the same moment globally
While it lasts
@KillianDS and that individual countries keep change the rules for when they switch over
@sehe Why spoil it? :/ Wished I forget that.
@jalf So... what else prompted DST?
@sehe just wanting to shuffle the daylight hours around a bit
@sehe Some of the original ideas were to make sure people worked mostly during light hours. That would be more natural and hence more productive. I don't think that ever has been proven, but that didn't stop politicians before.
I mean, sure, the hours of daylight are defined by the planet's orbit, but it's not something we inherently have to adjust our clocks for. We already accept that it changes throughout the seasons, we just decided arbitrarily to try to compensate by one goddamn hour
A: __stdcall without any decoration

seheYou should be declaring the function prototype as extern "C" as you are (obviously) compiling with in C++ mode: extern "C" void func1(void); // correct prototype, add __stdcall if necessary? You can wrap entire sections of a header file inside extern "C" { // ... C compatible declaration...

^^ oh my comment thread again
@KillianDS To be perfectly blunt, I think it is exactly vice versa. Back when there was not centralized 'official' time, people would refer to noon as 'midday' (when the sun was at the high point) naturally. Presto: instant perfect daily-light optimization for you
I'm starry.
Only when railways were introduced did the need for a more precise, central time arise. That ended natural daily-light optimization by fixing clocks for larger regions. Only after that did timezones and optionally DST get formalized, IMO
> an early goal of DST was to reduce evening usage of incandescent lighting, formerly a primary use of electricity
> the modern idea of daylight saving was first proposed in 1895 by George Vernon Hudson [8] and it was first implemented during the First World War
So, politicians weren't shuffling the daylight hours around a bit, they were responding to the general clamour ("Give us back our daylight hours, we don't want to be in the dark because of some darn centralized time idea")
Daylight saving time (DST)—also summer time in several countries, in British English, and European official terminology (see Terminology)—is the practice of advancing clocks so that evenings have more daylight and mornings have less. Typically clocks are adjusted forward one hour near the start of spring and are adjusted backward in autumn. Though mentioned by Benjamin Franklin in 1784, the modern idea of daylight saving was first proposed in 1895 by George Vernon Hudson and it was first implemented during the First World War. Many countries have used it at various times since the...
@sehe I don't think so. You're assuming that we went straight from "follow local daylight strictly" to "invent DST"
I do know, we don't have daylight saving time here.
there was quite a long period in between where we did have clocks which were more precise than "is it noon? Yes/no"
The interesting thing about DST is that it invalidates some time coordinates and makes some ambiguous.
@wilx Only local time.
@jalf But the concept of fixed working hours ('nine-to-five' for example) isn't that old and I imagine that was quite a blunt introduction
Just use universal time and you're set.
@sehe it's completely wrong answer, extern "C" still mangles names (adds @N for __stdcall). Also that guy probably have a problem with .lib file, not with headers.
@KillianDS agreed. But it doesn't seem like some "general clamour" thing. Besides, it's not like the workers who where forced into fixed working hours had a lot of pull. Who cared what they wanted?
posted on March 26, 2012 by Herb Sutter

February and March have been killer busy, so that I forgot to repeat an important announcement here: registration is open for C++ and Beyond 2012! I’m looking forward to teaching for three days again with Scott Meyers and Andrei Alexandrescu as one of the top C++ conference highlights of the year. This year, C&B will [...]

