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10:01 PM
trying to find the message
"Woof woof" our most wonderous canine did say
He never did fail to brighten our day.
Without him the Lounge would so surely die:
The one and only great author of Wide.
Jul 3 at 8:40, by Mr. kbok
I'm official prof now http://www.master203.com/l-equipe-pedagogique.html
there ya go
Kbok Noire
@sehe lol
@Mr.kbok codementor
I had a 2h15m session today
man are those tiring
@BartekBanachewicz you might want to look over this chick's stuff linkedin.com/profile/…
(can you open it?)
10:06 PM
@Nooble :)
@AlexM. ooh
but then again
I'm really happy with my job right now
seems to be some kind of recruiter for functional-only stuff
incl haskell
also forgot to brag; I got my contract prolonged (was on 3month trial)
so now it's indeterminate
I'd drink a beer to that but
that's a lot of calories too many
maybe this saturday :<
10:07 PM
@AlexM. my team lead gave me a book titled "Web development with Node.js and MongoDB" recently
I lol'd
@BartekBanachewicz Time to find another job.
They're clearly insulting you.
@BartekBanachewicz I picked up functional programming with examples in C# and F#
A: boost::proto::is_aggregate returning false when it is an aggregate type

seheProto's trait is clearly not intended for wider use. It defaults to just call PODs aggregates and then simply lists 3 - library internal - types as aggregates explicitly. The behaviour described in the documentation indicates it was there to scratch an itch (the make<> functions needed a way to ...

@StackedCrooked @R.MartinhoFernandes @LucDanton care to review?
@Nooble that's what I'm doing those days
Developing in node is like taking care of a retarded child
MongoDB adds a retarded cousin
technically it's not mine, it's owned by the workplace but if you think a book can be useful for people you can just ask for it and it's brought to the office library
really nice
@sehe lol, all those compiler tests
@BartekBanachewicz does it not get boring
@AlexM. dunno, not yet. I'm writing a lot of new fresh code that I'm designing and have a lot of control over
@StackedCrooked It's simply what coliru gives me, right (not interested in superseded compiler versions)
@BartekBanachewicz welp
10:12 PM
@thecoshman Impossible hacking in Mission Realistic
at least you weren't stuck on doing ui work for the past 3 weeks like I was :<
@BartekBanachewicz oh boy
@AlexM. 3 weeks? I've been doing that for months at my previous job :)
Almost 3 months basically
sounds exciting
wish there were no UIs
on the other hand those days my brain can take a rest
I just leave it at home
The best part: you don't even need shared_ptr nor make_shared to make this work. I'm tempted to say "copy & paste programming". Hard to make the judgement from a distance, I know, but I'd be alerted if it were my team member. — sehe 7 secs ago
@AlexM. the bedside table is where I usually find it when I have misplaced it
@thecoshman :D
10:21 PM
@AlexM. lol, no users does sound like some utopian dream:)
@AlexM. cygwin but linux wtf kernal 2 years \t\t\t of development wtf wtf
Good eve @all! May the ::force be with you!
@BartekBanachewicz which language?
@MartinJames the tranquility of being a lib dev :P
yea I'll take what I'm having now over lib dev anyway
I'm switching over to UI in bursts only
previously I was doing lib work and having other programmers as daily users was even more tiring and annoying
10:35 PM
oh hey, anyone here using tox yet?
UI is the worst!
I think the best life would be like
you sit at home and work on whatever you want
and through a source you get unlimited money for free
what eevee is doing, essentially
Evil Dead Army of Darkness on TV. Awesome classic!
f(3) = 0b11100000
f(1) = 0b10000000
f(6) = 0b11111100
f(x) = ?
@Mr.kbok the pokemon?
10:41 PM
@Ell 0xb11111111 << (8 - x) & 0xb11111111
@Ell (~0 << (8 - x)) & 0xFF
@Ell f(3) has the first 3 bits set. f(1) the first bit, f(6) the first 6 bits.
