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@ElimGarak please don't feel the need to take over from bartek circle jekring guitar playing all the time. We get it, it's not a trivial skill, but we don't want to hear about it all the damn time
@Rerito ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You need time to set up a good test suite for your product? Fuck off deadline is the only word
And in the end, technical debts, poor code quality and a pure mess to maintain
@Mr.kbok Sounds like necrophilia to me.
(And no doc)
@thecoshman Well, it's pretty nice to listen to ( I guess ) :D I'll stop oneboxing for you, tho.
@chmod711telkitty I don't condone their methods, but the reactions they triggered are extremely worrying
The worst thing is that the engies in the team are all technically good :|
Where do you work @Rerito
@Rerito shhhh no tests, only tears now
This reminds me
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva That they would be captured and becoming ISIS big bosses sex slaves? They do have wonderful bodies ...
@Mr.kbok In a small company on a secured communication on mobile project
I need to make memory_stream<container> now and get rid of the crufty IO::MemoryStream
@Rerito same here
@chmod711telkitty Retarded retrograde morons
@Rerito Wellp, I guess I've found my background music for the next hour. :D
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Have a star.
Aww <3 you know how to speak to women~
Guys, is that Vermillion guy serious or trolling when he comes here? I get confused sometimes. :/
Sadly he's serious
he's a mystserious guy
@ElimGarak I could listen to this Marillion track for hours
@ThePhD Yeah, the chat has really weird scaling... Or is amputating a better word?
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva I know, isn't it? It's like waving meat in front of crocodiles ... 90% chance ISIS leaders have never bedded a woman with better figure before ...
ITT loungers are worried about femen protestors
@AndyProwl I disagree. The only thing I can accuse him of is sometimes inadvertantly becoming somewhat relgious about denouncing religious practices
People, I don't know what to add to my useless sorting library anymore.
@Morwenn Sleep sort?
@Morwenn Cock sort.
@Rapptz I'm not sure what's OP about that?
I think Rapptz got his brain burned by Final Fantasy? Or was that Alex?
@Morwenn bogobogosort
you can set the delimiter m8
or bogobogobogosort?
that's as OP as it gets
@Morwenn loungesort!
More like, I would like to add something that looks like it could be useful.
why is std::quoted so good
I already removed smoothsort because, even though smart, it was slow as hell.
@Morwenn Cock sorting which emphasizes not only size, but also technique.
No? I'll see myself out.
> throw 13; // I know - should be something from out_of_range...
A: Simulating the range-based for loop's begin/end behavior

PiotrNyczWell, non eficcient, not working for single pass iterators (Input/Output), having the same behaviour for client, but not doing exactly the same as for-range loop. But I hope it shows the direction which also can be considered in parallel to SFINAE solutions. Starting from these magic front and s...

@sehe To me all his "test-induced damage" rambling is just evil. Also I wouldn't call the practices he denounces "religious". There's very good reasons for adopting them
@Morwenn stacksort
@ElimGarak I'm afraid he's serious. And seriously selfish
@Mr.kbok I'll do it the day networking is in the standard.
Tatsumi Kimishima is the new president of Nintendo. He looks like he's got 2 or 3 years of life left, though. At best.
Well, I guess that my library is already awesome.
@AndyProwl You don't see him denouncing the practices. He's denouncing the abuse/adoration. Without considering the cost.
I agree with DHH that code bases get needlessly cramped in name of testability.
I felt that pain really hard when my C# coworkers criticized my C++ code base.
(Note that it was heavily test covered.)
We don't have unit tests at all
@sehe Like with everything else, there is a good compromise to make. Here our tests are kinda shitty (same goes for our build system) :(
yeah, it's very easy to get carried away with testing
but that's partly what TDD is meant to be about, you think very carefully about what you software has to do, and then work out what tests you have to write to prove that it does that, then you write the code to pass those tests.
Damn this Marillion album is great
@Mr.kbok Serious?
if you write code first, then try to wrap it up in tests, you don't really gain anything
@Rerito yeah. I think the narrative shows a lot about the maturity of the devs. I'll trust a dev who is is mentally free to warn about risk of overtesting, more than others.
