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Hillary Trump
Donald Clinton
@DmitriBudnikov southendnewsnetwork.com/news/… #islamisation #awaywithus #ripfreedom
Is it allowed to walk hand in hands with someone of the same sex on those beaches? It may offend religious people.
> set up to attract visitors from all over the UK who may be uncomfortable with the sight of ‘excessive bare female skin’ for a number of either cultural or religious reasons.
how nicely put
@Ven I really wanna start working on an open-source project, but I'm too dump for modern C++
@Khaled.K most open source projects don't use modern C++
but it is hard to find a project that feels interesting and welcomes someone joining in
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's a stretch but. .... localised number formats?
Most open source projects don't use modern C++, because most open source projects use C or JavaScript.
@Khaled.K I don't think there's such a thing as "too dumb"
it certainly requires to be a masochist
@sehe Been busy buying a place to live
which is now done
je suis passe-partout
> I boilerplate
... :(
@DmitriBudnikov help me teach @TonyTheLion
maybe one could scrape github and make a search engine where you can ask things like "Project with 10k - 100k LoC of primarily C++ using C++11 with at least 3 contributers making at least 10 commits in the last month"
it probably already exists and I can just not find it -.-
@sehe No, just extra zero.
wait github activity graph doesn't look at commits to branches?
The commits were made:
In the repository's default branch (usually master)
In the gh-pages branch (for repositories with Project Pages sites)
lol what the fuck is that
@nwp try linux kernel
very welcoming community of professionals, state-of-the-art codebase
state of the art C, not interested
extremely popular product used by 1.5% of people
@nwp it's not like modern C++ is that better
BAD <--                                 meh                                                                --> GOOD
C -- Ruby ----- C++ ------------------- JS ---------------------------------------------------------------- Haskell
but it is more fun. If I'd join in somewhere it would be a fun coding project, not an efficient software development project.
@milleniumbug I don't get it. Is that a project that would come up in my random example search or is there a "search github for projects" feature that I'm not seeing?
The former
@BartekBanachewicz I suppose that is up to personal preferences
@nwp real world C++ projects aren't fun. You can have fun in a 100 LoC TMP wankery excercise. Large codebases in C++ are just a pain.
@nwp no it's an absolute, universal scale
@nwp Compilation times aren't up to personal preferences. Lack of proper tools isn't either.
@BartekBanachewicz Actually...
Your mistake was mentioning the kernel
@R.MartinhoFernandes shhhh go away with reason
Remember that Android has won the phone OS war.
I know my router has a linux kernel. Oh and android as well
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, if you had enough to pay for 10 rents upfront then it can't be that terrible anyway
@BartekBanachewicz I'm getting there. clang-format + address sanitizer + leak sanitizer + UB sanitizer + in IDE git commands go a long way
"UB sanitizer"
@BartekBanachewicz Well, it's my joint account with my gf.
@nwp It's still a fucking pain.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh.
We don't do that.
@BartekBanachewicz it only activated once when I had a signed overflow, but still neat
I mean she has one of my cards but that's it
@BartekBanachewicz Javascript > C++ ?
@BartekBanachewicz tbh I'm not a fan of Haskell tooling either. Probably I'm just bad, but I've spent too much time debugging IO (as in, why it was eager and not lazy).
@Khaled.K if you actually want to make a product, yesh
@milleniumbug um, IO enforces certain evaluation rules.
but yeah it's not that Haskell tooling is that amazing
@BartekBanachewicz as far as I know JS most the time is interpreted by a browser, while C++ is a compiled assembly on a machine
Not that relevant really
@Khaled.K and?
@BartekBanachewicz which mean I don't understand how would you create a product using JS
@Khaled.K Well first of all, there are applications running in the browser.
And yes, those are very much "products", as they are actually usable.
Is Facebook a product? Is Stack Overflow a product?
@BartekBanachewicz I think in most cases that is the UI that is running in the browser, not the whole software
@Khaled.K I don't care about what you think, and neither does reality.
Oo man, this mini drone is so flimsy, totally would lose to the chickens if they get into a fight
First, you're not always confined to having to deliver a native binary
this no longer make sense, I give up
Also Atom is a desktop application, text editor written using JS (it's not that good, but I don't think that's a problem of JS)
second, there's node for serverside and react-native for apps and whatnot
@BartekBanachewicz it's funny because it wraps around on my screen and Haskell is under Ruby
@Ven ...
@Ven what the fuck
this is dumber than the nonmetric system
@BartekBanachewicz 11" macbook air :P
we use the vincésimal system :P (count by 20s)
do you count on your toes
also doesn't explain why it changes on 7
sixty-sixteen -> sixty-ten-seven
because we have a distinct word for 16: "seize". but we use a composite one for 17. "dix-sept"
I'm not making this up btw.
