you get such a nice, clean API, you can't do anything of interest with it
all you can do is say "Yes, sir, I'd like to lick the CLR's boots now sir. What's that, Microsoft forgot to pre-provide the boot licking module? Well, dang, I guess I'm gonna have to go home now."
So you don't think that it would be easier to write in .NET
OK it might run slower and it would require a user to install the framework if they hadn't already; but I still stand by the fact that it's easier to write in
Microsoft don't exactly provide UI libraries that play nice with DirectX
which, in my opinion, is ineffably stupid
in addition, their libraries take away virtually every scrap of control over the inner workings of the program in virtually every way I could possibly imagine
@sehe for rooms with a purpose like that one, I tend to star useful and relevant messages to accomplishing the purpose, not observations of the OP's quality of instructions
is Microsoft Lync the only IM program that cannot show previous IMs when you open a conversation with a contact? I know of no other that can't do that.
@DeadMG for most it's an option you have to enable. But Lync has no such option. I habitually close windows I'm not interacting with, so when people respond, I can't figure out what they're replying to.
@MooingDuck I do the same, which is why I got pissed when Microsoft gave recommendations to programmers to not minimise background apps to the tray and just leave them in the taskbar to clog it up (á la OSX) difference being between windows and mac is that mac's dock has a shed load of stuff that stays there forever
@KianMayne If you have a Mac - you can make apps without the $99, but only get to use the iOS emulator on your computer. You can't deploy to app store without paying it, and you can't test on a real device.
Meh. That's not a big issue unless you're making iOS-only apps. It's better to just use a framework to deploy to iOS, Android, etc. with the same codebase.
There are about a billion different Xeon models. Xeon only refers to the server version of whatever generation desktop version was current at the time.
At the scale of how many apps actually exist on app store (a lot more than on Android) I've never seen any proof that they do it at a higher percentage...
I've never really done smart phone development (I only a phone that's only useful as an alarm clock) but do you have to get an app approved if you want it in the Android market?
I care, because it's my (hypothetical) app which I (hypothetically) put money into developing and publishing and supporting and my (hypothetical) income which has just been buttfucked