@Mr.kbok Yeah, that sucks too
@thecoshman People cling to it. And they have been taught that "if you have tests, it's good"
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Yeah. But when you think about it, it's not very useful for a pricing library.
We have LOTS of integration tests though (params goes in - price+greeks goes out - look for changes)
@ElimGarak or that he just ate a very sour grape
I know, I could steal Boost's spreadsort to test whether non-comparison sorters really integrate into the library.
Depends which parts I suppose
Ugh, it's raining...
@sehe He's like 65 already or somethin'.
@Mr.kbok cough. I respectfully disagree.
@Mr.kbok That's also very important yes
@Morwenn Brest? :p
@Morwenn what else is new
@Rerito Yep...
I'm not even surprised hahaha
@sehe sadly, managers can understand 'coverage %' too easily
Generally pseaking it's not a problem, but I have to take the bus and the tramway, so...
I'll likely get wet .____.
Rain likes me as well. We got some rain episodes here, all synchronized with my errands outside...
That's annoying...
I generally take my car and drive, but I'm having my wisdom teeth removed, driving is out of the question.
ITT Morwenn drives with teeth
Can't grab the steering wheel anymore.
@Morwenn Opiates? :p
@thecoshman Yes. "Just that something is easy to measure doesn't mean it's important"
The issue with the solution you've presented, is that to my understanding, you are creating a significant bias towards the central point were working from, as had happened in the post I linked to in the question when using a uniform distribution. — TJtheTree 2 mins ago
How do you reckon this? What metric are you checking the distribution of? That's an issue with the question, really. — sehe 1 min ago
Someone should inform all these shitty IM clients they ought to track changes in authentication of the choices they provide.
@Rerito I don't know. All kinds of drugs, I just take whatever they give me.
@sehe What he calls "cost" is just good design for me. Isolate from boundaries, have fast unit tests that don't have to mess with databases etc., try keeping logic independent from framework or technological infrastructure, etc. Build layers. His message sounds too much like the "just let me do what I like" mindset of most bad programmers
@Morwenn Most likely you're gonna get a little of opium
Or codein tablets
Hey, I could also add that execution policy thingy to the library to have parellel sorters. Too bad it' not standard yet.
@AndyProwl I think you're missing the balance part. TBF he does (towards the end, mainly) lose sight of nuance, probably in order to deliver the punchline.
@Rerito Paracétamol codéiné à priori.
I think his "replacement ideology" (code clarity) is flimsy and his talk could have done without it. Yes
if (array)
   delete [] array;
@Morwenn Thats what my stepsister and my twin got :)
@sehe I just very much agree with this and this.
notice the extra care given to spacing, readability
also he seems to be convinced that TDD = Mock mock mock
and that's silly
@AndyProwl You know. I'll discuss this over some code. The context was this (IMO ridiculous) example yesterday
10 hours ago, by sehe
@villageidiot Wait a second. Did you really just create a global named SDL_DestroyWindow, but /typed/ std::function<...>? That's... gross
Any hearthstone player here? :)
@Mr.kbok Is that real inhouse code?
@Morwenn Ah oui faut pas conduire avec ça
@sehe Isn't he right, though? You'll have roughly the same amount of points inside of the middle of the normal distribution and outside of it; and since it's a circle, the ones inside will be more dense.
@Griwes Ah. Density is a measure then. He hasn't specified this
Thanks for helping me see that one
@R.MartinhoFernandes I see you lurking there
@AndyProwl Wasn't there an Overload article about mocks being bad?
Oh well, whatever, I have to go.
@AndyProwl mocking as in poke fun at, or fake objects?
@Morwenn About layers being bad. I disagree with that article. Mocks can be bad if overused, pretty much like everything
@thecoshman fake objects
@Griwes I wonder in what way he requires the distribution to come out "normal"
ah, in that case, that is utter bollocks
@AndyProwl Ok, I don't really remember the article.
