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The plain C code looks like this:
Oooh. We can't wait
push function onto stack
push arguments
call function
get and pop return value
Our code does this:
push push call call pop pop ? :D
get function on top of the stack
create sol::function, reference the variable in the registry
pop it off the stack

push function onto the stack from registry
push arguments
call function
get and pop return value
It's an enormous waste.
In fact, that's the reason for all the slowness is sol. Since we demand the stack is always cleaned up / popped off after every operation, we can't leave useful things on the stack that allow other parts of the framework to take advantage of to improve performance. So we're push/popping like crazy.
can't you like...queue push/pop commands, and only commit then later? then remove commands that cancel each other out
I doubt they do operations that cancel each other out
@melak47 I know there's certain places in the code where I can take heavy advantage of what the current operation is doing to essentially prevent that from happening, yes.
@ThePhD Make your own VM, with LLVM and hookers
I mean, in the case of get/set I've optimized it to be okay. But the function calls are several hundred nanoseconds above plain C, so the least I could do is specialize for that case.
@CatPlusPlus I mean, I am NOT using luajit at the moment, I'm just using plain old lua.
So maybe luajit itself could optimize the crap out of it and the performance difference would be so small as to be moot.
JIT optimises Lua code, not your library
Oh. Right.
@CatPlusPlus You had a repo somewhere with Snackchat scripts?
@sehe: Improved!
@ThePhD Why do you insist on misspelling Snarkchat?
Or maybe you really meant "smackchat"? I don't think that's correct, but at least I can understand it.
Isn't smack a hard hit to the face?
@CaptainGiraffe I was thinking more along the "disrespectful comments" definition, but that too...
@Borgleader Is this regular usage or just for the heroic users?
awwwwwwwwwww /cc @TonyTheLion
@Borgleader :3
@CaptainGiraffe Maybe it's just because I don't know anybody who uses street drugs anymore, but it's been decades since I heard anybody talk about heroin as smack (except, it seems like some educational video with a 40 year-old guy trying to sound cool).
@JerryCoffin I have never even heard Heroin being used in conversation, unless referencing a movie segment. Pulp Fiction comes to mind.
@CaptainGiraffe :D
@TonyTheLion lets go to africa (@jaggedSpire can come too)
@Borgleader <3
@Borgleader :3
@Borgleader The uploader has not made this video available in your country. This is a sucky thing to do.
@CaptainGiraffe RIP :(
Hello, friends
gonne need a proxy mate
@jaggedSpire hows you? :)
@CaptainGiraffe I've heard people talk about it, and once in a great while even discussed it. Calling it "smack" is a whole different question though.
Oh, thinking about it I do remember once, probably only 10 years ago or so, when somebody did make a joking reference to it when the grocery store had some "Smack Ramen" on the shelves.
@Borgleader pretty all right. You?
@jaggedSpire same
Also Ramen is controversial. In my stores Ramen is a poorly made noodle with a spice pack.
I do love a good fake SO screenshot
I think my favorite part of the one on the sidebar is the user WTF look at my points
@CaptainGiraffe I thought that was pretty much everywhere, but I don't see any controversy.
Wroclaw awaits, gents.
@JerryCoffin it's because in some parts of the world, there's instant ramen, and real food ramen, which is a noodle soup with actual vegetables and stuff
wiki supplies a delicious looking sample upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a1/…
hello my dear popeles
cozy floof /cc @Borgleader @ElimGarak @TonyTheLion @ThePhD @набиячлэвэлиь
@AngryLettuce hi snoflek <3
@jaggedSpire awww, I need one
@jaggedSpire Two words that ring like wool to my ears :D
@Morwenn <3
@jaggedSpire Not a very good fake. The 43 up-boats on the question would give the OP a score (much) higher than the 2 it shows.
@ElimGarak elo my presius litel domagoy
@JerryCoffin It depends on the number of downvotes on OP's other questions.
@jaggedSpire Sure (actually, there's a really good Ramen place here in SD), but I still don't see any real controversy.
@JerryCoffin I suppose so, considering they would have had to somehow post masses of terrible questions and also avoid the question ban after that
@JerryCoffin shrug
@Morwenn I at least assume the "comment" is supposed to reflect the idea of a user who signed up to ask one question, and will never return.
@JerryCoffin I thought it was referring to the way they will never again check the question for a better answer, leaving the mediocre answer accepted for the rest of time
I apologize for my misuse of the word Controversy.
@JerryCoffin Don't ruin my perfect argument :(
cuddle floofs! /cc @Borgleader @ElimGarak @ThePhD @TonyTheLion @набиячлэвэлиь
@jaggedSpire Oh, probably that too (god knows, that certainly happens plenty).