@milleniumbug I once wrote software using JS\CSS\HTML, a metro-style app on windows 8, you have to use strict-JS with vendor-related stuff which is not fun.
> I once wrote software using JS
@Ven wow, this nonsense again
so-called natural languages are nonsense.
@Ven dick seize
@BartekBanachewicz not quite :)
@BartekBanachewicz strict-JS to be precise
if we ever sc together, you might hear my french~
as usual everyone passing quietly on the fact that belgium and switzerland use different and better words
can't risk factual correctness
@Khaled.K what do you mean by that?
fucking retards
or maybe we just don't care? I don't use these words.
chocolatine, pd
tg parigo de mes 2
don't worry frenchmen might be bad but they're not southern USA bad
3 mins ago, by Ven
we use the vincésimal system :P (count by 20s)
if that's any consolation
@DmitriBudnikov explicitly said so
I meant the tweet you street dwelling immigrant
@Khaled.K do you mean "use strict" which everyone should use everytime in JS or something else I'm not aware of
A: What does "use strict" do in JavaScript, and what is the reasoning behind it?

Pascal MARTINThis article about Javascript Strict Mode might interest you: John Resig - ECMAScript 5 Strict Mode, JSON, and More To quote some interesting parts: Strict Mode is a new feature in ECMAScript 5 that allows you to place a program, or a function, in a "strict" operating context. This strict co...

@Ven proposed solution: a dialect of haskle
un deux trois vive l'algéria
@Khaled.K Um I can't see how that could possibly be bad. I know what it does. I use it everytime.
pas de mudslimes en cefran merci
@BartekBanachewicz lol
I might be inclined to (somewhat) agree if you swap C++ and JS :P
@Griwes how about we make a competition
a bunch of small real-world products to deliver
you'll write everything in C++, and I'll write in JS
I'm not into competitions really.
I'm just seeing the difference between the two, when used for the exact same purpose, here at work.
exact same purposes?
@Ven On the contrary.
Yes. (Welcome to the badness, where people use JS for stuff that should've been written in C++.)
@GettingNifty I've seen those seven-or-so (deleted) messages. Personal death threats, using people's real names are not acceptable here. Deleting them doesn't make it better. I don't care how many "celebrity millionairs" you know, beyond that it makes you look like a very creepy stalker.
I'm personally not going to give you the impression that such talk is "normal" because "it's the internet".
I suggest you sort your personal problems out in private. If you can't find it, people like me, @JerryCoffin and others can probably try to suggest appropriate channels where you could find help.
Since this isn't exactly your first offense here, I've reported it for moderator attention.
@Griwes I'd wager that the opposite case is by far more common
@BartekBanachewicz People are actually writing web pages in C++? :D
even despite the fact that there's just grossly much more JS written in the world nowadays
@Griwes /cgi-bin/, and emscripten
...I'm not counting that. :D
also while we're at it JS shouldn't be used anywhere because it sucks
but if you eventually have to pick something, C++ makes very little sense nowadays
@BartekBanachewicz Well, the one place where it has its place is web front-end.
@Griwes and it sucks even there
also we should stop treating web frontend as a different world
seriously, web browsers aren't "browsers" anymore, they are secure execution environments for applications
lol "secure"
@Griwes Infinitely more than any native C++ binary
Do you have an antivirus in your browser?
I don't have an antivirus on my linuxes either.
which considering the growing numbers of viruses for linux OSes might not be such a good idea
Is there exist a antivirus for a Linux windows even?
fundamentally a compromised linux is a much better target for the attacker
on windows even when you get admin privileges you're still vastly limited
root on linux without SElinux? Good job, do everything you want
Well, at least with root on linux I can actually remove any application.
you mean removing a virus?
Unlike on windows, where you can't remove running applications because the virtual filesystem is a badlet.
I run NoScript
@milleniumbug do you also review every line of the downloaded JS before whitelisting a certain page
@BartekBanachewicz Actually s/C++ // on that; any native binary is the same.
you might risk running nonfree software
@Griwes Well, there's a much higher chance of a fuckup in a binary built from C than in C++, and then C++ compared to Haskell, but in principle yeah
That's one of the reasons I'd really like to finally get proper webasm-targetting cimpolers
@BartekBanachewicz unsafeCoerce :P
@Griwes I used it for the first time recently and I got a segfault.
@BartekBanachewicz Not currently, but there's nothing that prevents me from doing this
As long as you keep to writing safe code, you don't get unsafety. (Yes, I know, I'm stating the obvious.)
