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all dat minus rep
If you have 20 rep, you could be welcome in this chat room: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/99852/csehe 13 secs ago
@AndyProwl Yeah. s/From time to time/all the time/
eh, so that's it
I mean, for easy stuff it doesn't make much of a difference, but for certain harder pieces or faster passages my hands tend to get tired way earlier on a normal piano, to the point that I can't finish the piece without feeling huge tension and eventually make mistakes
@AndyProwl So it's probably the other way around. As my technique improves, I don't mind "quick"/light keys all that much. Actually, I've seen a "cross-fertilization" from playing digital instruments that I used to think of as annoyingly fiddly, I sometimes like to play on them just to fine tune the fingers more
I've even started (eeek) to increase (eeek what) key sensitivity on my RD700 at times (not for performance though)
I suggested him to use auto, because I think at that point, the compiler has a better chance of making whatever mess he's going to write work
maybe I should just find a place where I could pay for playing on a regular piano from time to time and buy a digital piano that just sounds good
They all sound reasonable these days. It's the "play well" thing that is important I think.
when is the first day on the new job sehe?
feb 1?
Meanwhile in the "real C++ room":
> i have a game and i want the player to write its name in the window of the game in opengl when he gets a high score....
pretty eager to write code by now right?
Not especially
Gonna have to try a few. Unfortunately there aren't many shops here. I might have to schedule a trip to Prague
@sehe why is that?
I write enough code I guess :)
Working really removes all my will to write code in my free time.
@AndyProwl It's one of the things I found time to do during my window of unemployment: visit actual piano shops
I guess that's the issue making your hobby a job
a jobby
Something along the lines of "code so much you seem yourself become the villain"
@sehe Planning a purchase, or just for fun?
Not necessarily. I still like writing code outside the job. It's just not that I like the job mostly for writing code. It's more like a coincidental part of the job
@AndyProwl Evaluating. I felt I "deserved" to look for an upgrade. Not found anything worth considering at the moment. So that's good news
(There was one instrument that I'd have bought. Sliiiightly out of budget range)
@AndyProwl Took much time. I'm getting better at the "evaluating" game though. It's quite challenging to make sense of a showroom with ~300 grand pianos
never seen that many in one place
@AndyProwl Nah :) I've played on digitial instruments wherever they also carried them, out of curiosity
I wish I could afford a grand piano
@AndyProwl It's a long way's drive and there's only one such shop
I don't even have a place for it
I'm limited to studio size. Meaning I practically sit on the radiator
isn't that a shame for the acoustic?
Still luxury of course. We bought this house partially for this reason
I mean, if the room is too small
@AndyProwl Curtains help a lot. I'm fond of direct, dry-ish contact with the sound source anyways
Do your neighbors think you're being too loud?
In effect it's the instrument that creates the depth/atmosphere
I'd like to buy something like this, which would fit in my living room. But that's out of budget :(
@Mikhail Sometimes :0
@AndyProwl Yeah, the top of line are NICE. Stopped playing those (because unrealistic. I think the market for them is television studios, events, high profile places)
@Mikhail lol
@sehe Maybe, but I'd love to have that. So elegant
but 10000 euros for a digital piano is really more than I can reasonably spend
... lolwut
10K Euros?
Not sure about the price point. Feels a bit "premium". Though, like I said, the top-of-line models have excellent built in amplifier systems. That's important because it gets you the home-stretch for the quality sound
@AndyProwl ISTR it being considerably more
@ThePhD more or less
@ThePhD There are also 100K pianos, nobody special used them, just the brand
@ThePhD The instrument I would have liked to buy was 70k EUR
@sehe Sound of jaw hitting floor.