@jaggedSpire :3
@jaggedSpire Ah, finally the daily Fox News update. :-)
because everyone else is linked very nearby
@JerryCoffin :-)
@JerryCoffin this should be Fox News :)
I would watch Fox News if all they ever did was show cute animals
So I just now understood the userdata idiom. /cc @набиячлэвэлиь
I know how to count to 12
Because internet outage and deep thinking and reflection happened.
@AngryLettuce No fuckin' way.
Do it right now.
1 2 12
Wow I'm impressed.
If I don't like foreign functions is it considered racism
bouncing! /cc @Borgleader @ElimGarak @TonyTheLion @ThePhD @набиячлэвэлиь
Does this line actually create a new vector? std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SOME_STRUCT>> someName;
@AngryLettuce Foreign functions are still not a protected group (but you'd better be more careful about foreign keys).
@DennisKuypers Depends where it is
@JerryCoffin p sure "foreign function" is somewhere on the tumblr sexuality scale
@DennisKuypers No, the vector is created in a parallel universe and only drawn upon when needed.
somewhere in between non-binary transgenderqueer and solid plasmafusion genderfluid
@DennisKuypers Of course (but before you use it, you probably want to at least read a little about Boost ptr_vector).
@AngryLettuce Well of course. I circulated the petition to get it placed there. Strangely, exactly the same people signed my petition to prohibit di-hydrogen monoxide.
> how to work with c++ sockets over the internet?
oops I'm using a unique_ptr that i moved into the vector...
@DennisKuypers .get().rekt
you wouldn't be able to had you used a superior language such as RUST
@AngryLettuce The Internet is way too scary for c++ sockets.
c++ suckets
GPUs > sockets
God damn PIMPL destroying everything.
Person Into Marketing Polish
@AngryLettuce Cars > potatoes.
If I get any more template errors, I'm going to start considering suicide as a possible fix.
@CaptainGiraffe spaces > tabs
@AngryLettuce Underscores are actually superior to both of those.
@AngryLettuce You want to start a war?
Because they're visible.
@Nooble While the errors are clearly your fault, suicide might be just a tad on the harsh side as punishment for them.
@CaptainGiraffe I am merely stating facts
facts have never been a source of conflict!
^ this also is a fact
@AngryLettuce I agree. I think you won this round.
@AngryLettuce Gamma function rules. Factorials suck!
my monitor has a gamma function but no factorial function
@JerryCoffin Give your gamma a negative number and see what happens. I was thinking to write Fac you. I declined.
The code...
Ok. Tabs are better than spaces. They show intent as well as indentation.
It compiles.
For the record, there are dozens upon dozens samples on this site. I know, because a fair number of them are by me :) — sehe 12 secs ago
Can we have some c/v there?
@CaptainGiraffe Spaces are astronomically better than tabs.
WOW sehe so pedantic elitist bragging about his achievements
@sehe const volatile
@sehe ☑ done ☐ not done
I can't even std::unique_ptr<GLFWwindow> because GLFWwindow is an opaque type :c
@CaptainGiraffe Okay, your declination is -2.73 degrees. What about your right ascension? (Hey, blame Nooble--he's the one who dragged in astronomy).
@Nooble You can, with a custom deleter (i think)
@Borgleader Oh I suppose so.
pretty sure i did that before
Hmm I should do that then.
See Robot's Peter Sommerlad's rule of 0
Yes that's what I said
My bad.
@JerryCoffin The -2.73 degrees is funny, but that is my turf, seriously.
@Borgleader ☑ thanks ☑ a lot
@AngryLettuce are you making a point or joking
possibly both
I still want to know which it is/are
@sehe yes
What's the point (I think I get the joke)?
@AngryLettuce 1 + 1 = 1
@CaptainGiraffe But...you're a giraffe. You're supposed to eat tree leaves. Leave the turf for a poor wasp, okay?
@sehe Making fun of Sommerlad? what else could it be, really
1+ 1 = 10 ... but 1+1+1 = 11
@AngryLettuce It could be that you've found evidence that it was actually Sommerlad who originally coined the term
@Borgleader Yay it works!
The door for the building that leads to my class was locked.
I should print out the Helpful Guide To Understanding Cicadarcasm
So I had to trek through the snow to another door, wait for someone to leave the building, and then slip inside.
@JerryCoffin That's foyne. I just appreciate the unbroken light from the stars. It gets beautiful up here.
And now I'm unbearably late to class.
@Nooble :)
@AngryLettuce And in true Cicada fashion, the title is a joke and the book is full of blank pages.