@Griwes except in Haskell you can actually say "anything unsafe is a compile error"
g++ -std=c++noub
UB is an optimization gateway.
Don't forget that.
@milleniumbug yeah I know how illusion of control works.
I have multiple friends using firefox remember.
Also half of the domains aren't whitelisted
Because the webpage works without them
Web pages should be pages and they don't need a single line of JS
The only real problem is that because you can make web apps, suddenly people feel compelled to make their pages apps as well
I hope my chickens would not have the impulse to peck on my drone when it's taking off and landing
@BartekBanachewicz But how I'll track my users otherwise??
(gemius.pl and all)
@fredoverflow oh I thought that was like at home screencasting or something, what a let down
@fredoverflow Cameraman is retarded and must be fired.
Doesn't take his job serious.
You must film the things that are important, i.e. not the speaker.
@fredoverflow no flash and livestreamer gets not audio :(
> There appears to be a problem with the sound on Ustream with Android, at least for me: there is none. I've tried it on a Sony phone and a Samsung tablet, both with the HTML5 player in the browser and the Android app. All other streams work, which suggests it's a problem with the Dconf stream.
Cover of codecs
@fredoverflow Andrei Alexandrescu ? What nationality ?
Nationality is a social construct you racist cis scum.
Oh, France now recognizes Esport as a real job™.
@Ven time to switch careers
@Ven But what about escort?
the client of an escort girl is a criminal. that's been voted 2 months ago
BAD <--                                 meh                                                                --> GOOD
C - Ruby -- C++ --- JS ------------ Haskell ------------------------------------------------------------------ Wide
^ /cc @Bartek
I think I had never typed as many const_cast and reinterpret_cast in a day before
Today is International Bad C API Day
Celebration time
I'd move that even closer together and add Vapor at the far right end.
man drones are hard to control
@DmitriBudnikov might I suggest refactoring common patterns
@Telkitty man drones? kinky
aren't you supposed to use software for that?
@Griwes but do we have a Vapor compiler yet
I wish ...
@DmitriBudnikov just use C-style casts
Of course not.
I am talking about this babe ..
But that only makes it better!
It means there's no compiler bugs!
tiny little thing that has a camera
crashed it twice already
still alive though
@LucDanton lol
and comes with a crooked control so it's naturally flying towards the left
why are you foolishly expecting consistency from this API
but I don't feel like to exchange it
@DmitriBudnikov you could've just C-casted these babies away
A C cast a day keeps the good code away
What do you call a hairy elbow?
An elbrow.
How do you call a joke by rightfold?
A catastrophe.
backyard is too small, will try it in a neighbourhood park tomorrow
What do you call?
A function.
also no chicken stalking for a while ... not until I know how to fly it ...
problem is you cannot control it with software (without massive hacking) and the remote doesn't work outside
@Zoidberg No. Any Callable.
@AndyProwl lol
> iostreams do a virtual call for each character
is this true?
xputc or something?
so there's a competition for a guitar riff on first 4 frets, held by chappers
@DmitriBudnikov yes it is
@R.MartinhoFernandes io library uses istreambuf_iterator everywhere. It uses virtual call for each *it
@BartekBanachewicz saw this today, thought of you
heh saw it before, but nice art anyway
the famous "fast" stream1 << stream2.rdbuf() code just does std::copy
same happens with formatted IO for numbers.
It looks terrible.
cool, making complexity part of type checking
@Abyx omg. no way?
> Do not redistribute
oops sorry Andrei
Also what language is that, D?
@DmitriBudnikov yep. github.com/llvm-mirror/libcxx/blob/master/include/locale#L1349 - here is do_put which actually writes numbers
and here is op<<(streambuf*)
all these __ lol
blame C for that
I have no idea what that code is doing
@DmitriBudnikov yes
@Griwes macros, to be precise
@Abyx and includes, but that's what I said, isn't it? :D
@Zoidberg what the
@Zoidberg that's... interesting
@Griwes yeah
@DmitriBudnikov ITT Cicada can't read standard library implementations
@DmitriBudnikov yeah this code must be so shitty to edit
> static assert(complexity!(f) <= O("n2"));
@Griwes in this case it's 100% the code's fault
@Zoidberg inb4 people who say their n^3 solutions are n
@BartekBanachewicz it's 100% C's fault
Ill-specified gonna ill-specified
blame them
behead them
@Griwes Can you
@DmitriBudnikov just ignore the __s
eh all of the entries to this contest are like
> Recorded with iPad, sorry poor quality.. hope you all like it anyway! \m/
I still don't see the virtual call
I've seen one good one so far.
const numpunct<char_type>& __np = use_facet<numpunct<char_type> >(__iob.getloc());
I admit that this is a thing I can't read.