@sehe around 9k actually
Instruments are expensive
So you can see how it's out of budget
@sehe haha, I'd have to work 10 more years for that
probably more
yeah definitely more
Unless you get a job at an American tech company
@AndyProwl I was thinking about the high end edition:
@Mikhail I have a job at an American tech company. In Czech Republic, though
@AndyProwl Is it FEI, because I got a bunch of bug reports
Also fucking Nikon
@sehe Ah, no I meant ROLAND RG-3F PE
My Strat was around €3800, which is basically the amount of money I am willing to drop into my next one, probably a Les Paul. Anything below 5K is pretty okay. 10K and above, insanity :/
@Mikhail lol, where do you work?
tell me it's not Samsung
I don't have a real job, I'm doing a PhD at UIUC
I also make 17k a year
do you have one of our tools?
@AndyProwl To be honest, ISTR that's also really nice. The V-Piano tech hasn't sold itself (although it is very nice, it strikes me as overpriced for new)
@AndyProwl Amira?
@Mikhail What's Amira?
probably not one of our tools
@Mikhail 17k a year - really nice full time job in russia
So, rubbles?
@sehe due to exchange rates
@sehe 17k euro
good morning europe
@Mikhail ah, dunno about that. Seems to be the name of some 3D software. But what's the microscope?
long time no see
@SashaMN Lol, fuck Russia, Росси́я для ру́сских
@AndyProwl I got 1 Nikon and 4 Zeiss. Do you mean SEM or TEM, I don't use those often
Hi guise
@Mikhail Yeah, I mean what microscope. There are many different SEM and TEM microscopes we sell
Hey wait a minute, FEI isn't an American company
@Mikhail уже нет
I've spent years on my spam filters and still this gets in: 'Training opportunities for C++/C# Developers into Mobile and NODEJS! £45k'.
@Mikhail It is
@AndyProwl IIRC You play guitar here and there, got any electrics? :D
@ElimGarak Nope, only acoustics. And I am very newbie :P
I'd also need to buy a new guitar
Fuck money
For example if I will work remotedly for 15$/h, I will live like a king here :)
same here
@SashaMN в москве?
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix да
@AndyProwl Well I think its a Philips XL30
@Mikhail Then it's not our microscope
I want to add solely a humbucker guitar, just not sure which one to pick. Only know that €4k would be great, not over, like the strat.
it's Philips
@SashaMN then how would that be 22 euro/h in Tatarstan?
Preferably one that is not a "signature instrument", as much as I like popele's music.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix super awesome
Kazan cheap city
@ElimGarak I'd like to buy a "good" acoustic guitar for no more than 1k and a "good" digital piano for no more than 5k
but I know I'll probably end up buying a more expensive piano and fucking the guitar
@AndyProwl Maton guitars are the best acoustics I've ever owned. :D
Keeping note
Probably this baby, classic finish
Yet for now I'm stuck in vietnam for at least 1.5 month :(
Tu veux que je te faure lacroix dans le loïc ?
Pas nécessaire
@AndyProwl I also ended up building a competitor to this guy: tescan.com/en/products/q-phase/q-phase
@MartinJames your spam filters can't keep up with all the new JS frameworks? :p
@Mikhail Good. Tescan is enemy :D
@melak47 Nope - looks like I need retraining in spam filtering:)
@AndyProwl Its kinda a bullshit venture because the market demand is about 10 people :-)
Also my microscope is better because it runs WordPress phioptics.com
@Mikhail first it's spelt texan
> performance in nanospace
that's what she said
Would it be illegal to build an AI that can copy the voice of other people and phone other people that would recognize the voice. The thing the AI has to do is create a discussion in which it would talk about all the product it bought at some place (hidden ads)
	if err != nil {
		return n, err
	return n, err
dat code
@AndyProwl That should be absolutely no problem. Are you going to require it to include the amp? If not, then I'd half the budget (roughly)
@MadameElyse premature optimization is bad. May be someone was expecting to handle the error.
I don't see the optimization
@sehe exactly, there isn't
Any TMP guys here?
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix You were the one mentioning it
@slaphappy Hehehe. Maybe in the other C++ room ?!
@sehe Not going near that place :P
@sehe I'm saying the code is fine, while Madame Elyse is pasting the code here as in "this code suck"
@slaphappy I'm here
I'm officially in love, with the guitar.