> This runs the same test file as before because it was implicitly set as the active test. I expect it to pass, and it does, but I only know this because I see green in my peripheral vision; there's no reason to actually focus my eyes on the test output.
I can smell bullshit from here
Anyway, see you later, probably in a few hours.
TDD is completely orthogonal to how you test
over the atlantic
@Morwenn but yeah it did involve mocks too. Good luck with the teeth
@AndyProwl Thanks, it's just gonna be boring.
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva We're throwing away a folder of very old files (~2000)
@AndyProwl Oh great. Giving me more to (re)read
@thecoshman this too. TDD is not testing. It's development
@sehe exactly, it's tdD
@AndyProwl from the second:
> but mocks didn't even exist when TDD was rediscovered by Kent Beck in 1994-1995.
That's... Well I'll just laugh about it.
...true :P
Well. The name "mocks" might not have been popularized. Gee.
same sort principle as 'user stories' trying to get people to break things down into small manageable blocks of work, with a clear purpose and way of knowing when it's 'done'.
Mocks are thing ever since LSP/OO interfaces.
And way before, in other forms
So, mid 70's
old wine in new bottles
> when I'm at full speed, I sometimes close my eyes because removing visual stimulus aids my concentration
@sehe lol
is this guy for real
@sehe I just gave it a quick read so I might have misunderstood what he wants to do, but yeah that does look silly. OTOH it depends what his intent really is. If he wants to unit-test that his game closes a certain window during certain situations, then the spirit of isolating from SDL is correct IMO. He just shouldn't do it that way.
maybe if he's at 120 words per minute most of the time he's doing something trivial?
@sehe In Kent Beck's first book on TDD there is no mention of mocks nor fake objects or stuff IIRC
So. What.
the point is that TDD does not equate "(Over)use mocks", which is what DHH doesn't seem to get
that's just the London School or whatever it's called
@AndyProwl It isn't. He's not isolating from SDL. And, he's basically testing that the window::~window destructor runs... If he wants to test that his deleter is honoured (?!?) then he should write a unit test for just that.
@AndyProwl I have not hear DHH use the word mock, a single time (I'm not a follower of his. I just remembered that talk I linked)
I mean, I think that's a test a compiler writer would write...
@sehe I did. Have you seen his Hangout discussion with Kent Beck and Martin Fowler?
It reminds me of the tests I saw in that one framework... what was it...
let me see if I can find the link
It was built to work with XNA, C#...
it was something like "TDD is dead"
It had things like where they would test if the message of an exception was what they set it to.
it has 4 parts
I think this is the first one
It was pretty goddamn bonkers.
Why can't I remember its name. :(
@ThePhD monogame?
@Mr.kbok Precursor, and I hope to god they didn't do the same thing.
@sehe ok, I'll take your word for that. It's not clear to me what he's trying to do
@AndyProwl He also shouldn't test that in the first case IMO, probably, maybe
XNA Touch ?
@AndyProwl I'm not a religious follower. I just remembered that talk saying things I recognized: me too, I have been creating hard-to-maintain code /because it was "well factored¹" (¹ meaning: for testing).
The point that stands, I think, is really an observation about humans: they crave certainty. And the unit test religion appears to supply it. This is why people cling to it as if it were a life raft (completely losing track of the real goals, some of the time)
@AndyProwl (I wasn't talking about what he's trying to do. I just looked at what he was doing. Code talks. This, by the way is essential to what I just tried to say: it's about not losing sight of what you're actually achieving)
Like people shouting design patterns
Yup. Similar
@sehe This is very true and I agree with it. However, many times people also crave for comfort, and find excuses to dodge practices that go against comfort - although they do that for very good reasons.
@sehe I think it's more that people like to feel productive. And so it's easy to get carried away writing all these unit tests, for all this functionality, when really, the spec was very simple
People seem to forget that the less code you have, the better.
This thing.
I think the problem with that keynote is that DHH never highlight what he deems "enough testing for essential confidence". Had he incorporated a better "positive narrative" - which I strongly feel he has - his message would have come across a lot better.
"Minimal Viable Product" is a very strong concept. You write as little as possible to do only exactly what you need to.