Bleh. Something like this? :)
you just take N ones and shift them to the left by N - x positions
@wilx perfect, thanks :)
10:43 PM
but what if N is infinity D:
nvm I'm dumb
@AlexM. yes
but srsly how would you do this
> f(3) = 0b11100000...
f(1) = 0b10000000...
f(6) = 0b11111100...
f(x) = ?
do what?
two people already posted the answer m8
can you do that without knowing the number of bits
10:46 PM
@AlexM. how would you not know the number of bits?
@Rapptz including me
@melak47 nvm yea since you have to use constants it's fixed size
@Mr.kbok basics of C++
ueh finally ordered a bday gift for my GF
@AlexM. You can't if you don't know the number of bits
@BartekBanachewicz oh you're like #2 for C++
I have a few lines of Assembly here, does anyone knows what these lines do?
10:48 PM
@DNC they let themselves be rendered by our browsers
@AlexM. huh?
@Mr.kbok #2 based on what really. those "rankings" are weird
@AlexM. whaddya mean, constants
@melak47 this
----------------v constant
0xb11111111 << (8 - x) & 0xb11111111 <--- constant
|--- constant
> DNC has invited you to join Room for Alex M.. See your invitations.
lol sorry man I gotta sleep
10:50 PM
Sleep is for skro0bz
@AlexM. ~Integer{} << (sizeof(Integer) * CHAR_BIT - x) ?
is that C++?
template<typename Integer> etc..
10:52 PM
those are still constants
I need some decent IEMs. Oh wait, they're all $15,000,000.
I was thinking about something that doesn't deal with programming languages in the first place
I think you're right, you do gotta sleep!
@Nooble Some decent Intel Programming Masterss?
as a sidenote, ell didn't specify a language either, we just gave C answers :P
10:53 PM
@набиячлэвэлиь In-Ear Monitors. Headphones.
@melak47 bro I know what you're saying lol
@AlexM. Or Scala, or C++, or Java, or any-other-language-that-defines-bitwise-operators-in-a-standard-way
I'm talking to walls
good night
@AlexM. Fuck Walls, talk to us instead.
10:55 PM
@Nooble We're walls
@набиячлэвэлиь We are?
You mean indeed.
10:57 PM
@Puppy how far away are you from self hosting wide?
or w/e that's called
probably not that far.
@Ell boost rapping?
@Puppy So readable.
@Ell Self hosting?
Clang's support for MSVC is a lot better now.
@Nooble writing a wide compiler in wide
10:58 PM
so perhaps soon I can build a Wide that can deal with MSVC C++ as well as Itanium C++
and then compiling it
@Ell Why would I do that?
I'm not gonna rewrite my compiler for lolsies.
@Puppy it's not for lolsies, it's to use the wide language, which is superior. Right?
Are you saying the wide compiler wouldn't be easier to write in wide? :p
10:59 PM
considering that I already have a C++ version and using it from Wide costs me basically nothing
and it's one of Wide's biggest selling points how effortless it is to use C++ code from Wide
I could use Wide to write my compiler just fine without re-writing the existing C++ portions in Wide.
return cpp::Wide::Internal::Compiler::compile();
in fact arguably it would be quite self-defeating to have to re-write my compiler in Wide.
Wolfram is being spectacularly unhelpful with simplifying vector expressions
@Nooble what?
@sehe Oh nothing, just playing around with how your name is supposed to be pronounced.
11:04 PM
@Nooble It's SEEEEEhe
@Columbo Exactly!
Or maybe @sehe was just retarded and meant to name his account seth
What his actual name is :-)
@Puppy Wait, is Wide actually happening?
@набиячлэвэлиь Correct. It's sehe ;)
what do you mean, "actually happening"?
11:06 PM
Hopefully you would've read that in my voice.
@Puppy Is it under active development with usable implementations existing
@Nooble It's not fucking "seehee"
@Columbo sssssssh don't tell anyone
Nor is it seyhey
depends on how you define usable implementation
11:07 PM
@Columbo clap clap clap
@sehe "anyone" knows
but there's been a build up on Coliru for a long time.
@sehe Thank you, thank you :-)
don't know if it's still functional
@набиячлэвэлиь the retarded part
11:07 PM
@sehe Wait, are you a room owner
@набиячлэвэлиь It isn't. It's sehe ;;;))))
Why is your name italicized
@sehe eyesquint followed by slow headturn
I should be room owner president supreme leader of the galaxy.
