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1:00 AM
vacations aren't so much fun if you're always on vacation
@Elyse Have you tried to write a game in Erlang?
@Lalaland well, I dunno if work is the sole purpose of most people's lives
@lala nobody says work is the purpose of peoples lives
Its a means to an end
most folks do their 8 hours and then go home and watch TV or whatever they like doing
@Morwenn what is a "contiguous iterator" really?
It seems to me it is no different to a pointer
1:02 AM
Its as if it gives properties to the container, not the iterator
@Ell That's pretty much it.
Kind of bad, I think
@Ell iter a[2]; // two contiguous iterators
Also, a lot of people derive their self worth from how much they make.
1:03 AM
If "worse people" make as much money as them, they get very upset on an ethical level.
You see a lot of people make arguments like that when we talk about raising the minimum wage.
"Why does X deserve Y money? I make Y money, but I do a really hard job called Z."
That's why I like benevolent open-source.
Those people are just doing themselves a disservice
@Ell Yes, but the argument does have a certain appeal to the average person.
1:05 AM
Everyone likes to thing good of themselves, and money is one metric for self assessment.
Consider some fast gameplay game (something like Agar.io) for example. Would you say it's possible to develop the game logic on some back end (in some other language) e let JS clients render the game world?
@Jefery You would want client side prediction for nicer rendering.
you'd need some sort of interpolation at minimum
@Lalaland Right
What kind of prediction?
1:08 AM
When you press a button, you want to instantly move your thingy.
So if you have a wall in front of your, you have to predict that you will collide with that wall.
Wouldn't that desynchronize "my thingy" with the rest of the world creating a not really existent situation?
Because I would have the rest of the world on a delay and "my thingy" up to date
it can get quite complicated if you really want to do it properly
for something like agar.io, it's not really a big deal
agar.io just sends your relative cursor position to the server
if you're on slow internet (like mine) there's a noticeable delay before your thing moves where you want it to
@Jefery I wouldn't worry about it.
But how does that solve the problem?
1:11 AM
how does what?
I mean, you still have the issue that the rest of the world is in some past state
with agar.io that's not the case
By predicting your own player or whatever you just desynchronize the two
You don't solve the underlying issue of having the rest of the world come in in a delay
the server handles all the logic, the clients just render essentially
I find multiplayer games mind boggling to think about
Every system I imagined seems flaky and unreliable
1:12 AM
aw, I don’t have spaghetti
@Jefery Yes, it's a complicated thing to do.
However, it is essential for games with very low latency tolerance.
Like FPS games.
Such as GW2
1:14 AM
I wouldn't worry about for small personal projects or games because it's a lot of work for little gain.
(example picked randomly)
When will we have 0ms latency connections? Like that pairing atoms theory thing.
Like that when you change the state of one atom, you change the state of the other too, independently from where it is.
@Jefery Well, there is a little thing called the speed of light which is an issue ...
sounds like magic
@Jefery Also, the pairing atoms thing was from Ender's game. Science fiction.
1:15 AM
@Lalaland It wouldn't move
It's synched atoms
The speed of light also controls the speed of information.
Information cannot travel faster than the speed of light for reasons
Reasons which I don't really understand, but whatever.
That's not necessarily true
Speed of light defines the maximum speed at which things can go
If you have something like synched atoms, there's really nothing moving
@Jefery cinched*
1:17 AM
@Jefery Well, if you can prove an information transfer faster than the speed of light, you can probably pick up a couple Nobel prizes.
Also, wasn't the speed of light debunked like a couple of years ago
If you do, share some of the money with the Lounge.
@GregorMcGregor that's how I keep reading it
We could use a better sofa. I think the current one is wearing down.
@Lalaland The trick is that it doesn't travel faster than light
1:18 AM
@Jefery No, there was a flawed experiment which they thought debunked the speed of light.
It was a stupid loose cable.
They spend like months hunting it down though.
@Jefery its information, not movement
@Jefery How do you call a three humped camel? :P
1:18 AM
I would hate to be the person who plugged in the cable wrong.
You can move stuff faster than the speed of light iirc
@Borgleader An abomination.
@Borgleader lol
Just can't observe it or pass information with it
No you can't
I mean yes
1:19 AM
I fort u cud
But in the case of intricated atom pairs it's not going faster than light
IIRC it's just an "alternative route"
It Just Is
I got 1 :(
Doesn't look like science fiction
1:20 AM
I don't game
i will be ur girlfriand
@Jefery Yes, but the information doesn't really travel faster than the speed of light as you can't control which way it will flip.
You can't "send" anything to another computer.
How do people do this in 2 hours
Well, I guess you can send random numbers.
1:21 AM
But that's about it.
They must be lieing
(And sending random numbers is actually a very useful gimick for cryptography stuff)
you could make a fantastic atomic clock though
@Borgleader I have none.
@Lalaland If you can measure state change in one such particle, then you can exchange data
1:23 AM
@Morwenn May I introduce you to steam? ;)
don't do it
Independently from where it "flips".