Maybe people should just shift usual working hours instead of the clock.
@jalf I agree to that. I think @sehe is correct that the politicians will have been under some pressure at the time. But I hardly think it was from the common workfolk, seeing as it dates back end 19th/beginning 20th century
@Abyx Ok, I'll remove my anwer (it has been a long time since I used windows implibs)
@wilx A decent modern company has flexible office hours anyway. And the professions where that is really not possible mostly work in shifts so why would you need DST (you often work evenings or nights).
OTOH, it would be interesting to unify the clock entirely and simply work 12 - 20 instead of 9 - 18.
@Abyx have added comment:
> @baruch Well, if the export is names func1 that would lead me to believe that it isn't in fact __stdcall then. I'll remove my unhelpful answer in a few minutes. -- sehe just now
in any case, DST doesn't really solve the problem for most of us. If you're near the equator, the problem it tries to solve doesn't exist. And if you're far from it, you get plenty of daylight in the summer (making any adjustment irrelevant), and less than those 8-9 hours in the winter (again, meaning that it'll be dark both when you get up and when you go to bed)
they should introduce daylight slacking time instead. Reduce the working hours to, say, 5 hours in the winter! That'd allow us to get the most use out of daylight hours
@sehe almost all Windows DLLs have __stdcall functions exported without any mangling. It's just good practice for cross-language API
@Abyx Cheers. I learned something new old today :)
@Feeds Anyone agrees with my kw guesses:
> My bet: The keywords are perhaps volatile and static
> You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time. - Dave Barry
Just to bask in the sunlight more directly.
That's my opinion on DST.
FUCK daylight saving times.
Except in the beginning of the winter. :)
or autumn whatever
Or when you're in Australia.
Or in Turkey. Apparently, in Turkey you're fucked anyway:
> He was then asked to provide a picture of himself dressed as a woman
> He had gone prepared with explicit photographs of himself having sex with another man, having heard that it would be impossible to get out of military service without them.
When you are in Middle East, do as the Middle Easterns do, but get fucked any way.

-tom_mai78101 (Haiku)
I'm quite sure the Turkish would prefer to be referred to as Avrupians (Europians)
Since we're talking about silly.
@RMartinhoFernandes Oh. That's not silly.
My silly beats your silly, I guess
I think I have too much Internet.
@CatPlusPlus Hi.
@thecoshman That's good, considering I'm not very good at writing docs.
@tom_mai78101 Agreed
@sehe "(...) the Romans enjoyed it very much on their 40 years lasting journey through the desert (...)"
That's Urban Dictionary for you. Read it as if you're reading The Onion.
@CatPlusPlus well, you did a good job with libglskel
@tom_mai78101 Finally, a sensible remark
Mar 16 at 14:26, by thecoshman
details man!!! :P
@sehe to put this into context, I was asking for details on things that where yet to be documented. Now that @cat has documented it, I think he has done a top notch job
I seem to have missed the moaning about DST, just want to chip in that I think it is ridiculous that despite having been using it for fucking ages, we still have to manually adjust so many digital clocks, by going forward 23 hours
Even my hand watch has "DST" option, and it's a rather cheap and old one.
@thecoshman I don't.
What's a hand watch?
@RMartinhoFernandes A wristwatch that is a bit too wide
What's a wristwatch?
Meh, words.
I guess adjective is redundant.
@RMartinhoFernandes Something the Romans enjoyed on their 8 hour-wade through the Red Sea
@RMartinhoFernandes erm... a watch that humans where on the part of the body the refer to as the wrist
@thecoshman Makes me wonder what part you think they [sic] refer to
@sehe bewbs
always bewbs
or, to call in the tiger, boobs
I very much doubt it is SFW to search for 'boob watch'
I refuse to play 'extreme-Googline chicken'
I need money too much to lose my job
@thecoshman Right. You're so worried about your job that you chat all day
Your job it is suck?
damn words
@sehe words do not look like boobs
and that is not a challenge!
So, it is OK for you to twiddle your thumbs all day, as long as the words don't look like boobs.
Makes sense
Hey, thumb twiddling is serious business.
Curl configure process:
checking if freeaddrinfo can be linked... yes
checking if freeaddrinfo is prototyped... yes
checking if freeaddrinfo is compilable... yes
checking if freeaddrinfo usage allowed... yes
checking if freeaddrinfo might be used... yes
And the same for every damn function.
You actually read all that?
Q: C++ eigen3 linear algebra library, odd performance results

enobayramI've been using eigen3 linear algebra library in c++ for a while, and I've always tried to take advantage of the vectorization performance benefits. Today, I've decided to test how much vectorization really speeds my programs up. So, I've written the following test program: --- eigentest.cpp ---...

Silly benchmarks part 9999.
"I know, I'll check how vectorisation affects my program by throwing some random stuff in a loop and running it 1000000000000 times!"
I don't care much about benchmarks anymore. So many statistical analysis that, I prefer them in English, than in numbers.

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