And yes, higher pay makes them better. Better education makes them better too, look at Scandinavia, where all teachers, even Kindergarten teachers have a Master's degree.
@KonradRudolph If you can't fire a teacher, education will never improve. You could increase the budget a hundred fold, but if no one cares, then education stays the same. Students fail even with a golden toilet.
@Xaade “if you can’t fire a teacher” – this is something we can agree on (albeit in less radical terms than expressed by you). But then why not push a policy to make teachers fire-able?
Topic education. My reasoning, teachers can't be replaced. My argument, without being able to replace teachers, we can't generate incentive to perform. Teacher's underperforming results in bad education.
@Xaade you're talking about increasing funding by 100x, while @Konrad is merely remarking that if teachers' pay is cut in half, they will experience demotivation beyond anything.
@rubenvb Actually, I didn’t remark this at all. And while there is some truth in that, in reality payment is a notoriously bad incentive for jobs such as teaching
@rubenvb That's true. But from experience.... good teachers are there to teach regardless of the pay. Bad teachers just want to keep their job and perform bad regardless of the pay. On paper funding looks like a solution, on the ground in the field, funding does nothing.
@Xaade Ask yourself why they are unmotivated. You come off as extremely judgemental and – pardon the frankness – quite a bit ignorant. If you knew why these people were demotivated (and they have millions of very good reasons) perhaps you would be a bit more empathic. In reality, very few people are lazy slobs for no reason
@KonradRudolph I'm ignorant. Me.... I went to over 5 highschools with radically different funding. Exchange student once. I can say with experience funding changes little.
@Xaade That’s absolutely not what I meant. But you show yourself ignorant of the conditions these teachers have to cope with, by accusing them roundly as lazy and stupid
@thecoshman Even if that were true (and it may be, sometimes – but certainly not in the majority of cases) you can still give them a reason to care. Motivation.
@KonradRudolph sure you can often through a load of money and make a bad teacher try. But if you are needing to do that, the teacher is probably just bad.
@Xaade You treat the ability to teach as an inherent talent. That’s only true to a very limited extent. And most teachers are teachers by vocation: think about it, the job is severely underpaid and unthankful (most of the students, and even more parents hate you). You study to become a teacher because you want to.
Not per se. A good teacher might just like explaining things over and over, and be good at it. He can still not care a damn about what his/her students accomplish later (because in truth, it's completely out of his hands)
@RMartinhoFernandes Depends on the mode of teaching. In the conventional frontal-mode teaching, yes. But in individualised teaching the size of the classroom is much less important
@RMartinhoFernandes If organised properly, students can help each others, teachers are only needed to initiate the class, for supervision and some limited control
In fact, this is a much more effective way of teaching
@rubenvb: It's ultra powerful. Might not look it from the surface, and there is a long learning curve. But I can make VC do just about anything, in seconds.
@rubenv: the project management system in VC is pretty straightforward IMO, and one of the nice things about it is, if you don't like it, you can make it do whatever you want.
@rubenvb Windows users, including developers, prefer something that works than something that is theoretically portable but in reality is so painful as to be nearly unusable
@rubenv: I can't really tell you what a Win/GUI programmer "should" use, because I'm mostly a server guy these days. All I know is that nobody should be using MFC for greenfield development.
@DeadMG: That's generally how I write GUI stuff. Just go right to the metal. When I was a GUI guy, I got so fed up with how big a steaming pile MFC was, I just threw it all away one day.
There are two ways for a Windows program to produce a console window:
The program is linked as a console subsystem exe, which is a request to Windows to always provide an associated console window.
The program's code itself creates a console window.
The first option, console subsystem, is by ...
^ I wonder what is the right approach to deal with such comments, which just heap wrong assertions upon wrong assertions, like 3 to 5 per comment?
Your code has been compiled with the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 C++ compiler using
the Dinkum C++ library from the Dinkum Compleat Libraries for VC++ package.
This is the compiler output using the code above in a file named
size sourceFile.exe :
2048t + 1536 .rdata + 512d = 4096 (1000)
Code compiled successfully!
The executable generated was 5 KB.
@DeadMG no, ok, you're just having a bit of fun. but that guy appears to be serious. or at least serious trolling: he claims to have been on the windows 1.0 team (but has nearly all historical facts wrong)
Okay, now I'm wondering why my code even compiles... I'm basically doing sizeof(void) in an SFINAE context, but the overload doesn't get filtered. The fuck...
And a parameterless function that returns nothing would be written like this: f() { "I do nothing but print senseless text to the stdout thing" }
The point is, you may not require writing the type in declarations and all, but the type will arguably have to exist in some form. Giving it a name takes pain away from people that need it.
@rubenvb There is no decent answer. You don't need any CS education to know that you can't just go around introducing special language features to compensate for every library need.
I encountered a problem in c++. I read some codes,but there was a very wired usage of pointer. The code is following:
double* marginalProbability =
new double [10 * sizeof(marginalProbability[0])];
memset( marginalProbability, 0, 10 * sizeof(double) );
> @R. Martinho Fernandes Compiles with gcc as c++....that is with the requisite cleanup (missing ;s, etc)...the only thing that was needed for the malloc line was to add a cast to char*.... – Todd Murray 18 mins ago
@RMartinhoFernandes null pointer is required to be zero in the C++ abstract machine, but not in hardware. But no, you can't compare < with the null pointer.
"The samples from the June 2010 DirectX SDK are supported with the Microsoft Visual Studio 11 Ultimate Beta, both on Windows 7 and the Windows 8 release itself."