So, robot has this is_specialization trait but it requires variadics to be truly useful
Is there a way to achieve a similar result without variadics? I'm not against generating.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix you can't say "this code doesn't suck" by saying "sex before marriage is bad" or, equivalently, "Trump is a douchebag" or even "premature optimization is bad"
@slaphappy I think I recall some compiler builtin in MSVC for this
The code sucks. Nothing to do with optimization. So the lack of retarded optimization doesn't somehow make the code adequate.
sex before marriage is bad
that's why I'm all for children marriage
@AngryLettuce good job
@AngryLettuce children marriage is possible as far as I know.
quick question. Is this a horrible thing to do to get around the lack of test case templates in Catch? gist
@melak47 you don't mean __if_exists right
@sehe I'd rather see the code around it and the history and the latest commit that changed those lines
@AngryLettuce why'd you make this two messages? :/
so you couldn't star it you child abuser
I have enough stars anyway
that's what bowser said
@slaphappy dunno. All I remember is it had some big warnings "DO NOT PASS something something TO tHIS!!1!"
@sehe that said, a smart compiler would optimize out this if as it doesn't have any effect on the outcome
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Really. You realize that you're looking for artificial ways to defend code that doesn't require defense right. The code sucks. Nobody condemned a codebase because of it. Don't make it about that. It's a meaning less fragment. And it sucks.
@slaphappy ok, I guess I was thinking of that. :D
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix No matter how smart the compiler, it will never optimize the readability or maintainability of the source.
@melak47 Although, actually, use it with templates, because you can do fun stuff with it. My whole library is actually based on __if_exists
looks like a gaytar to me
@slaphappy what library is this? Is this fun stuff documented there? :D
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Again, you fall into the trap of making it about ~~purformance~~. Nobody did that. It's about sucky code! /cc @MadameElyse
@AngryLettuce Come play mine bby
@melak47 Probably at some point when I have more time, but right now I need is_specialization_of
@AngryLettuce Yours for only $25,000 <3
@sehe seeing that somewhere error handling hasn't been done is better than make it readable but without focusing on the fact that error handling should be done.
@slaphappy nvm, you already told me about this once. i'll read the transcript :D
> You realize that you're looking for artificial ways to defend code that doesn't require defense right.
Comments would be a /better/ way to achieve your imagined goal already.
@sehe Amp would be nice, but if I find one with the heavy touch I'm looking for I might give up that requirement
sure comments would be better than that.
my goal is to play well on a normal piano
So. The code fragment sucks. Objectively
but I can't afford a normal piano at my place
well we don't know what was supposed to be there... so we can't really say. If it has been there for 3 years then yes
I'm just saying it could be good to investigate, there might be something worse behind that.
For some reason, I thought sehe said that. I need sleep.
@Elim didn't see the removed message
@AndyProwl Success!
Basically, "wife set her foot down" + whip sound
lol, which wife
the neighbor's wife?
I possess zero wives
Hence the removal when I realized it wasn't sehe who said that <3
And you'd have more wives if you didn't break up with popele all the time, snoflek :P
@AndyProwl I won’t judge
as long as you take pictures
@ElimGarak ay, true dat
a wild luc danton appears
@LucDanton are you the neighbor?
first it's neighbour
you sounds so LRIOish
@AngryLettuce shut up, you imperial
also how come I always fail to understand Luc even when he writes like 3 words
@AndyProwl you can fool around with any wife and I won’t judge you for your actions
@AndyProwl It's the niebler effect.
@ElimGarak literally niebler
@AndyProwl that alt of mine got banned
@Nooble Took long enough
@Nooble Fukken finally
@ElimGarak How does it work? Does it digitize the sound and then replay it?
@wilx Loop station, records the input from the guitar and loops it on select intervals or on button press.
You can layer up a tune that way, really useful for folks playing at home, but requires additional equipment. And towards the end, he drops some overdrive on to drive the main progression.