I'm taking up Botany, cause fuck programming
11:11 PM
@ElimGarak Would be proud.
@TonyTheLion I like plants.
@Morwenn nice
anyway, bed time. Good night
@TonyTheLion Night.
Night @Borgleader <3 <3 <3
@TonyTheLion Good night
11:15 PM
@Nooble If I ever have a write in option for a ballot, I'll write down Nooble.
@Lalaland :)
Expect to get one vote for class president.
@TonyTheLion Sweet dreams :)
11:19 PM
Hmm, to use regex or to not use regex.
Choices choices.
constexpr bool should_i_use_regex() { return true; }
Also, screw you Fallout NV with your stupid bugs. I just lost like 2 hours of stuff.
regex looks like a broken palindrom
static_assert(uses_regex<Coder>::value, "How dare you!");
11:24 PM
@decltype_auto Well, usually it's either regex or a bunch of string finds and splits.
template<typename Disguise> struct uses_regex<Litb<Disguise>> : false_type { };
@Lalaland: I've done my share of manual tokenizing for a lifetime. No more. no more!
ah fucknuggets
gotta rebuild LLVM and Clang because my env var didn't carry over to sudo
which env var was it?
11:33 PM
I wonder if there's plain llvm + clang + libc++abi build script meanwhile; last time I did that it was still a sort-of patchwork build.
@Puppy sudo -E ought to do it
@decltype_auto I'm seriously considering doing some dubious ABI hacks to avoid needing RTTI enabled.
@Puppy can't you use LLVMs RTTI?
or clang sorry
@ScottW ...what kind?
11:35 PM
that's at Wide's runtime.
not at the compiletime of the Wide compiler.
@ScottW It sorta depends on what you mean. There are many types of machine learning.
@Puppy dont get that: enlighten me, pls!
For interests sake, what are you using RTTI for? boost::any or dynamic casts?
inheriting from a Clang class
in my own code I use it for exceptions, dynamic casts, typeid(), lots of shit.
@ScottW I have worked with a couple of gradient ascent and hidden markov models. I haven't done any of the fancy neural network stuff.
11:38 PM
There was a book I used. I just forget the name.
And there are probably better books nowadays.
@Puppy yessss..... but I don't get it why you want RTTI disabled then
@decltype_auto He want's to enable it.
Clang by default disables it.
And once you turn RTTI off, it's like a contagion.
11:38 PM
@decltype_auto I don't. Clang disables it by default when you compile with it.
The lack of RTTI infects everything.
which is mostly fine by me because it's their code.
@ScottW when I was teaching myself feed forward, linear basis function neural nets I found a half-decent tutorial. I think I still have it bookmarked on my work computer.
Thanks; now I get it.
but when you have to inherit from Clang classes to use their API
it infects you
unless you do some extremely dirty ABI hacks, which I could do.
11:39 PM
@ScottW "Machine learning in action" is okay
Only thing is it uses C with classes. :\
Working code + data available, all in python
@ScottW I'm an expert in Machine Learning with 15 years of experience.
@Nooble Koalas are not machines.
i think it would be nice if you could fav answers
11:40 PM
@ScottW ;c
@Nooble wow you sure have a lot of subjects with 15 years of experience
scott do you want to learn how to use tensor flow for something cool
@jaggedSpire Yes.
holy motherfucking woof
Microsoft not only fixed the bug I reported, but they fixed it in about two working days. What the fuck.
You mentioned wanting to learn machine learning
@Puppy its because the planets were literally in alignment a couple of days back
google released this ML library the other day: tensorflow.org
11:41 PM
@ScottW Very Important Puppy
Very Irrelevant Player
I also want to learn ML to use that library... I thought you were scheming the same schemes
@Morwenn I am innocent I tell you!
@jaggedSpire I saw what you did.
@Puppy You probably haven't burned bridges like this sod did here
11:43 PM
@Morwenn I just answered his question! It's not my fault he decided to go into botany after!
