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@chmod711telkitty Are you still talking about femen?
@Mr.kbok that's lack of communication :P
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva good design pracitces
@Mr.kbok no, women in general
or lack there of
@thecoshman All people I know who work in building told me it worked that way
@AndyProwl Ah. Perhaps this is the reason DHH resonates with me: for me, the cleanup phase often reduces code. So, perhaps the whole difference of perspective comes from people writing their draft code in different ways...
I refactor my code a lot during writing (just look at my livestreams). And invariably, the end result is more succinct than the intermediate phases.
@chmod711telkitty I don't understand your point, actually
@Mr.kbok yeah I know
@Mr.kbok My point is that if you have a resource to your advantage, you tend to use it.
@thecoshman So, what did you mean when you tried to move a concern away from the discussion: why do you want separation of concerns? ("Could you not consider that part of your specification?" - how does that matter if the specs are defined by the same ethos of the same developer)
they are too used to having someone else work out the order of everything
@chmod711telkitty You're also saying that women critical of femen's way of doing things are actually jealous of their bodies
or thinking they are attention whores and jealous of their bodies
@chmod711telkitty or not. And it depends on what you think is "advantage". To many people, getting more attention is not an advantage (this may baffle you)
getting attention is better than everyone ignoring you
but yes, everyone asks for the 'right' attention
hence "this may baffle you" lol
unfortunately it does not happen the way you want it to be
@AndyProwl I should probably actually measure this. Perhaps I "feel" code is being reduced, because there are no spots that I don't "grok" at a glance anymore. But perhaps I'm deluding myself and I should look at raw metrics. I might be surprised.
@sehe When you are writing code, you have 'formal' specification, it's the reason you started writing this blob of code in the first place. But it is not the only thing that goes into deciding how you write the code. You have some what fluffier 'developer driven' specifications for the code, details such as that you have an automatic test that proves it does what the formal specification asked for, but also things like "functions have a clear focused purpose" "it's concise & readable" etc.
@thecoshman yes?
@sehe For me it depends. I also refactor a lot, which is why I really need a comprehensive suite of tests (I wanna catch errors asap). I just can't safely refactor without that - I'm not careful/skilled enough. But I like solving one problem at a time, so when I have to implement some functionality I first focus on correctness, which means the code looks bad, and then refactor into clean code. Which means I start with a bit of a mess and then tidy up till it also looks clean.
@sehe but what if you took more time to think at the start about what you needed to do, and how you were going to prove it does that?
And the tidying up, like extracting functions, classes, separating concerns, etc., tends to produce more code
everyone is way too serious
@thecoshman I prove it by... "incremental" testing, in a way. And I usually distill the tests that I want "solidified" into unit tests for production code yes
@AndyProwl but are you catching errors that matter? If you write a parser, and just so happens that you can write a test that proves it can do something it doesn't need to do, then you want to refactor and you break that test... does that matter? (no released code through out btw)
@sehe Ok, I'll make it very simple: when you ask a question, thinking it's a good programming question, you are hoping to get the attention of those who are knowledgeable in this area. But you attract a bunch of trolls instead. It - the event which begs the attention, you - the one who makes this event happen.
@thecoshman I do agree my live streams teach me to think more and type less. Although in some part that is down to the distractions of live-streaming in the first place
So, I download a Sublime Text 3 package for x86_64 NASM, with some autocompletion and stuffs... No retf.
@AndyProwl Mind you, nobody is advocating to refactor without tests (not me, anyways)
@thecoshman I just don't write a test for something that doesn't need to be done
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva sucks
It's about how intrusive the test requirements are allowed to get
@ElimGarak pull requests welcome
@AndyProwl right, you only write tests for what it has to do.
@chmod711telkitty ah. I didn't know that was a fact. Anyhow, you're riddle has been clarified. Thanks
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva You don't wanna talk about the time when kitty had a great body ? ^^
@sehe Yeah I figured, you just inspired me into stressing that refactoring is another reason why I love comprehensive suites of tests, and TDD gives me that. It was more of an incidental remark. The main point was that IME the amount of code often increases after refactoring. Not always, of course - removing duplication being the obvious example
I, too, was hot once
@sehe well, generally DI is partly to help make testing easier, say parsing in some 'connection' object, that in production would be to send data to another server, but for testing would be used differently. If it weren't for testing, you might not make this connection object something you can pass in.
@Mr.kbok yeah I remember having this huge fever too
@Rapptz At least the venerable fist is in there. I'll help improve it, good idea.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva I think I'm agreeing. This is also the problem with them talks. They're inspirational, and I thought I'd link to one that reflected some sentiments I had yesterday. But people equate it with absolute truth far too easily
@AndyProwl I'll see whether I can start to measure that properly for myself. I'll have to change my workflow a bit though, because usually I don't micro-commit the raw efforts (before cleanup)
@AndyProwl I think it's like when you break down rocks. A large rock as a set volume, a surface area, you break it down into smaller parts, you have the same volume (amount of logic) but greater surface area (the boiler plate the links this logic together)
@thecoshman Yeah kind of, nice analogy
Not a bad analogy
good analogies, 1; bad analogies, NaN :\
@sehe That would be quite an interesting measurement
@thecoshman I don't know how I could have a connection (outside std::cin/std::cout) "magically" from within any part of my program. I'll always pass it in
further to that one, smaller stones are easier to manage and move around. You can also pack them in better.
@sehe bad code constructing it inside it self.