What kind of GPU is that
Guitar Processing Unit, literally. Like the BOSS GT-10
@ElimGarak o.O She married the piano too
Fukkin asians <insert_unacceptable_video>
Okay folks, I wrote some python code and it causes a kernel panic on Windows. How to debug...
@Mikhail Uninstall Windows <3
@Mikhail It's never python's fault if the kernel bugs out. End of story.
fuck I can't even the event in the "Windows Log"
@Mikhail be better
Other python problem here... why does python install pydot 1.0.2 when I request 1.0.28
Q: Why won't pip install the current version of a package?

raxacoricofallapatoriusI can't get pip to install the current version of pydot (1.0.28). Though yolk and PyPi both report this version as the available, current one, pip -U pydot gives me Requirement already up-to-date: pydot in /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages Requirement already up-to-date: pyparsing in /Library...

use pip to grab the gitpage directly?
@ElimGarak fukkin chinese
see what rice does to the brain
@Mikhail Make sure you have minidumps, debug those using WinDbg.
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Do we look like the productive programming cabbage room? Get outta here and check there
rice and communism
@LoïcFaure-Lacroix Is it because pydot doesn't support Python2?
@StackedCrooked Well, yeah. Angel Sanctuary is pretty dark and so is its soundtrack. But it has a really interesting atmosphere from time to time.
@Mikhail should work... anyway... i'll just remove the depenency line 1.0.2 might just work anyway
I think the problem is that the file isn't hosted on pypi
I'd be fat again to have that voice.
maybe if I run it again the kernel bug will go away
@sehe Best posty
@ElimGarak dream no more
@ElimGarak yay
the guy's the awesomes
I wanna record that song but I need a guitar which is not completely out of tune
do eet, then post video like the hitler++ :D
eh but guitar
also I guess such a video would be laughed at like the hitler one
You either die a "mv repo _old && git clone repo && cp -rf _old/* repo" or live long enough to see yourself become the git-villain.
git dysentery
git moi ein sandviche
git outa here
Billions is a pretty cool show
Billions? Gotta Google/imdb...
OK, cool hedge-funds? That's possible?
Wellp, it's about a US Attorney trying to stick it to one. :P
I see a smug face on the cover
@ElimGarak OK, well, I'll gve it a try:)
@Morwenn avègue blaisire
Also, new X-Files are amazing. Finally plot is moving along.
shiet, already 9.4
Look at the synopsis, it looks like what's going on between Chinese government and George Soros
reality show, it's going to be fun
@ElimGarak There are new X-files too? Welp, I'm way behind with shows, I'm trying to keep up with Elementary, Sleepy Hollow, Blacklist, Agent Carter, Blindspot, Shadowhunters, Shannara etc etc. I cannot watch them fast enough:(
You're not trying hard enough
I'm kinda in love with Agent Carter. Elementary is amazing, as well.
@CatPlusPlus Soddin' work keeps getting in the way:(
It's a shitty distribution made for mac fags
@ElimGarak Jessica Jones was just awesome:)
also that time of the month ...
what time is that
Hammer time
Yeah my thought exactly.
@набиячлэвэлиь Your clock is off
@CatPlusPlus I do believe it's on
quality pun 2014
Now it's on
mr data, you have the conn
geordi, worf, lettuce, you're with me
Miller ti.... actually, no.
Eh~, that heavy server load on GitHub is annoying.
lol, github
I know someone who thought that github being down is due to something wrong with him, so he deleted his .git folder.
> They tried to make me go to github I said, "no, no, no"
@MadaraUchiha Well done
@набиячлэвэлиь nicknamed "Wheatley"
Yes, that Wheatley.
@MadaraUchiha Well, there was probably something wrong with him then.
Oh, wow, Geordi got "You're a terrific guy, but I just don't feel that way about you" zoned. (Booby Trap, S3, TNG)
@MadaraUchiha was github fixed then? :p

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