@Jeremy Lol
@Prisma Wow! That look interesting. Faintly reminds me of the tensor notation of Roger Penrose's.
@Jeremy bridges aren't the only thing burning there
@jaggedSpire Answering question might hurt people if you're not careful enough :o
> I feel that your advice here is merely "code better". While it isn't bad advice, it also isn't very actionable. We will now close this issue.
i.e., "Fuck us? No, fuck you!"
11:45 PM
@decltype_auto no idea what you're talking about. "tensor" sounds cool and technical though
@Morwenn That's why I framed it like an interesting factoid! I was trying to be nice.
like it would be misused on a show like star trek
tensor phasers set to warp speed
Admittedly I might not be a very nice person. >_>
@jaggedSpire It's entirely your fault. On the other hand, you can ask him to give you fries with your burger now.
@Prismatic A tensor is just a muli-linear map, so what?
11:47 PM
whoah, what's happening with cppreference.com (503 Service Unavailable)
@jaggedSpire To whom?
@decltype_auto 'multi-linear map'?
@Morwenn I have an alternate interpretation of his comment! You see, his profile says he's a system architect. Maybe he went back to coding because he felt it had been too long!
AFAIK "tensor" just means array
@Nooble people
11:47 PM
@jaggedSpire You're too nice. So beautiful ç_ç
@jaggedSpire Whoooooo
isn't a tensor an n-dimensional "container"?
I thought vectors were n-dimensional containers
@sehe: If it stays offline we can finally tend to the important things in life.
@sehe Works for me
11:48 PM
e.g scalar = tensor<0>, vector = tensor<1>, matrix = tensor<2>, etc.
@decltype_auto pffft
@набиячлэвэлиь maybe - let's recheck
Yup, it's back. You can see proof it was down on my feed :)
@decltype_auto ...but the wiki is down, I don't have a copy on my machine, so I can't code!
so a tensor is a N-D array?
@ScottW I like that there's a <3 polaroid stuck in his throat. I mean, that's pretty mean, FB.
i wonder whether there are ninesor and eightsor
11:50 PM
@ScottW <3
A (column) vector is 1,0 tensor; transforms 1x contravariant
A matrix, as know we it from school or college, is a 1,1 tensor; transforms 1x contravariant, 1x covariant.
@jaggedSpire Aha! I found the guy.
I'm such a great detective.
@Nooble I actually have 0 idea what you're talking about right now
11:52 PM
Hey guys! I have a quick question which has been driving me crazy - it's about cin and getline.
It'd be great if you guys could offer some insight - just a c++ noob over here
@jaggedSpire Neither do I.
Prof wants me to use cstrings and cin/getline
@decltype_auto hold on. what does it mean "transforms 1x contravariant, 1x covariant" ?
Hey I never knew about not.
Noooo wayyy.
@jaggedSpire Last night, I went out in the street with my brother to drink a bit in the open and we were followed by a small kitten that wanted to cuddle. At some point it almost fell asleep on my brother's lap. It was so cute :3
11:53 PM
@Nooble ikr?
There is no such thing as cin. Real programmers dont let user input bother their software
@Morwenn :D
I can't seem to input it properly - I used
`char temp[10];
cin.getline(temp, 10, '\n');`
@Morwenn did you take pictures of the cat
@OneRaynyDay if in doubt, pass 1 less
11:54 PM
and this caused the buffer to overflow, and I tried flushing it with cin.ignore(10000, '\n')
@Morwenn we demand pics
@Prismatic Nope. It was like 3am and there was no light on.
and cin.clear(), but didn't work
@Morwenn awh
what happened to the cat
11:57 PM
@ᐅJohannesSchaub-litbᐊ that is related to whether the components are transformed with the product of derivatives of new coordinates with respect to old coordinates or vice-versa.
@Prismatic We left it where we found it and went back home.
@Prismatic they brought it home and it lived happily ever after with warm little paws and a loving family and all the fish it wanted
@ScottW cute animal pics
@Morwenn what country do you live in
@Prismatic Why, in France.
you can't simply take a cat from the streets
11:59 PM
I never know how to feel about strays
Like, should you call up an animal shelter

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