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It might reinforce their opinion.
"I'm not an idiot, I'm a certified snob!"
> I worried about the arbitrary 132 cut-off point, until I met someone with an I.Q. of 131 and, honestly, he was a bit slow on the uptake.
I once had an argument with a drunk at some bar 5 AM in the morning. He tried to enforce his point by claiming he had an 118 IQ.
"I'm drunk, your argument is invalid."
@StackedCrooked Before or after the alcohol intake?
my teacher once said he had an IQ of 140
Someone on reddit said their whole family were 180+
Summed together?
@RMartinhoFernandes He said his test results were 118. I assume sober. I respectfully decided to not use this against him.
Why were you arguing with a drunk btw?
Oh, maybe you were drunk too.
@RMartinhoFernandes Well I had spent the whole evening there so I definitely wasn't sober. I don't think I was very drunk though.
And I wasn't really arguing, more like staring at him and wondering why he was ranting against me.
@StackedCrooked Because you were there, prolly
That's indeed a prerequisite.
@StackedCrooked For a drunk? No, it isn't.
A hallucinating drunk then.
Or, technically it could have been a drunk with a telephone.
@Pubby Indeed
> She told me her phone number, but, since it was all sevens, I couldn't remember it
@sehe I don't think I get it.
@StackedCrooked The cut off... (PS. see the ZKV that Pubby linked)
I must be slow today.
ah, clang gained user defined literals this week
To the crowd: ZKV = very short story in Dutch
let's svn up and rebuild my windows clang
@JohannesSchaublitb I think conversation sounded more accessible when it involved dwarfs and pumps
@JohannesSchaublitb Also for got rhythm, I'd swap rebuild out for just build
let's svn up
and build windows clang

and we're all out of clang
"I'm here to code and drink whiskey, and I don't feel like coding."
I think I'm accreting evidence that this is gonna be one of those 'weekendy' weekends for me
You know, the ones that will resist just being worked right through
@sehe A "weekendy" weekend? NOOOOOOOOOO
Ooh, Space Pirates and Zombies is getting a bit update soon.
(You do have this game already, right?)
No. I'll buy version 2 with multiplayer.
@DeadMG It's been a while. Somehow, my brain will just announce when it's time for a break anyway. Perhaps it is due to the fact I shipped my work - on time - to the test department.
@LucDanton It's like waiting for UI in DF.
@CatPlusPlus It's okay, I have other games to play in the 'meantime'. Like DF.
SPAZ is fun.
"Fun" fun, or "fun" fun?
Sometimes you have to take a break from drowning your dorfs in magma, and blow up some spaceships instead!
I don't doubt it but a game has to be heroic to get my attention if it's not MP.
Only single-player games I've played in years are DF and Mount&Blade and M&B did in fact get some worthy MP (although it's not the same game as in SP).
M&B is fun, too.
@LucDanton What do you do in MP? Battle each other out?
what's going on in here?
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah it's battles only.
oh noes, they've gone into game mode again
damn you all :P
Happy now?
Definitively not the same scope but on the good side it's relentlessly hard.
ohhh sex
@RMartinhoFernandes nope, cause you're just saying it to get rid of me :(
@TonyTheLion The Robot is mean.
FFS. Recognise https already.
I'm so hung-up on MP that I have no qualms in not having played the latest Deus Ex. I did play the super-buggy E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy instead which for all its faults did have MP coop.
> The hull has been breached and the SCIENCE is leaking OUT!
@CatPlusPlus Haven't played that in years. No regrets.
@StackedCrooked what a big meanie
What? I'm not mean.
What did I do wrong?
@RMartinhoFernandes No, you're average :p
Eminem - Big Meanie
Let's not go back to statistics talk.
well, statistically speaking...
@LucDanton I don't care about the game. I want a movie out of the Purity First propaganda.
ok, let me get back to the Berkely Sockets
(Look, I'm like the robot now :D )
Use Asio, raw sockets are ugly.
@CatPlusPlus I'm merely reading, not using
@RMartinhoFernandes That's not really MP either!
@LucDanton But would be awesome!
Or a big lump of fail. These days, you can never now.
boost::asio::io_service is proof that you don't need singletons
However I did need a little utility function:
// Always returns the same io_service instance.
boost::asio::io_service & get_io_service()
    static boost::asio::io_service io;
    return io;
That's a globally accessible instance. What most people want when they drive themselves to singletonness.
I never make that face when globals are involved.
That's a pity.
It's usually more like D:.
hmm, arbitrary integer division is remarkably tricky
@LucDanton That looks like a person with a artsy mustache.
In my BitTorrent client most classes that need the io_service store a pointer to it. Mind you, it's far from working.
I've decided I'm abusing context object until I get sick of it and I see the limits of it.
this looks suspicious
@LucDanton What are you talking about?
@RMartinhoFernandes Context object rather than globals.
Although this does usually mean storing pointers to individual services, yes.
Ah, οκ.
I have used context objects to avoid having static member variables.
What about a global thread_local context_t context?
what is this "context object" you are talking about?
An object that stores context.
Anyone doing 7DRL?
it's an "thread_local Env *env;" in my implementation
works like a charm
@JohannesSchaublitb Example
@RMartinhoFernandes I'm not sure that this works out to serve the same needs. Also, initialization is tricky, no?
@StackedCrooked ah that kind of thing
@CatPlusPlus Starts in a few hours.
It's better than global variables.
in my case it's for a language runtime
@RMartinhoFernandes Yeah, that's why I'm asking. :P
it's really boring to pass that env ptr to all stupid runtime functions
so i just make it global xD
Clearly, you need a monad.
Hidden dependencies! Side-effects! Shock! Horror!
@JohannesSchaublitb Are there situations where you need two environments?
@StackedCrooked no
@StackedCrooked Don't go there.
and if i do, that is no problem. i just can't have them at the same time
@LucDanton What do you mean?
well, yes there are situations whre i need two of them. but not at the same time
@StackedCrooked It's dangerous to go there.
not at the same time in the same thread, that is.
Take this with you.
which doesn't make sense anyway xd
@CatPlusPlus Are you?
Is there some unspoken law that I am unaware of?
@RMartinhoFernandes Nah, I don't really have time mid-week.
@StackedCrooked Don't talk about Fight Club.
One day, maybe.
I wouldn't mind trying it, if I had some time to plan in advance.
Eh, it can't be too complicated anyway.
I mean, plan what the game will be.
Isn't it possible to 'defer' it as a personal challenge for a later time anyway?
I can't just start coding I-don't-know-what.
@LucDanton Sure. But then no fame and glory from global contest!
This guy will make @KonradRudolph proud:
// GCC demangling -- not required for functionality
string demangle(const char* mangled) {
  int status;
  unique_ptr<char[], void (*)(void*)> result(
    abi::__cxa_demangle(mangled, 0, 0, &status), free);
  return result.get() ? string(result.get()) : "ERROR";
A: Define multiple methods with parameters from variadic templates