@AndyProwl I think you might be right and the code does increase. It's just that I "feel" it decreases. This, by the way, being exactly the "Code Clarity" non-metric that DHH uses himself
@sehe because it's easier to manage
@sehe Indeed.
(gdb) print in.peek()
Couldn't find method std::istream::peek
@thecoshman How? This is essential. I couldn't even consider how
gdb pls
Hey, guys, thecoshman is actually coherent today!
A tad
I think I am starting to enjoy linux. Help.
You get what you deserve
@sehe taking things like "server_ip" and doing like "connection server_connection = direct_server_connection(server_ip)", opposed to just taking a 'connection'
Pythong significant whitespce: the death of me.
Hopefully IDE will take care of it.
@ThePhD it's a mind fuck at times isn't it
@ThePhD The nice thing about significant whitespace is that it's impossible for tools to manipulate.
@sehe Yeah, nothing against the "don't be religious" advice in itself, but my impression is that he finds "less code with mixed concerns" more clear than "more code with separate concerns" (I think esp. the blog post I linked by Uncle Bob supports this). If "separate concerns" is the religion, then I'm against the "don't be religious" advice. Or rather, while I'm still for the "don't blindly obey best practices", I don't like the "fuck best practices", which seems to be his message to me
It has to be done correctly in the first place, otherwise it can't be parsed by a machine.
@Rapptz (gdb) pointar optimized out
@AndyProwl Bob sure does like his tiny cocks functions
@thecoshman :D (so do I)
@AndyProwl Are you sure the message was not just "Don't get caught up in the fanaticism"
rather than, "do the opposite of what people are fanatic about"
@thecoshman I think the message was way stronger than that, which is why I think he's evil
All that discussion just for the simple conclusion that DHH is a tool
DHH is a loser.
who is he?
ns::foo[abi:cxx11](unsigned int, std::istream&) (this=0x23fdd0, policies=0, in=...)
is this new?
The inventor of the Ruby on Rails programming language.
fucking twats going by TLAs
The abi::cxx11 bit
/nick tcm
I wonder why it's there lol
> 1995 - Yukihiro "Mad Matz" Matsumoto creates Ruby to avert some vaguely unspecified apocalypse that will leave Australia a desert run by mohawked warriors and Tina Turner. The language is later renamed Ruby on Rails by its real inventor, David Heinemeier Hansson. [The bit about Matsumoto inventing a language called Ruby never happened and better be removed in the next revision of this article - DHH].
@elyse RoR... language?
He even looks like a douchebag.
a 'funny'
DHH Lell
weird, why do they always send male police to arrest femen protestors - naked women
A dumb way which works would be {0}-{0}. It's not as clear as set(), but it does have the advantage of looking like a funny pair of eyes. — wim Jan 27 '14 at 17:38
looks very disturbing and sexist
this is the worst parsing code I've ever written
I'm so proud
@chmod711telkitty Because bringing female officers into that situation has the potential of escalating into something known as a "chick fight".
> I only grant promotional use [of the Rails logo] for products I'm directly involved with. Such as books that I've been part of the development process for or conferences where I have a say in the execution. I would most definitely seek to enforce all the trademarks of Rails
what a dick
It's like this and like that and like this and a...
> IronPython Windows Form Application
@Rapptz ^ Thats where your Windows Forms went.
Python's list compression is only of use if you wish to build a a new list, if you just want to do something for each thing in a lilst, for foo in list makes more sense right?
There's a map function and a filter function too, I believe.
you can use map or filter.
csv::reader input("test.csv");
for(auto&& row : input) {
    std::cout << row["Year"] << ", " << row["Make"] << ", " << row["Model"] << '\n';
terrible csv parsing is a go
@Rapptz would I be able to look at the code? I'm interested in it.
is that C--?
no that's C++
C-- = C - 1;
Does python have variable arguments?
@edition maybe when I'm actually done with it
Like def foo ( a, b, ... )
@ThePhD yes
def foo(*args).
args[0] etc.
the type of args is list.
@Rapptz boo, csv reader should take a string array and not deal with savage files itself
@thecoshman Well this is for my personal use.
Then I just need to unpack args into its separate pieces and then zip them all together
So your opinion is noted and discarded.
I didn't thinkt his through
Zipping a variable number of args...
.... Eh. It can't be that hard...
its just def foo(args)
It's def foo(*args).
**kwargs for keyword arguments
or rather extra ones
def foo(a, b): pass and then foo(a=10, b=20) works just fine
@Rapptz just renamed it scsv and all is good :D
oh, ok
@thecoshman Being a bit more serious for a minute, I'm not sure how I'd parse a 'string array'.
@Rapptz well, vector<string>
I parse using streams.
like std::istream.
why would you choose to work with streams though?
because files are streams, std::cin is a stream
you can turn a string to a stream via std::stringstream
The better question is why anyone would use an array of strings.
vOv slurping sounds funny, so I like to do it where I can and have no reason to do otherwise
the memory usage of Firefox is hysterical.
There's probably an unpack keyword
Unpacking is just *stuff
Yeah unpacking is *stuff.
**stuff for dictionaries
if an anti-porn filter was applied to this conversation it would yield "porn-infested - BLOCKED"
... swap set for list... see if this magically fixed problems...
should probably add more logging...
s/more/some actual/
Now I need t make a temp list and then populate it...
I need to tranpose a list of lists.
There's probably a function to do this too
list comprehension
did you guys know that coca-cola + tea + wine actually tastes good?
@AndyProwl I do think that is the weak side of his talk. (I'm even - at times - annoyed by the "preacher tone" but I digress). I still think that it is interesting that I never took his message to be so radical.

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