Nooble discovers custom deleters <3
@ThePhD I'm your teacher. I'm late too...
@Borgleader That's very plausible
@AngryLettuce No you shouldn't. But you should know what borders are best to keep :)
I never actually "investigated" any of this. I just called out a few occasions where people were taking credit for "RuleOfZero" (at least twice) and trusted the chronology in which events presented themselves.
I'm keenly aware of the fact that this constitutes a lack of research and am, consequently, open to the idea I might have assumed wrong.
When have facts ever gotten in my way of making fun of someone?
@Borgleader It compresses really well
@AngryLettuce it looked like you were making fun of Robots
I assume Robot coined it first, but even if it was Sommerlad or Wintergal, I don't care, I'd still make fun of them
Damn markdown
@sehe ._. obviously not?
In fact I want to start a new meme
@набиячлэвэлиь Pushed the first commit in over a month. Told you I would deliver.
The strikeout. It got inverted?
"Peter's Sommerlad <X>" where X is a popular C++ practice
@sehe thejoke.jpeg
@AngryLettuce The problem with memes like this is that google doesn't know the difference.
Go to bed
Neither do other loungers.
@AngryLettuce Singletons.
@sehe Well nobody's perfect
Precisely why I dislike when you claim you're not Cicada, or others are/were.
@Borgleader A term coined by Peter Sommerlad
@sehe But for the record, I am not
@AngryLettuce Sometimes you do. I think last time was yesterday
18 hours ago, by Angry Lettuce
probably another of cicada's alts
No I am not cicada
Ok. I'm done.
@AngryLettuce Tastes. Consequences. They exist. Both. This time I feel they're related. Feel free to keep be a rebel. I'll just keep protesting mildly once in a while. Let's say, quarterly, will that be convenient?
Irish potato picture sells for £750,000 ... now it's official, potatoes are in! So if you have recently become a lettuce ...
@sehe I just watched that "banned" Ted Talk you linked. Pretty nice that someone finally spoke common sense.
(You're not alone, I've had similar recurring exchanges with Barteks and pirates. I think even with the ape once. I don't mind if we disagree)
@sehe It's alright
@ThePhD Yup. Painfully.
I still believe you're attaching too much importance to this
I'll be me I guess
You know, the one with the 3-edit-per-posting rate...
@ThePhD wutsit about?
@Borgleader "This just in: Rich people don't create jobs."
well what can I say, nobody's perfect
we can all be friends sehe
@sehe added to watch later list, ill get to it this week prob, thx
I'll still like you even if you don't
/cc @ThePhD
Greg H made my most popular post popular. stackoverflow.com/users/893/greg-hewgill.
@Borgleader It's only 5 minutes.
@ThePhD but im going to bed now :(
why was it banned
@sehe I did some Googling the other day when it first arose. While I can't say anything about (for example) verbal conversations, the oldest instances of the phrase I can find are Robot's blog, and various references to it.
did it mention genitals of some sort
@AngryLettuce I'm not sure, I'm still digging into that.
@Borgleader night!
> As justification for not posting the talk, Chris Anderson, curator of TED, stated that he felt Hanauer's talk was "explicitly partisan" and included "a number of arguments that were unconvincing".
Top kek.
@ThePhD Most straightforward story was "unfortunate timing in relation to elections" + TED talks aren't exactly "free". Their (paying) audience is from the wrong denomination to appreciate this
That gives me enough peace of mind to go sleep.
You bunch of rambunctious animals :)
good night sweet ursus maritimus
@sehe G'night.
@ThePhD I've since found more TED talks that were banned have been excluded from public online archives
usually it would take sehe 3 times before he actually goes to bed ... he's an internet addict too :p
Now this mofo is even Giraffe racist youtu.be/1TerTgDEgUE?t=501.
think I'm gonna run off home for a while
tried to self treat the cold for 3 days but progress has been minimal :<
well 4 days
really annoying because home is 2h away by train and car and I need to go home both to meet my doctor and to get the papers for the medical leave :<
how exactly do you fail at self treating cold
you do what used to work before and if it doesn't you follow the instructions
I tried a box of coldrex it says there if it doesn't work ask your doctor
I also cannot reach a proper room temp in this apartment
it looks amazing but holy shit these glass walls are the pinnacle of inefficiency and design stupidity
> I also cannot reach a proper room temp in this apartment
well there you go
I've no Daria episode left to watch. I'm so sad right now.
@AngryLettuce it's shit yes and the radiators are few and laid out in a silly manner
basically next to the glass wall
there's so much cold air coming through this wall even now at -2 deg
it was way worse at -15
see that's the problem when you build an apartment for the purpose of renting it :<
you don't beta test it yourself
so you just do shit that looks good
never come to china then
everything is like that
all fake
@StackedCrooked how have you sandboxed coliru?