PhilippHere is a suggestion that requires exact type matching: #include <utility> #include <typeinfo> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <memory> #include <cxxabi.h> using namespace std; // GCC demangling -- not required for fu...

A: Define multiple methods with parameters from variadic templates

PhilippHere is a suggestion that requires exact type matching: #include <utility> #include <typeinfo> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <memory> #include <cxxabi.h> using namespace std; // GCC demangling -- not required for fu...

I win.
@sehe What's special about this? What did I miss?
I'm not sure that burying free inside a tangle of std::this and std::that actually makes it less bad to use, but at least the guy tried :)
@sehe You need free there.
I also don't see what's supposed to be wrong.
@RMartinhoFernandes What are you trying to tell me (that I don't already know).
@CatPlusPlus Nothing is wrong.
1 min ago, by sehe
I'm not sure that burying free inside a tangle of std::this and std::that actually makes it less bad to use, but at least the guy tried :)
I DON'T GET IT. I'm a bit derpy right now, though.
I understand you're trying to convey some idea, but it seems everyone is missing it.
string demangle(const char* mangled) {
  return [&]()->string{int status;
  unique_ptr<char[], void (*)(void*)> result(
    abi::__cxa_demangle(mangled, 0, 0, &status), free);
  return result.get() ? string(result.get()) : "ERROR";}();
rewritten to be only one statement
Very clever.
It's incorrect and should be unique_ptr<char*[], ... I think.
It's not an array of pointers.
@LucDanton unique_ptr can handle arrays
char*, maybe.
At least mine is auto name = make_unique<char[]>(raw = abi::__cxa_demangle(begin, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr), deleter = std::free);
@RMartinhoFernandes Because everybody is so damn busy shouting :)
demangle != backtrace_symbols.
Oh, right, not the same call. Fixed!
@LucDanton see my comment at that post :)
Why would he need make_unique there?

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