In physics, the no-communication theorem is a no-go theorem from quantum information theory which states that, during measurement of an entangled quantum state, it is not possible for one observer, by making a measurement of a subsystem of the total state, to communicate information to another observer. The theorem is important because, in quantum mechanics, quantum entanglement is an effect by which certain widely separated events can be correlated in ways that suggest the possibility of instantaneous communication. The no-communication theorem gives conditions under which such transfer of...
For example 2 quick enough state changes represents a 1 and 1 state change represents a 0.
@Borgleader No thanks, I'm fine :p
> Half-Mile Spider Web Found In Tennessee
1:25 AM
must be a pretty big spider
You don't measure state change. You just measure state and the wave function collapses on that measurement. Once.
tracksinspector.com Apparently a forensics tool for laymen, a FoxIT daughter. What say ye. Interesting to work there?
They have an opening
How's your new job @sehe
I was just asking some first reactions to that idea ^
What is the smallest computation that can be carried out?
1:28 AM
And I have a kitchen to tear down/vacate for demolishment tomorrow morning.
Mitt Romney's event horizon?
Time to go to sleep.
@Jefery How would you exchange data?
You can't control how it flips.
1:29 AM
See you later, friendly loungers.
@Morwenn night night
You have no way of signaling.
@Lalaland std::swap
@Morwenn Good night.
@Morwenn nn
1:30 AM
@sehe There is a std::swap specialized for quantum state changes?
@sehe tracksinspector.com/about I hope you like blue
@Lalaland std::atomic_exchange
@Lalaland it's a customization point
Thanks all, and bye ^_^
Live long and prosper!
1:31 AM
@nick I don't dislike it
sounds like you would be a good fit
The speed of light is sorta depressing though.
It means that large scale space travel is pretty much impossible.
Travel between planets as depicted in science fiction will never occur.
1:34 AM
it is ok, we will all be dead soon anyways
At best, you have generation ships.
@Lalaland : not exactly impossible, because according to LT the astronauts save time and distance.
@Jefery Oh yes, there is one last piece of evidence that communication faster than the speed of light is unlikely.
If it was possible, someone would be using it to make a killing on Wall Street.
Never underestimate the strength of monetary incentive.
1:36 AM
@Lalaland not necessarily
what is money
no object can travel through space at a speed greater than that of light
Why would you be able to see the future?
@Jefery If you have faster than light communication, you can beat all your opponents at arbitrage.
1:36 AM
You could see changes from the London stock exchange faster than all your peers.
however, there's no such impossibility for bending space to get to your destination with less travel
HFT is mainly about reacting quicker than your peers
@Lalaland Not if all my peers also have the same communication technology
@Jefery That would require a conspiracy.
Of Wall Street people hiding their FTL communication technology.
1:37 AM
Yes, if you discover something that is helpful first you can exploit it
And we would see it in the trading records.
Thanks for the insight
How is that surprising
yay textures work
you're further along than @Nooble
1:39 AM
I like turtles
But where are the fancy shadows?
@orlp the candy or the animal or both
@Prismatic candy?
people put turtles in sugar and eat them?
where's the realtime raycast shader
how do you not know about turtles
1:40 AM
I really would not have the heart to eat those
is that diarrhea covered nuggets of hardened shit?
No its caramel and pecans covered in chocolate
marketed by good ol' uncle rapecan
that's a turtle
either way, I never had those feces snacks, I meant real turtles
1:42 AM
the only connection between feces and chocolate is the color brown
@nick And the fact that they both taste like shit.
Just joking, chocolate is amazing.
ah ty I was gonna have to roast you
like a pecan
you guys know jack shit about good snacks
There are 'people' on this planet that don't like chocolate
waffles are cool
1:45 AM
@Prismatic those aren't just waffles dude
those are stroopwafels
they are amazing
and then you realize you can buy them handmade, fresh and warm off street vendors:
I used to get similar ones to your picture in singapore from the street vedors
you could pick your filling too
are godly
@Prismatic wat no
@orlp That would require going outside though.
there is only one filling
And the light. It burns.
1:46 AM
and that is caramel syrup
it's like a pancake waffle
Oh I guess I had something different then
@Morwenn You should create one of those sorting videos when you are getting closer to done with your sorting project.
The street vendors I went to would let you choose your flavour... chocolate, different jams, etc
man I want a waffle rn
and some coffee
1:47 AM
I might move to SG next year
you haven't lived until you tried ossenworst
Or Netherlands
move to America
What's SG?
1:48 AM
Southern Georgia?
@Lalaland sex & groping
nah they do quite well actually
ossen worst is seasoned raw ground beef
1:49 AM
@GregorMcGregor Come to the US. Don't you want to live under glorious president Trump?
@Lalaland this
We need to find a way to ship Trump memorabilia to Cicada.
I should sleep
@GregorMcGregor if you do move to SG put me in touch with some venture capitalists
@greg don't move to UK it is a disaster
1:55 AM
@Lalaland Stargate?
We can't even film spanking porn here
@Lalaland "Glorious"? I don't think that word means what you think it means.
@Ell What do you mean
@JerryCoffin Well, it will be quite good TV until he screws the country over.
By waging war on NK or China or something.
1:57 AM
BTW @Morwenn -fexpensive-optimizations is already enabled by -O3
@GregorMcGregor there is a lot of porn which is illegal to produce here

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