I need to implement tests.
are you implementing tests right now
@Morwenn sounds darkish
@edition combination of chroot, read-only mounts, ulimit and a few other stuff. I did some research in to Linux Containers back then but never got it to work.
@AlexM. of course not
I'm just saying that I should.
Nooble Driven Development
It compiles so I'm pretty sure it works.
I don't make mistakes.
this is not haskell
u dont write tests to be sure it works now lol u write tests to be sure it works later
Tests are for pussies who cannot see the future, loljk, write tests. Don't be dumbdumb
Hey I know I'm supposed to use quaternions or something to get around gimbal lock but I'm going to go ahead and be a badlet and add a special case for zero.
@ElimGarak I know right. Also you'll be glad to hear there is actual progress on Icicle v4.10123.
@Nooble you know you can do anything you want right?
because it doesn't matter
except not die
@ScarletAmaranth Hm, that never occurred to me. Good point.
@Nooble strong semver game
And I actually pushed the changes.
Look at this beauty.
when your code doesn't affect others being bad has no consequences but on yourself :A
so go ahead
But but if it affects me, I should care right.
personally, I don't care
@AlexM. Love me.
no <3
Alex loves everyone except that fucker Khaled <3
@Nooble ok a bit
@ElimGarak lol
My god that repo is beautiful.
CI, submodules, and all.
I am proud of myself.
There is a pimple in your window, bby
I found it a bit funny that nab used the jenkins thing for the lib list repo thing lol
> Build Passing
He uses Travis CI for everything.
whatever happened to luc
I miss raging on GW2 facts
@AngryLettuce Luc, I am your father.
he was here yesterday
Didn't expect the experiment to work so well.
wow I just used const reverse iterators
high level C++
@StackedCrooked dammit man now I'm yawning
@AngryLettuce incredible
@AngryLettuce I'm in awe
@jaggedSpire TIL you're a dog
I do hope all read iterators are const
@AngryLettuce yes, that is surely what is happening here
I am devouring those cakes, I will become a (bigger) fattie soon ...
@jaggedSpire well what else???!?
@AlexM. what do I know I'm a dog
I've never seen woof spelled so badly before
that's because I'm typing "roof" creatively, instead
of course it looks bad if you expect it to be all woof
or all ruff, for that matter
lol I just saw that question now
> Should we avoid language features that C++ has but Java doesn't to increase maintainability?
because Java is a shining example to all languages everywhere
and is completely faultless
pretty sure it's a troll attempt
:28358652 ... you can't hide it from me
Hide what?
@ThePhD You know
I see nothing but empty space.
you think you've cleansed yourself of the impulses, but when it's dark and you're alone, you can hear them creeping up, can't you?
Oh look, large piles of homework!
@ThePhD exactly
just a whisper of movement, a flicker at the corner of your eye, late at night. You're tired, it's nothing. But it's not nothing. It never was, and it's waiting for your resolve to weaken, just that little bit.
I just sneezed and my sleeve has mucus on it
The walls, they're crumbling, aren't they? Leaving little gaps, just the right size for claws to gain purchase
Don't worry, it's all good fun, in the end. :3
@AlexM. neato!
or not, if it's not your jam
@ThePhD don't you have new projects to embark on and miserably fail
I'm amazed he even has time to fail with all the college material parsing he does 24/24
Rule #1 of ThePhD: if something can fail, it will, and miserably so
cf projection matrices
do you guys use these uh
sonic toothbrushes
because they seem to cost as much as a high end GPU
and people say they're good
well not really high end GPU
No, I use a regular GPU to brush my teeth
but they're more expensive than 960s
@AngryLettuce Always!
> TIL the original candidate for DC Comics' first headlining black superhero was Black Bomber, a white racist who turned into a black superhero under stress. He was described by historian Don Markstein as "an insult to practically everybody with any point of view at all."
the next time someone has a point of view here just throw the black bomber at them
I miss playing bomberman
whatever happened to bomberman m8
I hated that game so much in high school
I was trying to write code in class and all other students incl the prof were playing bomberman
and making noises
dyna bomber or w/e
dyna blaster
> Playboy Playmate Vicky Witt playing pinball in 1978 [xpost /r/geekboners]
@Borgleader Oh, wow, X Files finally starts good with Season 10 :D
Right off the bat :D
@jaggedSpire Nighty night.
Sleep tight.
Don't let the cats bite.
@ThePhD oh, it's far too late for me. But thank you for the sentiment, all the same.
Plowing through assignments.
Beep beep.

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