SmartGit is pretty decent.
@thecoshman Specs being simple isn't really the excuse. It's more about levels of abstraction IYAM. I'm certainly not advocating not having unit tests "for simple things". Things change, in practice
@thecoshman That's also an over-generalization. Many times "less code" means "more tangled concerns/aspects". For instance it's faster and shorter in terms of amount of code to mix, say, formatting and serialization in one function than extract them into separate functions, or even classes
@AndyProwl Andy nails it (once again)
Keeping concerns separate OTOH takes time and effort
@Mr.kbok Why do I need that PNG?
Separating concerns certainly comes before reducing code, IMO indeed
"I have made this letter longer than usual, because I lack the time to make it short" - Shakespeare.
@ThePhD fail
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva that was Pascal :P
I was wondering who'd bite first.
@AndyProwl Hahahaha. Mart Twain is also oft quoted
I mean I do not support femen's actions - a bit too extreme for me. But femen activists do generally have good bodies. Maybe only women of inferior bodies or ashamed of their bodies are the ones really vehemently denounce femen activists? I get a bit suspicious when someone hide her body behind layers of baggy clothes ...
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva Me, but I was slow to type
@ThePhD I was commenting on the uglyness of the icons
@AnastasiyaAsadullayeva I bit
@chmod711telkitty dude - wtf are you smoking
you byte
he bait
@AndyProwl of course, just sticking to "less code" will not work. But then, why do you want separation of concerns? Could you not consider that part of your specification? That functions do not do 'too much'?
we boat
you bot
no wait, you bought
@chmod711telkitty why do you?
I don't, not when I had a really good body. I hide it now because I have gained weight
compiling this .cpp file froze my PC
@thecoshman Separation of concerns is exactly that, functions not doing 'too much'
@thecoshman eheheh. Shifting responsibility, are we? (are you, by any chance, a Java Enterprise slave)
@chmod711telkitty You're not wearing clothes?
No matter how much I tell myself that what Telkitty is going to say will be really out there... every now and then, I just have to stop and stare and wonder.
Plus, as @sehe was saying, if I read it correctly, wanting to write less code should result in separating out functions, as that way you can re-use them easier. Else, if you just need a function to de-serialise > format > parse why not 'one function'?
@Mr.kbok yeah, this certainly seems to be the obvious pathological pattern
@Mr.kbok I do wear clothes in winter to keep warm
@sehe Not really... specifications are not just for features of the program that 'users' are going see
@thecoshman Simplicity also leads to maintainability. You can forgo this, only iff the specs explicitly require the code to be throw-away code...
@thecoshman IME separating out functions, extracting classes, dividing responsibilities, tyding up, whatever you want to call it, leads to more code. But also to a better design.
@chmod711telkitty FYI I dunno in which paradise country you live but here, people wear clothes because else they'd be freezing their balls off
@thecoshman So what. Code quality is never a thing I defer to architects/business decision. Period.
@chmod711telkitty Eat less chicken!
Code quality affects my professional sensibilities and work pride.
@chmod711telkitty I think you're projecting.
I'll decide the minimum amount of code quality for myself.
@sehe is that the only place 'specifications' can come from?
And yes, I've been cutting corners somewhat lately, with what is indeed basically throw-away code.
@thecoshman You tell me
@sehe until it's not throw away :P
I can either do Linear Algebra or Python homework
True. But it's rather certain. The old product is legally EOL. That's good enough for me
Since I'm clearly not sleeping
and I have class in some 2 hours
Compare to a house architect, he decides he wants the lights to be fitted, the electrician will then specify, as part of his own work details such as how to properly fuse the circuits, what cable to use etc.
@Mr.kbok who doesn't?
@Mr.kbok knowing any women who has really great body does not show it off at least once in a while?
My experience in architecture is: electrician place cables. plumber place pipes, realizes there's an issue, remove cables, place pipes. isolation dude goes to place isolation, remove pipes, remove cables. electrician puts back cables. plumber removes cables, puts back pipes. electrician puts back cables.
what is going on
pig-eons fly too

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