But that's because obscure features that shouldn't exist.
@Griwes oic
The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC; Arabic: منظمة التعاون الإسلامي‎; French: Organisation de la coopération islamique, OCI) is an international organization founded in 1969 consisting of 57 member states. The organisation states that it is "the collective voice of the Muslim world" and works to "safeguard and protect the interests of the Muslim world in the spirit of promoting international peace and harmony". The OIC has permanent delegations to the United Nations and the European Union. The official languages of the OIC are Arabic, English, and French. == History and goals == Since...
how's your coopération islamique @DmitriBudnikov
do you coopérationate
p cool, beheading infidels on my free time
@DmitriBudnikov it's inside *__s =
crystal clear
can't you just C-cast away the whole thing?
that's gonna be my new favorite saying
s/the whole thing/that baby/ FTFY
I just rightfoldealized that arrays are just a special case of tuples! Amazing.
that's almost a rightfold-level realization
@DmitriBudnikov usually arrays are contiguous which is not guaranteed for tuples
but welp in JS array == tuple
@Abyx Just speaking on the ADT level
@Abyx two things: that's one implementations (implementations can be bad - see MSVC - no problem); secondly; this is probably one of the scenarios where devirt optimization works well
> rightfoldealized
@sehe I doubt so. I bet that the Standard requires that facet should take an iterator and not the whole streambuf.
I don't bet on it
could you check it?
yeah, I'll look into it later
I'm looking at Haskell packages for combinatorics, but I don't know which is best
@DmitriBudnikov putting aside nominative vs structural typing, structural records are not too far away either
How far away are they (not a pun)
wow I need to specify when I'm replying seriously to messages now what a disgrace
@DmitriBudnikov generalise from [0, size) indices to symbol indices (e.g. a given type providing a given set of symbols, whereas a given array/tuple type has a size)
@DmitriBudnikov You brought this onto yourself.
@DmitriBudnikov I nominate 😸 as a marker for non-serious
@sehe welp, the num_put facet takes an iterator. While it's possible to convert an iterator to stream_buf with some sort of dynamic cast, I don't think that we'll ever see such implementation.
and devirtualization - I'm yet to see an actual non-trivial example where it works.
@Abyx I guess the iterator could just hold a pointer to the buffer?
Also let's let all the internal iostream nonsense burn in hell :X
@Abyx why assume it's a streambuf_iterator in the first place
@sehe That's the default.
@sehe because ostream only has streambuf
> the default ¹
¹(needs citation)
@Abyx But num_put is one of the two or three exceptions.
> class OutputIt = std::ostreambuf_iterator<CharT>
@Abyx Yeah. And streambuf is usually implemented in terms of some kind of buffer
> iter_type OutputIt
and you can't do much with streambuf when you output character-by-character
@Griwes Cool. Granted
Hey folks!
The rest of the behaviour isn't specified in terms of the iterator.
@DmitriBudnikov also reifying the set of symbols etc. is a handy way to in turn reach reflection
@LucDanton Pretty cool
I've probably asked this before, but is there a language where you can have something like void foo(int, double); and typeof(argsof(foo)) yields (int, double)?
@DmitriBudnikov and now for more practical information (no it doesn’t work for C arrays)
@DmitriBudnikov too many to list without refinement I suppose (e.g. how a lisp does it is different to how Haskell+TemplateHaskell does it)
> make_array
where have I been
also get<> works on array now??
inb4 it always did and I never paid attention
comment ce snipète me fait bander
(fyi I have a lucsnippets folder in my favorites)
@DmitriBudnikov yes it always did
('always' standing for 'welp it’s in n3242 and my time machine is in the shop')
@DmitriBudnikov hey speaking of fan speculation (walls of text, LS1/LS2/HoT spoilers), esp. this (technically a spoiler but you won’t be able to tell)
special mention for nonsensical colour scheme (yellow->red->blue for canon, sensible, wild speculation)
> technically a spoiler but you won’t be able to tell
they’re crazy lines on a map
do you feel spoiled yet
@LucDanton lol the top comment
@LucDanton wow those maps
hype hype
did they rename Kessex to Kessix? lol
ya know they kinda act as nice recap to the living story/world, and give a lot of perspective
@DmitriBudnikov nah
Quite cool. Makes me miss GW2
> Air France : les pilotes « prêts » à la grève
I will leave on my very own wild speculation: the next expansion will see us facing not just one dragon threat, but at least two simultaneously. Fingers crossed for Steve and Kralkatorrik!
Steve and Klabnik you say

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